Parvatha Elangovan 0781b7d441 Option to read images from a Folder whose path is specified in the Input parameters by "-ImgDir" along with output decod format specified by "-OutFor" . Modifications in image_to_j2k.c, j2k_to_image.c, getopt.c, getopt.h
Enabling use of multi character input parameters in the codec. Modifications in image_to_j2k.c, j2k_to_image.c, getopt.c, getopt.h
2007-02-26 15:40:01 +00:00
getopt.c Option to read images from a Folder whose path is specified in the Input parameters by "-ImgDir" along with output decod format specified by "-OutFor" . Modifications in image_to_j2k.c, j2k_to_image.c, getopt.c, getopt.h 2007-02-26 15:40:01 +00:00
getopt.h Option to read images from a Folder whose path is specified in the Input parameters by "-ImgDir" along with output decod format specified by "-OutFor" . Modifications in image_to_j2k.c, j2k_to_image.c, getopt.c, getopt.h 2007-02-26 15:40:01 +00:00