#! /usr/bin/python # Generate utt tables. Note: this script has now been converted to Python 3. # The source file pcre2_tables.c contains (amongst other things), a table that # is indexed by script name. In order to reduce the number of relocations when # loading the library, the names are held as a single large string, with # offsets in the table. This is tedious to maintain by hand. Therefore, this # script is used to generate the table. The output is sent to stdout; usually # that should be directed to a temporary file. Then pcre2_tables.c can be # edited by replacing the relevant definitions and table therein with the # temporary file. # Modified by PH 17-March-2009 to generate the more verbose form that works # for UTF-support in EBCDIC as well as ASCII environments. # Modified by PH 01-March-2010 to add new scripts for Unicode 5.2.0. # Modified by PH 04-May-2010 to add new "X.." special categories. # Modified by PH 30-April-2011 to add new scripts for Unicode 6.0.0 # Modified by ChPe 30-September-2012 to add this note; no other changes were # necessary for Unicode 6.2.0 support. # Modfied by PH 26-February-2013 to add the Xuc special category. # Comment modified by PH 13-May-2014 to update to PCRE2 file names. # Script updated to Python 3 by running it through the 2to3 converter. script_names = ['Arabic', 'Armenian', 'Bengali', 'Bopomofo', 'Braille', 'Buginese', 'Buhid', 'Canadian_Aboriginal', \ 'Cherokee', 'Common', 'Coptic', 'Cypriot', 'Cyrillic', 'Deseret', 'Devanagari', 'Ethiopic', 'Georgian', \ 'Glagolitic', 'Gothic', 'Greek', 'Gujarati', 'Gurmukhi', 'Han', 'Hangul', 'Hanunoo', 'Hebrew', 'Hiragana', \ 'Inherited', 'Kannada', 'Katakana', 'Kharoshthi', 'Khmer', 'Lao', 'Latin', 'Limbu', 'Linear_B', 'Malayalam', \ 'Mongolian', 'Myanmar', 'New_Tai_Lue', 'Ogham', 'Old_Italic', 'Old_Persian', 'Oriya', 'Osmanya', 'Runic', \ 'Shavian', 'Sinhala', 'Syloti_Nagri', 'Syriac', 'Tagalog', 'Tagbanwa', 'Tai_Le', 'Tamil', 'Telugu', 'Thaana', \ 'Thai', 'Tibetan', 'Tifinagh', 'Ugaritic', 'Yi', \ # New for Unicode 5.0 'Balinese', 'Cuneiform', 'Nko', 'Phags_Pa', 'Phoenician', \ # New for Unicode 5.1 'Carian', 'Cham', 'Kayah_Li', 'Lepcha', 'Lycian', 'Lydian', 'Ol_Chiki', 'Rejang', 'Saurashtra', 'Sundanese', 'Vai', \ # New for Unicode 5.2 'Avestan', 'Bamum', 'Egyptian_Hieroglyphs', 'Imperial_Aramaic', \ 'Inscriptional_Pahlavi', 'Inscriptional_Parthian', \ 'Javanese', 'Kaithi', 'Lisu', 'Meetei_Mayek', \ 'Old_South_Arabian', 'Old_Turkic', 'Samaritan', 'Tai_Tham', 'Tai_Viet', \ # New for Unicode 6.0.0 'Batak', 'Brahmi', 'Mandaic', \ # New for Unicode 6.1.0 'Chakma', 'Meroitic_Cursive', 'Meroitic_Hieroglyphs', 'Miao', 'Sharada', 'Sora_Sompeng', 'Takri' ] category_names = ['Cc', 'Cf', 'Cn', 'Co', 'Cs', 'Ll', 'Lm', 'Lo', 'Lt', 'Lu', 'Mc', 'Me', 'Mn', 'Nd', 'Nl', 'No', 'Pc', 'Pd', 'Pe', 'Pf', 'Pi', 'Po', 'Ps', 'Sc', 'Sk', 'Sm', 'So', 'Zl', 'Zp', 'Zs' ] general_category_names = ['C', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'S', 'Z'] # First add the Unicode script and category names. utt_table = list(zip(script_names, ['PT_SC'] * len(script_names))) utt_table += list(zip(category_names, ['PT_PC'] * len(category_names))) utt_table += list(zip(general_category_names, ['PT_GC'] * len(general_category_names))) # Now add our own specials. utt_table.append(('Any', 'PT_ANY')) utt_table.append(('L&', 'PT_LAMP')) utt_table.append(('Xan', 'PT_ALNUM')) utt_table.append(('Xps', 'PT_PXSPACE')) utt_table.append(('Xsp', 'PT_SPACE')) utt_table.append(('Xuc', 'PT_UCNC')) utt_table.append(('Xwd', 'PT_WORD')) # Sort the table. utt_table.sort() # We have to use STR_ macros to define the strings so that it all works in # UTF-8 mode on EBCDIC platforms. for utt in utt_table: print('#define STRING_%s0' % (utt[0].replace('&', '_AMPERSAND')), end=' ') for c in utt[0]: if c == '_': print('STR_UNDERSCORE', end=' ') elif c == '&': print('STR_AMPERSAND', end=' ') else: print('STR_%s' % c, end=' '); print('"\\0"') # Print the actual table, using the string names print('') print('const char PRIV(utt_names)[] ='); last = '' for utt in utt_table: if utt == utt_table[-1]: last = ';' print(' STRING_%s0%s' % (utt[0].replace('&', '_AMPERSAND'), last)) # This was how it was done before the EBCDIC-compatible modification. # print ' "%s\\0"%s' % (utt[0], last) print('\nconst ucp_type_table PRIV(utt)[] = {') offset = 0 last = ',' for utt in utt_table: if utt[1] in ('PT_ANY', 'PT_LAMP', 'PT_ALNUM', 'PT_PXSPACE', 'PT_SPACE', 'PT_UCNC', 'PT_WORD'): value = '0' else: value = 'ucp_' + utt[0] if utt == utt_table[-1]: last = '' print(' { %3d, %s, %s }%s' % (offset, utt[1], value, last)) offset += len(utt[0]) + 1 print('};')