/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren * Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Francois Devaux and Antonin Descampe * Copyright (c) 2005, Hervé Drolon, FreeImage Team * Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium * Copyright (c) 2006, Mónica Díez García, Image Processing Laboratory, University of Valladolid, Spain * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include "../libjp3dvm/openjpeg.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "windirent.h" #else #include #endif /* _WIN32 */ void dump_volume(FILE *fd, opj_volume_t * vol) { int compno; fprintf(fd, "volume {\n"); fprintf(fd, " x0=%d, y0=%d, z0=%d, x1=%d, y1=%d, z1=%d\n", vol->x0, vol->y0, vol->z0,vol->x1, vol->y1, vol->z1); fprintf(fd, " numcomps=%d\n", vol->numcomps); for (compno = 0; compno < vol->numcomps; compno++) { opj_volume_comp_t *comp = &vol->comps[compno]; fprintf(fd, " comp %d {\n", compno); fprintf(fd, " dx=%d, dy=%d, dz=%d\n", comp->dx, comp->dy, comp->dz); fprintf(fd, " prec=%d\n", comp->prec); fprintf(fd, " sgnd=%d\n", comp->sgnd); fprintf(fd, " }\n"); } fprintf(fd, "}\n"); } /* * Get logarithm of an integer and round downwards. * * log2(a) */ static int int_floorlog2(int a) { int l; for (l = 0; a > 1; l++) { a >>= 1; } return l; } /* * Divide an integer by a power of 2 and round upwards. * * a divided by 2^b */ static int int_ceildivpow2(int a, int b) { return (a + (1 << b) - 1) >> b; } /* * Divide an integer and round upwards. * * a divided by b */ static int int_ceildiv(int a, int b) { return (a + b - 1) / b; } /* -->> -->> -->> -->> PGX IMAGE FORMAT <<-- <<-- <<-- <<-- */ unsigned char readuchar(FILE * f) { unsigned char c1; fread(&c1, 1, 1, f); return c1; } unsigned short readushort(FILE * f, int bigendian) { unsigned char c1, c2; fread(&c1, 1, 1, f); fread(&c2, 1, 1, f); if (bigendian) return (c1 << 8) + c2; else return (c2 << 8) + c1; } unsigned int readuint(FILE * f, int bigendian) { unsigned char c1, c2, c3, c4; fread(&c1, 1, 1, f); fread(&c2, 1, 1, f); fread(&c3, 1, 1, f); fread(&c4, 1, 1, f); if (bigendian) return (c1 << 24) + (c2 << 16) + (c3 << 8) + c4; else return (c4 << 24) + (c3 << 16) + (c2 << 8) + c1; } /*****************************************/ static unsigned short ShortSwap(unsigned short v) { unsigned char c1, c2; c1 = v & 0xff; c2 = (v >> 8) & 0xff; return (c1 << 8) + c2; } static unsigned int LongSwap (unsigned int i) { unsigned char b1, b2, b3, b4; b1 = i & 255; b2 = ( i >> 8 ) & 255; b3 = ( i>>16 ) & 255; b4 = ( i>>24 ) & 255; return ((int)b1 << 24) + ((int)b2 << 16) + ((int)b3 << 8) + b4; } /*****************************************/ opj_volume_t* pgxtovolume(char *relpath, opj_cparameters_t *parameters) { FILE *f = NULL; int w, h, prec; unsigned long offset; int i, s, numcomps, maxvalue, sliceno, slicepos, maxslice = 0; OPJ_COLOR_SPACE color_space; opj_volume_cmptparm_t cmptparm; // maximum of 1 component opj_volume_t * volume = NULL; char endian1,endian2,sign; char signtmp[32]; char temp[32]; opj_volume_comp_t *comp = NULL; DIR *dirp; struct dirent *direntp; char *tmp = NULL, *tmp2 = NULL, *point = NULL, *pgx = NULL; char tmpdirpath[MAX_PATH]; char dirpath[MAX_PATH]; char pattern[MAX_PATH]; char pgxfiles[MAX_SLICES][MAX_PATH]; int pgxslicepos[MAX_SLICES]; char tmpno[3]; numcomps = 1; color_space = CLRSPC_GRAY; sliceno = 0; maxvalue = 0; memset(pgxfiles, 0, MAX_SLICES * MAX_PATH * sizeof(char)); memset(&cmptparm, 0, sizeof(opj_volume_cmptparm_t)); /* Separación del caso de un único slice frente al de muchos */ if ((tmp = strrchr(relpath,'-')) == NULL){ //fprintf(stdout,"[INFO] A volume of only one slice....\n"); sliceno = 1; maxslice = 1; strcpy(pgxfiles[0],relpath); } else { //Fetch only the path strcpy(tmpdirpath,relpath); if ((tmp = strrchr(tmpdirpath,'/')) != NULL){ tmp++; *tmp='\0'; strcpy(dirpath,tmpdirpath); } else { strcpy(dirpath,"./"); } //Fetch the pattern of the volume slices if ((tmp = strrchr (relpath,'/')) != NULL) tmp++; else tmp = relpath; if ((tmp2 = strrchr(tmp,'-')) != NULL) *tmp2='\0'; else{ fprintf(stdout, "[ERROR] tmp2 ha dado null. no ha encontrado el * %s %s",tmp,relpath); return NULL; } strcpy(pattern,tmp); dirp = opendir( dirpath ); if (dirp == NULL){ fprintf(stdout, "[ERROR] Infile must be a .pgx file or a directory that contain pgx files"); return NULL; } /*Read all .pgx files of directory */ while ( (direntp = readdir( dirp )) != NULL ) { /* Found a directory, but ignore . and .. */ if(strcmp(".",direntp->d_name) == 0 || strcmp("..",direntp->d_name) == 0) continue; if( ((pgx = strstr(direntp->d_name,pattern)) != NULL) && ((tmp2 = strstr(direntp->d_name,".pgx")) != NULL) ){ strcpy(tmp,dirpath); tmp = strcat(tmp,direntp->d_name); //Obtenemos el index de la secuencia de slices if ((tmp2 = strpbrk (direntp->d_name, "0123456789")) == NULL) continue; i = 0; while (tmp2 != NULL) { tmpno[i++] = *tmp2; point = tmp2; tmp2 = strpbrk (tmp2+1,"0123456789"); }tmpno[i]='\0'; //Comprobamos que no estamos leyendo algo raro como pattern.jp3d if ((point = strpbrk (point,".")) == NULL){ break; } //Slicepos --> index de slice; Sliceno --> no de slices hasta el momento slicepos = atoi(tmpno); pgxslicepos[sliceno] = slicepos - 1; sliceno++; if (slicepos>maxslice) maxslice = slicepos; //Colocamos el slices en su posicion correspondiente strcpy(pgxfiles[slicepos-1],tmp); } } }/* else if pattern*.pgx */ if (!sliceno) { fprintf(stdout,"[ERROR] No slices with this pattern founded !! Please check input volume name\n"); return NULL; } /*if ( maxslice != sliceno) { fprintf(stdout,"[ERROR] Slices are not sequentially numbered !! Please rename them accordingly\n"); return NULL; }*/ for (s=0;svolume_offset_x0; cmptparm.y0 = parameters->volume_offset_y0; cmptparm.z0 = parameters->volume_offset_z0; cmptparm.w = !cmptparm.x0 ? (w - 1) * parameters->subsampling_dx + 1 : cmptparm.x0 + (w - 1) * parameters->subsampling_dx + 1; cmptparm.h = !cmptparm.y0 ? (h - 1) * parameters->subsampling_dy + 1 : cmptparm.y0 + (h - 1) * parameters->subsampling_dy + 1; cmptparm.l = !cmptparm.z0 ? (sliceno - 1) * parameters->subsampling_dz + 1 : cmptparm.z0 + (sliceno - 1) * parameters->subsampling_dz + 1; if (sign == '-') { cmptparm.sgnd = 1; } else { cmptparm.sgnd = 0; } cmptparm.prec = prec; cmptparm.bpp = prec; cmptparm.dcoffset = parameters->dcoffset; cmptparm.dx = parameters->subsampling_dx; cmptparm.dy = parameters->subsampling_dy; cmptparm.dz = parameters->subsampling_dz; /* create the volume */ volume = opj_volume_create(numcomps, &cmptparm, color_space); if(!volume) { fclose(f); return NULL; } /* set volume offset and reference grid */ volume->x0 = cmptparm.x0; volume->y0 = cmptparm.y0; volume->z0 = cmptparm.z0; volume->x1 = cmptparm.w; volume->y1 = cmptparm.h; volume->z1 = cmptparm.l; /* set volume data :only one component, that is a volume*/ comp = &volume->comps[0]; }//if sliceno==1 offset = w * h * s; for (i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { int v; if (comp->prec <= 8) { if (!comp->sgnd) { v = readuchar(f); } else { v = (char) readuchar(f); } } else if (comp->prec <= 16) { if (!comp->sgnd) { v = readushort(f, cmptparm.bigendian); } else { v = (short) readushort(f, cmptparm.bigendian); } } else { if (!comp->sgnd) { v = readuint(f, cmptparm.bigendian); } else { v = (int) readuint(f, cmptparm.bigendian); } } if (v > maxvalue) maxvalue = v; comp->data[i + offset] = v; } fclose(f); } // for s --> sliceno comp->bpp = int_floorlog2(maxvalue) + 1; if (sliceno != 1) closedir( dirp ); //dump_volume(stdout, volume); return volume; } int volumetopgx(opj_volume_t * volume, char *outfile) { int w, wr, wrr, h, hr, hrr, l, lr, lrr; int i, j, compno, offset, sliceno; FILE *fdest = NULL; for (compno = 0; compno < volume->numcomps; compno++) { opj_volume_comp_t *comp = &volume->comps[compno]; char name[256]; int nbytes = 0; char *tmp = outfile; while (*tmp) { tmp++; } while (*tmp!='.') { tmp--; } *tmp='\0'; for(sliceno = 0; sliceno < volume->z1 - volume->z0; sliceno++) { if (volume->numcomps > 1) { sprintf(name, "%s%d-%d.pgx", outfile, sliceno+1, compno); } else if ((volume->z1 - volume->z0) > 1) { sprintf(name, "%s%d.pgx", outfile, sliceno+1); } else { sprintf(name, "%s.pgx", outfile); } fdest = fopen(name, "wb"); if (!fdest) { fprintf(stdout, "[ERROR] Failed to open %s for writing \n", name); return 1; } fprintf(stdout,"[INFO] Writing in %s (%s)\n",name,volume->comps[0].bigendian ? "Bigendian" : "Little-endian"); w = int_ceildiv(volume->x1 - volume->x0, volume->comps[compno].dx); wr = volume->comps[compno].w; wrr = int_ceildivpow2(volume->comps[compno].w, volume->comps[compno].factor[0]); h = int_ceildiv(volume->y1 - volume->y0, volume->comps[compno].dy); hr = volume->comps[compno].h; hrr = int_ceildivpow2(volume->comps[compno].h, volume->comps[compno].factor[1]); l = int_ceildiv(volume->z1 - volume->z0, volume->comps[compno].dz); lr = volume->comps[compno].l; lrr = int_ceildivpow2(volume->comps[compno].l, volume->comps[compno].factor[2]); fprintf(fdest, "PG %c%c %c%d %d %d\n", comp->bigendian ? 'M':'L', comp->bigendian ? 'L':'M',comp->sgnd ? '-' : '+', comp->prec, wr, hr); if (comp->prec <= 8) { nbytes = 1; } else if (comp->prec <= 16) { nbytes = 2; } else { nbytes = 4; } offset = (sliceno / lrr * l) + (sliceno % lrr); offset = wrr * hrr * offset; //fprintf(stdout,"%d %d %d %d\n",offset,wrr*hrr,wrr,w); for (i = 0; i < wrr * hrr; i++) { int v = volume->comps[0].data[(i / wrr * w) + (i % wrr) + offset]; if (volume->comps[0].bigendian) { for (j = nbytes - 1; j >= 0; j--) { char byte = (char) ((v >> (j * 8)) & 0xff); fwrite(&byte, 1, 1, fdest); } } else { for (j = 0; j <= nbytes - 1; j++) { char byte = (char) ((v >> (j * 8)) & 0xff); fwrite(&byte, 1, 1, fdest); } } } fclose(fdest); }//for sliceno }//for compno return 0; } /* -->> -->> -->> -->> BIN IMAGE FORMAT <<-- <<-- <<-- <<-- */ opj_volume_t* bintovolume(char *filename, char *fileimg, opj_cparameters_t *parameters) { int subsampling_dx = parameters->subsampling_dx; int subsampling_dy = parameters->subsampling_dy; int subsampling_dz = parameters->subsampling_dz; int i, compno, w, h, l, numcomps = 1; int prec, max = 0; // char temp[32]; char line[100]; int bigendian; FILE *f = NULL; FILE *fimg = NULL; OPJ_COLOR_SPACE color_space; opj_volume_cmptparm_t cmptparm; /* maximum of 1 component */ opj_volume_t * volume = NULL; opj_volume_comp_t *comp = NULL; bigendian = 0; color_space = CLRSPC_GRAY; fimg = fopen(fileimg,"r"); if (!fimg) { fprintf(stdout, "[ERROR] Failed to open %s for reading !!\n", fileimg); return 0; } fseek(fimg, 0, SEEK_SET); while (!feof(fimg)) { fgets(line,100,fimg); //fprintf(stdout,"%s %d \n",line,feof(fimg)); if (strncmp(line,"Bpp",3) == 0){ sscanf(line,"%*s%*[ \t]%d",&prec); } else if (strncmp(line,"Color",5) == 0){ sscanf(line, "%*s%*[ \t]%d",&color_space); } else if (strncmp(line,"Dim",3) == 0){ sscanf(line, "%*s%*[ \t]%d%*[ \t]%d%*[ \t]%d",&w,&h,&l); } } //fscanf(fimg, "Bpp%[ \t]%d%[ \t\n]",temp,&prec,temp); //fscanf(fimg, "Color Map%[ \t]%d%[ \n\t]Dimensions%[ \t]%d%[ \t]%d%[ \t]%d%[ \n\t]",temp,&color_space,temp,temp,&w,temp,&h,temp,&l,temp); //fscanf(fimg, "Resolution(mm)%[ \t]%d%[ \t]%d%[ \t]%d%[ \n\t]",temp,&subsampling_dx,temp,&subsampling_dy,temp,&subsampling_dz,temp); #ifdef VERBOSE fprintf(stdout, "[INFO] %d \t %d %d %d \t %3.2f %2.2f %2.2f \t %d \n",color_space,w,h,l,subsampling_dx,subsampling_dy,subsampling_dz,prec); #endif fclose(fimg); /* initialize volume components */ memset(&cmptparm, 0, sizeof(opj_volume_cmptparm_t)); cmptparm.prec = prec; cmptparm.bpp = prec; cmptparm.sgnd = 0; cmptparm.bigendian = bigendian; cmptparm.dcoffset = parameters->dcoffset; cmptparm.dx = subsampling_dx; cmptparm.dy = subsampling_dy; cmptparm.dz = subsampling_dz; cmptparm.w = w; cmptparm.h = h; cmptparm.l = l; /* create the volume */ volume = opj_volume_create(numcomps, &cmptparm, color_space); if(!volume) { fprintf(stdout,"[ERROR] Unable to create volume"); fclose(f); return NULL; } /* set volume offset and reference grid */ volume->x0 = parameters->volume_offset_x0; volume->y0 = parameters->volume_offset_y0; volume->z0 = parameters->volume_offset_z0; volume->x1 = parameters->volume_offset_x0 + (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1; volume->y1 = parameters->volume_offset_y0 + (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1; volume->z1 = parameters->volume_offset_z0 + (l - 1) * subsampling_dz + 1; /* set volume data */ f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { fprintf(stdout, "[ERROR] Failed to open %s for reading !!\n", filename); return 0; } /* BINARY */ for (compno = 0; compno < volume->numcomps; compno++) { int whl = w * h * l; /* set volume data */ comp = &volume->comps[compno]; /*if (comp->prec <= 8) { if (!comp->sgnd) { unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *) malloc(whl * sizeof(unsigned char)); fread(data, 1, whl, f); for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { comp->data[i] = data[i]; if (comp->data[i] > max) max = comp->data[i]; } free(data); } else { char *data = (char *) malloc(whl); fread(data, 1, whl, f); for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { comp->data[i] = data[i]; if (comp->data[i] > max) max = comp->data[i]; } free(data); } } else if (comp->prec <= 16) { if (!comp->sgnd) { unsigned short *data = (unsigned short *) malloc(whl * sizeof(unsigned short)); int leido = fread(data, 2, whl, f); if (!leido) { free(data); fclose(f); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { if (bigendian) //(c1 << 8) + c2; comp->data[i] = data[i]; else{ //(c2 << 8) + c1; comp->data[i] = ShortSwap(data[i]); } if (comp->data[i] > max) max = comp->data[i]; } free(data); } else { short *data = (short *) malloc(whl); int leido = fread(data, 2, whl, f); if (!leido) { free(data); fclose(f); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { if (bigendian){ //(c1 << 8) + c2; comp->data[i] = data[i]; }else{ //(c2 << 8) + c1; comp->data[i] = (short) ShortSwap((unsigned short) data[i]); } if (comp->data[i] > max) max = comp->data[i]; } free(data); } } else { if (!comp->sgnd) { unsigned int *data = (unsigned int *) malloc(whl * sizeof(unsigned int)); int leido = fread(data, 4, whl, f); if (!leido) { free(data); fclose(f); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { if (!bigendian) comp->data[i] = LongSwap(data[i]); else comp->data[i] = data[i]; if (comp->data[i] > max) max = comp->data[i]; } free(data); } else { int leido = fread(comp->data, 4, whl, f); if (!leido) { fclose(f); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { if (!bigendian) comp->data[i] = (int) LongSwap((unsigned int) comp->data[i]); if (comp->data[i] > max) max = comp->data[i]; } } }*/ for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { int v; if (comp->prec <= 8) { if (!comp->sgnd) { v = readuchar(f); } else { v = (char) readuchar(f); } } else if (comp->prec <= 16) { if (!comp->sgnd) { v = readushort(f, bigendian); } else { v = (short) readushort(f, bigendian); } } else { if (!comp->sgnd) { v = readuint(f, bigendian); } else { v = (int) readuint(f, bigendian); } } if (v > max) max = v; comp->data[i] = v; } comp->bpp = int_floorlog2(max) + 1; } fclose(f); return volume; } int volumetobin(opj_volume_t * volume, char *outfile) { int w, wr, wrr, h, hr, hrr, l, lr, lrr, max; int i,j, compno, nbytes; int offset, sliceno; FILE *fdest = NULL; FILE *fimgdest = NULL; // char *imgtemp; char name[256]; for (compno = 0; compno < 1; compno++) { //Only one component fdest = fopen(outfile, "wb"); if (!fdest) { fprintf(stdout, "[ERROR] Failed to open %s for writing\n", outfile); return 1; } fprintf(stdout,"[INFO] Writing outfile %s (%s) \n",outfile, volume->comps[0].bigendian ? "Bigendian" : "Little-endian"); w = int_ceildiv(volume->x1 - volume->x0, volume->comps[compno].dx); wr = volume->comps[compno].w; wrr = int_ceildivpow2(volume->comps[compno].w, volume->comps[compno].factor[0]); h = int_ceildiv(volume->y1 - volume->y0, volume->comps[compno].dy); hr = volume->comps[compno].h; hrr = int_ceildivpow2(volume->comps[compno].h, volume->comps[compno].factor[1]); l = int_ceildiv(volume->z1 - volume->z0, volume->comps[compno].dz); lr = volume->comps[compno].l; lrr = int_ceildivpow2(volume->comps[compno].l, volume->comps[compno].factor[2]); max = (volume->comps[compno].prec <= 8) ? 255 : (1 << volume->comps[compno].prec) - 1; volume->comps[compno].x0 = int_ceildivpow2(volume->comps[compno].x0 - int_ceildiv(volume->x0, volume->comps[compno].dx), volume->comps[compno].factor[0]); volume->comps[compno].y0 = int_ceildivpow2(volume->comps[compno].y0 - int_ceildiv(volume->y0, volume->comps[compno].dy), volume->comps[compno].factor[1]); volume->comps[compno].z0 = int_ceildivpow2(volume->comps[compno].z0 - int_ceildiv(volume->z0, volume->comps[compno].dz), volume->comps[compno].factor[2]); if (volume->comps[0].prec <= 8) { nbytes = 1; } else if (volume->comps[0].prec <= 16) { nbytes = 2; } else { nbytes = 4; } //fprintf(stdout,"w %d wr %d wrr %d h %d hr %d hrr %d l %d lr %d lrr %d max %d nbytes %d\n Factor %d %d %d",w,wr,wrr,h,hr,hrr,l,lr,lrr,max,nbytes,volume->comps[compno].factor[0],volume->comps[compno].factor[1],volume->comps[compno].factor[2]); for(sliceno = 0; sliceno < lrr; sliceno++) { offset = (sliceno / lrr * l) + (sliceno % lrr); offset = wrr * hrr * offset; for (i = 0; i < wrr * hrr; i++) { int v = volume->comps[0].data[(i / wrr * w) + (i % wrr) + offset]; if (volume->comps[0].bigendian) { for (j = nbytes - 1; j >= 0; j--) { char byte = (char) ((v >> (j * 8)) & 0xff); fwrite(&byte, 1, 1, fdest); } } else { for (j = 0; j <= nbytes - 1; j++) { char byte = (char) ((v >> (j * 8)) & 0xff); fwrite(&byte, 1, 1, fdest); } } } } } fclose(fdest); sprintf(name,"%s.img",outfile); fimgdest = fopen(name, "w"); if (!fimgdest) { fprintf(stdout, "[ERROR] Failed to open %s for writing\n", name); return 1; } fprintf(fimgdest, "Bpp\t%d\nColor Map\t2\nDimensions\t%d\t%d\t%d\nResolution(mm)\t%d\t%d\t%d\t\n", volume->comps[0].prec,wrr,hrr,lrr,volume->comps[0].dx,volume->comps[0].dy,volume->comps[0].dz); fclose(fimgdest); return 0; } /* -->> -->> -->> -->> IMG IMAGE FORMAT <<-- <<-- <<-- <<-- */ opj_volume_t* imgtovolume(char *fileimg, opj_cparameters_t *parameters) { int subsampling_dx = parameters->subsampling_dx; int subsampling_dy = parameters->subsampling_dy; int subsampling_dz = parameters->subsampling_dz; int i, compno, w, h, l, numcomps = 1; int prec, max = 0, min = 0; float dx, dy, dz; char filename[100], tmpdirpath[100], dirpath[100], *tmp; char line[100], datatype[100]; int bigendian; FILE *f = NULL; FILE *fimg = NULL; OPJ_COLOR_SPACE color_space; opj_volume_cmptparm_t cmptparm; /* maximum of 1 component */ opj_volume_t * volume = NULL; opj_volume_comp_t *comp = NULL; bigendian = 0; color_space = CLRSPC_GRAY; fimg = fopen(fileimg,"r"); if (!fimg) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Failed to open %s for reading !!\n", fileimg); return 0; } //Fetch only the path strcpy(tmpdirpath,fileimg); if ((tmp = strrchr(tmpdirpath,'/')) != NULL){ tmp++; *tmp='\0'; strcpy(dirpath,tmpdirpath); } else { strcpy(dirpath,"./"); } fseek(fimg, 0, SEEK_SET); while (!feof(fimg)) { fgets(line,100,fimg); //fprintf(stdout,"%s %d \n",line,feof(fimg)); if (strncmp(line,"Image",5) == 0){ sscanf(line,"%*s%*[ \t]%s",datatype); } else if (strncmp(line,"File",4) == 0){ sscanf(line,"%*s %*s%*[ \t]%s",filename); strcat(dirpath, filename); strcpy(filename,dirpath); } else if (strncmp(line,"Min",3) == 0){ sscanf(line,"%*s %*s%*[ \t]%d%*[ \t]%d",&min,&max); prec = int_floorlog2(max - min + 1); } else if (strncmp(line,"Bpp",3) == 0){ sscanf(line,"%*s%*[ \t]%d",&prec); } else if (strncmp(line,"Color",5) == 0){ sscanf(line, "%*s %*s%*[ \t]%d",&color_space); } else if (strncmp(line,"Dim",3) == 0){ sscanf(line, "%*s%*[ \t]%d%*[ \t]%d%*[ \t]%d",&w,&h,&l); } else if (strncmp(line,"Res",3) == 0){ sscanf(line,"%*s%*[ \t]%f%*[ \t]%f%*[ \t]%f",&dx,&dy,&dz); } } #ifdef VERBOSE fprintf(stdout, "[INFO] %s %d \t %d %d %d \t %f %f %f \t %d %d %d \n",filename,color_space,w,h,l,dx,dy,dz,max,min,prec); #endif fclose(fimg); /* error control */ if ( !prec || !w || !h || !l ){ fprintf(stderr,"[ERROR] Unable to read IMG file correctly. Found some null values."); return NULL; } /* initialize volume components */ memset(&cmptparm, 0, sizeof(opj_volume_cmptparm_t)); cmptparm.prec = prec; cmptparm.bpp = prec; cmptparm.sgnd = 0; cmptparm.bigendian = bigendian; cmptparm.dcoffset = parameters->dcoffset; cmptparm.dx = subsampling_dx; cmptparm.dy = subsampling_dy; cmptparm.dz = subsampling_dz; cmptparm.w = w; cmptparm.h = h; cmptparm.l = l; /* create the volume */ volume = opj_volume_create(numcomps, &cmptparm, color_space); if(!volume) { fprintf(stdout,"[ERROR] Unable to create volume"); return NULL; } /* set volume offset and reference grid */ volume->x0 = parameters->volume_offset_x0; volume->y0 = parameters->volume_offset_y0; volume->z0 = parameters->volume_offset_z0; volume->x1 = parameters->volume_offset_x0 + (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1; volume->y1 = parameters->volume_offset_y0 + (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1; volume->z1 = parameters->volume_offset_z0 + (l - 1) * subsampling_dz + 1; max = 0; /* set volume data */ f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Failed to open %s for reading !!\n", filename); fclose(f); return 0; } /* BINARY */ for (compno = 0; compno < volume->numcomps; compno++) { int whl = w * h * l; /* set volume data */ comp = &volume->comps[compno]; /*if (comp->prec <= 8) { if (!comp->sgnd) { unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *) malloc(whl * sizeof(unsigned char)); fread(data, 1, whl, f); for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { comp->data[i] = data[i]; if (comp->data[i] > max) max = comp->data[i]; } free(data); } else { char *data = (char *) malloc(whl); fread(data, 1, whl, f); for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { comp->data[i] = data[i]; if (comp->data[i] > max) max = comp->data[i]; } free(data); } } else if (comp->prec <= 16) { if (!comp->sgnd) { unsigned short *data = (unsigned short *) malloc(whl * sizeof(unsigned short)); int leido = fread(data, 2, whl, f); if (!leido) { free(data); fclose(f); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { if (bigendian) //(c1 << 8) + c2; comp->data[i] = data[i]; else{ //(c2 << 8) + c1; comp->data[i] = ShortSwap(data[i]); } if (comp->data[i] > max) max = comp->data[i]; } free(data); } else { short *data = (short *) malloc(whl); int leido = fread(data, 2, whl, f); if (!leido) { free(data); fclose(f); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { if (bigendian){ //(c1 << 8) + c2; comp->data[i] = data[i]; }else{ //(c2 << 8) + c1; comp->data[i] = (short) ShortSwap((unsigned short) data[i]); } if (comp->data[i] > max) max = comp->data[i]; } free(data); } } else { if (!comp->sgnd) { unsigned int *data = (unsigned int *) malloc(whl * sizeof(unsigned int)); int leido = fread(data, 4, whl, f); if (!leido) { free(data); fclose(f); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { if (!bigendian) comp->data[i] = LongSwap(data[i]); else comp->data[i] = data[i]; if (comp->data[i] > max) max = comp->data[i]; } free(data); } else { int leido = fread(comp->data, 4, whl, f); if (!leido) { fclose(f); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { if (!bigendian) comp->data[i] = (int) LongSwap((unsigned int) comp->data[i]); if (comp->data[i] > max) max = comp->data[i]; } } }*/ for (i = 0; i < whl; i++) { int v; if (comp->prec <= 8) { if (!comp->sgnd) { v = readuchar(f); } else { v = (char) readuchar(f); } } else if (comp->prec <= 16) { if (!comp->sgnd) { v = readushort(f, bigendian); } else { v = (short) readushort(f, bigendian); } } else { if (!comp->sgnd) { v = readuint(f, bigendian); } else { v = (int) readuint(f, bigendian); } } if (v > max) max = v; comp->data[i] = v; } comp->bpp = int_floorlog2(max) + 1; } fclose(f); return volume; }