# This file tests the auxiliary pattern conversion features of the PCRE2 # library, in non-UTF mode. #forbid_utf #newline_default lf any anycrlf # -------- Tests of glob conversion -------- # Set the glob separator explicitly so that different OS defaults are not a # problem. Then test various errors. #pattern convert=glob,convert_glob_separator=/ /abc/posix ** The convert and posix modifiers are mutually exclusive # Separator must be / \ or . /a*b/convert_glob_separator=% ** Invalid glob separator '%' # Can't have separator in a class "[ab/cd]" (?s)\A[ab/cd](?/ (?s)\A<[a-c\-d]>\z 0: 0: 0: 0: <-> 0: <-> /a[[:digit:].]z/ (?s)\Aa[[:digit:].](?/ ** Pattern conversion error at offset 6: missing terminating ] for character class <[> <:> <9> \= Expect no match /a*b/convert_glob_separator=\ (?s)\Aa(*COMMIT)[^\\]*?b\z /a*b/convert_glob_separator=. (?s)\Aa(*COMMIT)[^\.]*?b\z /a*b/convert_glob_separator=/ (?s)\Aa(*COMMIT)[^/]*?b\z # Non control character checking /A\B\\C\D/ (?s)\AAB\\CD\z /\\{}\?\*+\[\]()|.^$/ (?s)\A\\\{\}\?\*\+\[\]\(\)\|\.\^\$\z /*a*\/*b*/ (?s)\A[^/]*?a(*COMMIT)[^/]*?/(*COMMIT)[^/]*?b(*COMMIT)[^/]*+\z /?a?\/?b?/ (?s)\A[^/]a[^/]/[^/]b[^/]\z /[a\\b\c][]][-][\]\-]/ (?s)\A[a\\bc][]][\-][\]\-]\z /[^a\\b\c][!]][!-][^\]\-]/ (?s)\A[^/a\\bc][^/]][^/\-][^/\]\-]\z /[[:alpha:][:xdigit:][:word:]]/ (?s)\A[[:alpha:][:xdigit:][:word:]](?[^/]*?a)(?>[^/]*?b)(?>[^/]*?g)(?>[^/]*?n)(?>[^/]*?t\z) abcd/abcdefg/abcdefghijk/abcdefghijklmnop.txt 0: /abcdefghijklmnop.txt /**\/*a*\/**/ (?s)(?:\A|/)(?>[^/]*?a)(?>[^/]*?/) xx/xx/xx/xax/xx/xb 0: /xax/ /**\/*a*/ (?s)(?:\A|/)(?>[^/]*?a)(?>[^/]*+\z) xx/xx/xx/xax 0: /xax xx/xx/xx/xax/xx No match /**\/*a*\/**\/*b*/ (?s)(?:\A|/)(?>[^/]*?a)(?>[^/]*?/)(*COMMIT)(?:.*?/)??(?>[^/]*?b)(?>[^/]*+\z) xx/xx/xx/xax/xx/xb 0: /xax/xx/xb xx/xx/xx/xax/xx/x No match #pattern convert=glob:glob_no_starstar /***/ (?s)\A[^/]*+\z /**a**/ (?s)\A[^/]*?a(*COMMIT)[^/]*+\z #pattern convert=unset #pattern convert=glob:glob_no_wild_separator /*/ (?s) /*a*/ (?s)a /**a**/ ** Pattern conversion error at offset 2: invalid syntax /a*b/ (?s)\Aa(*COMMIT).*?b\z /*a*b*/ (?s)a(*COMMIT).*?b /??a??/ (?s)\A..a..\z #pattern convert=unset #pattern convert=glob,convert_glob_escape=0 /a\b\cd/ (?s)\Aa\\b\\cd\z /**\/a/ ** Pattern conversion error at offset 2: invalid syntax /a`*b/convert_glob_escape=` (?s)\Aa\*b\z /a`*b/convert_glob_escape=0 (?s)\Aa`(*COMMIT)[^/]*?b\z /a`*b/convert_glob_escape=x ** Invalid glob escape 'x' #pattern convert=unset:posix_extended /a[[:>:]z/ a[[:>:]z Failed: error 130 at offset 4: unknown POSIX class name /<[[:a[:digit:]b]>/ <[[:a[:digit:]b]> <[> 0: <[> <:> 0: <:> 0: <9> 0: <9> 0: \= Expect no match No match /a+\1b\\c|d[ab\c]/ a+1b\\c|d[ab\\c] /a[[:<:]]b[[:>:]]/ a[[:<:]]b[[:>:]] /<[]bc]>/ <[]bc]> <]> 0: <]> 0: 0: /<[^]bc]>/ <[^]bc]> <.> 0: <.> \= Expect no match <]> No match No match /(a)\1b/ (a)1b a1b 0: a1b 1: a \= Expect no match aab No match /(ab)c)d]/ (ab)c\)d\] Xabc)d]Y 0: abc)d] 1: ab /a***b/ a*b #pattern convert=unset:posix_basic /a*b+c\+[def](ab)\(cd\)/ a*b\+c+[def]\(ab\)(cd) /\(a\)\1b/ (a)\1b aab 0: aab 1: a \= Expect no match a1b No match /how.to how\.to/ how.to how\.to /^how to \^how to/ ^how to \^how to /^*abc/ ^\*abc /*abc/ \*abc X*abcY 0: *abc /**abc/ \**abc XabcY 0: abc X*abcY 0: *abc X**abcY 0: **abc /^b\(c^d\)\(^e^f\)/ ^b(c\^d)(^e\^f) /a***b/ a*b #pattern convert=unset /abc/ # End of testinput24