#AC_PREREQ([2.65]) define([OPJ_MAJOR], [1]) define([OPJ_MINOR], [4]) define([OPJ_BUILD], [0]) # define([JP3D_MAJOR], [1]) define([JP3D_MINOR], [3]) define([JP3D_BUILD], [0]) # # #AC_INIT (PACKAGE, VERSION, [BUG-REPORT], [TARNAME], [URL]) AC_INIT(OpenJPEG, OPJ_MAJOR.OPJ_MINOR.OPJ_BUILD, http://code.google.com/p/openjpeg/, openjpeg-OPJ_MAJOR.OPJ_MINOR.OPJ_BUILD, http://www.openjpeg.org/) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([libopenjpeg/openjpeg.c]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS(opj_config.h) # AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM #foreign:package will not follow the GNU Standards AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(foreign) # MAJOR_NR=OPJ_MAJOR MINOR_NR=OPJ_MINOR BUILD_NR=OPJ_BUILD AC_SUBST(MAJOR_NR) AC_SUBST(MINOR_NR) AC_SUBST(BUILD_NR) # JP3D_MAJOR_NR=JP3D_MAJOR JP3D_MINOR_NR=JP3D_MINOR JP3D_BUILD_NR=JP3D_BUILD AC_SUBST(JP3D_MAJOR_NR) AC_SUBST(JP3D_MINOR_NR) AC_SUBST(JP3D_BUILD_NR) # # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_LN_S AC_PROG_SED AC_SYS_LARGEFILE AC_FUNC_FSEEKO AC_PROG_MAKE_SET #AC_HEADER_DIRENT # # Tests for Windows # AC_EXEEXT AC_OBJEXT # # Configure libtool AC_ENABLE_SHARED AC_ENABLE_STATIC AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP AC_PROG_LIBTOOL # AC_C_BIGENDIAN # LIB_MATH="" AC_CHECK_LIB(m,sqrt,LIB_MATH="-lm",,) LIB_Z="" AC_CHECK_LIB(z,inflate,LIB_Z="-lz",,) # AC_PATH_PROG([PKGCONFIG], [pkg-config]) # # ------------------------------ # Test for PNG # ------------------------------ AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build with PNG support) pngincludes="" pnglibs="" png_header_found="no" with_libpng="yes" # AC_ARG_ENABLE(png, [ --enable-png[=[yes|no]] Build with PNG support [ [default=yes] ]], test "$enable_png" = "no" && with_libpng="no") # if test "x$with_libpng" = xyes ; then with_libpng="no" AC_PATH_PROG([LIBPNG_CONFIG], [libpng-config]) # pngheader="" AC_ARG_WITH(png_includes, [ --with-png-includes=DIR PNG includes in nonstandard DIR]) if test -n "$with_png_includes" ; then pngheader="$with_png_includes" pngincludes="-I$with_png_includes" else if test -n "$PKGCONFIG" ; then pngincludes="`$PKGCONFIG --variable=includedir libpng`" if test -n "$pngincludes" ; then pngheader="$pngincludes" pngincludes="-I$pngincludes" fi else if test -n "$LIBPNG_CONFIG" ; then pngincludes="`$LIBPNG_CONFIG --I_opts`" pngheader="`$LIBPNG_CONFIG --I_opts | $SED 's/-I//'`" fi fi fi if test -n "$pngheader" ; then pngheader="$pngheader/png.h" else pngheader="png.h" fi # AC_CHECK_HEADER($pngheader,png_header_found="yes",,) # AC_ARG_WITH(png_libraries, [ --with-png-libraries=DIR PNG library in nonstandard DIR]) if [[ -n "$with_png_libraries" ]] ; then pnglibs="-L$with_png_libraries -lpng $LIB_Z $LIB_MATH" else if test -n "$LIBPNG_CONFIG" ; then pnglibs="`$LIBPNG_CONFIG --ldflags` $LIB_Z $LIB_MATH" else if test -n "$PKGCONFIG" ; then pnglibs="`$PKGCONFIG --libs libpng` $LIB_Z $LIB_MATH" fi fi fi savedLIBS="$LIBS" LIBS="$pnglibs" # AC_CHECK_LIB(png,png_read_png,,pnglibs="",) # LIBS="$savedLIBS" if test -n "$pnglibs" ; then if test -n "$pngincludes" ; then with_libpng="yes" png_header_found="yes" LIBS="$LIBS $pnglibs" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBPNG, [1], [define to 1 if you have libpng]) fi fi fi # AC_MSG_RESULT(png is usable:$with_libpng) AM_CONDITIONAL([with_libpng], [test x$with_libpng = xyes]) AC_SUBST(pngincludes) AC_SUBST(pnglibs) # ------------------------------- # Test for TIFF # ------------------------------- AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build with TIFF support) tifflibs="" tiffincludes="" with_libtiff="yes" tiff_header_found="no" # AC_ARG_ENABLE(tiff, [ --enable-tiff[=[yes|no]] Build with TIFF support [ [default=yes] ]], test "$enable_tiff" = "no" && with_libtiff="no") # if test "x$with_libtiff" = xyes ; then #TIFF compiled with JPEG and JBIG support? libjpeg="" AC_CHECK_LIB(jpeg,jpeg_read_header,libjpeg=-ljpeg,,) libjbig="" AC_CHECK_LIB(jbig,jbg_enc_init,libjbig=-ljbig,,) libjbig85="" AC_CHECK_LIB(jbig85,jbg85_enc_init,libjbig85=-ljbig85,,) #standard path with_libtiff="no" savedLIBS="$LIBS" LIBS="-ltiff $libjpeg $libjbig $libjbig85 $LIB_Z $LIB_MATH" AC_CHECK_LIB(tiff, TIFFOpen, tifflibs=-ltiff) LIBS="$savedLIBS" if test -n "$tifflibs" ; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(tiff.h,tiff_header_found="yes",,) if test "$tiff_header_found" = "yes" ; then with_libtiff="yes" LIBS="$LIBS -ltiff $libjpeg $libjbig $libjbig85 $LIB_Z $LIB_MATH" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBTIFF, [1], [define to 1 if you have libtiff]) fi fi # if test "x$with_libtiff" = xno ; then #non-standard path AC_ARG_WITH(tiff_includes, [ --with-tiff-includes=DIR TIFF includes in nonstandard DIR]) if test -n "$with_tiff_includes" ; then tiffheader="$with_tiff_includes/tiff.h" AC_CHECK_HEADER($tiffheader,tiff_header_found="yes",,) if test "$tiff_header_found" = "yes" ; then tiffincludes="-I$with_tiff_includes" fi fi AC_ARG_WITH(tiff_libraries, [ --with-tiff-libraries=DIR TIFF library in nonstandard DIR]) if test -n "$with_tiff_libraries" ; then tifflibs="-L$with_tiff_libraries" fi tifflibs="$tifflibs -ltiff $LIB_MATH" savedLIBS="$LIBS" LIBS="$tifflibs" with_libtiff="no" # AC_CHECK_LIB(tiff, TIFFOpen, , tifflibs="",) # if test -n "$tifflibs" ; then if test "$tiff_header_found" = "yes" ; then with_libtiff="yes" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBTIFF, [1], [define to 1 if you have libtiff]) fi fi LIBS="$savedLIBS $tifflibs" fi fi # AC_MSG_RESULT(tiff is usable:$with_libtiff) AM_CONDITIONAL([with_libtiff], [test x$with_libtiff = xyes]) AC_SUBST(tiffincludes) AC_SUBST(tifflibs) # ------------------------------- # Test for LCMS version 2.x # ------------------------------- AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build with LCMS support) lcms1includes="" lcms1libs="" lcms2includes="" lcms2libs="" with_liblcms1="no" lcms1_header_found="no" lcms2_header_found="no" have_lcms1_version="" have_lcms2_version="" with_liblcms2="yes" # AC_ARG_ENABLE(lcms2, [ --enable-lcms2[=[yes|no]] Build with LCMS-2 support [ [default=yes] ]], test "$enable_lcms2" = "no" && with_liblcms2="no") # if test "x$with_liblcms2" = xyes ; then with_liblcms2="no" lcms2header="" AC_ARG_WITH(lcms2_includes, [ --with-lcms2-includes=DIR LCMS-2 includes in nonstandard DIR]) if test -n "$with_lcms2_includes" ; then lcms2header="$with_lcms2_includes" lcms2includes="-I$with_lcms2_includes" else if test -n "$PKGCONFIG" ; then lcms2includes="`$PKGCONFIG --variable=prefix lcms2`" fi if test -n "$lcms2includes" ; then lcms2header="$lcms2_includes" lcms2includes="-I$lcms2includes/include" fi fi if test -n "$lcms2header" ; then lcms2header="$lcms2header/lcms2.h" else lcms2header="lcms2.h" fi AC_CHECK_HEADER($lcms2header,lcms2_header_found="yes",,) # AC_ARG_WITH(lcms2_libraries, [ --with-lcms2-libraries=DIR LCMS-2 library in nonstandard DIR]) if test -n "$with_lcms2_libraries" ; then lcms2libs="-L$with_lcms2_libraries -llcms2" else if test -n "$PKGCONFIG" ; then lcms2libs="`$PKGCONFIG --libs lcms2`" fi if test -z "$lcms2libs" ; then lcms2libs="-llcms2" fi lcms2libs="$lcms2libs $LIB_MATH" fi savedLIBS="$LIBS" LIBS="$lcms2libs" with_liblcms2="no" # AC_CHECK_LIB(lcms2, cmsOpenProfileFromFile, ,lcms2libs="",) # if test -n "$lcms2libs" ; then if test "$lcms2_header_found" = "yes" ; then with_liblcms2="yes" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBLCMS2, [1], [define to 1 if you have lcms version 2.x]) if test -n "$PKGCONFIG" ; then have_lcms2_version="`$PKGCONFIG --modversion lcms2`" fi fi fi if test "$with_liblcms2" = "no" ; then lcms2libs="" lcms2includes="" lcms2libs="" fi LIBS="$savedLIBS $lcms2libs" fi # AC_MSG_RESULT(lcms2 is usable:$with_liblcms2) AM_CONDITIONAL([with_liblcms2], [test x$with_liblmcs2 = xyes]) AC_SUBST(lcms2includes) AC_SUBST(lcms2libs) AC_MSG_RESULT(lcms2libs:$lcms2libs) # ---------------------------- # Test for LCMS version 1.x # ---------------------------- if [[ -z "$lcms2libs" ]] ; then with_liblcms1="yes" AC_ARG_ENABLE(lcms1, [ --enable-lcms1[=[yes|no]] Build with LCMS-1 support [ [default=yes] ]], test "$enable_lcms1" = "no" && with_liblcms1="no") # if test "x$with_liblcms1" = xyes ; then with_liblcms1="no" lcms1header="" AC_ARG_WITH(lcms1_includes, [ --with-lcms1-includes=DIR LCMS-1 includes in nonstandard DIR]) if test -n "$with_lcms1_includes" ; then lcms1header="$with_lcms1_includes" lcms1includes="-I$with_lcms1_includes" else if test -n "$PKGCONFIG" ; then lcms1includes="`$PKGCONFIG --variable=includedir lcms`" fi if test -n "$lcms1includes" ; then lcms1header="$lcms1includes" lcms1includes="-I$lcms1includes" fi fi if test -n "$lcms1header" ; then lcms1header="$lcms1header/lcms.h" else lcms1header="lcms.h" fi AC_CHECK_HEADER($lcms1header,lcms1_header_found="yes",,) # AC_ARG_WITH(lcms1_libraries, [ --with-lcms1-libraries=DIR LCMS-1 library in nonstandard DIR]) if test -n "$with_lcms1_libraries" ; then lcms1libs="-L$with_lcms1_libraries -llcms" else if test -n "$PKGCONFIG" ; then lcms1libs="`$PKGCONFIG --libs lcms`" fi if test -z "$lcms1libs" ; then lcms1libs="-llcms" fi lcms1libs="$lcms1libs $LIB_MATH" fi savedLIBS="$LIBS" LIBS="$lcms1libs" with_liblcms1="no" # AC_CHECK_LIB(lcms, cmsOpenProfileFromFile, ,lcms1libs="",) # if test -n "$lcms1libs" ; then if test "$lcms1_header_found" = "yes" ; then with_liblcms1="yes" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBLCMS1, [1], [define to 1 if you have lcms version 1.x]) if test -n "$PKGCONFIG" ; then have_lcms1_version="`$PKGCONFIG --modversion lcms`" fi fi fi if test "$with_liblcms1" = "no" ; then lcms1libs="" lcms1includes="" lcms1libs="" fi LIBS="$savedLIBS $lcms1libs" fi AC_MSG_RESULT(lcms is usable:$with_liblcms1) fi # AM_CONDITIONAL([with_liblcms1], [test x$with_liblcms1 = xyes]) AC_SUBST(lcms1includes) AC_SUBST(lcms1libs) # # ------------------------------- # Test for USE_JPWL # ------------------------------- AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build with JPWL support) with_libjpwl="no" jpwl_dir="" AC_ARG_ENABLE(jpwl, [ --enable-jpwl[=[yes|no]] Build with JPWL support [ [default=no] ]], test "$enable_jpwl" = "yes" && with_libjpwl="yes") # AC_MSG_RESULT($with_libjpwl) AM_CONDITIONAL([with_libjpwl], [test x$with_libjpwl = xyes]) if test "$with_libjpwl" = "yes" ; then jpwl_dir="jpwl" fi AC_SUBST(jpwl_dir) # # ------------------------------- # Test for creating SHARED LIBS # ------------------------------- with_sharedlibs="yes" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build shared libraries) AC_ARG_ENABLE(shared, [ --enable-shared[=[yes|no]] Build shared libs [ [default=yes] ]], test "$enable_shared" = "no" && with_sharedlibs="no") # AC_MSG_RESULT($with_sharedlibs) AM_CONDITIONAL([with_sharedlibs], [test x$with_sharedlibs = xyes]) # # ------------------------------- # Test for creating JP3D # ------------------------------- with_jp3d="no" jp3d_dir="" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build the JP3D library) AC_ARG_ENABLE(jp3d, [ --enable-jp3d[=[yes|no]] Build jp3d libs [ [default=no] ]], test "$enable_jp3d" = "yes" && with_jp3d="yes") # AC_MSG_RESULT($with_jp3d) if test "$with_jp3d" = "yes" ; then jp3d_dir="jp3d" fi AC_SUBST(jp3d_dir) # AC_CHECK_PROG(with_doxygen, doxygen, [yes],[no],,) AM_CONDITIONAL([with_doxygen], [test x$with_doxygen = xyes]) # AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([libopenjpeg.pc]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([libopenjpeg/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([jpwl/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([codec/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([mj2/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([doc/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([jp3d/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([jp3d/libjp3dvm/Makefile]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([jp3d/codec/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT # echo "----------------------------------------------" echo " your configuration" echo "" echo "--with-png-libraries: $with_libpng" echo "libpng header : $png_header_found" echo "--enable-tiff : $with_libtiff" echo "libtiff header : $tiff_header_found" echo "--enable-lcms2 : $with_liblcms2" echo "lcms2 header : $lcms2_header_found" echo "lcms2 version : $have_lcms2_version" echo "--enable-lcms1 : $with_liblcms1" echo "lcms1 header : $lcms1_header_found" echo "lcms1 version : $have_lcms1_version" echo "--enable-jpwl : $with_libjpwl" echo "--enable-jp3d : $with_jp3d" echo "--enable-shared : $with_sharedlibs" echo "----------------------------------------------"