/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Communications and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Professor Benoit Macq * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Francois-Olivier Devaux and Antonin Descampe * Copyright (c) 2005, Herve Drolon, FreeImage Team * Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Parvatha Elangovan * Copyright (c) 2008, Jerome Fimes, Communications & Systemes <jerome.fimes@c-s.fr> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <assert.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include "windirent.h" #else #include <dirent.h> #endif /* _WIN32 */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include <windows.h> #define strcasecmp _stricmp #define strncasecmp _strnicmp #else #include <strings.h> #endif /* _WIN32 */ #include "opj_config.h" #include "openjpeg.h" #include "opj_getopt.h" #include "convert.h" #include "index.h" #include "format_defs.h" #define CINEMA_24_CS 1302083 /*Codestream length for 24fps*/ #define CINEMA_48_CS 651041 /*Codestream length for 48fps*/ #define COMP_24_CS 1041666 /*Maximum size per color component for 2K & 4K @ 24fps*/ #define COMP_48_CS 520833 /*Maximum size per color component for 2K @ 48fps*/ typedef struct dircnt{ /** Buffer for holding images read from Directory*/ char *filename_buf; /** Pointer to the buffer*/ char **filename; }dircnt_t; typedef struct img_folder{ /** The directory path of the folder containing input images*/ char *imgdirpath; /** Output format*/ char *out_format; /** Enable option*/ char set_imgdir; /** Enable Cod Format for output*/ char set_out_format; /** User specified rate stored in case of cinema option*/ float *rates; }img_fol_t; void encode_help_display(void) { fprintf(stdout,"HELP for image_to_j2k\n----\n\n"); fprintf(stdout,"- the -h option displays this help information on screen\n\n"); /* UniPG>> */ fprintf(stdout,"List of parameters for the JPEG 2000 " #ifdef USE_JPWL "+ JPWL " #endif /* USE_JPWL */ "encoder:\n"); /* <<UniPG */ fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"REMARKS:\n"); fprintf(stdout,"---------\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"The markers written to the main_header are : SOC SIZ COD QCD COM.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"COD and QCD never appear in the tile_header.\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"By default:\n"); fprintf(stdout,"------------\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout," * Lossless\n"); fprintf(stdout," * 1 tile\n"); fprintf(stdout," * Size of precinct : 2^15 x 2^15 (means 1 precinct)\n"); fprintf(stdout," * Size of code-block : 64 x 64\n"); fprintf(stdout," * Number of resolutions: 6\n"); fprintf(stdout," * No SOP marker in the codestream\n"); fprintf(stdout," * No EPH marker in the codestream\n"); fprintf(stdout," * No sub-sampling in x or y direction\n"); fprintf(stdout," * No mode switch activated\n"); fprintf(stdout," * Progression order: LRCP\n"); fprintf(stdout," * No index file\n"); fprintf(stdout," * No ROI upshifted\n"); fprintf(stdout," * No offset of the origin of the image\n"); fprintf(stdout," * No offset of the origin of the tiles\n"); fprintf(stdout," * Reversible DWT 5-3\n"); /* UniPG>> */ #ifdef USE_JPWL fprintf(stdout," * No JPWL protection\n"); #endif /* USE_JPWL */ /* <<UniPG */ fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Parameters:\n"); fprintf(stdout,"------------\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Required Parameters (except with -h):\n"); fprintf(stdout,"One of the two options -ImgDir or -i must be used\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-ImgDir : Image file Directory path (example ../Images) \n"); fprintf(stdout," When using this option -OutFor must be used\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-OutFor \n"); fprintf(stdout," REQUIRED only if -ImgDir is used\n"); fprintf(stdout," Need to specify only format without filename <BMP> \n"); fprintf(stdout," Currently accepts PBM, PGM, PPM, PNM, PAM, PGX, PNG, BMP, TIF, RAW, RAWL and TGA formats\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-i : source file (-i source.pnm also *pbm, *.pgm, *.ppm, *.pam, *.pgx, *png, *.bmp, *.tif, *.raw, *.tga) \n"); fprintf(stdout," When using this option -o must be used\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-o : destination file (-o dest.j2k or .jp2) \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Optional Parameters:\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-h : display the help information \n "); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-cinema2K : Digital Cinema 2K profile compliant codestream for 2K resolution.(-cinema2k 24 or 48) \n"); fprintf(stdout," Need to specify the frames per second for a 2K resolution. Only 24 or 48 fps is allowed\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-cinema4K : Digital Cinema 4K profile compliant codestream for 4K resolution \n"); fprintf(stdout," Frames per second not required. Default value is 24fps\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-r : different compression ratios for successive layers (-r 20,10,5)\n "); fprintf(stdout," - The rate specified for each quality level is the desired \n"); fprintf(stdout," compression factor.\n"); fprintf(stdout," Example: -r 20,10,1 means quality 1: compress 20x, \n"); fprintf(stdout," quality 2: compress 10x and quality 3: compress lossless\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout," (options -r and -q cannot be used together)\n "); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-q : different psnr for successive layers (-q 30,40,50) \n "); fprintf(stdout," (options -r and -q cannot be used together)\n "); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-n : number of resolutions (-n 3) \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-b : size of code block (-b 32,32) \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-c : size of precinct (-c 128,128) \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-t : size of tile (-t 512,512) \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-p : progression order (-p LRCP) [LRCP, RLCP, RPCL, PCRL, CPRL] \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-s : subsampling factor (-s 2,2) [-s X,Y] \n"); fprintf(stdout," Remark: subsampling bigger than 2 can produce error\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-POC : Progression order change (-POC T1=0,0,1,5,3,CPRL/T1=5,0,1,6,3,CPRL) \n"); fprintf(stdout," Example: T1=0,0,1,5,3,CPRL \n"); fprintf(stdout," : Ttilenumber=Resolution num start,Component num start,Layer num end,Resolution num end,Component num end,Progression order\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-SOP : write SOP marker before each packet \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-EPH : write EPH marker after each header packet \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-M : mode switch (-M 3) [1=BYPASS(LAZY) 2=RESET 4=RESTART(TERMALL)\n"); fprintf(stdout," 8=VSC 16=ERTERM(SEGTERM) 32=SEGMARK(SEGSYM)] \n"); fprintf(stdout," Indicate multiple modes by adding their values. \n"); fprintf(stdout," ex: RESTART(4) + RESET(2) + SEGMARK(32) = -M 38\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-TP : devide packets of every tile into tile-parts (-TP R) [R, L, C]\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-x : create an index file *.Idx (-x index_name.Idx) \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-ROI : c=%%d,U=%%d : quantization indices upshifted \n"); fprintf(stdout," for component c=%%d [%%d = 0,1,2]\n"); fprintf(stdout," with a value of U=%%d [0 <= %%d <= 37] (i.e. -ROI c=0,U=25) \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-d : offset of the origin of the image (-d 150,300) \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-T : offset of the origin of the tiles (-T 100,75) \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-I : use the irreversible DWT 9-7 (-I) \n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-F : characteristics of the raw input image\n"); fprintf(stdout," -F rawWidth,rawHeight,rawComp,rawBitDepth,s/u (Signed/Unsigned)\n"); fprintf(stdout," Example: -i lena.raw -o lena.j2k -F 512,512,3,8,u\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-m : use array-based MCT, values are coma separated, line by line\n"); fprintf(stdout," no specific separators between lines, no space allowed between values\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-jpip : write jpip codestream index box in JP2 output file\n"); fprintf(stdout," NOTICE: currently supports only RPCL order\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); /* UniPG>> */ #ifdef USE_JPWL fprintf(stdout,"-W : adoption of JPWL (Part 11) capabilities (-W params)\n"); fprintf(stdout," The parameters can be written and repeated in any order:\n"); fprintf(stdout," [h<tilepart><=type>,s<tilepart><=method>,a=<addr>,...\n"); fprintf(stdout," ...,z=<size>,g=<range>,p<tilepart:pack><=type>]\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout," h selects the header error protection (EPB): 'type' can be\n"); fprintf(stdout," [0=none 1,absent=predefined 16=CRC-16 32=CRC-32 37-128=RS]\n"); fprintf(stdout," if 'tilepart' is absent, it is for main and tile headers\n"); fprintf(stdout," if 'tilepart' is present, it applies from that tile\n"); fprintf(stdout," onwards, up to the next h<> spec, or to the last tilepart\n"); fprintf(stdout," in the codestream (max. %d specs)\n", JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout," p selects the packet error protection (EEP/UEP with EPBs)\n"); fprintf(stdout," to be applied to raw data: 'type' can be\n"); fprintf(stdout," [0=none 1,absent=predefined 16=CRC-16 32=CRC-32 37-128=RS]\n"); fprintf(stdout," if 'tilepart:pack' is absent, it is from tile 0, packet 0\n"); fprintf(stdout," if 'tilepart:pack' is present, it applies from that tile\n"); fprintf(stdout," and that packet onwards, up to the next packet spec\n"); fprintf(stdout," or to the last packet in the last tilepart in the stream\n"); fprintf(stdout," (max. %d specs)\n", JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout," s enables sensitivity data insertion (ESD): 'method' can be\n"); fprintf(stdout," [-1=NO ESD 0=RELATIVE ERROR 1=MSE 2=MSE REDUCTION 3=PSNR\n"); fprintf(stdout," 4=PSNR INCREMENT 5=MAXERR 6=TSE 7=RESERVED]\n"); fprintf(stdout," if 'tilepart' is absent, it is for main header only\n"); fprintf(stdout," if 'tilepart' is present, it applies from that tile\n"); fprintf(stdout," onwards, up to the next s<> spec, or to the last tilepart\n"); fprintf(stdout," in the codestream (max. %d specs)\n", JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout," g determines the addressing mode: <range> can be\n"); fprintf(stdout," [0=PACKET 1=BYTE RANGE 2=PACKET RANGE]\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout," a determines the size of data addressing: <addr> can be\n"); fprintf(stdout," 2/4 bytes (small/large codestreams). If not set, auto-mode\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout," z determines the size of sensitivity values: <size> can be\n"); fprintf(stdout," 1/2 bytes, for the transformed pseudo-floating point value\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout," ex.:\n"); fprintf(stdout," h,h0=64,h3=16,h5=32,p0=78,p0:24=56,p1,p3:0=0,p3:20=32,s=0,\n"); fprintf(stdout," s0=6,s3=-1,a=0,g=1,z=1\n"); fprintf(stdout," means\n"); fprintf(stdout," predefined EPB in MH, rs(64,32) from TPH 0 to TPH 2,\n"); fprintf(stdout," CRC-16 in TPH 3 and TPH 4, CRC-32 in remaining TPHs,\n"); fprintf(stdout," UEP rs(78,32) for packets 0 to 23 of tile 0,\n"); fprintf(stdout," UEP rs(56,32) for packs. 24 to the last of tilepart 0,\n"); fprintf(stdout," UEP rs default for packets of tilepart 1,\n"); fprintf(stdout," no UEP for packets 0 to 19 of tilepart 3,\n"); fprintf(stdout," UEP CRC-32 for packs. 20 of tilepart 3 to last tilepart,\n"); fprintf(stdout," relative sensitivity ESD for MH,\n"); fprintf(stdout," TSE ESD from TPH 0 to TPH 2, byte range with automatic\n"); fprintf(stdout," size of addresses and 1 byte for each sensitivity value\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout," ex.:\n"); fprintf(stdout," h,s,p\n"); fprintf(stdout," means\n"); fprintf(stdout," default protection to headers (MH and TPHs) as well as\n"); fprintf(stdout," data packets, one ESD in MH\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout," N.B.: use the following recommendations when specifying\n"); fprintf(stdout," the JPWL parameters list\n"); fprintf(stdout," - when you use UEP, always pair the 'p' option with 'h'\n"); fprintf(stdout," \n"); #endif /* USE_JPWL */ /* <<UniPG */ fprintf(stdout,"IMPORTANT:\n"); fprintf(stdout,"-----------\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"The index file has the structure below:\n"); fprintf(stdout,"---------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Image_height Image_width\n"); fprintf(stdout,"progression order\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Tiles_size_X Tiles_size_Y\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Tiles_nb_X Tiles_nb_Y\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Components_nb\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Layers_nb\n"); fprintf(stdout,"decomposition_levels\n"); fprintf(stdout,"[Precincts_size_X_res_Nr Precincts_size_Y_res_Nr]...\n"); fprintf(stdout," [Precincts_size_X_res_0 Precincts_size_Y_res_0]\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Main_header_start_position\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Main_header_end_position\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Codestream_size\n"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fprintf(stdout,"INFO ON TILES\n"); fprintf(stdout,"tileno start_pos end_hd end_tile nbparts disto nbpix disto/nbpix\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Tile_0 start_pos end_Theader end_pos NumParts TotalDisto NumPix MaxMSE\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Tile_1 '' '' '' '' '' '' ''\n"); fprintf(stdout,"...\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Tile_Nt '' '' '' '' '' '' ''\n"); fprintf(stdout,"...\n"); fprintf(stdout,"TILE 0 DETAILS\n"); fprintf(stdout,"part_nb tileno num_packs start_pos end_tph_pos end_pos\n"); fprintf(stdout,"...\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Progression_string\n"); fprintf(stdout,"pack_nb tileno layno resno compno precno start_pos end_ph_pos end_pos disto\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Tpacket_0 Tile layer res. comp. prec. start_pos end_pos disto\n"); fprintf(stdout,"...\n"); fprintf(stdout,"Tpacket_Np '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''\n"); fprintf(stdout,"MaxDisto\n"); fprintf(stdout,"TotalDisto\n\n"); } OPJ_PROG_ORDER give_progression(char progression[4]) { if(strncmp(progression, "LRCP", 4) == 0) { return LRCP; } if(strncmp(progression, "RLCP", 4) == 0) { return RLCP; } if(strncmp(progression, "RPCL", 4) == 0) { return RPCL; } if(strncmp(progression, "PCRL", 4) == 0) { return PCRL; } if(strncmp(progression, "CPRL", 4) == 0) { return CPRL; } return PROG_UNKNOWN; } int get_num_images(char *imgdirpath){ DIR *dir; struct dirent* content; int num_images = 0; /*Reading the input images from given input directory*/ dir= opendir(imgdirpath); if(!dir){ fprintf(stderr,"Could not open Folder %s\n",imgdirpath); return 0; } num_images=0; while((content=readdir(dir))!=NULL){ if(strcmp(".",content->d_name)==0 || strcmp("..",content->d_name)==0 ) continue; num_images++; } return num_images; } int load_images(dircnt_t *dirptr, char *imgdirpath){ DIR *dir; struct dirent* content; int i = 0; /*Reading the input images from given input directory*/ dir= opendir(imgdirpath); if(!dir){ fprintf(stderr,"Could not open Folder %s\n",imgdirpath); return 1; }else { fprintf(stderr,"Folder opened successfully\n"); } while((content=readdir(dir))!=NULL){ if(strcmp(".",content->d_name)==0 || strcmp("..",content->d_name)==0 ) continue; strcpy(dirptr->filename[i],content->d_name); i++; } return 0; } int get_file_format(char *filename) { unsigned int i; static const char *extension[] = { "pgx", "pnm", "pgm", "ppm", "pbm", "pam", "bmp", "tif", "raw", "rawl", "tga", "png", "j2k", "jp2", "j2c", "jpc" }; static const int format[] = { PGX_DFMT, PXM_DFMT, PXM_DFMT, PXM_DFMT, PXM_DFMT, PXM_DFMT, BMP_DFMT, TIF_DFMT, RAW_DFMT, RAWL_DFMT, TGA_DFMT, PNG_DFMT, J2K_CFMT, JP2_CFMT, J2K_CFMT, J2K_CFMT }; char * ext = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (ext == NULL) return -1; ext++; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(format)/sizeof(*format); i++) { if(strcasecmp(ext, extension[i]) == 0) { return format[i]; } } return -1; } char * get_file_name(char *name){ char *fname; fname= (char*)malloc(OPJ_PATH_LEN*sizeof(char)); fname= strtok(name,"."); return fname; } char get_next_file(int imageno,dircnt_t *dirptr,img_fol_t *img_fol, opj_cparameters_t *parameters){ char image_filename[OPJ_PATH_LEN], infilename[OPJ_PATH_LEN],outfilename[OPJ_PATH_LEN],temp_ofname[OPJ_PATH_LEN]; char *temp_p, temp1[OPJ_PATH_LEN]=""; strcpy(image_filename,dirptr->filename[imageno]); fprintf(stderr,"File Number %d \"%s\"\n",imageno,image_filename); parameters->decod_format = get_file_format(image_filename); if (parameters->decod_format == -1) return 1; sprintf(infilename,"%s/%s",img_fol->imgdirpath,image_filename); strncpy(parameters->infile, infilename, sizeof(infilename)); /*Set output file*/ strcpy(temp_ofname,get_file_name(image_filename)); while((temp_p = strtok(NULL,".")) != NULL){ strcat(temp_ofname,temp1); sprintf(temp1,".%s",temp_p); } if(img_fol->set_out_format==1){ sprintf(outfilename,"%s/%s.%s",img_fol->imgdirpath,temp_ofname,img_fol->out_format); strncpy(parameters->outfile, outfilename, sizeof(outfilename)); } return 0; } static int initialise_4K_poc(opj_poc_t *POC, int numres){ POC[0].tile = 1; POC[0].resno0 = 0; POC[0].compno0 = 0; POC[0].layno1 = 1; POC[0].resno1 = numres-1; POC[0].compno1 = 3; POC[0].prg1 = CPRL; POC[1].tile = 1; POC[1].resno0 = numres-1; POC[1].compno0 = 0; POC[1].layno1 = 1; POC[1].resno1 = numres; POC[1].compno1 = 3; POC[1].prg1 = CPRL; return 2; } void cinema_parameters(opj_cparameters_t *parameters){ parameters->tile_size_on = OPJ_FALSE; parameters->cp_tdx=1; parameters->cp_tdy=1; /*Tile part*/ parameters->tp_flag = 'C'; parameters->tp_on = 1; /*Tile and Image shall be at (0,0)*/ parameters->cp_tx0 = 0; parameters->cp_ty0 = 0; parameters->image_offset_x0 = 0; parameters->image_offset_y0 = 0; /*Codeblock size= 32*32*/ parameters->cblockw_init = 32; parameters->cblockh_init = 32; parameters->csty |= 0x01; /*The progression order shall be CPRL*/ parameters->prog_order = CPRL; /* No ROI */ parameters->roi_compno = -1; parameters->subsampling_dx = 1; parameters->subsampling_dy = 1; /* 9-7 transform */ parameters->irreversible = 1; } void cinema_setup_encoder(opj_cparameters_t *parameters,opj_image_t *image, img_fol_t *img_fol){ int i; float temp_rate; switch (parameters->cp_cinema){ case CINEMA2K_24: case CINEMA2K_48: if(parameters->numresolution > 6){ parameters->numresolution = 6; } if (!((image->comps[0].w == 2048) | (image->comps[0].h == 1080))){ fprintf(stdout,"Image coordinates %d x %d is not 2K compliant.\nJPEG Digital Cinema Profile-3 " "(2K profile) compliance requires that at least one of coordinates match 2048 x 1080\n", image->comps[0].w,image->comps[0].h); parameters->cp_rsiz = STD_RSIZ; } break; case CINEMA4K_24: if(parameters->numresolution < 1){ parameters->numresolution = 1; }else if(parameters->numresolution > 7){ parameters->numresolution = 7; } if (!((image->comps[0].w == 4096) | (image->comps[0].h == 2160))){ fprintf(stdout,"Image coordinates %d x %d is not 4K compliant.\nJPEG Digital Cinema Profile-4" "(4K profile) compliance requires that at least one of coordinates match 4096 x 2160\n", image->comps[0].w,image->comps[0].h); parameters->cp_rsiz = STD_RSIZ; } parameters->numpocs = initialise_4K_poc(parameters->POC,parameters->numresolution); break; default : break; } switch (parameters->cp_cinema){ case CINEMA2K_24: case CINEMA4K_24: for(i=0 ; i<parameters->tcp_numlayers ; i++){ temp_rate = 0 ; if (img_fol->rates[i]== 0){ parameters->tcp_rates[0]= ((float) (image->numcomps * image->comps[0].w * image->comps[0].h * image->comps[0].prec))/ (CINEMA_24_CS * 8 * image->comps[0].dx * image->comps[0].dy); }else{ temp_rate =((float) (image->numcomps * image->comps[0].w * image->comps[0].h * image->comps[0].prec))/ (img_fol->rates[i] * 8 * image->comps[0].dx * image->comps[0].dy); if (temp_rate > CINEMA_24_CS ){ parameters->tcp_rates[i]= ((float) (image->numcomps * image->comps[0].w * image->comps[0].h * image->comps[0].prec))/ (CINEMA_24_CS * 8 * image->comps[0].dx * image->comps[0].dy); }else{ parameters->tcp_rates[i]= img_fol->rates[i]; } } } parameters->max_comp_size = COMP_24_CS; break; case CINEMA2K_48: for(i=0 ; i<parameters->tcp_numlayers ; i++){ temp_rate = 0 ; if (img_fol->rates[i]== 0){ parameters->tcp_rates[0]= ((float) (image->numcomps * image->comps[0].w * image->comps[0].h * image->comps[0].prec))/ (CINEMA_48_CS * 8 * image->comps[0].dx * image->comps[0].dy); }else{ temp_rate =((float) (image->numcomps * image->comps[0].w * image->comps[0].h * image->comps[0].prec))/ (img_fol->rates[i] * 8 * image->comps[0].dx * image->comps[0].dy); if (temp_rate > CINEMA_48_CS ){ parameters->tcp_rates[0]= ((float) (image->numcomps * image->comps[0].w * image->comps[0].h * image->comps[0].prec))/ (CINEMA_48_CS * 8 * image->comps[0].dx * image->comps[0].dy); }else{ parameters->tcp_rates[i]= img_fol->rates[i]; } } } parameters->max_comp_size = COMP_48_CS; break; default: break; } parameters->cp_disto_alloc = 1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int parse_cmdline_encoder(int argc, char **argv, opj_cparameters_t *parameters, img_fol_t *img_fol, raw_cparameters_t *raw_cp, char *indexfilename) { int i, j, totlen, c; opj_option_t long_option[]={ {"cinema2K",REQ_ARG, NULL ,'w'}, {"cinema4K",NO_ARG, NULL ,'y'}, {"ImgDir",REQ_ARG, NULL ,'z'}, {"TP",REQ_ARG, NULL ,'u'}, {"SOP",NO_ARG, NULL ,'S'}, {"EPH",NO_ARG, NULL ,'E'}, {"OutFor",REQ_ARG, NULL ,'O'}, {"POC",REQ_ARG, NULL ,'P'}, {"ROI",REQ_ARG, NULL ,'R'}, {"jpip",NO_ARG, NULL, 'J'} }; /* parse the command line */ const char optlist[] = "i:o:r:q:n:b:c:t:p:s:SEM:x:R:d:T:If:P:C:F:u:J" #ifdef USE_JPWL "W:" #endif /* USE_JPWL */ "h"; totlen=sizeof(long_option); img_fol->set_out_format=0; raw_cp->rawWidth = 0; do{ c = opj_getopt_long(argc, argv, optlist,long_option,totlen); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'i': /* input file */ { char *infile = opj_optarg; parameters->decod_format = get_file_format(infile); switch(parameters->decod_format) { case PGX_DFMT: case PXM_DFMT: case BMP_DFMT: case TIF_DFMT: case RAW_DFMT: case RAWL_DFMT: case TGA_DFMT: case PNG_DFMT: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "!! Unrecognized format for infile : %s " "[accept only *.pnm, *.pgm, *.ppm, *.pgx, *png, *.bmp, *.tif, *.raw or *.tga] !!\n\n", infile); return 1; } strncpy(parameters->infile, infile, sizeof(parameters->infile)-1); } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'o': /* output file */ { char *outfile = opj_optarg; parameters->cod_format = get_file_format(outfile); switch(parameters->cod_format) { case J2K_CFMT: case JP2_CFMT: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown output format image %s [only *.j2k, *.j2c or *.jp2]!! \n", outfile); return 1; } strncpy(parameters->outfile, outfile, sizeof(parameters->outfile)-1); } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'O': /* output format */ { char outformat[50]; char *of = opj_optarg; sprintf(outformat,".%s",of); img_fol->set_out_format = 1; parameters->cod_format = get_file_format(outformat); switch(parameters->cod_format) { case J2K_CFMT: case JP2_CFMT: img_fol->out_format = opj_optarg; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown output format image [only j2k, j2c, jp2]!! \n"); return 1; } } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'r': /* rates rates/distorsion */ { char *s = opj_optarg; parameters->tcp_numlayers = 0; while (sscanf(s, "%f", ¶meters->tcp_rates[parameters->tcp_numlayers]) == 1) { parameters->tcp_numlayers++; while (*s && *s != ',') { s++; } if (!*s) break; s++; } parameters->cp_disto_alloc = 1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'F': /* Raw image format parameters */ { char signo; char *s = opj_optarg; if (sscanf(s, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%c", &raw_cp->rawWidth, &raw_cp->rawHeight, &raw_cp->rawComp, &raw_cp->rawBitDepth, &signo) == 5) { if (signo == 's') { raw_cp->rawSigned = OPJ_TRUE; fprintf(stdout,"\nRaw file parameters: %d,%d,%d,%d Signed\n", raw_cp->rawWidth, raw_cp->rawHeight, raw_cp->rawComp, raw_cp->rawBitDepth); } else if (signo == 'u') { raw_cp->rawSigned = OPJ_FALSE; fprintf(stdout,"\nRaw file parameters: %d,%d,%d,%d Unsigned\n", raw_cp->rawWidth, raw_cp->rawHeight, raw_cp->rawComp, raw_cp->rawBitDepth); } else { fprintf(stderr,"\nError: invalid raw image parameters: Unknown sign of raw file\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Please use the Format option -F:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-F rawWidth,rawHeight,rawComp,rawBitDepth,s/u (Signed/Unsigned)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Example: -i lena.raw -o lena.j2k -F 512,512,3,8,u\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"\nError: invalid raw image parameters\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Please use the Format option -F:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-F rawWidth,rawHeight,rawComp,rawBitDepth,s/u (Signed/Unsigned)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Example: -i lena.raw -o lena.j2k -F 512,512,3,8,u\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); return 1; } } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'q': /* add fixed_quality */ { char *s = opj_optarg; while (sscanf(s, "%f", ¶meters->tcp_distoratio[parameters->tcp_numlayers]) == 1) { parameters->tcp_numlayers++; while (*s && *s != ',') { s++; } if (!*s) break; s++; } parameters->cp_fixed_quality = 1; } break; /* dda */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'f': /* mod fixed_quality (before : -q) */ { int *row = NULL, *col = NULL; int numlayers = 0, numresolution = 0, matrix_width = 0; char *s = opj_optarg; sscanf(s, "%d", &numlayers); s++; if (numlayers > 9) s++; parameters->tcp_numlayers = numlayers; numresolution = parameters->numresolution; matrix_width = numresolution * 3; parameters->cp_matrice = (int *) malloc(numlayers * matrix_width * sizeof(int)); s = s + 2; for (i = 0; i < numlayers; i++) { row = ¶meters->cp_matrice[i * matrix_width]; col = row; parameters->tcp_rates[i] = 1; sscanf(s, "%d,", &col[0]); s += 2; if (col[0] > 9) s++; col[1] = 0; col[2] = 0; for (j = 1; j < numresolution; j++) { col += 3; sscanf(s, "%d,%d,%d", &col[0], &col[1], &col[2]); s += 6; if (col[0] > 9) s++; if (col[1] > 9) s++; if (col[2] > 9) s++; } if (i < numlayers - 1) s++; } parameters->cp_fixed_alloc = 1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 't': /* tiles */ { sscanf(opj_optarg, "%d,%d", ¶meters->cp_tdx, ¶meters->cp_tdy); parameters->tile_size_on = OPJ_TRUE; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'n': /* resolution */ { sscanf(opj_optarg, "%d", ¶meters->numresolution); } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'c': /* precinct dimension */ { char sep; int res_spec = 0; char *s = opj_optarg; do { sep = 0; sscanf(s, "[%d,%d]%c", ¶meters->prcw_init[res_spec], ¶meters->prch_init[res_spec], &sep); parameters->csty |= 0x01; res_spec++; s = strpbrk(s, "]") + 2; } while (sep == ','); parameters->res_spec = res_spec; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'b': /* code-block dimension */ { int cblockw_init = 0, cblockh_init = 0; sscanf(opj_optarg, "%d,%d", &cblockw_init, &cblockh_init); if (cblockw_init * cblockh_init > 4096 || cblockw_init > 1024 || cblockw_init < 4 || cblockh_init > 1024 || cblockh_init < 4) { fprintf(stderr, "!! Size of code_block error (option -b) !!\n\nRestriction :\n" " * width*height<=4096\n * 4<=width,height<= 1024\n\n"); return 1; } parameters->cblockw_init = cblockw_init; parameters->cblockh_init = cblockh_init; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'x': /* creation of index file */ { char *index = opj_optarg; strncpy(indexfilename, index, OPJ_PATH_LEN); } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'p': /* progression order */ { char progression[4]; strncpy(progression, opj_optarg, 4); parameters->prog_order = give_progression(progression); if (parameters->prog_order == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized progression order " "[LRCP, RLCP, RPCL, PCRL, CPRL] !!\n"); return 1; } } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 's': /* subsampling factor */ { if (sscanf(opj_optarg, "%d,%d", ¶meters->subsampling_dx, ¶meters->subsampling_dy) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "'-s' sub-sampling argument error ! [-s dx,dy]\n"); return 1; } } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'd': /* coordonnate of the reference grid */ { if (sscanf(opj_optarg, "%d,%d", ¶meters->image_offset_x0, ¶meters->image_offset_y0) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "-d 'coordonnate of the reference grid' argument " "error !! [-d x0,y0]\n"); return 1; } } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'h': /* display an help description */ encode_help_display(); return 1; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'P': /* POC */ { int numpocs = 0; /* number of progression order change (POC) default 0 */ opj_poc_t *POC = NULL; /* POC : used in case of Progression order change */ char *s = opj_optarg; POC = parameters->POC; while (sscanf(s, "T%d=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%4s", &POC[numpocs].tile, &POC[numpocs].resno0, &POC[numpocs].compno0, &POC[numpocs].layno1, &POC[numpocs].resno1, &POC[numpocs].compno1, POC[numpocs].progorder) == 7) { POC[numpocs].prg1 = give_progression(POC[numpocs].progorder); numpocs++; while (*s && *s != '/') { s++; } if (!*s) { break; } s++; } parameters->numpocs = numpocs; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'S': /* SOP marker */ { parameters->csty |= 0x02; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'E': /* EPH marker */ { parameters->csty |= 0x04; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'M': /* Mode switch pas tous au point !! */ { int value = 0; if (sscanf(opj_optarg, "%d", &value) == 1) { for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { int cache = value & (1 << i); if (cache) parameters->mode |= (1 << i); } } } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'R': /* ROI */ { if (sscanf(opj_optarg, "c=%d,U=%d", ¶meters->roi_compno, ¶meters->roi_shift) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "ROI error !! [-ROI c='compno',U='shift']\n"); return 1; } } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'T': /* Tile offset */ { if (sscanf(opj_optarg, "%d,%d", ¶meters->cp_tx0, ¶meters->cp_ty0) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "-T 'tile offset' argument error !! [-T X0,Y0]"); return 1; } } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'C': /* add a comment */ { parameters->cp_comment = (char*)malloc(strlen(opj_optarg) + 1); if(parameters->cp_comment) { strcpy(parameters->cp_comment, opj_optarg); } } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'I': /* reversible or not */ { parameters->irreversible = 1; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'u': /* Tile part generation*/ { parameters->tp_flag = opj_optarg[0]; parameters->tp_on = 1; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'z': /* Image Directory path */ { img_fol->imgdirpath = (char*)malloc(strlen(opj_optarg) + 1); strcpy(img_fol->imgdirpath,opj_optarg); img_fol->set_imgdir=1; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'w': /* Digital Cinema 2K profile compliance*/ { int fps=0; sscanf(opj_optarg,"%d",&fps); if(fps == 24){ parameters->cp_cinema = CINEMA2K_24; }else if(fps == 48 ){ parameters->cp_cinema = CINEMA2K_48; }else { fprintf(stderr,"Incorrect value!! must be 24 or 48\n"); return 1; } fprintf(stdout,"CINEMA 2K compliant codestream\n"); parameters->cp_rsiz = CINEMA2K; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'y': /* Digital Cinema 4K profile compliance*/ { parameters->cp_cinema = CINEMA4K_24; fprintf(stdout,"CINEMA 4K compliant codestream\n"); parameters->cp_rsiz = CINEMA4K; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'm': /* mct input file */ { char *lFilename = opj_optarg; char *lMatrix; char *lCurrentPtr ; float *lCurrentDoublePtr; float *lSpace; int *l_int_ptr; int lNbComp = 0, lTotalComp, lMctComp, i, lStrLen; /* Open file */ FILE * lFile = fopen(lFilename,"r"); if (lFile == NULL) { return 1; } /* Set size of file and read its content*/ fseek(lFile,0,SEEK_END); lStrLen = ftell(lFile); fseek(lFile,0,SEEK_SET); lMatrix = (char *) malloc(lStrLen + 1); fread(lMatrix, lStrLen, 1, lFile); fclose(lFile); lMatrix[lStrLen] = 0; lCurrentPtr = lMatrix; /* replace ',' by 0 */ while (*lCurrentPtr != 0 ) { if (*lCurrentPtr == ' ') { *lCurrentPtr = 0; ++lNbComp; } ++lCurrentPtr; } ++lNbComp; lCurrentPtr = lMatrix; lNbComp = (int) (sqrt(4*lNbComp + 1)/2. - 0.5); lMctComp = lNbComp * lNbComp; lTotalComp = lMctComp + lNbComp; lSpace = (float *) malloc(lTotalComp * sizeof(float)); lCurrentDoublePtr = lSpace; for (i=0;i<lMctComp;++i) { lStrLen = strlen(lCurrentPtr) + 1; *lCurrentDoublePtr++ = (float) atof(lCurrentPtr); lCurrentPtr += lStrLen; } l_int_ptr = (int*) lCurrentDoublePtr; for (i=0;i<lNbComp;++i) { lStrLen = strlen(lCurrentPtr) + 1; *l_int_ptr++ = atoi(lCurrentPtr); lCurrentPtr += lStrLen; } /* TODO should not be here ! */ opj_set_MCT(parameters, lSpace, (int *)(lSpace + lMctComp), lNbComp); /* Free memory*/ free(lSpace); free(lMatrix); } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* UniPG>> */ #ifdef USE_JPWL /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'W': /* JPWL capabilities switched on */ { char *token = NULL; int hprot, pprot, sens, addr, size, range; /* we need to enable indexing */ if (!indexfilename || !*indexfilename) { strncpy(indexfilename, JPWL_PRIVATEINDEX_NAME, OPJ_PATH_LEN); } /* search for different protection methods */ /* break the option in comma points and parse the result */ token = strtok(opj_optarg, ","); while(token != NULL) { /* search header error protection method */ if (*token == 'h') { static int tile = 0, tilespec = 0, lasttileno = 0; hprot = 1; /* predefined method */ if(sscanf(token, "h=%d", &hprot) == 1) { /* Main header, specified */ if (!((hprot == 0) || (hprot == 1) || (hprot == 16) || (hprot == 32) || ((hprot >= 37) && (hprot <= 128)))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid main header protection method h = %d\n", hprot); return 1; } parameters->jpwl_hprot_MH = hprot; } else if(sscanf(token, "h%d=%d", &tile, &hprot) == 2) { /* Tile part header, specified */ if (!((hprot == 0) || (hprot == 1) || (hprot == 16) || (hprot == 32) || ((hprot >= 37) && (hprot <= 128)))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid tile part header protection method h = %d\n", hprot); return 1; } if (tile < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid tile part number on protection method t = %d\n", tile); return 1; } if (tilespec < JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS) { parameters->jpwl_hprot_TPH_tileno[tilespec] = lasttileno = tile; parameters->jpwl_hprot_TPH[tilespec++] = hprot; } } else if(sscanf(token, "h%d", &tile) == 1) { /* Tile part header, unspecified */ if (tile < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid tile part number on protection method t = %d\n", tile); return 1; } if (tilespec < JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS) { parameters->jpwl_hprot_TPH_tileno[tilespec] = lasttileno = tile; parameters->jpwl_hprot_TPH[tilespec++] = hprot; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "h")) { /* Main header, unspecified */ parameters->jpwl_hprot_MH = hprot; } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid protection method selection = %s\n", token); return 1; }; } /* search packet error protection method */ if (*token == 'p') { static int pack = 0, tile = 0, packspec = 0; pprot = 1; /* predefined method */ if (sscanf(token, "p=%d", &pprot) == 1) { /* Method for all tiles and all packets */ if (!((pprot == 0) || (pprot == 1) || (pprot == 16) || (pprot == 32) || ((pprot >= 37) && (pprot <= 128)))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid default packet protection method p = %d\n", pprot); return 1; } parameters->jpwl_pprot_tileno[0] = 0; parameters->jpwl_pprot_packno[0] = 0; parameters->jpwl_pprot[0] = pprot; } else if (sscanf(token, "p%d=%d", &tile, &pprot) == 2) { /* method specified from that tile on */ if (!((pprot == 0) || (pprot == 1) || (pprot == 16) || (pprot == 32) || ((pprot >= 37) && (pprot <= 128)))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid packet protection method p = %d\n", pprot); return 1; } if (tile < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid tile part number on protection method p = %d\n", tile); return 1; } if (packspec < JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS) { parameters->jpwl_pprot_tileno[packspec] = tile; parameters->jpwl_pprot_packno[packspec] = 0; parameters->jpwl_pprot[packspec++] = pprot; } } else if (sscanf(token, "p%d:%d=%d", &tile, &pack, &pprot) == 3) { /* method fully specified from that tile and that packet on */ if (!((pprot == 0) || (pprot == 1) || (pprot == 16) || (pprot == 32) || ((pprot >= 37) && (pprot <= 128)))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid packet protection method p = %d\n", pprot); return 1; } if (tile < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid tile part number on protection method p = %d\n", tile); return 1; } if (pack < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid packet number on protection method p = %d\n", pack); return 1; } if (packspec < JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS) { parameters->jpwl_pprot_tileno[packspec] = tile; parameters->jpwl_pprot_packno[packspec] = pack; parameters->jpwl_pprot[packspec++] = pprot; } } else if (sscanf(token, "p%d:%d", &tile, &pack) == 2) { /* default method from that tile and that packet on */ if (!((pprot == 0) || (pprot == 1) || (pprot == 16) || (pprot == 32) || ((pprot >= 37) && (pprot <= 128)))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid packet protection method p = %d\n", pprot); return 1; } if (tile < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid tile part number on protection method p = %d\n", tile); return 1; } if (pack < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid packet number on protection method p = %d\n", pack); return 1; } if (packspec < JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS) { parameters->jpwl_pprot_tileno[packspec] = tile; parameters->jpwl_pprot_packno[packspec] = pack; parameters->jpwl_pprot[packspec++] = pprot; } } else if (sscanf(token, "p%d", &tile) == 1) { /* default from a tile on */ if (tile < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid tile part number on protection method p = %d\n", tile); return 1; } if (packspec < JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS) { parameters->jpwl_pprot_tileno[packspec] = tile; parameters->jpwl_pprot_packno[packspec] = 0; parameters->jpwl_pprot[packspec++] = pprot; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "p")) { /* all default */ parameters->jpwl_pprot_tileno[0] = 0; parameters->jpwl_pprot_packno[0] = 0; parameters->jpwl_pprot[0] = pprot; } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid protection method selection = %s\n", token); return 1; }; } /* search sensitivity method */ if (*token == 's') { static int tile = 0, tilespec = 0, lasttileno = 0; sens = 0; /* predefined: relative error */ if(sscanf(token, "s=%d", &sens) == 1) { /* Main header, specified */ if ((sens < -1) || (sens > 7)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid main header sensitivity method s = %d\n", sens); return 1; } parameters->jpwl_sens_MH = sens; } else if(sscanf(token, "s%d=%d", &tile, &sens) == 2) { /* Tile part header, specified */ if ((sens < -1) || (sens > 7)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid tile part header sensitivity method s = %d\n", sens); return 1; } if (tile < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid tile part number on sensitivity method t = %d\n", tile); return 1; } if (tilespec < JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS) { parameters->jpwl_sens_TPH_tileno[tilespec] = lasttileno = tile; parameters->jpwl_sens_TPH[tilespec++] = sens; } } else if(sscanf(token, "s%d", &tile) == 1) { /* Tile part header, unspecified */ if (tile < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid tile part number on sensitivity method t = %d\n", tile); return 1; } if (tilespec < JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS) { parameters->jpwl_sens_TPH_tileno[tilespec] = lasttileno = tile; parameters->jpwl_sens_TPH[tilespec++] = hprot; } } else if (!strcmp(token, "s")) { /* Main header, unspecified */ parameters->jpwl_sens_MH = sens; } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid sensitivity method selection = %s\n", token); return 1; }; parameters->jpwl_sens_size = 2; /* 2 bytes for default size */ } /* search addressing size */ if (*token == 'a') { addr = 0; /* predefined: auto */ if(sscanf(token, "a=%d", &addr) == 1) { /* Specified */ if ((addr != 0) && (addr != 2) && (addr != 4)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid addressing size a = %d\n", addr); return 1; } parameters->jpwl_sens_addr = addr; } else if (!strcmp(token, "a")) { /* default */ parameters->jpwl_sens_addr = addr; /* auto for default size */ } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid addressing selection = %s\n", token); return 1; }; } /* search sensitivity size */ if (*token == 'z') { size = 1; /* predefined: 1 byte */ if(sscanf(token, "z=%d", &size) == 1) { /* Specified */ if ((size != 0) && (size != 1) && (size != 2)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid sensitivity size z = %d\n", size); return 1; } parameters->jpwl_sens_size = size; } else if (!strcmp(token, "a")) { /* default */ parameters->jpwl_sens_size = size; /* 1 for default size */ } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid size selection = %s\n", token); return 1; }; } /* search range method */ if (*token == 'g') { range = 0; /* predefined: 0 (packet) */ if(sscanf(token, "g=%d", &range) == 1) { /* Specified */ if ((range < 0) || (range > 3)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid sensitivity range method g = %d\n", range); return 1; } parameters->jpwl_sens_range = range; } else if (!strcmp(token, "g")) { /* default */ parameters->jpwl_sens_range = range; } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> invalid range selection = %s\n", token); return 1; }; } /* next token or bust */ token = strtok(NULL, ","); }; /* some info */ fprintf(stdout, "Info: JPWL capabilities enabled\n"); parameters->jpwl_epc_on = OPJ_TRUE; } break; #endif /* USE_JPWL */ /* <<UniPG */ /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'J': /* jpip on */ { parameters->jpip_on = OPJ_TRUE; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> Command line not valid\n"); return 1; } }while(c != -1); /* check for possible errors */ if (parameters->cp_cinema){ if(parameters->tcp_numlayers > 1){ parameters->cp_rsiz = STD_RSIZ; fprintf(stdout,"Warning: DC profiles do not allow more than one quality layer. The codestream created will not be compliant with the DC profile\n"); } } if(img_fol->set_imgdir == 1){ if(!(parameters->infile[0] == 0)){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: options -ImgDir and -i cannot be used together !!\n"); return 1; } if(img_fol->set_out_format == 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: When -ImgDir is used, -OutFor <FORMAT> must be used !!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Only one format allowed! Valid formats are j2k and jp2!!\n"); return 1; } if(!((parameters->outfile[0] == 0))){ fprintf(stderr, "Error: options -ImgDir and -o cannot be used together !!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Specify OutputFormat using -OutFor<FORMAT> !!\n"); return 1; } }else{ if((parameters->infile[0] == 0) || (parameters->outfile[0] == 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Example: %s -i image.ppm -o image.j2k\n",argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " Try: %s -h\n",argv[0]); return 1; } } if ( (parameters->decod_format == RAW_DFMT && raw_cp->rawWidth == 0) || (parameters->decod_format == RAWL_DFMT && raw_cp->rawWidth == 0)) { fprintf(stderr,"\nError: invalid raw image parameters\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Please use the Format option -F:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-F rawWidth,rawHeight,rawComp,rawBitDepth,s/u (Signed/Unsigned)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Example: -i lena.raw -o lena.j2k -F 512,512,3,8,u\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); return 1; } if ((parameters->cp_disto_alloc || parameters->cp_fixed_alloc || parameters->cp_fixed_quality) && (!(parameters->cp_disto_alloc ^ parameters->cp_fixed_alloc ^ parameters->cp_fixed_quality))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: options -r -q and -f cannot be used together !!\n"); return 1; } /* mod fixed_quality */ /* if no rate entered, lossless by default */ if (parameters->tcp_numlayers == 0) { parameters->tcp_rates[0] = 0; /* MOD antonin : losslessbug */ parameters->tcp_numlayers++; parameters->cp_disto_alloc = 1; } if((parameters->cp_tx0 > parameters->image_offset_x0) || (parameters->cp_ty0 > parameters->image_offset_y0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Tile offset dimension is unnappropriate --> TX0(%d)<=IMG_X0(%d) TYO(%d)<=IMG_Y0(%d) \n", parameters->cp_tx0, parameters->image_offset_x0, parameters->cp_ty0, parameters->image_offset_y0); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < parameters->numpocs; i++) { if (parameters->POC[i].prg == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized progression order in option -P (POC n %d) [LRCP, RLCP, RPCL, PCRL, CPRL] !!\n", i + 1); } } return 0; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** sample error callback expecting a FILE* client object */ void error_file_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { FILE *stream = (FILE*)client_data; fprintf(stream, "[ERROR] %s", msg); } /** sample warning callback expecting a FILE* client object */ void warning_file_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { FILE *stream = (FILE*)client_data; fprintf(stream, "[WARNING] %s", msg); } /** sample debug callback expecting a FILE* client object */ void info_file_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { FILE *stream = (FILE*)client_data; fprintf(stream, "[INFO] %s", msg); } /** sample error debug callback expecting no client object */ void error_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { (void)client_data; fprintf(stdout, "[ERROR] %s", msg); } /** sample warning debug callback expecting no client object */ void warning_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { (void)client_data; fprintf(stdout, "[WARNING] %s", msg); } /** sample debug callback expecting no client object */ void info_callback(const char *msg, void *client_data) { (void)client_data; fprintf(stdout, "[INFO] %s", msg); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * IMAGE_TO_J2K MAIN */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fout = NULL; opj_cparameters_t parameters; /* compression parameters */ opj_stream_t *l_stream = 00; opj_codec_t* l_codec = 00; opj_image_t *image = NULL; raw_cparameters_t raw_cp; char indexfilename[OPJ_PATH_LEN]; /* index file name */ int i, num_images, imageno; img_fol_t img_fol; dircnt_t *dirptr = NULL; opj_bool bSuccess; opj_bool bUseTiles = OPJ_FALSE; /* OPJ_TRUE */ OPJ_UINT32 l_nb_tiles = 4; /* set encoding parameters to default values */ opj_set_default_encoder_parameters(¶meters); /* Initialize indexfilename and img_fol */ *indexfilename = 0; memset(&img_fol,0,sizeof(img_fol_t)); /* parse input and get user encoding parameters */ if(parse_cmdline_encoder(argc, argv, ¶meters,&img_fol, &raw_cp, indexfilename) == 1) { return 1; } if (parameters.cp_cinema){ img_fol.rates = (float*)malloc(parameters.tcp_numlayers * sizeof(float)); for(i=0; i< parameters.tcp_numlayers; i++){ img_fol.rates[i] = parameters.tcp_rates[i]; } cinema_parameters(¶meters); } /* Create comment for codestream */ if(parameters.cp_comment == NULL) { const char comment[] = "Created by OpenJPEG version "; const size_t clen = strlen(comment); const char *version = opj_version(); /* UniPG>> */ #ifdef USE_JPWL parameters.cp_comment = (char*)malloc(clen+strlen(version)+11); sprintf(parameters.cp_comment,"%s%s with JPWL", comment, version); #else parameters.cp_comment = (char*)malloc(clen+strlen(version)+1); sprintf(parameters.cp_comment,"%s%s", comment, version); #endif /* <<UniPG */ } /* Read directory if necessary */ if(img_fol.set_imgdir==1){ num_images=get_num_images(img_fol.imgdirpath); dirptr=(dircnt_t*)malloc(sizeof(dircnt_t)); if(dirptr){ dirptr->filename_buf = (char*)malloc(num_images*OPJ_PATH_LEN*sizeof(char)); /* Stores at max 10 image file names*/ dirptr->filename = (char**) malloc(num_images*sizeof(char*)); if(!dirptr->filename_buf){ return 0; } for(i=0;i<num_images;i++){ dirptr->filename[i] = dirptr->filename_buf + i*OPJ_PATH_LEN; } } if(load_images(dirptr,img_fol.imgdirpath)==1){ return 0; } if (num_images==0){ fprintf(stdout,"Folder is empty\n"); return 0; } }else{ num_images=1; } /*Encoding image one by one*/ for(imageno=0;imageno<num_images;imageno++) { image = NULL; fprintf(stderr,"\n"); if(img_fol.set_imgdir==1){ if (get_next_file(imageno, dirptr,&img_fol, ¶meters)) { fprintf(stderr,"skipping file...\n"); continue; } } switch(parameters.decod_format) { case PGX_DFMT: break; case PXM_DFMT: break; case BMP_DFMT: break; case TIF_DFMT: break; case RAW_DFMT: case RAWL_DFMT: break; case TGA_DFMT: break; case PNG_DFMT: break; default: fprintf(stderr,"skipping file...\n"); continue; } /* decode the source image */ /* ----------------------- */ switch (parameters.decod_format) { case PGX_DFMT: image = pgxtoimage(parameters.infile, ¶meters); if (!image) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load pgx file\n"); return 1; } break; case PXM_DFMT: image = pnmtoimage(parameters.infile, ¶meters); if (!image) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load pnm file\n"); return 1; } break; case BMP_DFMT: image = bmptoimage(parameters.infile, ¶meters); if (!image) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load bmp file\n"); return 1; } break; #ifdef HAVE_LIBTIFF case TIF_DFMT: image = tiftoimage(parameters.infile, ¶meters); if (!image) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load tiff file\n"); return 1; } break; #endif /* HAVE_LIBTIFF */ case RAW_DFMT: image = rawtoimage(parameters.infile, ¶meters, &raw_cp); if (!image) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load raw file\n"); return 1; } break; case RAWL_DFMT: image = rawltoimage(parameters.infile, ¶meters, &raw_cp); if (!image) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load raw file\n"); return 1; } break; case TGA_DFMT: image = tgatoimage(parameters.infile, ¶meters); if (!image) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load tga file\n"); return 1; } break; #ifdef HAVE_LIBPNG case PNG_DFMT: image = pngtoimage(parameters.infile, ¶meters); if (!image) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load png file\n"); return 1; } break; #endif /* HAVE_LIBPNG */ } /* Can happen if input file is TIFF or PNG * and HAVE_LIBTIF or HAVE_LIBPNG is undefined */ if( !image) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load file: got no image\n"); return 1; } /* Decide if MCT should be used */ parameters.tcp_mct = image->numcomps == 3 ? 1 : 0; if(parameters.cp_cinema){ cinema_setup_encoder(¶meters,image,&img_fol); } /* encode the destination image */ /* ---------------------------- */ switch(parameters.cod_format) { case J2K_CFMT: /* JPEG-2000 codestream */ { /* Get a decoder handle */ l_codec = opj_create_compress(CODEC_J2K); break; } case JP2_CFMT: /* JPEG 2000 compressed image data */ { /* Get a decoder handle */ l_codec = opj_create_compress(CODEC_JP2); break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "skipping file..\n"); opj_stream_destroy(l_stream); continue; } /* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */ opj_set_info_handler(l_codec, info_callback,00); opj_set_warning_handler(l_codec, warning_callback,00); opj_set_error_handler(l_codec, error_callback,00); if( bUseTiles ) { parameters.cp_tx0 = 0; parameters.cp_ty0 = 0; parameters.tile_size_on = OPJ_TRUE; parameters.cp_tdx = 512; parameters.cp_tdy = 512; } opj_setup_encoder(l_codec, ¶meters, image); /* Open the output file*/ fout = fopen(parameters.outfile, "wb"); if (! fout) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enable to create output file!\n"); opj_stream_destroy(l_stream); return 1; } /* open a byte stream for writing and allocate memory for all tiles */ l_stream = opj_stream_create_default_file_stream(fout,OPJ_FALSE); if (! l_stream){ return 1; } /* encode the image */ bSuccess = opj_start_compress(l_codec,image,l_stream); if (!bSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to encode image: opj_start_compress\n"); } if( bUseTiles ) { OPJ_BYTE *l_data; OPJ_UINT32 l_data_size = 512*512*3; l_data = (OPJ_BYTE*) malloc( l_data_size * sizeof(OPJ_BYTE)); memset(l_data, 0, l_data_size ); assert( l_data ); for (i=0;i<l_nb_tiles;++i) { if (! opj_write_tile(l_codec,i,l_data,l_data_size,l_stream)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR -> test_tile_encoder: failed to write the tile %d!\n",i); opj_stream_destroy(l_stream); fclose(fout); opj_destroy_codec(l_codec); opj_image_destroy(image); return 1; } } free(l_data); } else { bSuccess = bSuccess && opj_encode(l_codec, l_stream); if (!bSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to encode image: opj_encode\n"); } } bSuccess = bSuccess && opj_end_compress(l_codec, l_stream); if (!bSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to encode image: opj_end_compress\n"); } if (!bSuccess) { opj_stream_destroy(l_stream); fclose(fout); opj_destroy_codec(l_codec); opj_image_destroy(image); fprintf(stderr, "failed to encode image\n"); return 1; } fprintf(stderr,"Generated outfile %s\n",parameters.outfile); /* close and free the byte stream */ opj_stream_destroy(l_stream); fclose(fout); /* free remaining compression structures */ opj_destroy_codec(l_codec); /* free image data */ opj_image_destroy(image); } /* free user parameters structure */ if(parameters.cp_comment) free(parameters.cp_comment); if(parameters.cp_matrice) free(parameters.cp_matrice); return 0; }