 * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Francois Devaux and Antonin Descampe
 * Copyright (c) 2005, Hervé Drolon, FreeImage Team
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Dept. of Electronic and Information Engineering, Universita' degli Studi di Perugia, Italy
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

#ifdef USE_JPWL

#include "../libopenjpeg/opj_includes.h"

/** @defgroup JPWL JPWL - JPEG-2000 Part11 (JPWL) codestream manager */

/** @name Local static variables */

/** position of markers to insert */
static jpwl_marker_t jwmarker[JPWL_MAX_NO_MARKERS]; 
/** number of prepared markers */
static int jwmarker_num;



/** @name Local static functions */

/** create an EPC marker segment
@param j2k J2K compressor handle
@param esd_on true if ESD is activated
@param red_on true if RED is activated
@param epb_on true if EPB is activated
@param info_on true if informative techniques are activated
@return returns the freshly created EPC
jpwl_epc_ms_t *jpwl_epc_create(opj_j2k_t *j2k, bool esd_on, bool red_on, bool epb_on, bool info_on);


/** create an EPC marker segment
@param j2k J2K compressor handle
@param comps considered component (-1=average, 0/1/2/...=component no.)
@param addrm addressing mode (0=packet, 1=byte range, 2=packet range, 3=reserved)
@param ad_size size of addresses (2/4 bytes)
@param senst sensitivity type
@param se_size sensitivity values size (1/2 bytes)
@param tileno tile where this ESD lies (-1 means MH)
@param svalnum number of sensitivity values (if 0, they will be automatically filled)
@param sensval pointer to an array of sensitivity values (if NULL, they will be automatically filled)
@return returns the freshly created ESD
jpwl_esd_ms_t *jpwl_esd_create(opj_j2k_t *j2k, int comps, unsigned char addrm, unsigned char ad_size,
								unsigned char senst, int se_size, int tileno,
								unsigned long int svalnum, void *sensval);
/** this function is used to compare two JPWL markers based on
their relevant wishlist position
@param arg1 pointer to first marker
@param arg2 pointer to second marker
@return 1 if arg1>arg2, 0 if arg1=arg2, -1 if arg1<arg2
int jpwl_markcomp(const void *arg1, const void *arg2);

/** write an EPB MS to a buffer
@param epbmark pointer to the EPB MS
@param buf pointer to the memory buffer
void jpwl_epb_write(jpwl_epb_ms_t *epbmark, unsigned char *buf);

/** write an EPC MS to a buffer
@param epcmark pointer to the EPC MS
@param buf pointer to the memory buffer
void jpwl_epc_write(jpwl_epc_ms_t *epcmark, unsigned char *buf);

/** write an ESD MS to a buffer
@param esdmark pointer to the ESD MS
@param buf pointer to the memory buffer
void jpwl_esd_write(jpwl_esd_ms_t *esdmark, unsigned char *buf);


void jpwl_prepare_marks(opj_j2k_t *j2k, opj_cio_t *cio, opj_image_t *image) {

	unsigned short int socsiz_len = 0;
	int ciopos = cio_tell(cio);
	unsigned char *socp = NULL;

	int tileno, tilespec, hprot, sens, pprot, packspec, lastileno, packno;

	jpwl_epb_ms_t *epb_mark;
	jpwl_epc_ms_t *epc_mark;
	jpwl_esd_ms_t *esd_mark;

	/* find SOC + SIZ length */
	/* I assume SIZ is always the first marker after SOC */
	cio_seek(cio, 4);
	socsiz_len = (unsigned short int) cio_read(cio, 2) + 4; /* add the 2 marks length itself */
	cio_seek(cio, 0);
	socp = cio_getbp(cio); /* pointer to SOC */

	 EPC MS for Main Header: if we are here it's required
	/* create the EPC */
	if (epc_mark = jpwl_epc_create(
			j2k->cp->esd_on, /* is ESD present? */
			j2k->cp->red_on, /* is RED present? */
			j2k->cp->epb_on, /* is EPB present? */
			false /* are informative techniques present? */
		)) {

		/* Add this marker to the 'insertanda' list */
		if (epc_mark) {
			jwmarker[jwmarker_num].id = J2K_MS_EPC; /* its type */
			jwmarker[jwmarker_num].epcmark = epc_mark; /* the EPC */
			jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos = socsiz_len; /* after SIZ */
			jwmarker[jwmarker_num].dpos = (double) jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos + 0.1; /* not so first */
			jwmarker[jwmarker_num].len = epc_mark->Lepc; /* its length */
			jwmarker[jwmarker_num].len_ready = true; /* ready */
			jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos_ready = true; /* ready */
			jwmarker[jwmarker_num].parms_ready = false; /* not ready */
			jwmarker[jwmarker_num].data_ready = true; /* ready */

		opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_INFO,
			"MH  EPC : setting %s%s%s\n",
			j2k->cp->esd_on ? "ESD, " : "",
			j2k->cp->red_on ? "RED, " : "",
			j2k->cp->epb_on ? "EPB, " : ""

	} else {
		/* ooops, problems */
		opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "Could not create MH EPC\n");				

	 ESD MS for Main Header
	/* first of all, must MH have an ESD MS? */
	if (j2k->cp->esd_on && (j2k->cp->sens_MH >= 0)) {

		/* Create the ESD */
		if (esd_mark = jpwl_esd_create(
			j2k, /* this encoder handle */
			-1, /* we are averaging over all components */
			(unsigned char) j2k->cp->sens_range, /* range method */
			(unsigned char) j2k->cp->sens_addr, /* sensitivity addressing */
			(unsigned char) j2k->cp->sens_MH, /* sensitivity method */
			j2k->cp->sens_size, /* sensitivity size */
			-1, /* this ESD is in main header */
			0 /*j2k->image_info->num*/, /* number of packets in codestream */
			NULL /*sensval*/ /* pointer to sensitivity data of packets */
			)) {
			/* Add this marker to the 'insertanda' list */
			if (jwmarker_num < JPWL_MAX_NO_MARKERS) {
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].id = J2K_MS_ESD; /* its type */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].esdmark = esd_mark; /* the EPB */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos = socsiz_len; /* we choose to place it after SIZ */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].dpos = (double) jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos + 0.2; /* not first at all! */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].len = esd_mark->Lesd; /* its length */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].len_ready = true; /* not ready, yet */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos_ready = true; /* ready */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].parms_ready = true; /* not ready */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].data_ready = false; /* not ready */

			opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_INFO,
				"MH  ESDs: method %d\n",

		} else {
			/* ooops, problems */
			opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "Could not create MH ESD\n");				


	 ESD MSs for Tile Part Headers 
	/* cycle through TPHs */
	sens = -1; /* default spec: no ESD */
	tilespec = 0; /* first tile spec */
	for (tileno = 0; tileno < j2k->image_info->tw * j2k->image_info->th; tileno++) {

		int sot_len, Psot, Psotp, mm;
		unsigned long sot_pos, post_sod_pos;

		unsigned long int left_THmarks_len;

		sot_pos = j2k->image_info->tile[tileno].start_pos;
		cio_seek(cio, sot_pos + 2); 
		sot_len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* SOT Len */
		cio_skip(cio, 2);
		Psotp = cio_tell(cio);
		Psot = cio_read(cio, 4); /* tile length */

		post_sod_pos = j2k->image_info->tile[tileno].end_header + 1;
		left_THmarks_len = post_sod_pos - sot_pos;

		/* add all the lengths of the markers which are len-ready and stay within SOT and SOD */
		for (mm = 0; mm < jwmarker_num; mm++) {
			if ((jwmarker[mm].pos >= sot_pos) && (jwmarker[mm].pos < post_sod_pos)) {
				if (jwmarker[mm].len_ready)
					left_THmarks_len += jwmarker[mm].len + 2;
				else {
					opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "MS %x in %f is not len-ready: could not set up TH EPB\n",
						jwmarker[mm].id, jwmarker[mm].dpos);				

		if ((tilespec < JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS) && (j2k->cp->sens_TPH_tileno[tilespec] == tileno))
			/* we got a specification from this tile onwards */
			sens = j2k->cp->sens_TPH[tilespec++];
		/* must this TPH have an ESD MS? */
		if (j2k->cp->esd_on && (sens >= 0)) {

			/* Create the ESD */
			if (esd_mark = jpwl_esd_create(
				j2k, /* this encoder handle */
				-1, /* we are averaging over all components */
				(unsigned char) j2k->cp->sens_range, /* range method */
				(unsigned char) j2k->cp->sens_addr, /* sensitivity addressing size */
				(unsigned char) sens, /* sensitivity method */
				j2k->cp->sens_size, /* sensitivity value size */
				tileno, /* this ESD is in a tile */
				0, /* number of packets in codestream */
				NULL /* pointer to sensitivity data of packets */
				)) {
				/* Add this marker to the 'insertanda' list */
				if (jwmarker_num < JPWL_MAX_NO_MARKERS) {
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].id = J2K_MS_ESD; /* its type */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].esdmark = esd_mark; /* the EPB */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos = j2k->image_info->tile[tileno].start_pos + sot_len + 2; /* after SOT */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].dpos = (double) jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos + 0.2; /* not first at all! */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].len = esd_mark->Lesd; /* its length */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].len_ready = true; /* ready, yet */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos_ready = true; /* ready */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].parms_ready = true; /* not ready */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].data_ready = false; /* ready */

				/* update Psot of the tile  */
				cio_seek(cio, Psotp);
				cio_write(cio, Psot + esd_mark->Lesd + 2, 4);

				opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_INFO,
					"TPH ESDs: tile %02d, method %d\n",

			} else {
				/* ooops, problems */
				opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "Could not create TPH ESD #%d\n", tileno);				


	 EPB MS for Main Header
	/* first of all, must MH have an EPB MS? */
	if (j2k->cp->epb_on && (j2k->cp->hprot_MH > 0)) {

		int mm;

		/* position of SOT */
		unsigned int sot_pos = j2k->image_info->main_head_end + 1;

		/* how much space is there between end of SIZ and beginning of SOT? */
		int left_MHmarks_len = sot_pos - socsiz_len;

		/* add all the lengths of the markers which are len-ready and stay within SOC and SOT */
		for (mm = 0; mm < jwmarker_num; mm++) {
			if ((jwmarker[mm].pos >=0) && (jwmarker[mm].pos < sot_pos)) {
				if (jwmarker[mm].len_ready)
					left_MHmarks_len += jwmarker[mm].len + 2;
				else {
					opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "MS %x in %f is not len-ready: could not set up MH EPB\n",
						jwmarker[mm].id, jwmarker[mm].dpos);				

		/* Create the EPB */
		if (epb_mark = jpwl_epb_create(
			j2k, /* this encoder handle */
			true, /* is it the latest? */
			true, /* is it packed? not for now */
			-1, /* we are in main header */
			0, /* its index is 0 (first) */
			j2k->cp->hprot_MH, /* protection type parameters of data */
			socsiz_len, /* pre-data: only SOC+SIZ */
			left_MHmarks_len /* post-data: from SOC to SOT, and all JPWL markers within */
			)) {
			/* Add this marker to the 'insertanda' list */
			if (jwmarker_num < JPWL_MAX_NO_MARKERS) {
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].id = J2K_MS_EPB; /* its type */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].epbmark = epb_mark; /* the EPB */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos = socsiz_len; /* after SIZ */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].dpos = (double) jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos; /* first first first! */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].len = epb_mark->Lepb; /* its length */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].len_ready = true; /* ready */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos_ready = true; /* ready */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].parms_ready = true; /* ready */
				jwmarker[jwmarker_num].data_ready = false; /* not ready */

			opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_INFO,
				"MH  EPB : prot. %d\n",

		} else {
			/* ooops, problems */
			opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "Could not create MH EPB\n");				

	 EPB MSs for Tile Parts
	/* cycle through TPHs */
	hprot = j2k->cp->hprot_MH; /* default spec */
	tilespec = 0; /* first tile spec */
	lastileno = 0;
	packspec = 0;
	pprot = -1;
	for (tileno = 0; tileno < j2k->image_info->tw * j2k->image_info->th; tileno++) {

		int sot_len, Psot, Psotp, mm, epb_index = 0, prot_len = 0;
		unsigned long sot_pos, post_sod_pos;
		unsigned long int left_THmarks_len, epbs_len = 0;
		int startpack = 0, stoppack = j2k->image_info->num;
		jpwl_epb_ms_t *tph_epb = NULL;

		sot_pos = j2k->image_info->tile[tileno].start_pos;
		cio_seek(cio, sot_pos + 2); 
		sot_len = cio_read(cio, 2); /* SOT Len */
		cio_skip(cio, 2);
		Psotp = cio_tell(cio);
		Psot = cio_read(cio, 4); /* tile length */

		/* a-priori length of the data dwelling between SOT and SOD */
		post_sod_pos = j2k->image_info->tile[tileno].end_header + 1;
		left_THmarks_len = post_sod_pos - (sot_pos + sot_len + 2);

		/* add all the lengths of the JPWL markers which are len-ready and stay within SOT and SOD */
		for (mm = 0; mm < jwmarker_num; mm++) {
			if ((jwmarker[mm].pos >= sot_pos) && (jwmarker[mm].pos < post_sod_pos)) {
				if (jwmarker[mm].len_ready)
					left_THmarks_len += jwmarker[mm].len + 2;
				else {
					opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "MS %x in %f is not len-ready: could not set up TH EPB\n",
						jwmarker[mm].id, jwmarker[mm].dpos);				

		if ((tilespec < JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS) && (j2k->cp->hprot_TPH_tileno[tilespec] == tileno))
			/* we got a specification from this tile onwards */
			hprot = j2k->cp->hprot_TPH[tilespec++];
		/* must this TPH have an EPB MS? */
		if (j2k->cp->epb_on && (hprot > 0)) {

			/* Create the EPB */
			if (epb_mark = jpwl_epb_create(
				j2k, /* this encoder handle */
				false, /* is it the latest? in TPH, no for now (if huge data size in TPH, we'd need more) */
				true, /* is it packed? yes for now */
				tileno, /* we are in TPH */
				epb_index++, /* its index is 0 (first) */
				hprot, /* protection type parameters of following data */
				sot_len + 2, /* pre-data length: only SOT */
				left_THmarks_len /* post-data length: from SOT end to SOD inclusive */
				)) {
				/* Add this marker to the 'insertanda' list */
				if (jwmarker_num < JPWL_MAX_NO_MARKERS) {
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].id = J2K_MS_EPB; /* its type */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].epbmark = epb_mark; /* the EPB */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos = j2k->image_info->tile[tileno].start_pos + sot_len + 2; /* after SOT */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].dpos = (double) jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos; /* first first first! */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].len = epb_mark->Lepb; /* its length */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].len_ready = true; /* ready */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].pos_ready = true; /* ready */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].parms_ready = true; /* ready */
					jwmarker[jwmarker_num].data_ready = false; /* not ready */

				/* update Psot of the tile  */
				Psot += epb_mark->Lepb + 2;

				opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_INFO,
					"TPH EPB : tile %02d, prot. %d\n",

				/* save this TPH EPB address */
				tph_epb = epb_mark;

			} else {
				/* ooops, problems */
				opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "Could not create TPH EPB #%d\n", tileno);				

		startpack = 0;
		/* EPB MSs for UEP packet data protection in Tile Parts */
		for (packno = 0; packno < j2k->image_info->num; packno++) {

			if ((packspec < JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS) &&
				(j2k->cp->pprot_tileno[packspec] == tileno) && (j2k->cp->pprot_packno[packspec] == packno)) {

				/* we got a specification from this tile and packet onwards */
				/* print the previous spec */
				if (packno > 0) {
					stoppack = packno - 1;				
					opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_INFO,
						"UEP EPBs: tile %02d, packs. %02d-%02d (B %d-%d), prot. %d\n",

					prot_len = j2k->image_info->tile[tileno].packet[stoppack].end_pos + 1 -

					  particular case: if this is the last header and the last packet,
					  then it is better to protect even the EOC marker
					if ((tileno == ((j2k->image_info->tw * j2k->image_info->th) - 1)) &&
						(stoppack == (j2k->image_info->num - 1)))
						/* add the EOC len */
						prot_len += 2;

					/* let's add the EPBs */
					Psot += jpwl_epbs_add(
						j2k, /* J2K handle */
						jwmarker, /* pointer to JPWL markers list */
						&jwmarker_num, /* pointer to the number of current markers */
						false, /* latest */
						true, /* packed */
						false, /* inside MH */
						&epb_index, /* pointer to EPB index */
						pprot, /* protection type */
						(double) (j2k->image_info->tile[tileno].start_pos + sot_len + 2) + 0.0001, /* position */
						tileno, /* number of tile */
						0, /* length of pre-data */
						prot_len /*4000*/ /* length of post-data */

				startpack = packno;
				pprot = j2k->cp->pprot[packspec++];

			//printf("Tile %02d, pack %02d ==> %d\n", tileno, packno, pprot);

		/* we are at the end: print the remaining spec */
		stoppack = packno - 1;
		if (pprot >= 0) {

			opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_INFO,
				"UEP EPBs: tile %02d, packs. %02d-%02d (B %d-%d), prot. %d\n",

			prot_len = j2k->image_info->tile[tileno].packet[stoppack].end_pos + 1 -

			  particular case: if this is the last header and the last packet,
			  then it is better to protect even the EOC marker
			if ((tileno == ((j2k->image_info->tw * j2k->image_info->th) - 1)) &&
				(stoppack == (j2k->image_info->num - 1)))
				/* add the EOC len */
				prot_len += 2;

			/* let's add the EPBs */
			Psot += jpwl_epbs_add(
						j2k, /* J2K handle */
						jwmarker, /* pointer to JPWL markers list */
						&jwmarker_num, /* pointer to the number of current markers */
						true, /* latest */
						true, /* packed */
						false, /* inside MH */
						&epb_index, /* pointer to EPB index */
						pprot, /* protection type */
						(double) (j2k->image_info->tile[tileno].start_pos + sot_len + 2) + 0.0001, /* position */
						tileno, /* number of tile */
						0, /* length of pre-data */
						prot_len /*4000*/ /* length of post-data */

		/* we can now check if the TPH EPB was really the last one */
		if (tph_epb && (epb_index == 1)) {
			/* set the TPH EPB to be the last one in current header */
			tph_epb->Depb |= (unsigned char) ((true & 0x0001) << 6);
			tph_epb = NULL;

		/* write back Psot */
		cio_seek(cio, Psotp);
		cio_write(cio, Psot, 4);


	/* reset the position */
	cio_seek(cio, ciopos);


void jpwl_dump_marks(opj_j2k_t *j2k, opj_cio_t *cio, opj_image_t *image) {

	int mm;
	unsigned long int old_size = j2k->image_info->codestream_size;
	unsigned long int new_size = old_size;
	int ciopos = cio_tell(cio);
	unsigned char *jpwl_buf, *orig_buf;
	unsigned long int orig_pos;
	double epbcoding_time = 0.0, esdcoding_time = 0.0;

	/* Order JPWL markers according to their wishlist position */
	qsort((void *) jwmarker, (size_t) jwmarker_num, sizeof (jpwl_marker_t), jpwl_markcomp);

	/* compute markers total size */
	for (mm = 0; mm < jwmarker_num; mm++) {
		/*printf("%x, %d, %.10f, %d long\n", jwmarker[mm].id, jwmarker[mm].pos,
			jwmarker[mm].dpos, jwmarker[mm].len);*/
		new_size += jwmarker[mm].len + 2;

	/* allocate a temporary buffer of proper size */
	if (!(jpwl_buf = (unsigned char *) opj_malloc((size_t) new_size * sizeof (unsigned char)))) {
		opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "Could not allocate room for JPWL temp codestream buffer\n");
	orig_buf = jpwl_buf;

	/* cycle through markers */
	orig_pos = 0; /* start from the beginning */
	cio_seek(cio, 0); /* rewind the original */
	for (mm = 0; mm < jwmarker_num; mm++) {

		need to copy a piece of the original codestream
		if there is such
		memcpy(jpwl_buf, cio_getbp(cio), jwmarker[mm].pos - orig_pos);
		jpwl_buf += jwmarker[mm].pos - orig_pos;
		orig_pos = jwmarker[mm].pos;
		cio_seek(cio, orig_pos);

		then write down the marker
		switch (jwmarker[mm].id) {

		case J2K_MS_EPB:
			jpwl_epb_write(jwmarker[mm].epbmark, jpwl_buf);

		case J2K_MS_EPC:
			jpwl_epc_write(jwmarker[mm].epcmark, jpwl_buf);

		case J2K_MS_ESD:
			jpwl_esd_write(jwmarker[mm].esdmark, jpwl_buf);

		case J2K_MS_RED:
			memset(jpwl_buf, 0, jwmarker[mm].len + 2); /* placeholder */


		/* we set the marker dpos to the new position in the JPWL codestream */
		jwmarker[mm].dpos = (double) (jpwl_buf - orig_buf);

		/* advance JPWL buffer position */
		jpwl_buf += jwmarker[mm].len + 2;


	/* finish remaining original codestream */
	memcpy(jpwl_buf, cio_getbp(cio), old_size - orig_pos);
	jpwl_buf += old_size - orig_pos;
	cio_seek(cio, old_size);
	update info file based on added markers
	if (!jpwl_update_info(j2k, jwmarker, jwmarker_num))
		opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "Could not update OPJ image_info structure\n");

	/* now we need to repass some markers and fill their data fields */
	/* first of all, DL and Pcrc in EPCs */ 
	for (mm = 0; mm < jwmarker_num; mm++) {

		/* find the EPCs */
		if (jwmarker[mm].id == J2K_MS_EPC) {

			int epc_pos = (int) jwmarker[mm].dpos, pp;
			unsigned short int mycrc = 0x0000;

			/* fix and fill the DL field */
			jwmarker[mm].epcmark->DL = new_size;
			orig_buf[epc_pos + 6] = (unsigned char) (jwmarker[mm].epcmark->DL >> 24);
			orig_buf[epc_pos + 7] = (unsigned char) (jwmarker[mm].epcmark->DL >> 16);
			orig_buf[epc_pos + 8] = (unsigned char) (jwmarker[mm].epcmark->DL >> 8);
			orig_buf[epc_pos + 9] = (unsigned char) (jwmarker[mm].epcmark->DL >> 0);

			/* compute the CRC field (excluding itself) */
			for (pp = 0; pp < 4; pp++)
				jpwl_updateCRC16(&mycrc, orig_buf[epc_pos + pp]);
			for (pp = 6; pp < (jwmarker[mm].len + 2); pp++)
				jpwl_updateCRC16(&mycrc, orig_buf[epc_pos + pp]);

			/* fix and fill the CRC */
			jwmarker[mm].epcmark->Pcrc = mycrc;
			orig_buf[epc_pos + 4] = (unsigned char) (jwmarker[mm].epcmark->Pcrc >> 8);
			orig_buf[epc_pos + 5] = (unsigned char) (jwmarker[mm].epcmark->Pcrc >> 0);


	/* then, sensitivity data in ESDs */ 
	esdcoding_time = opj_clock();
	for (mm = 0; mm < jwmarker_num; mm++) {

		/* find the ESDs */
		if (jwmarker[mm].id == J2K_MS_ESD) {

			/* remember that they are now in a new position (dpos) */
			int esd_pos = (int) jwmarker[mm].dpos;

			jpwl_esd_fill(j2k, jwmarker[mm].esdmark, &orig_buf[esd_pos]);

	esdcoding_time = opj_clock() - esdcoding_time;
	if (j2k->cp->esd_on)
		opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_INFO, "ESDs sensitivities computed in %f s\n", esdcoding_time);

	/* finally, RS or CRC parity in EPBs */ 
	epbcoding_time = opj_clock();
	for (mm = 0; mm < jwmarker_num; mm++) {

		/* find the EPBs */
		if (jwmarker[mm].id == J2K_MS_EPB) {

			/* remember that they are now in a new position (dpos) */
			int nn, accum_len;

			/* let's see how many EPBs are following this one, included itself */
			/* for this to work, we suppose that the markers are correctly ordered */
			/* and, overall, that they are in packed mode inside headers */
			accum_len = 0;
			for (nn = mm; (nn < jwmarker_num) && (jwmarker[nn].id == J2K_MS_EPB) &&
				(jwmarker[nn].pos == jwmarker[mm].pos); nn++)
				accum_len += jwmarker[nn].epbmark->Lepb + 2;

			/* fill the current (first) EPB with post-data starting from the computed position */
			jpwl_epb_fill(j2k, jwmarker[mm].epbmark, &orig_buf[(int) jwmarker[mm].dpos],
				&orig_buf[(int) jwmarker[mm].dpos + accum_len]);
			/* fill the remaining EPBs in the header with post-data starting from the last position */
			for (nn = mm + 1; (nn < jwmarker_num) && (jwmarker[nn].id == J2K_MS_EPB) &&
				(jwmarker[nn].pos == jwmarker[mm].pos); nn++)
				jpwl_epb_fill(j2k, jwmarker[nn].epbmark, &orig_buf[(int) jwmarker[nn].dpos], NULL);

			/* skip all the processed EPBs */
			mm = nn - 1;

	epbcoding_time = opj_clock() - epbcoding_time;
	if (j2k->cp->epb_on)
		opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_INFO, "EPBs redundancy computed in %f s\n", epbcoding_time);

	/* free original cio buffer and set it to the JPWL one */
	/*cio->cinfo;*/ /* no change */
	/*cio->openmode;*/ /* no change */
	cio->buffer = jpwl_buf - new_size;
	cio->length = new_size;
	cio->start = jpwl_buf - new_size;
	cio->end = jpwl_buf - 1;
	cio->bp = jpwl_buf - new_size;
	cio_seek(cio, new_size);


void j2k_read_epc(opj_j2k_t *j2k) {
	unsigned long int DL, Lepcp, Pcrcp, l;
	unsigned short int Lepc, Pcrc = 0x0000;
	unsigned char Pepc;	
	opj_cio_t *cio = j2k->cio;
	char *ans1;

	/* Simply read the EPC parameters */
	Lepcp = cio_tell(cio);
	Lepc = cio_read(cio, 2);
	Pcrcp = cio_tell(cio);
	cio_skip(cio, 2); /* Pcrc */
	DL = cio_read(cio, 4);
	Pepc = cio_read(cio, 1);

	/* compute Pcrc */
	cio_seek(cio, Lepcp - 2);

		/* Marker */
		jpwl_updateCRC16(&Pcrc, (unsigned char) cio_read(cio, 1)); 
		jpwl_updateCRC16(&Pcrc, (unsigned char) cio_read(cio, 1)); 

		/* Length */
		jpwl_updateCRC16(&Pcrc, (unsigned char) cio_read(cio, 1)); 
		jpwl_updateCRC16(&Pcrc, (unsigned char) cio_read(cio, 1)); 

		/* skip Pcrc */
		cio_skip(cio, 2);

		/* read all remaining */
		for (l = 4; l < Lepc; l++)
			jpwl_updateCRC16(&Pcrc, (unsigned char) cio_read(cio, 1)); 

		/* check Pcrc with the result */
		cio_seek(cio, Pcrcp);
		ans1 = (Pcrc == (unsigned short int) cio_read(cio, 2)) ? "crc-ok" : "crc-ko";

	/* now we write them to screen */
	opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_INFO, 
		"EPC(%u,%d): %s, DL=%d%s %s %s\n",
		Lepcp - 2,
		DL, /* data length this EPC is referring to */
		(Pepc & 0x10) ? ", esd" : "", /* ESD is present */
		(Pepc & 0x20) ? ", red" : "", /* RED is present */
		(Pepc & 0x40) ? ", epb" : ""); /* EPB is present */

	cio_seek(cio, Lepcp + Lepc);  

void j2k_write_epc(opj_j2k_t *j2k) {

	unsigned long int DL, Lepcp, Pcrcp, l;
	unsigned short int Lepc, Pcrc;
	unsigned char Pepc;	

	opj_cio_t *cio = j2k->cio;

	cio_write(cio, J2K_MS_EPC, 2);	/* EPC */
	Lepcp = cio_tell(cio);
	cio_skip(cio, 2);

	/* CRC-16 word of the EPC */
	Pcrc = 0x0000; /* initialize */
	Pcrcp = cio_tell(cio);
	cio_write(cio, Pcrc, 2); /* Pcrc placeholder*/

	/* data length of the EPC protection domain */
	DL = 0x00000000; /* we leave this set to 0, as if the information is not available */
	cio_write(cio, DL, 4);   /* DL */

	/* jpwl capabilities */
	Pepc = 0x00;
	cio_write(cio, Pepc, 1); /* Pepc */

	/* ID section */
	/* no ID's, as of now */

	Lepc = (unsigned short) (cio_tell(cio) - Lepcp);
	cio_seek(cio, Lepcp);
	cio_write(cio, Lepc, 2); /* Lepc */

	/* compute Pcrc */
	cio_seek(cio, Lepcp - 2);

		/* Marker */
		jpwl_updateCRC16(&Pcrc, (unsigned char) cio_read(cio, 1)); 
		jpwl_updateCRC16(&Pcrc, (unsigned char) cio_read(cio, 1)); 

		/* Length */
		jpwl_updateCRC16(&Pcrc, (unsigned char) cio_read(cio, 1)); 
		jpwl_updateCRC16(&Pcrc, (unsigned char) cio_read(cio, 1)); 

		/* skip Pcrc */
		cio_skip(cio, 2);

		/* read all remaining */
		for (l = 4; l < Lepc; l++)
			jpwl_updateCRC16(&Pcrc, (unsigned char) cio_read(cio, 1)); 

		/* fill Pcrc with the result */
		cio_seek(cio, Pcrcp);
		cio_write(cio, Pcrc, 2);

	cio_seek(cio, Lepcp + Lepc);

void j2k_read_epb(opj_j2k_t *j2k) {
	unsigned long int LDPepb, Pepb;
	unsigned short int Lepb;
	unsigned char Depb;
	char str1[25] = "";
	bool status;
	static bool first_in_tph = true;
	int type, pre_len, post_len;
	static unsigned char *redund = NULL;
	opj_cio_t *cio = j2k->cio;

	/* B/W = 45, RGB = 51 */
	/*           SIZ   SIZ_FIELDS     SIZ_COMPS               FOLLOWING_MARKER */
	int skipnum = 2  +     38     + 3 * j2k->cp->exp_comps  +         2;

	if (j2k->cp->correct) {

		/* go back to EPB marker value */
		cio_seek(cio, cio_tell(cio) - 2);

		/* we need to understand where we are */
		if (j2k->state == J2K_STATE_MH) {
			/* we are in MH */
			type = 0; /* MH */
			pre_len = skipnum; /* SOC+SIZ */
			post_len = -1; /* auto */

		} else if ((j2k->state == J2K_STATE_TPH) && first_in_tph) {
			/* we are in TPH */
			type = 1; /* TPH */
			pre_len = 12; /* SOC+SIZ */
			first_in_tph = false;
			post_len = -1; /* auto */

		} else {
			/* we are elsewhere */
			type = 2; /* other */
			pre_len = 0; /* nada */
			post_len = -1; /* auto */


		/* call EPB corrector */
		/*printf("before %x, ", redund);*/
		status = jpwl_epb_correct(j2k,      /* J2K decompressor handle */
								  cio->bp,  /* pointer to EPB in codestream buffer */
								  type,     /* EPB type: MH */
								  pre_len,  /* length of pre-data */
								  post_len, /* length of post-data: -1 means auto */
								  NULL,     /* do everything auto */
		/*printf("after %x\n", redund);*/

		/* Read the (possibly corrected) EPB parameters */
		cio_skip(cio, 2);
		Lepb = cio_read(cio, 2);
		Depb = cio_read(cio, 1);
		LDPepb = cio_read(cio, 4);
		Pepb = cio_read(cio, 4);

		if (!status) {

			opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "JPWL correction could not be performed\n");

			/* advance to EPB endpoint */
			cio_skip(cio, Lepb + 2);  


		/* last in current header? */
		if (Depb & 0x40) {
			redund = NULL; /* reset the pointer to L4 buffer */
			first_in_tph = true;

		/* advance to EPB endpoint */
		cio_skip(cio, Lepb - 11);  

	} else {

		/* Simply read the EPB parameters */
		Lepb = cio_read(cio, 2);
		Depb = cio_read(cio, 1);
		LDPepb = cio_read(cio, 4);
		Pepb = cio_read(cio, 4);

		/* What does Pepb tells us about the protection method? */
		if (((Pepb & 0xF0000000) >> 28) == 0)
			sprintf(str1, "pred"); /* predefined */
		else if (((Pepb & 0xF0000000) >> 28) == 1)
			sprintf(str1, "crc-%d", 16 * ((Pepb & 0x00000001) + 1)); /* CRC mode */
		else if (((Pepb & 0xF0000000) >> 28) == 2)
			sprintf(str1, "rs(%d,32)", (Pepb & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); /* RS mode */
		else if (Pepb == 0xFFFFFFFF)
			sprintf(str1, "nometh"); /* RS mode */
			sprintf(str1, "unknown"); /* unknown */

		/* Now we write them to screen */
		opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_INFO,
			"EPB(%d): (%sl, %sp, %u), %lu, %s\n",
			cio_tell(cio) - 13,
			(Depb & 0x40) ? "" : "n", /* latest EPB or not? */
			(Depb & 0x80) ? "" : "n", /* packed or unpacked EPB? */
			(Depb & 0x3F), /* EPB index value */
			LDPepb, /*length of the data protected by the EPB */
			str1); /* protection method */

		cio_skip(cio, Lepb - 11);  

void j2k_write_epb(opj_j2k_t *j2k) {
	unsigned long int LDPepb, Pepb, Lepbp;
	unsigned short int Lepb;
	unsigned char Depb;

	opj_cio_t *cio = j2k->cio;

	cio_write(cio, J2K_MS_EPB, 2);	/* EPB */
	Lepbp = cio_tell(cio);
	cio_skip(cio, 2);

	/* EPB style */
	Depb = 0x00; /* test */
	cio_write(cio, Depb, 1);   /* Depb */

	/* length of the data to be protected by this EPB */
	LDPepb = 0x00000000; /* test */
	cio_write(cio, LDPepb, 4);   /* LDPepb */

	/* next error correction tool */
	Pepb = 0x00000000; /* test */
	cio_write(cio, Pepb, 4);   /* Pepb */

	/* EPB data */
	/* no data, as of now */

	Lepb = (unsigned short) (cio_tell(cio) - Lepbp);
	cio_seek(cio, Lepbp);
	cio_write(cio, Lepb, 2);		/* Lepb */

	cio_seek(cio, Lepbp + Lepb);

void j2k_read_esd(opj_j2k_t *j2k) {
	unsigned short int Lesd, Cesd;
	unsigned char Pesd;

	int cesdsize = (j2k->image->numcomps >= 257) ? 2 : 1;

	char str1[4][4] = {"p", "br", "pr", "res"};
	char str2[8][8] = {"res", "mse", "mse-r", "psnr", "psnr-i", "maxerr", "tse", "res"};
	opj_cio_t *cio = j2k->cio;

	/* Simply read the ESD parameters */
	Lesd = cio_read(cio, 2);
	Cesd = cio_read(cio, cesdsize);
	Pesd = cio_read(cio, 1);

	/* Now we write them to screen */
	opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_INFO,
		"ESD(%d): c%d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n",
		cio_tell(cio) - (5 + cesdsize),
		Cesd, /* component number for this ESD */
		str1[(Pesd & (unsigned char) 0xC0) >> 6], /* addressing mode */
		str2[(Pesd & (unsigned char) 0x38) >> 3], /* sensitivity type */
		((Pesd & (unsigned char) 0x04) >> 2) ? "2Bs" : "1Bs",
		((Pesd & (unsigned char) 0x02) >> 1) ? "4Ba" : "2Ba",
		(Pesd & (unsigned char) 0x01) ? "avgc" : "");

	cio_skip(cio, Lesd - (3 + cesdsize));  

void j2k_read_red(opj_j2k_t *j2k) {
	unsigned short int Lred;
	unsigned char Pred;
	char str1[4][4] = {"p", "br", "pr", "res"};
	opj_cio_t *cio = j2k->cio;

	/* Simply read the RED parameters */
	Lred = cio_read(cio, 2);
	Pred = cio_read(cio, 1);

	/* Now we write them to screen */
	opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, EVT_INFO,
		"RED(%d): %s, %dc, %s, %s\n",
		cio_tell(cio) - 5,
		str1[(Pred & (unsigned char) 0xC0) >> 6], /* addressing mode */
		(Pred & (unsigned char) 0x38) >> 3, /* corruption level */
		((Pred & (unsigned char) 0x02) >> 1) ? "4Ba" : "2Ba", /* address range */
		(Pred & (unsigned char) 0x01) ? "errs" : "free"); /* error free? */

	cio_skip(cio, Lred - 3);  

bool jpwl_check_tile(opj_j2k_t *j2k, opj_tcd_t *tcd, int tileno) {

	   we navigate through the tile and find possible invalid parameters:
       this saves a lot of crashes!!!!!
	int compno, resno, precno, /*layno,*/ bandno, blockno;
	int numprecincts, numblocks;

	/* this is the selected tile */
	opj_tcd_tile_t *tile = &(tcd->tcd_image->tiles[tileno]);

	/* will keep the component */
	opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *comp = NULL;

	/* will keep the resolution */
	opj_tcd_resolution_t *res;

	/* will keep the subband */
	opj_tcd_band_t *band; 

	/* will keep the precinct */
	opj_tcd_precinct_t *prec; 

	/* will keep the codeblock */
	opj_tcd_cblk_t *block;

	/* check all tile components */
	for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; compno++) {
		comp = &(tile->comps[compno]);

		/* check all component resolutions */
		for (resno = 0; resno < comp->numresolutions; resno++) {
			res = &(comp->resolutions[resno]);
			numprecincts = res->pw * res->ph;

			/* check all the subbands */
			for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) {
				band = &(res->bands[bandno]);

				/* check all the precincts */
				for (precno = 0; precno < numprecincts; precno++) {
					prec = &(band->precincts[precno]);
					numblocks = prec->ch * prec->cw;

					/* check all the codeblocks */
					for (blockno = 0; blockno < numblocks; blockno++) {
						block = &(prec->cblks[blockno]);

						/* x-origin is invalid */
						if ((block->x0 < prec->x0) || (block->x0 > prec->x1)) {
							opj_event_msg(j2k->cinfo, JPWL_ASSUME ? EVT_WARNING : EVT_ERROR,
								"JPWL: wrong x-cord of block origin %d => x-prec is (%d, %d)\n",
								block->x0, prec->x0, prec->x1);
								return false;

	return true;


#endif /* USE_JPWL */