# This set of tests check the DFA matching functionality of pcre2_dfa_match(), # excluding UTF and Unicode property support. All matches are done using DFA, # forced by setting a default subject modifier at the start. #forbid_utf #subject dfa /abc/ abc 0: abc /ab*c/ abc 0: abc abbbbc 0: abbbbc ac 0: ac /ab+c/ abc 0: abc abbbbbbc 0: abbbbbbc *** Failers No match ac No match ab No match /a*/no_auto_possess a 0: a 1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Matched, but offsets vector is too small to show all matches 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 2: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 3: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa 4: aaaaaaaaaaaaa 5: aaaaaaaaaaaa 6: aaaaaaaaaaa 7: aaaaaaaaaa 8: aaaaaaaaa 9: aaaaaaaa 10: aaaaaaa 11: aaaaaa 12: aaaaa 13: aaaa 14: aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\=ovector=10 Matched, but offsets vector is too small to show all matches 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 2: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 3: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 4: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 5: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 6: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 7: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 8: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 9: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\=dfa_shortest 0: /(a|abcd|african)/ a 0: a abcd 0: abcd 1: a african 0: african 1: a /^abc/ abcdef 0: abc *** Failers No match xyzabc No match xyz\nabc No match /^abc/m abcdef 0: abc xyz\nabc 0: abc *** Failers No match xyzabc No match /\Aabc/ abcdef 0: abc *** Failers No match xyzabc No match xyz\nabc No match /\Aabc/m abcdef 0: abc *** Failers No match xyzabc No match xyz\nabc No match /\Gabc/ abcdef 0: abc xyzabc\=offset=3 0: abc *** Failers No match xyzabc No match xyzabc\=offset=2 No match /x\dy\Dz/ x9yzz 0: x9yzz x0y+z 0: x0y+z *** Failers No match xyz No match xxy0z No match /x\sy\Sz/ x yzz 0: x yzz x y+z 0: x y+z *** Failers No match xyz No match xxyyz No match /x\wy\Wz/ xxy+z 0: xxy+z *** Failers No match xxy0z No match x+y+z No match /x.y/ x+y 0: x+y x-y 0: x-y *** Failers No match x\ny No match /x.y/s x+y 0: x+y x-y 0: x-y x\ny 0: x\x0ay /(a.b(?s)c.d|x.y)p.q/ a+bc+dp+q 0: a+bc+dp+q a+bc\ndp+q 0: a+bc\x0adp+q x\nyp+q 0: x\x0ayp+q *** Failers No match a\nbc\ndp+q No match a+bc\ndp\nq No match x\nyp\nq No match /a\d\z/ ba0 0: a0 *** Failers No match ba0\n No match ba0\ncd No match /a\d\z/m ba0 0: a0 *** Failers No match ba0\n No match ba0\ncd No match /a\d\Z/ ba0 0: a0 ba0\n 0: a0 *** Failers No match ba0\ncd No match /a\d\Z/m ba0 0: a0 ba0\n 0: a0 *** Failers No match ba0\ncd No match /a\d$/ ba0 0: a0 ba0\n 0: a0 *** Failers No match ba0\ncd No match /a\d$/m ba0 0: a0 ba0\n 0: a0 ba0\ncd 0: a0 *** Failers No match /abc/i abc 0: abc aBc 0: aBc ABC 0: ABC /[^a]/ abcd 0: b /ab?\w/ abz 0: abz 1: ab abbz 0: abb 1: ab azz 0: az /x{0,3}yz/ ayzq 0: yz axyzq 0: xyz axxyz 0: xxyz axxxyzq 0: xxxyz axxxxyzq 0: xxxyz *** Failers No match ax No match axx No match /x{3}yz/ axxxyzq 0: xxxyz axxxxyzq 0: xxxyz *** Failers No match ax No match axx No match ayzq No match axyzq No match axxyz No match /x{2,3}yz/ axxyz 0: xxyz axxxyzq 0: xxxyz axxxxyzq 0: xxxyz *** Failers No match ax No match axx No match ayzq No match axyzq No match /[^a]+/no_auto_possess bac 0: b bcdefax 0: bcdef 1: bcde 2: bcd 3: bc 4: b *** Failers 0: *** F 1: *** 2: *** 3: ** 4: * aaaaa No match /[^a]*/no_auto_possess bac 0: b 1: bcdefax 0: bcdef 1: bcde 2: bcd 3: bc 4: b 5: *** Failers 0: *** F 1: *** 2: *** 3: ** 4: * 5: aaaaa 0: /[^a]{3,5}/no_auto_possess xyz 0: xyz awxyza 0: wxyz 1: wxy abcdefa 0: bcdef 1: bcde 2: bcd abcdefghijk 0: bcdef 1: bcde 2: bcd *** Failers 0: *** F 1: *** 2: *** axya No match axa No match aaaaa No match /\d*/ 1234b567 0: 1234 xyz 0: /\D*/ a1234b567 0: a xyz 0: xyz /\d+/ ab1234c56 0: 1234 *** Failers No match xyz No match /\D+/ ab123c56 0: ab *** Failers 0: *** Failers 789 No match /\d?A/ 045ABC 0: 5A ABC 0: A *** Failers No match XYZ No match /\D?A/ ABC 0: A BAC 0: BA 9ABC 0: A *** Failers No match /a+/ aaaa 0: aaaa /^.*xyz/ xyz 0: xyz ggggggggxyz 0: ggggggggxyz /^.+xyz/ abcdxyz 0: abcdxyz axyz 0: axyz *** Failers No match xyz No match /^.?xyz/ xyz 0: xyz cxyz 0: cxyz /^\d{2,3}X/ 12X 0: 12X 123X 0: 123X *** Failers No match X No match 1X No match 1234X No match /^[abcd]\d/ a45 0: a4 b93 0: b9 c99z 0: c9 d04 0: d0 *** Failers No match e45 No match abcd No match abcd1234 No match 1234 No match /^[abcd]*\d/ a45 0: a4 b93 0: b9 c99z 0: c9 d04 0: d0 abcd1234 0: abcd1 1234 0: 1 *** Failers No match e45 No match abcd No match /^[abcd]+\d/ a45 0: a4 b93 0: b9 c99z 0: c9 d04 0: d0 abcd1234 0: abcd1 *** Failers No match 1234 No match e45 No match abcd No match /^a+X/ aX 0: aX aaX 0: aaX /^[abcd]?\d/ a45 0: a4 b93 0: b9 c99z 0: c9 d04 0: d0 1234 0: 1 *** Failers No match abcd1234 No match e45 No match /^[abcd]{2,3}\d/ ab45 0: ab4 bcd93 0: bcd9 *** Failers No match 1234 No match a36 No match abcd1234 No match ee45 No match /^(abc)*\d/ abc45 0: abc4 abcabcabc45 0: abcabcabc4 42xyz 0: 4 *** Failers No match /^(abc)+\d/ abc45 0: abc4 abcabcabc45 0: abcabcabc4 *** Failers No match 42xyz No match /^(abc)?\d/ abc45 0: abc4 42xyz 0: 4 *** Failers No match abcabcabc45 No match /^(abc){2,3}\d/ abcabc45 0: abcabc4 abcabcabc45 0: abcabcabc4 *** Failers No match abcabcabcabc45 No match abc45 No match 42xyz No match /1(abc|xyz)2(?1)3/ 1abc2abc3456 0: 1abc2abc3 1abc2xyz3456 0: 1abc2xyz3 /^(a*\w|ab)=(a*\w|ab)/ ab=ab 0: ab=ab 1: ab=a /^(a*\w|ab)=(?1)/ ab=ab 0: ab=ab 1: ab=a /^([^()]|\((?1)*\))*$/ abc 0: abc a(b)c 0: a(b)c a(b(c))d 0: a(b(c))d *** Failers) No match a(b(c)d No match /^>abc>([^()]|\((?1)*\))*abc>123abc>123abc>1(2)3abc>1(2)3abc>(1(2)3)abc>(1(2)3)a*)\d/ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9876 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9 *** Failers No match aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa No match /< (?: (?(R) \d++ | [^<>]*+) | (?R)) * >/x <> 0: <> 0: hij> 0: hij> hij> 0: def> 0: def> 0: <> *** Failers No match abcxyz 1 ^ ^ x 0: abcxyz 123abcxyz999 --->123abcxyz999 1 ^ ^ x 0: abcxyz /(ab|cd){3,4}/auto_callout ababab --->ababab +0 ^ (ab|cd){3,4} +1 ^ a +4 ^ c +2 ^^ b +3 ^ ^ | +1 ^ ^ a +4 ^ ^ c +2 ^ ^ b +3 ^ ^ | +1 ^ ^ a +4 ^ ^ c +2 ^ ^ b +3 ^ ^ | +12 ^ ^ +1 ^ ^ a +4 ^ ^ c 0: ababab abcdabcd --->abcdabcd +0 ^ (ab|cd){3,4} +1 ^ a +4 ^ c +2 ^^ b +3 ^ ^ | +1 ^ ^ a +4 ^ ^ c +5 ^ ^ d +6 ^ ^ ) +1 ^ ^ a +4 ^ ^ c +2 ^ ^ b +3 ^ ^ | +12 ^ ^ +1 ^ ^ a +4 ^ ^ c +5 ^ ^ d +6 ^ ^ ) +12 ^ ^ 0: abcdabcd 1: abcdab abcdcdcdcdcd --->abcdcdcdcdcd +0 ^ (ab|cd){3,4} +1 ^ a +4 ^ c +2 ^^ b +3 ^ ^ | +1 ^ ^ a +4 ^ ^ c +5 ^ ^ d +6 ^ ^ ) +1 ^ ^ a +4 ^ ^ c +5 ^ ^ d +6 ^ ^ ) +12 ^ ^ +1 ^ ^ a +4 ^ ^ c +5 ^ ^ d +6 ^ ^ ) +12 ^ ^ 0: abcdcdcd 1: abcdcd /^abc/ abcdef 0: abc *** Failers No match abcdef\=notbol No match /^(a*|xyz)/ bcd 0: aaabcd 0: aaa xyz 0: xyz 1: xyz\=notempty 0: xyz *** Failers 0: bcd\=notempty No match /xyz$/ xyz 0: xyz xyz\n 0: xyz *** Failers No match xyz\=noteol No match xyz\n\=noteol No match /xyz$/m xyz 0: xyz xyz\n 0: xyz abcxyz\npqr 0: xyz abcxyz\npqr\=noteol 0: xyz xyz\n\=noteol 0: xyz *** Failers No match xyz\=noteol No match /\Gabc/ abcdef 0: abc defabcxyz\=offset=3 0: abc *** Failers No match defabcxyz No match /^abcdef/ ab\=ps Partial match: ab abcde\=ps Partial match: abcde abcdef\=ps 0: abcdef *** Failers No match abx\=ps No match /^a{2,4}\d+z/ a\=ps Partial match: a aa\=ps Partial match: aa aa2\=ps Partial match: aa2 aaa\=ps Partial match: aaa aaa23\=ps Partial match: aaa23 aaaa12345\=ps Partial match: aaaa12345 aa0z\=ps 0: aa0z aaaa4444444444444z\=ps 0: aaaa4444444444444z *** Failers No match az\=ps No match aaaaa\=ps No match a56\=ps No match /^abcdef/ abc\=ps Partial match: abc def\=dfa_restart 0: def /(?<=foo)bar/ xyzfo\=ps No match foob\=ps,offset=2 Partial match: foob <<< foobar...\=ps,dfa_restart,offset=4 0: ar xyzfo\=ps No match foobar\=offset=2 0: bar *** Failers No match xyzfo\=ps No match obar\=dfa_restart No match /(ab*(cd|ef))+X/ adfadadaklhlkalkajhlkjahdfasdfasdfladsfjkj\=ps,noteol No match lkjhlkjhlkjhlkjhabbbbbbcdaefabbbbbbbefa\=ps,notbol,noteol Partial match: abbbbbbcdaefabbbbbbbefa cdabbbbbbbb\=ps,notbol,dfa_restart,noteol Partial match: cdabbbbbbbb efabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\=ps,notbol,dfa_restart,noteol Partial match: efabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbcdXyasdfadf\=ps,notbol,dfa_restart,noteol 0: bbbbbbbbbbbbcdX /the quick brown fox/ the quick brown fox 0: the quick brown fox The quick brown FOX No match What do you know about the quick brown fox? 0: the quick brown fox What do you know about THE QUICK BROWN FOX? No match /The quick brown fox/i the quick brown fox 0: the quick brown fox The quick brown FOX 0: The quick brown FOX What do you know about the quick brown fox? 0: the quick brown fox What do you know about THE QUICK BROWN FOX? 0: THE QUICK BROWN FOX /abcd\t\n\r\f\a\e\071\x3b\$\\\?caxyz/ abcd\t\n\r\f\a\e9;\$\\?caxyz 0: abcd\x09\x0a\x0d\x0c\x07\x1b9;$\?caxyz /a*abc?xyz+pqr{3}ab{2,}xy{4,5}pq{0,6}AB{0,}zz/ abxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: abxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz abxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: abxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz aabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz aaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz aaaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aaaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz abcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: abcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz aabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypAzz 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypAzz aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqAzz 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqAzz aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqAzz 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqAzz aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqAzz 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqAzz aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqAzz 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqAzz aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqqAzz 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqqAzz aaaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aaaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz abxyzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: abxyzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz aabxyzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aabxyzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz aaabxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aaabxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz aaaabxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aaaabxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz abcxyzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: abcxyzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz aabcxyzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aabcxyzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz aaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyypqAzz 0: aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyypqAzz aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyyypqAzz 0: aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyyypqAzz aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypABzz 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypABzz aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypABBzz 0: aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypABBzz >>>aaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz >aaaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: aaaabxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz >>>>abcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz 0: abcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqAzz *** Failers No match abxyzpqrrabbxyyyypqAzz No match abxyzpqrrrrabbxyyyypqAzz No match abxyzpqrrrabxyyyypqAzz No match aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyyyyypqAzz No match aaaabcxyzzzzpqrrrabbbxyyypqAzz No match aaabcxyzpqrrrabbxyyyypqqqqqqqAzz No match /^(abc){1,2}zz/ abczz 0: abczz abcabczz 0: abcabczz *** Failers No match zz No match abcabcabczz No match >>abczz No match /^(b+?|a){1,2}?c/ bc 0: bc bbc 0: bbc bbbc 0: bbbc bac 0: bac bbac 0: bbac aac 0: aac abbbbbbbbbbbc 0: abbbbbbbbbbbc bbbbbbbbbbbac 0: bbbbbbbbbbbac *** Failers No match aaac No match abbbbbbbbbbbac No match /^(b+|a){1,2}c/ bc 0: bc bbc 0: bbc bbbc 0: bbbc bac 0: bac bbac 0: bbac aac 0: aac abbbbbbbbbbbc 0: abbbbbbbbbbbc bbbbbbbbbbbac 0: bbbbbbbbbbbac *** Failers No match aaac No match abbbbbbbbbbbac No match /^(b+|a){1,2}?bc/ bbc 0: bbc /^(b*|ba){1,2}?bc/ babc 0: babc bbabc 0: bbabc bababc 0: bababc *** Failers No match bababbc No match babababc No match /^(ba|b*){1,2}?bc/ babc 0: babc bbabc 0: bbabc bababc 0: bababc *** Failers No match bababbc No match babababc No match /^\ca\cA\c[\c{\c:/ \x01\x01\e;z 0: \x01\x01\x1b;z /^[ab\]cde]/ athing 0: a bthing 0: b ]thing 0: ] cthing 0: c dthing 0: d ething 0: e *** Failers No match fthing No match [thing No match \\thing No match /^[]cde]/ ]thing 0: ] cthing 0: c dthing 0: d ething 0: e *** Failers No match athing No match fthing No match /^[^ab\]cde]/ fthing 0: f [thing 0: [ \\thing 0: \ *** Failers 0: * athing No match bthing No match ]thing No match cthing No match dthing No match ething No match /^[^]cde]/ athing 0: a fthing 0: f *** Failers 0: * ]thing No match cthing No match dthing No match ething No match /^\/ 0: \x81 /^/ 0: \xff /^[0-9]+$/ 0 0: 0 1 0: 1 2 0: 2 3 0: 3 4 0: 4 5 0: 5 6 0: 6 7 0: 7 8 0: 8 9 0: 9 10 0: 10 100 0: 100 *** Failers No match abc No match /^.*nter/ enter 0: enter inter 0: inter uponter 0: uponter /^xxx[0-9]+$/ xxx0 0: xxx0 xxx1234 0: xxx1234 *** Failers No match xxx No match /^.+[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/ x123 0: x123 xx123 0: xx123 123456 0: 123456 *** Failers No match 123 No match x1234 0: x1234 /^.+?[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/ x123 0: x123 xx123 0: xx123 123456 0: 123456 *** Failers No match 123 No match x1234 0: x1234 /^([^!]+)!(.+)=apquxz\.ixr\.zzz\.ac\.uk$/ abc!pqr=apquxz.ixr.zzz.ac.uk 0: abc!pqr=apquxz.ixr.zzz.ac.uk *** Failers No match !pqr=apquxz.ixr.zzz.ac.uk No match abc!=apquxz.ixr.zzz.ac.uk No match abc!pqr=apquxz:ixr.zzz.ac.uk No match abc!pqr=apquxz.ixr.zzz.ac.ukk No match /:/ Well, we need a colon: somewhere 0: : *** Fail if we don't No match /([\da-f:]+)$/i 0abc 0: 0abc abc 0: abc fed 0: fed E 0: E :: 0: :: 5f03:12C0::932e 0: 5f03:12C0::932e fed def 0: def Any old stuff 0: ff *** Failers No match 0zzz No match gzzz No match fed\x20 No match Any old rubbish No match /^.*\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/ .1.2.3 0: .1.2.3 A.12.123.0 0: A.12.123.0 *** Failers No match .1.2.3333 No match 1.2.3 No match 1234.2.3 No match /^(\d+)\s+IN\s+SOA\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*\(\s*$/ 1 IN SOA non-sp1 non-sp2( 0: 1 IN SOA non-sp1 non-sp2( 1 IN SOA non-sp1 non-sp2 ( 0: 1 IN SOA non-sp1 non-sp2 ( *** Failers No match 1IN SOA non-sp1 non-sp2( No match /^[a-zA-Z\d][a-zA-Z\d\-]*(\.[a-zA-Z\d][a-zA-z\d\-]*)*\.$/ a. 0: a. Z. 0: Z. 2. 0: 2. ab-c.pq-r. 0: ab-c.pq-r. sxk.zzz.ac.uk. 0: sxk.zzz.ac.uk. x-.y-. 0: x-.y-. *** Failers No match -abc.peq. No match /^\*\.[a-z]([a-z\-\d]*[a-z\d]+)?(\.[a-z]([a-z\-\d]*[a-z\d]+)?)*$/ *.a 0: *.a *.b0-a 0: *.b0-a *.c3-b.c 0: *.c3-b.c *.c-a.b-c 0: *.c-a.b-c *** Failers No match *.0 No match *.a- No match *.a-b.c- No match *.c-a.0-c No match /^(?=ab(de))(abd)(e)/ abde 0: abde /^(?!(ab)de|x)(abd)(f)/ abdf 0: abdf /^(?=(ab(cd)))(ab)/ abcd 0: ab /^[\da-f](\.[\da-f])*$/i a.b.c.d 0: a.b.c.d A.B.C.D 0: A.B.C.D a.b.c.1.2.3.C 0: a.b.c.1.2.3.C /^\".*\"\s*(;.*)?$/ \"1234\" 0: "1234" \"abcd\" ; 0: "abcd" ; \"\" ; rhubarb 0: "" ; rhubarb *** Failers No match \"1234\" : things No match /^$/ \ 0: *** Failers No match / ^ a (?# begins with a) b\sc (?# then b c) $ (?# then end)/x ab c 0: ab c *** Failers No match abc No match ab cde No match /(?x) ^ a (?# begins with a) b\sc (?# then b c) $ (?# then end)/ ab c 0: ab c *** Failers No match abc No match ab cde No match /^ a\ b[c ]d $/x a bcd 0: a bcd a b d 0: a b d *** Failers No match abcd No match ab d No match /^(a(b(c)))(d(e(f)))(h(i(j)))(k(l(m)))$/ abcdefhijklm 0: abcdefhijklm /^(?:a(b(c)))(?:d(e(f)))(?:h(i(j)))(?:k(l(m)))$/ abcdefhijklm 0: abcdefhijklm /^[\w][\W][\s][\S][\d][\D][\b][\n][\c]][\022]/ a+ Z0+\x08\n\x1d\x12 0: a+ Z0+\x08\x0a\x1d\x12 /^[.^$|()*+?{,}]+/ .^\$(*+)|{?,?} 0: .^$(*+)|{?,?} /^a*\w/ z 0: z az 0: az 1: a aaaz 0: aaaz 1: aaa 2: aa 3: a a 0: a aa 0: aa 1: a aaaa 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa 3: a a+ 0: a aa+ 0: aa 1: a /^a*?\w/ z 0: z az 0: az 1: a aaaz 0: aaaz 1: aaa 2: aa 3: a a 0: a aa 0: aa 1: a aaaa 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa 3: a a+ 0: a aa+ 0: aa 1: a /^a+\w/ az 0: az aaaz 0: aaaz 1: aaa 2: aa aa 0: aa aaaa 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa aa+ 0: aa /^a+?\w/ az 0: az aaaz 0: aaaz 1: aaa 2: aa aa 0: aa aaaa 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa aa+ 0: aa /^\d{8}\w{2,}/ 1234567890 0: 1234567890 12345678ab 0: 12345678ab 12345678__ 0: 12345678__ *** Failers No match 1234567 No match /^[aeiou\d]{4,5}$/ uoie 0: uoie 1234 0: 1234 12345 0: 12345 aaaaa 0: aaaaa *** Failers No match 123456 No match /^[aeiou\d]{4,5}?/ uoie 0: uoie 1234 0: 1234 12345 0: 12345 1: 1234 aaaaa 0: aaaaa 1: aaaa 123456 0: 12345 1: 1234 /^From +([^ ]+) +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[0-9]?[0-9] +[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/ From abcd Mon Sep 01 12:33:02 1997 0: From abcd Mon Sep 01 12:33 /^From\s+\S+\s+([a-zA-Z]{3}\s+){2}\d{1,2}\s+\d\d:\d\d/ From abcd Mon Sep 01 12:33:02 1997 0: From abcd Mon Sep 01 12:33 From abcd Mon Sep 1 12:33:02 1997 0: From abcd Mon Sep 1 12:33 *** Failers No match From abcd Sep 01 12:33:02 1997 No match /^12.34/s 12\n34 0: 12\x0a34 12\r34 0: 12\x0d34 /\w+(?=\t)/ the quick brown\t fox 0: brown /foo(?!bar)(.*)/ foobar is foolish see? 0: foolish see? /(?:(?!foo)...|^.{0,2})bar(.*)/ foobar crowbar etc 0: rowbar etc barrel 0: barrel 2barrel 0: 2barrel A barrel 0: A barrel /^(\D*)(?=\d)(?!123)/ abc456 0: abc *** Failers No match abc123 No match /^1234(?# test newlines inside)/ 1234 0: 1234 /^1234 #comment in extended re /x 1234 0: 1234 /#rhubarb abcd/x abcd 0: abcd /^abcd#rhubarb/x abcd 0: abcd /(?!^)abc/ the abc 0: abc *** Failers No match abc No match /(?=^)abc/ abc 0: abc *** Failers No match the abc No match /^[ab]{1,3}(ab*|b)/no_auto_possess aabbbbb 0: aabbbbb 1: aabbbb 2: aabbb 3: aabb 4: aab 5: aa /^[ab]{1,3}?(ab*|b)/no_auto_possess aabbbbb 0: aabbbbb 1: aabbbb 2: aabbb 3: aabb 4: aab 5: aa /^[ab]{1,3}?(ab*?|b)/no_auto_possess aabbbbb 0: aabbbbb 1: aabbbb 2: aabbb 3: aabb 4: aab 5: aa /^[ab]{1,3}(ab*?|b)/no_auto_possess aabbbbb 0: aabbbbb 1: aabbbb 2: aabbb 3: aabb 4: aab 5: aa / (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* # optional leading comment (?: (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | " (?: # opening quote... [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] # Anything except backslash and quote | # or \\ [^\x80-\xff] # Escaped something (something != CR) )* " # closing quote ) # initial word (?: (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* \. (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | " (?: # opening quote... [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] # Anything except backslash and quote | # or \\ [^\x80-\xff] # Escaped something (something != CR) )* " # closing quote ) )* # further okay, if led by a period (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* @ (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) # initial subdomain (?: # (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* \. # if led by a period... (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) # ...further okay )* # address | # or (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | " (?: # opening quote... [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] # Anything except backslash and quote | # or \\ [^\x80-\xff] # Escaped something (something != CR) )* " # closing quote ) # one word, optionally followed by.... (?: [^()<>@,;:".\\\[\]\x80-\xff\000-\010\012-\037] | # atom and space parts, or... \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) | # comments, or... " (?: # opening quote... [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] # Anything except backslash and quote | # or \\ [^\x80-\xff] # Escaped something (something != CR) )* " # closing quote # quoted strings )* < (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* # leading < (?: @ (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) # initial subdomain (?: # (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* \. # if led by a period... (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) # ...further okay )* (?: (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* , (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* @ (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) # initial subdomain (?: # (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* \. # if led by a period... (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) # ...further okay )* )* # further okay, if led by comma : # closing colon (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* )? # optional route (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | " (?: # opening quote... [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] # Anything except backslash and quote | # or \\ [^\x80-\xff] # Escaped something (something != CR) )* " # closing quote ) # initial word (?: (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* \. (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | " (?: # opening quote... [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] # Anything except backslash and quote | # or \\ [^\x80-\xff] # Escaped something (something != CR) )* " # closing quote ) )* # further okay, if led by a period (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* @ (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) # initial subdomain (?: # (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* \. # if led by a period... (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) # ...further okay )* # address spec (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* > # trailing > # name and address ) (?: [\040\t] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* \) )* \) )* # optional trailing comment /x Alan Other 0: Alan Other 0: user@dom.ain 1: user@dom user\@dom.ain 0: user@dom.ain 1: user@dom \"A. Other\" (a comment) 0: "A. Other" (a comment) 1: "A. Other" 2: "A. Other" A. Other (a comment) 0: Other (a comment) 1: Other 2: Other \"/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/\"\@x400-re.lay 0: "/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/"@x400-re.lay 1: "/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/"@x400-re A missing angle @,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom # Atom | # or " # " [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * # normal (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * )* # ( special normal* )* " # " # Quoted string ) [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. (?: \. [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom # Atom | # or " # " [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * # normal (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * )* # ( special normal* )* " # " # Quoted string ) [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. # additional words )* @ [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. # optional trailing comments (?: \. [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. # optional trailing comments )* # address | # or (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom # Atom | # or " # " [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * # normal (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * )* # ( special normal* )* " # " # Quoted string ) # leading word [^()<>@,;:".\\\[\]\x80-\xff\000-\010\012-\037] * # "normal" atoms and or spaces (?: (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) | " # " [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * # normal (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * )* # ( special normal* )* " # " ) # "special" comment or quoted string [^()<>@,;:".\\\[\]\x80-\xff\000-\010\012-\037] * # more "normal" )* < [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. # < (?: @ [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. # optional trailing comments (?: \. [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. # optional trailing comments )* (?: , [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. @ [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. # optional trailing comments (?: \. [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. # optional trailing comments )* )* # additional domains : [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. # optional trailing comments )? # optional route (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom # Atom | # or " # " [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * # normal (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * )* # ( special normal* )* " # " # Quoted string ) [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. (?: \. [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom # Atom | # or " # " [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * # normal (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015"] * )* # ( special normal* )* " # " # Quoted string ) [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. # additional words )* @ [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. # optional trailing comments (?: \. [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. (?: [^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]+ # some number of atom characters... (?![^(\040)<>@,;:".\\\[\]\000-\037\x80-\xff]) # ..not followed by something that could be part of an atom | \[ # [ (?: [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015\[\]] | \\ [^\x80-\xff] )* # stuff \] # ] ) [\040\t]* # Nab whitespace. (?: \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: # ( (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] | \( # ( [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* (?: \\ [^\x80-\xff] [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * )* # (special normal*)* \) # ) ) # special [^\\\x80-\xff\n\015()] * # normal* )* # )* \) # ) [\040\t]* )* # If comment found, allow more spaces. # optional trailing comments )* # address spec > # > # name and address ) /x Alan Other 0: Alan Other 0: user@dom.ain 1: user@dom user\@dom.ain 0: user@dom.ain 1: user@dom \"A. Other\" (a comment) 0: "A. Other" A. Other (a comment) 0: Other \"/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/\"\@x400-re.lay 0: "/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/"@x400-re.lay 1: "/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/"@x400-re A missing angle ?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8e\x8f\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9d\x9e\x9f\xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9\xaa\xab\xac\xad\xae\xaf\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb5\xb6\xb7\xb8\xb9\xba\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff /P[^*]TAIRE[^*]{1,6}?LL/ xxxxxxxxxxxPSTAIREISLLxxxxxxxxx 0: PSTAIREISLL /P[^*]TAIRE[^*]{1,}?LL/ xxxxxxxxxxxPSTAIREISLLxxxxxxxxx 0: PSTAIREISLL /(\.\d\d[1-9]?)\d+/ 1.230003938 0: .230003938 1.875000282 0: .875000282 1.235 0: .235 /(\.\d\d((?=0)|\d(?=\d)))/ 1.230003938 0: .230 1: .23 1.875000282 0: .875 *** Failers No match 1.235 No match /a(?)b/ ab 0: ab /\b(foo)\s+(\w+)/i Food is on the foo table 0: foo table /foo(.*)bar/ The food is under the bar in the barn. 0: food is under the bar in the bar 1: food is under the bar /foo(.*?)bar/ The food is under the bar in the barn. 0: food is under the bar in the bar 1: food is under the bar /(.*)(\d*)/no_auto_possess I have 2 numbers: 53147 Matched, but offsets vector is too small to show all matches 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147 1: I have 2 numbers: 5314 2: I have 2 numbers: 531 3: I have 2 numbers: 53 4: I have 2 numbers: 5 5: I have 2 numbers: 6: I have 2 numbers: 7: I have 2 numbers 8: I have 2 number 9: I have 2 numbe 10: I have 2 numb 11: I have 2 num 12: I have 2 nu 13: I have 2 n 14: I have 2 /(.*)(\d+)/ I have 2 numbers: 53147 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147 1: I have 2 /(.*?)(\d*)/no_auto_possess I have 2 numbers: 53147 Matched, but offsets vector is too small to show all matches 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147 1: I have 2 numbers: 5314 2: I have 2 numbers: 531 3: I have 2 numbers: 53 4: I have 2 numbers: 5 5: I have 2 numbers: 6: I have 2 numbers: 7: I have 2 numbers 8: I have 2 number 9: I have 2 numbe 10: I have 2 numb 11: I have 2 num 12: I have 2 nu 13: I have 2 n 14: I have 2 /(.*?)(\d+)/ I have 2 numbers: 53147 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147 1: I have 2 /(.*)(\d+)$/ I have 2 numbers: 53147 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147 /(.*?)(\d+)$/ I have 2 numbers: 53147 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147 /(.*)\b(\d+)$/ I have 2 numbers: 53147 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147 /(.*\D)(\d+)$/ I have 2 numbers: 53147 0: I have 2 numbers: 53147 /^\D*(?!123)/ ABC123 0: AB 1: A 2: /^(\D*)(?=\d)(?!123)/ ABC445 0: ABC *** Failers No match ABC123 No match /^[W-]46]/ W46]789 0: W46] -46]789 0: -46] *** Failers No match Wall No match Zebra No match 42 No match [abcd] No match ]abcd[ No match /^[W-\]46]/ W46]789 0: W Wall 0: W Zebra 0: Z Xylophone 0: X 42 0: 4 [abcd] 0: [ ]abcd[ 0: ] \\backslash 0: \ *** Failers No match -46]789 No match well No match /\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d\d\d/ 01/01/2000 0: 01/01/2000 /word (?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,10}otherword/ word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark otherword 0: word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark otherword word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark No match /word (?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,300}otherword/ word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark the quick brown fox and the lazy dog and several other words getting close to thirty by now I hope No match /^(a){0,0}/ bcd 0: abc 0: aab 0: /^(a){0,1}/ bcd 0: abc 0: a 1: aab 0: a 1: /^(a){0,2}/ bcd 0: abc 0: a 1: aab 0: aa 1: a 2: /^(a){0,3}/ bcd 0: abc 0: a 1: aab 0: aa 1: a 2: aaa 0: aaa 1: aa 2: a 3: /^(a){0,}/ bcd 0: abc 0: a 1: aab 0: aa 1: a 2: aaa 0: aaa 1: aa 2: a 3: aaaaaaaa 0: aaaaaaaa 1: aaaaaaa 2: aaaaaa 3: aaaaa 4: aaaa 5: aaa 6: aa 7: a 8: /^(a){1,1}/ bcd No match abc 0: a aab 0: a /^(a){1,2}/ bcd No match abc 0: a aab 0: aa 1: a /^(a){1,3}/ bcd No match abc 0: a aab 0: aa 1: a aaa 0: aaa 1: aa 2: a /^(a){1,}/ bcd No match abc 0: a aab 0: aa 1: a aaa 0: aaa 1: aa 2: a aaaaaaaa 0: aaaaaaaa 1: aaaaaaa 2: aaaaaa 3: aaaaa 4: aaaa 5: aaa 6: aa 7: a /.*\.gif/ borfle\nbib.gif\nno 0: bib.gif /.{0,}\.gif/ borfle\nbib.gif\nno 0: bib.gif /.*\.gif/m borfle\nbib.gif\nno 0: bib.gif /.*\.gif/s borfle\nbib.gif\nno 0: borfle\x0abib.gif /.*\.gif/ms borfle\nbib.gif\nno 0: borfle\x0abib.gif /.*$/ borfle\nbib.gif\nno 0: no /.*$/m borfle\nbib.gif\nno 0: borfle /.*$/s borfle\nbib.gif\nno 0: borfle\x0abib.gif\x0ano /.*$/ms borfle\nbib.gif\nno 0: borfle\x0abib.gif\x0ano 1: borfle\x0abib.gif 2: borfle /.*$/ borfle\nbib.gif\nno\n 0: no /.*$/m borfle\nbib.gif\nno\n 0: borfle /.*$/s borfle\nbib.gif\nno\n 0: borfle\x0abib.gif\x0ano\x0a 1: borfle\x0abib.gif\x0ano /.*$/ms borfle\nbib.gif\nno\n 0: borfle\x0abib.gif\x0ano\x0a 1: borfle\x0abib.gif\x0ano 2: borfle\x0abib.gif 3: borfle /(.*X|^B)/ abcde\n1234Xyz 0: 1234X BarFoo 0: B *** Failers No match abcde\nBar No match /(.*X|^B)/m abcde\n1234Xyz 0: 1234X BarFoo 0: B abcde\nBar 0: B /(.*X|^B)/s abcde\n1234Xyz 0: abcde\x0a1234X BarFoo 0: B *** Failers No match abcde\nBar No match /(.*X|^B)/ms abcde\n1234Xyz 0: abcde\x0a1234X BarFoo 0: B abcde\nBar 0: B /(?s)(.*X|^B)/ abcde\n1234Xyz 0: abcde\x0a1234X BarFoo 0: B *** Failers No match abcde\nBar No match /(?s:.*X|^B)/ abcde\n1234Xyz 0: abcde\x0a1234X BarFoo 0: B *** Failers No match abcde\nBar No match /^.*B/ **** Failers No match abc\nB No match /(?s)^.*B/ abc\nB 0: abc\x0aB /(?m)^.*B/ abc\nB 0: B /(?ms)^.*B/ abc\nB 0: abc\x0aB /(?ms)^B/ abc\nB 0: B /(?s)B$/ B\n 0: B /^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/ 123456654321 0: 123456654321 /^\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/ 123456654321 0: 123456654321 /^[\d][\d][\d][\d][\d][\d][\d][\d][\d][\d][\d][\d]/ 123456654321 0: 123456654321 /^[abc]{12}/ abcabcabcabc 0: abcabcabcabc /^[a-c]{12}/ abcabcabcabc 0: abcabcabcabc /^(a|b|c){12}/ abcabcabcabc 0: abcabcabcabc /^[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy0123456789]/ n 0: n *** Failers No match z No match /abcde{0,0}/ abcd 0: abcd *** Failers No match abce No match /ab[cd]{0,0}e/ abe 0: abe *** Failers No match abcde No match /ab(c){0,0}d/ abd 0: abd *** Failers No match abcd No match /a(b*)/ a 0: a ab 0: ab abbbb 0: abbbb *** Failers 0: a bbbbb No match /ab\d{0}e/ abe 0: abe *** Failers No match ab1e No match /"([^\\"]+|\\.)*"/ the \"quick\" brown fox 0: "quick" \"the \\\"quick\\\" brown fox\" 0: "the \"quick\" brown fox" /.*?/g,aftertext abc 0: abc 0+ 1: ab 2: a 3: 0: 0+ /\b/g,aftertext abc 0: 0+ abc 0: 0+ /\b/g,aftertext abc 0: 0+ abc 0: 0+ //g abc 0: 0: 0: 0: /]{0,})>]{0,})>([\d]{0,}\.)(.*)((
([\w\W\s\d][^<>]{0,})|[\s]{0,}))<\/a><\/TD>]{0,})>([\w\W\s\d][^<>]{0,})<\/TD>]{0,})>([\w\W\s\d][^<>]{0,})<\/TD><\/TR>/is 43.Word Processor
Lega lstaff.comCA - Statewide 0: 43.Word Processor
Lega lstaff.comCA - Statewide /a[^a]b/ acb 0: acb a\nb 0: a\x0ab /a.b/ acb 0: acb *** Failers No match a\nb No match /a[^a]b/s acb 0: acb a\nb 0: a\x0ab /a.b/s acb 0: acb a\nb 0: a\x0ab /^(b+?|a){1,2}?c/ bac 0: bac bbac 0: bbac bbbac 0: bbbac bbbbac 0: bbbbac bbbbbac 0: bbbbbac /^(b+|a){1,2}?c/ bac 0: bac bbac 0: bbac bbbac 0: bbbac bbbbac 0: bbbbac bbbbbac 0: bbbbbac /(?!\A)x/m x\nb\n No match a\bx\n 0: x /\x0{ab}/ \0{ab} 0: \x00{ab} /(A|B)*?CD/ CD 0: CD /(A|B)*CD/ CD 0: CD /(?.*/)foo" /this/is/a/very/long/line/in/deed/with/very/many/slashes/in/it/you/see/ No match "(?>.*/)foo" /this/is/a/very/long/line/in/deed/with/very/many/slashes/in/and/foo 0: /this/is/a/very/long/line/in/deed/with/very/many/slashes/in/and/foo /(?>(\.\d\d[1-9]?))\d+/ 1.230003938 0: .230003938 1.875000282 0: .875000282 *** Failers No match 1.235 No match /^((?>\w+)|(?>\s+))*$/ now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party 0: now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party *** Failers No match this is not a line with only words and spaces! No match /(\d+)(\w)/ 12345a 0: 12345a 1: 12345 2: 1234 3: 123 4: 12 12345+ 0: 12345 1: 1234 2: 123 3: 12 /((?>\d+))(\w)/ 12345a 0: 12345a *** Failers No match 12345+ No match /(?>a+)b/ aaab 0: aaab /((?>a+)b)/ aaab 0: aaab /(?>(a+))b/ aaab 0: aaab /(?>b)+/ aaabbbccc 0: bbb 1: bb 2: b /(?>a+|b+|c+)*c/ aaabbbbccccd 0: aaabbbbcccc 1: aaabbbbc /(a+|b+|c+)*c/ aaabbbbccccd 0: aaabbbbcccc 1: aaabbbbccc 2: aaabbbbcc 3: aaabbbbc /((?>[^()]+)|\([^()]*\))+/ ((abc(ade)ufh()()x 0: abc(ade)ufh()()x 1: abc(ade)ufh()() 2: abc(ade)ufh() 3: abc(ade)ufh 4: abc(ade) 5: abc /\(((?>[^()]+)|\([^()]+\))+\)/ (abc) 0: (abc) (abc(def)xyz) 0: (abc(def)xyz) *** Failers No match ((()aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa No match /a(?-i)b/i ab 0: ab Ab 0: Ab *** Failers No match aB No match AB No match /(a (?x)b c)d e/ a bcd e 0: a bcd e *** Failers No match a b cd e No match abcd e No match a bcde No match /(a b(?x)c d (?-x)e f)/ a bcde f 0: a bcde f *** Failers No match abcdef No match /(a(?i)b)c/ abc 0: abc aBc 0: aBc *** Failers No match abC No match aBC No match Abc No match ABc No match ABC No match AbC No match /a(?i:b)c/ abc 0: abc aBc 0: aBc *** Failers No match ABC No match abC No match aBC No match /a(?i:b)*c/ aBc 0: aBc aBBc 0: aBBc *** Failers No match aBC No match aBBC No match /a(?=b(?i)c)\w\wd/ abcd 0: abcd abCd 0: abCd *** Failers No match aBCd No match abcD No match /(?s-i:more.*than).*million/i more than million 0: more than million more than MILLION 0: more than MILLION more \n than Million 0: more \x0a than Million *** Failers No match MORE THAN MILLION No match more \n than \n million No match /(?:(?s-i)more.*than).*million/i more than million 0: more than million more than MILLION 0: more than MILLION more \n than Million 0: more \x0a than Million *** Failers No match MORE THAN MILLION No match more \n than \n million No match /(?>a(?i)b+)+c/ abc 0: abc aBbc 0: aBbc aBBc 0: aBBc *** Failers No match Abc No match abAb No match abbC No match /(?=a(?i)b)\w\wc/ abc 0: abc aBc 0: aBc *** Failers No match Ab No match abC No match aBC No match /(?<=a(?i)b)(\w\w)c/ abxxc 0: xxc aBxxc 0: xxc *** Failers No match Abxxc No match ABxxc No match abxxC No match /^(?(?=abc)\w{3}:|\d\d)$/ abc: 0: abc: 12 0: 12 *** Failers No match 123 No match xyz No match /^(?(?!abc)\d\d|\w{3}:)$/ abc: 0: abc: 12 0: 12 *** Failers No match 123 No match xyz No match /(?(?<=foo)bar|cat)/ foobar 0: bar cat 0: cat fcat 0: cat focat 0: cat *** Failers No match foocat No match /(?(?a*)*/ a 0: a 1: aa 0: aa 1: aaaa 0: aaaa 1: /(abc|)+/ abc 0: abc 1: abcabc 0: abcabc 1: abc 2: abcabcabc 0: abcabcabc 1: abcabc 2: abc 3: xyz 0: /([a]*)*/ a 0: a 1: aaaaa 0: aaaaa 1: aaaa 2: aaa 3: aa 4: a 5: /([ab]*)*/ a 0: a 1: b 0: b 1: ababab 0: ababab 1: ababa 2: abab 3: aba 4: ab 5: a 6: aaaabcde 0: aaaab 1: aaaa 2: aaa 3: aa 4: a 5: bbbb 0: bbbb 1: bbb 2: bb 3: b 4: /([^a]*)*/ b 0: b 1: bbbb 0: bbbb 1: bbb 2: bb 3: b 4: aaa 0: /([^ab]*)*/ cccc 0: cccc 1: ccc 2: cc 3: c 4: abab 0: /([a]*?)*/ a 0: a 1: aaaa 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa 3: a 4: /([ab]*?)*/ a 0: a 1: b 0: b 1: abab 0: abab 1: aba 2: ab 3: a 4: baba 0: baba 1: bab 2: ba 3: b 4: /([^a]*?)*/ b 0: b 1: bbbb 0: bbbb 1: bbb 2: bb 3: b 4: aaa 0: /([^ab]*?)*/ c 0: c 1: cccc 0: cccc 1: ccc 2: cc 3: c 4: baba 0: /(?>a*)*/ a 0: a 1: aaabcde 0: aaa 1: /((?>a*))*/ aaaaa 0: aaaaa 1: aabbaa 0: aa 1: /((?>a*?))*/ aaaaa 0: aaaaa 1: aabbaa 0: aa 1: /(?(?=[^a-z]+[a-z]) \d{2}-[a-z]{3}-\d{2} | \d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2} ) /x 12-sep-98 0: 12-sep-98 12-09-98 0: 12-09-98 *** Failers No match sep-12-98 No match /(?i:saturday|sunday)/ saturday 0: saturday sunday 0: sunday Saturday 0: Saturday Sunday 0: Sunday SATURDAY 0: SATURDAY SUNDAY 0: SUNDAY SunDay 0: SunDay /(a(?i)bc|BB)x/ abcx 0: abcx aBCx 0: aBCx bbx 0: bbx BBx 0: BBx *** Failers No match abcX No match aBCX No match bbX No match BBX No match /^([ab](?i)[cd]|[ef])/ ac 0: ac aC 0: aC bD 0: bD elephant 0: e Europe 0: E frog 0: f France 0: F *** Failers No match Africa No match /^(ab|a(?i)[b-c](?m-i)d|x(?i)y|z)/ ab 0: ab aBd 0: aBd xy 0: xy xY 0: xY zebra 0: z Zambesi 0: Z *** Failers No match aCD No match XY No match /(?<=foo\n)^bar/m foo\nbar 0: bar *** Failers No match bar No match baz\nbar No match /(?<=(?]&/ <&OUT 0: <& /(?:(f)(o)(o)|(b)(a)(r))*/ foobar 0: foobar 1: foo 2: /(?<=a)b/ ab 0: b *** Failers No match cb No match b No match /(?a+)ab/ /(?>a+)b/ aaab 0: aaab /([[:]+)/ a:[b]: 0: :[ /([[=]+)/ a=[b]= 0: =[ /([[.]+)/ a.[b]. 0: .[ /((?>a+)b)/ aaab 0: aaab /(?>(a+))b/ aaab 0: aaab /((?>[^()]+)|\([^()]*\))+/ ((abc(ade)ufh()()x 0: abc(ade)ufh()()x 1: abc(ade)ufh()() 2: abc(ade)ufh() 3: abc(ade)ufh 4: abc(ade) 5: abc /a\Z/ *** Failers No match aaab No match a\nb\n No match /b\Z/ a\nb\n 0: b /b\z/ /b\Z/ a\nb 0: b /b\z/ a\nb 0: b *** Failers No match /(?>.*)(?<=(abcd|wxyz))/ alphabetabcd 0: alphabetabcd endingwxyz 0: endingwxyz *** Failers No match a rather long string that doesn't end with one of them No match /word (?>(?:(?!otherword)[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,30})otherword/ word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark otherword 0: word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark otherword word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark No match /word (?>[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,30}otherword/ word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark the quick brown fox and the lazy dog and several other words getting close to thirty by now I hope No match /(?<=\d{3}(?!999))foo/ 999foo 0: foo 123999foo 0: foo *** Failers No match 123abcfoo No match /(?<=(?!...999)\d{3})foo/ 999foo 0: foo 123999foo 0: foo *** Failers No match 123abcfoo No match /(?<=\d{3}(?!999)...)foo/ 123abcfoo 0: foo 123456foo 0: foo *** Failers No match 123999foo No match /(?<=\d{3}...)(?Z)+|A)*/ ZABCDEFG 0: ZA 1: Z 2: /((?>)+|A)*/ ZABCDEFG 0: /a*/g abbab 0: a 0: 0: 0: a 0: 0: /^[\d-a]/ abcde 0: a -things 0: - 0digit 0: 0 *** Failers No match bcdef No match /[[:space:]]+/ > \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d\x0b< 0: \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d\x0b /[[:blank:]]+/ > \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d\x0b< 0: \x09 /[\s]+/ > \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d\x0b< 0: \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d\x0b /\s+/ > \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d\x0b< 0: \x09\x0a\x0c\x0d\x0b /a b/x ab 0: ab /(?!\A)x/m a\nxb\n 0: x /(?!^)x/m a\nxb\n No match /abc\Qabc\Eabc/ abcabcabc 0: abcabcabc /abc\Q(*+|\Eabc/ abc(*+|abc 0: abc(*+|abc / abc\Q abc\Eabc/x abc abcabc 0: abc abcabc *** Failers No match abcabcabc No match /abc#comment \Q#not comment literal\E/x abc#not comment\n literal 0: abc#not comment\x0a literal /abc#comment \Q#not comment literal/x abc#not comment\n literal 0: abc#not comment\x0a literal /abc#comment \Q#not comment literal\E #more comment /x abc#not comment\n literal 0: abc#not comment\x0a literal /abc#comment \Q#not comment literal\E #more comment/x abc#not comment\n literal 0: abc#not comment\x0a literal /\Qabc\$xyz\E/ abc\\\$xyz 0: abc\$xyz /\Qabc\E\$\Qxyz\E/ abc\$xyz 0: abc$xyz /\Gabc/ abc 0: abc *** Failers No match xyzabc No match /\Gabc./g abc1abc2xyzabc3 0: abc1 0: abc2 /abc./g abc1abc2xyzabc3 0: abc1 0: abc2 0: abc3 /a(?x: b c )d/ XabcdY 0: abcd *** Failers No match Xa b c d Y No match /((?x)x y z | a b c)/ XabcY 0: abc AxyzB 0: xyz /(?i)AB(?-i)C/ XabCY 0: abC *** Failers No match XabcY No match /((?i)AB(?-i)C|D)E/ abCE 0: abCE DE 0: DE *** Failers No match abcE No match abCe No match dE No match De No match /[z\Qa-d]\E]/ z 0: z a 0: a - 0: - d 0: d ] 0: ] *** Failers 0: a b No match /(a+)*b/ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa No match /(?i)reg(?:ul(?:[a]|ae)r|ex)/ REGular 0: REGular regulaer 0: regulaer Regex 0: Regex regulr 0: regul\xe4r /[--]+/ 0: \xc5\xe6\xe5\xe4\xe0 0: \xc5\xe6\xe5\xe4\xff 0: \xc5\xe6\xe5\xe4\xc0 0: \xc5\xe6\xe5\xe4\xdf /(?<=Z)X./ \x84XAZXB 0: XB /^(?(2)a|(1)(2))+$/ 123a Failed: error -39: backreference condition or recursion test not supported for DFA matching /(?<=a|bbbb)c/ ac 0: c bbbbc 0: c /line\nbreak/ this is a line\nbreak 0: line\x0abreak line one\nthis is a line\nbreak in the second line 0: line\x0abreak /line\nbreak/firstline this is a line\nbreak 0: line\x0abreak ** Failers No match line one\nthis is a line\nbreak in the second line No match /line\nbreak/m,firstline this is a line\nbreak 0: line\x0abreak ** Failers No match line one\nthis is a line\nbreak in the second line No match /1234/ 123\=ps Partial match: 123 a4\=ps,dfa_restart No match /1234/ 123\=ps Partial match: 123 4\=ps,dfa_restart 0: 4 /^/gm a\nb\nc\n 0: 0: 0: \ 0: /(?<=C\n)^/gm A\nC\nC\n 0: /(?s)A?B/ AB 0: AB aB 0: B /(?s)A*B/ AB 0: AB aB 0: B /(?m)A?B/ AB 0: AB aB 0: B /(?m)A*B/ AB 0: AB aB 0: B /Content-Type\x3A[^\r\n]{6,}/ Content-Type:xxxxxyyy 0: Content-Type:xxxxxyyy /Content-Type\x3A[^\r\n]{6,}z/ Content-Type:xxxxxyyyz 0: Content-Type:xxxxxyyyz /Content-Type\x3A[^a]{6,}/ Content-Type:xxxyyy 0: Content-Type:xxxyyy /Content-Type\x3A[^a]{6,}z/ Content-Type:xxxyyyz 0: Content-Type:xxxyyyz /^abc/Im,newline=lf Capturing subpattern count = 0 Options: multiline Forced newline is LF First code unit at start or follows newline Last code unit = 'c' Subject length lower bound = 3 xyz\nabc 0: abc xyz\r\nabc 0: abc ** Failers No match xyz\rabc No match xyzabc\r No match xyzabc\rpqr No match xyzabc\r\n No match xyzabc\r\npqr No match /^abc/Im,newline=crlf Capturing subpattern count = 0 Options: multiline Forced newline is CRLF First code unit at start or follows newline Last code unit = 'c' Subject length lower bound = 3 xyz\r\nabclf> 0: abc ** Failers No match xyz\nabclf No match xyz\rabclf No match /^abc/Im,newline=cr Capturing subpattern count = 0 Options: multiline Forced newline is CR First code unit at start or follows newline Last code unit = 'c' Subject length lower bound = 3 xyz\rabc 0: abc ** Failers No match xyz\nabc No match xyz\r\nabc No match /.*/I,newline=lf Capturing subpattern count = 0 May match empty string Forced newline is LF First code unit at start or follows newline Subject length lower bound = 0 abc\ndef 0: abc abc\rdef 0: abc\x0ddef abc\r\ndef 0: abc\x0d /.*/I,newline=cr Capturing subpattern count = 0 May match empty string Forced newline is CR First code unit at start or follows newline Subject length lower bound = 0 abc\ndef 0: abc\x0adef abc\rdef 0: abc abc\r\ndef 0: abc /.*/I,newline=crlf Capturing subpattern count = 0 May match empty string Forced newline is CRLF First code unit at start or follows newline Subject length lower bound = 0 abc\ndef 0: abc\x0adef abc\rdef 0: abc\x0ddef abc\r\ndef 0: abc /\w+(.)(.)?def/Is Capturing subpattern count = 2 Options: dotall Starting code units: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Last code unit = 'f' Subject length lower bound = 5 abc\ndef 0: abc\x0adef abc\rdef 0: abc\x0ddef abc\r\ndef 0: abc\x0d\x0adef /\w+(.)(.)?def/s abc\ndef 0: abc\x0adef abc\rdef 0: abc\x0ddef abc\r\ndef 0: abc\x0d\x0adef /^\w+=.*(\\\n.*)*/ abc=xyz\\\npqr 0: abc=xyz\\x0apqr 1: abc=xyz\\x0apq 2: abc=xyz\\x0ap 3: abc=xyz\\x0a 4: abc=xyz\ 5: abc=xyz 6: abc=xy 7: abc=x 8: abc= /^(a()*)*/ aaaa 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa 3: a 4: /^(?:a(?:(?:))*)*/ aaaa 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa 3: a 4: /^(a()+)+/ aaaa 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa 3: a /^(?:a(?:(?:))+)+/ aaaa 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa 3: a /(a|)*\d/ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa No match aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4 /(?>a|)*\d/ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa No match aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4 /(?:a|)*\d/ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa No match aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa4 /^a.b/newline=lf a\rb 0: a\x0db ** Failers No match a\nb No match /^a.b/newline=cr a\nb 0: a\x0ab ** Failers No match a\rb No match /^a.b/newline=anycrlf a\x85b 0: a\x85b ** Failers No match a\rb No match /^a.b/newline=any ** Failers No match a\nb No match a\rb No match a\x85b No match /^abc./gmx,newline=any abc1 \x0aabc2 \x0babc3xx \x0cabc4 \x0dabc5xx \x0d\x0aabc6 \x85abc7 JUNK 0: abc1 0: abc2 0: abc3 0: abc4 0: abc5 0: abc6 0: abc7 /abc.$/gmx,newline=any abc1\x0a abc2\x0b abc3\x0c abc4\x0d abc5\x0d\x0a abc6\x85 abc9 0: abc1 0: abc2 0: abc3 0: abc4 0: abc5 0: abc6 0: abc9 /^a\Rb/bsr=unicode a\nb 0: a\x0ab a\rb 0: a\x0db a\r\nb 0: a\x0d\x0ab a\x0bb 0: a\x0bb a\x0cb 0: a\x0cb a\x85b 0: a\x85b ** Failers No match a\n\rb No match /^a\R*b/bsr=unicode ab 0: ab a\nb 0: a\x0ab a\rb 0: a\x0db a\r\nb 0: a\x0d\x0ab a\x0bb 0: a\x0bb a\x0cb 0: a\x0cb a\x85b 0: a\x85b a\n\rb 0: a\x0a\x0db a\n\r\x85\x0cb 0: a\x0a\x0d\x85\x0cb /^a\R+b/bsr=unicode a\nb 0: a\x0ab a\rb 0: a\x0db a\r\nb 0: a\x0d\x0ab a\x0bb 0: a\x0bb a\x0cb 0: a\x0cb a\x85b 0: a\x85b a\n\rb 0: a\x0a\x0db a\n\r\x85\x0cb 0: a\x0a\x0d\x85\x0cb ** Failers No match ab No match /^a\R{1,3}b/bsr=unicode a\nb 0: a\x0ab a\n\rb 0: a\x0a\x0db a\n\r\x85b 0: a\x0a\x0d\x85b a\r\n\r\nb 0: a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0ab a\r\n\r\n\r\nb 0: a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0ab a\n\r\n\rb 0: a\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0db a\n\n\r\nb 0: a\x0a\x0a\x0d\x0ab ** Failers No match a\n\n\n\rb No match a\r No match /.+foo/ afoo 0: afoo ** Failers No match \r\nfoo No match \nfoo No match /.+foo/newline=crlf afoo 0: afoo \nfoo 0: \x0afoo ** Failers No match \r\nfoo No match /.+foo/newline=any afoo 0: afoo ** Failers No match \nfoo No match \r\nfoo No match /.+foo/s afoo 0: afoo \r\nfoo 0: \x0d\x0afoo \nfoo 0: \x0afoo /^$/gm,newline=any abc\r\rxyz 0: abc\n\rxyz 0: ** Failers No match abc\r\nxyz No match /^X/m XABC 0: X ** Failers No match XABC\=notbol No match /(?m)^$/g,newline=any,aftertext abc\r\n\r\n 0: 0+ \x0d\x0a /(?m)^$|^\r\n/g,newline=any,aftertext abc\r\n\r\n 0: \x0d\x0a 0+ 1: /(?m)$/g,newline=any,aftertext abc\r\n\r\n 0: 0+ \x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a 0: 0+ \x0d\x0a 0: 0+ /(?|(abc)|(xyz))/ >abc< 0: abc >xyz< 0: xyz /(x)(?|(abc)|(xyz))(x)/ xabcx 0: xabcx xxyzx 0: xxyzx /(x)(?|(abc)(pqr)|(xyz))(x)/ xabcpqrx 0: xabcpqrx xxyzx 0: xxyzx /(?|(abc)|(xyz))(?1)/ abcabc 0: abcabc xyzabc 0: xyzabc ** Failers No match xyzxyz No match /\H\h\V\v/ X X\x0a 0: X X\x0a X\x09X\x0b 0: X\x09X\x0b ** Failers No match \xa0 X\x0a No match /\H*\h+\V?\v{3,4}/ \x09\x20\xa0X\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0a 0: \x09 \xa0X\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d \x09\x20\xa0\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0a 0: \x09 \xa0\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d \x09\x20\xa0\x0a\x0b\x0c 0: \x09 \xa0\x0a\x0b\x0c ** Failers No match \x09\x20\xa0\x0a\x0b No match /\H{3,4}/ XY ABCDE 0: ABCD XY PQR ST 0: PQR /.\h{3,4}./ XY AB PQRS 0: B P 1: B /\h*X\h?\H+Y\H?Z/ >XNNNYZ 0: XNNNYZ > X NYQZ 0: X NYQZ ** Failers No match >XYZ No match > X NY Z No match /\v*X\v?Y\v+Z\V*\x0a\V+\x0b\V{2,3}\x0c/ >XY\x0aZ\x0aA\x0bNN\x0c 0: XY\x0aZ\x0aA\x0bNN\x0c >\x0a\x0dX\x0aY\x0a\x0bZZZ\x0aAAA\x0bNNN\x0c 0: \x0a\x0dX\x0aY\x0a\x0bZZZ\x0aAAA\x0bNNN\x0c /.+A/newline=crlf \r\nA No match /\nA/newline=crlf \r\nA 0: \x0aA /[\r\n]A/newline=crlf \r\nA 0: \x0aA /(\r|\n)A/newline=crlf \r\nA 0: \x0aA /a\Rb/I,bsr=anycrlf Capturing subpattern count = 0 \R matches CR, LF, or CRLF First code unit = 'a' Last code unit = 'b' Subject length lower bound = 3 a\rb 0: a\x0db a\nb 0: a\x0ab a\r\nb 0: a\x0d\x0ab ** Failers No match a\x85b No match a\x0bb No match /a\Rb/I,bsr=unicode Capturing subpattern count = 0 \R matches any Unicode newline First code unit = 'a' Last code unit = 'b' Subject length lower bound = 3 a\rb 0: a\x0db a\nb 0: a\x0ab a\r\nb 0: a\x0d\x0ab a\x85b 0: a\x85b a\x0bb 0: a\x0bb /a\R?b/I,bsr=anycrlf Capturing subpattern count = 0 \R matches CR, LF, or CRLF First code unit = 'a' Last code unit = 'b' Subject length lower bound = 2 a\rb 0: a\x0db a\nb 0: a\x0ab a\r\nb 0: a\x0d\x0ab ** Failers No match a\x85b No match a\x0bb No match /a\R?b/I,bsr=unicode Capturing subpattern count = 0 \R matches any Unicode newline First code unit = 'a' Last code unit = 'b' Subject length lower bound = 2 a\rb 0: a\x0db a\nb 0: a\x0ab a\r\nb 0: a\x0d\x0ab a\x85b 0: a\x85b a\x0bb 0: a\x0bb /a\R{2,4}b/I,bsr=anycrlf Capturing subpattern count = 0 \R matches CR, LF, or CRLF First code unit = 'a' Last code unit = 'b' Subject length lower bound = 4 a\r\n\nb 0: a\x0d\x0a\x0ab a\n\r\rb 0: a\x0a\x0d\x0db a\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nb 0: a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0ab ** Failers No match a\x85\x85b No match a\x0b\0bb No match /a\R{2,4}b/I,bsr=unicode Capturing subpattern count = 0 \R matches any Unicode newline First code unit = 'a' Last code unit = 'b' Subject length lower bound = 4 a\r\rb 0: a\x0d\x0db a\n\n\nb 0: a\x0a\x0a\x0ab a\r\n\n\r\rb 0: a\x0d\x0a\x0a\x0d\x0db a\x85\x85b 0: a\x85\x85b a\x0b\0bb No match ** Failers No match a\r\r\r\r\rb No match /a(?!)|\wbc/ abc 0: abc /a[]b/alt_bsux,allow_empty_class,match_unset_backref,dupnames ** Failers No match ab No match /a[]+b/alt_bsux,allow_empty_class,match_unset_backref,dupnames ** Failers No match ab No match /a[]*+b/alt_bsux,allow_empty_class,match_unset_backref,dupnames ** Failers No match ab No match /a[^]b/alt_bsux,allow_empty_class,match_unset_backref,dupnames aXb 0: aXb a\nb 0: a\x0ab ** Failers No match ab No match /a[^]+b/alt_bsux,allow_empty_class,match_unset_backref,dupnames aXb 0: aXb a\nX\nXb 0: a\x0aX\x0aXb ** Failers No match ab No match /X$/dollar_endonly X 0: X ** Failers No match X\n No match /X$/ X 0: X X\n 0: X /xyz/auto_callout xyz --->xyz +0 ^ x +1 ^^ y +2 ^ ^ z +3 ^ ^ 0: xyz abcxyz --->abcxyz +0 ^ x +1 ^^ y +2 ^ ^ z +3 ^ ^ 0: xyz ** Failers No match abc No match abcxypqr No match /xyz/auto_callout,no_start_optimize abcxyz --->abcxyz +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +1 ^^ y +2 ^ ^ z +3 ^ ^ 0: xyz ** Failers --->** Failers +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x No match abc --->abc +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x No match abcxypqr --->abcxypqr +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +1 ^^ y +2 ^ ^ z +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x +0 ^ x No match /(*NO_START_OPT)xyz/auto_callout abcxyz --->abcxyz +15 ^ x +15 ^ x +15 ^ x +15 ^ x +16 ^^ y +17 ^ ^ z +18 ^ ^ 0: xyz /(?C)ab/ ab --->ab 0 ^ a 0: ab ab\=callout_none 0: ab /ab/auto_callout ab --->ab +0 ^ a +1 ^^ b +2 ^ ^ 0: ab ab\=callout_none 0: ab /^"((?(?=[a])[^"])|b)*"$/auto_callout "ab" --->"ab" +0 ^ ^ +1 ^ " +2 ^^ ((?(?=[a])[^"])|b)* +21 ^^ " +3 ^^ (?(?=[a])[^"]) +18 ^^ b +5 ^^ (?=[a]) +8 ^ [a] +11 ^^ ) +12 ^^ [^"] +16 ^ ^ ) +17 ^ ^ | +21 ^ ^ " +3 ^ ^ (?(?=[a])[^"]) +18 ^ ^ b +5 ^ ^ (?=[a]) +8 ^ [a] +19 ^ ^ ) +21 ^ ^ " +3 ^ ^ (?(?=[a])[^"]) +18 ^ ^ b +5 ^ ^ (?=[a]) +8 ^ [a] +17 ^ ^ | +22 ^ ^ $ +23 ^ ^ 0: "ab" "ab"\=callout_none 0: "ab" /\d+X|9+Y/ ++++123999\=ps Partial match: 123999 ++++123999Y\=ps 0: 999Y /Z(*F)/ Z\=ps No match ZA\=ps No match /Z(?!)/ Z\=ps No match ZA\=ps No match /dog(sbody)?/ dogs\=ps 0: dog dogs\=ph Partial match: dogs /dog(sbody)??/ dogs\=ps 0: dog dogs\=ph Partial match: dogs /dog|dogsbody/ dogs\=ps 0: dog dogs\=ph Partial match: dogs /dogsbody|dog/ dogs\=ps 0: dog dogs\=ph Partial match: dogs /Z(*F)Q|ZXY/ Z\=ps Partial match: Z ZA\=ps No match X\=ps No match /\bthe cat\b/ the cat\=ps 0: the cat the cat\=ph Partial match: the cat /dog(sbody)?/ dogs\=ps 0: dog body\=dfa_restart 0: body /dog(sbody)?/ dogs\=ph Partial match: dogs body\=dfa_restart 0: body /abc/ abc\=ps 0: abc abc\=ph 0: abc /abc\K123/ xyzabc123pqr Failed: error -40: item unsupported for DFA matching /(?<=abc)123/ xyzabc123pqr 0: 123 xyzabc12\=ps Partial match: abc12 <<< xyzabc12\=ph Partial match: abc12 <<< /\babc\b/ +++abc+++ 0: abc +++ab\=ps Partial match: +ab < +++ab\=ph Partial match: +ab < /(?=C)/g,aftertext ABCDECBA 0: 0+ CDECBA 0: 0+ CBA /(abc|def|xyz)/I Capturing subpattern count = 1 Starting code units: a d x Subject length lower bound = 3 terhjk;abcdaadsfe 0: abc the quick xyz brown fox 0: xyz ** Failers No match thejk;adlfj aenjl;fda asdfasd ehj;kjxyasiupd No match /(abc|def|xyz)/I,no_start_optimize Capturing subpattern count = 1 Options: no_start_optimize Subject length lower bound = 0 terhjk;abcdaadsfe 0: abc the quick xyz brown fox 0: xyz ** Failers No match thejk;adlfj aenjl;fda asdfasd ehj;kjxyasiupd No match /abcd*/aftertext xxxxabcd\=ps 0: abcd 0+ xxxxabcd\=ph Partial match: abcd dddxxx\=dfa_restart 0: ddd 0+ xxx xxxxabcd\=ph Partial match: abcd xxx\=dfa_restart 0: 0+ xxx /abcd*/i xxxxabcd\=ps 0: abcd xxxxabcd\=ph Partial match: abcd XXXXABCD\=ps 0: ABCD XXXXABCD\=ph Partial match: ABCD /abc\d*/ xxxxabc1\=ps 0: abc1 xxxxabc1\=ph Partial match: abc1 /abc[de]*/ xxxxabcde\=ps 0: abcde xxxxabcde\=ph Partial match: abcde /(?:(?1)|B)(A(*F)|C)/ ABCD 0: BC CCD 0: CC ** Failers No match CAD No match /^(?:(?1)|B)(A(*F)|C)/ CCD 0: CC BCD 0: BC ** Failers No match ABCD No match CAD No match BAD No match /^(?!a(*SKIP)b)/ ac Failed: error -40: item unsupported for DFA matching /^(?=a(*SKIP)b|ac)/ ** Failers No match ac Failed: error -40: item unsupported for DFA matching /^(?=a(*THEN)b|ac)/ ac Failed: error -40: item unsupported for DFA matching /^(?=a(*PRUNE)b)/ ab Failed: error -40: item unsupported for DFA matching ** Failers No match ac Failed: error -40: item unsupported for DFA matching /^(?(?!a(*SKIP)b))/ ac Failed: error -40: item unsupported for DFA matching /(?<=abc)def/ abc\=ph Partial match: abc <<< /abc$/ abc 0: abc abc\=ps 0: abc abc\=ph Partial match: abc /abc$/m abc 0: abc abc\n 0: abc abc\=ph Partial match: abc abc\n\=ph 0: abc abc\=ps 0: abc abc\n\=ps 0: abc /abc\z/ abc 0: abc abc\=ps 0: abc abc\=ph Partial match: abc /abc\Z/ abc 0: abc abc\=ps 0: abc abc\=ph Partial match: abc /abc\b/ abc 0: abc abc\=ps 0: abc abc\=ph Partial match: abc /abc\B/ abc No match abc\=ps Partial match: abc abc\=ph Partial match: abc /.+/ abc\=offset=0 0: abc abc\=offset=1 0: bc abc\=offset=2 0: c abc\=offset=3 No match abc\=offset=4 Failed: error -33: bad offset value abc\=offset=-4 ** Invalid value in 'offset=-4' /^(?:a)++\w/ aaaab 0: aaaab ** Failers No match aaaa No match bbb No match /^(?:aa|(?:a)++\w)/ aaaab 0: aaaab 1: aa aaaa 0: aa ** Failers No match bbb No match /^(?:a)*+\w/ aaaab 0: aaaab bbb 0: b ** Failers No match aaaa No match /^(a)++\w/ aaaab 0: aaaab ** Failers No match aaaa No match bbb No match /^(a|)++\w/ aaaab 0: aaaab ** Failers No match aaaa No match bbb No match /(?=abc){3}abc/aftertext abcabcabc 0: abc 0+ abcabc ** Failers No match xyz No match /(?=abc)+abc/aftertext abcabcabc 0: abc 0+ abcabc ** Failers No match xyz No match /(?=abc)++abc/aftertext abcabcabc 0: abc 0+ abcabc ** Failers No match xyz No match /(?=abc){0}xyz/ xyz 0: xyz /(?=abc){1}xyz/ ** Failers No match xyz No match /(?=(a))?./ ab 0: a bc 0: b /(?=(a))??./ ab 0: a bc 0: b /^(?=(a)){0}b(?1)/ backgammon 0: ba /^(?=(?1))?[az]([abc])d/ abd 0: abd zcdxx 0: zcd /^(?!a){0}\w+/ aaaaa 0: aaaaa /(?<=(abc))?xyz/ abcxyz 0: xyz pqrxyz 0: xyz /((?2))((?1))/ abc Failed: error -50: nested recursion at the same subject position /(?(R)a+|(?R)b)/ aaaabcde 0: aaaab /(?(R)a+|((?R))b)/ aaaabcde 0: aaaab /((?(R)a+|(?1)b))/ aaaabcde 0: aaaab /((?(R2)a+|(?1)b))/ aaaabcde Failed: error -39: backreference condition or recursion test not supported for DFA matching /(?(R)a*(?1)|((?R))b)/ aaaabcde Failed: error -50: nested recursion at the same subject position /(a+)/no_auto_possess aaaa\=ovector=3 Matched, but offsets vector is too small to show all matches 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa aaaa\=ovector=4 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa 3: a /ab\Cde/ abXde 0: abXde /(?<=ab\Cde)X/ abZdeX 0: X /^\R/ \r\=ps 0: \x0d \r\=ph Partial match: \x0d /^\R{2,3}x/ \r\=ps Partial match: \x0d \r\=ph Partial match: \x0d \r\r\=ps Partial match: \x0d\x0d \r\r\=ph Partial match: \x0d\x0d \r\r\r\=ps Partial match: \x0d\x0d\x0d \r\r\r\=ph Partial match: \x0d\x0d\x0d \r\rx 0: \x0d\x0dx \r\r\rx 0: \x0d\x0d\x0dx /^\R{2,3}?x/ \r\=ps Partial match: \x0d \r\=ph Partial match: \x0d \r\r\=ps Partial match: \x0d\x0d \r\r\=ph Partial match: \x0d\x0d \r\r\r\=ps Partial match: \x0d\x0d\x0d \r\r\r\=ph Partial match: \x0d\x0d\x0d \r\rx 0: \x0d\x0dx \r\r\rx 0: \x0d\x0d\x0dx /^\R?x/ \r\=ps Partial match: \x0d \r\=ph Partial match: \x0d x 0: x \rx 0: \x0dx /^\R+x/ \r\=ps Partial match: \x0d \r\=ph Partial match: \x0d \r\n\=ps Partial match: \x0d\x0a \r\n\=ph Partial match: \x0d\x0a \rx 0: \x0dx /^a$/newline=crlf a\r\=ps Partial match: a\x0d a\r\=ph Partial match: a\x0d /^a$/m,newline=crlf a\r\=ps Partial match: a\x0d a\r\=ph Partial match: a\x0d /^(a$|a\r)/newline=crlf a\r\=ps 0: a\x0d a\r\=ph Partial match: a\x0d /^(a$|a\r)/m,newline=crlf a\r\=ps 0: a\x0d a\r\=ph Partial match: a\x0d /./newline=crlf \r\=ps 0: \x0d \r\=ph Partial match: \x0d /.{2,3}/newline=crlf \r\=ps Partial match: \x0d \r\=ph Partial match: \x0d \r\r\=ps 0: \x0d\x0d \r\r\=ph Partial match: \x0d\x0d \r\r\r\=ps 0: \x0d\x0d\x0d \r\r\r\=ph Partial match: \x0d\x0d\x0d /.{2,3}?/newline=crlf \r\=ps Partial match: \x0d \r\=ph Partial match: \x0d \r\r\=ps 0: \x0d\x0d \r\r\=ph Partial match: \x0d\x0d \r\r\r\=ps 0: \x0d\x0d\x0d 1: \x0d\x0d \r\r\r\=ph Partial match: \x0d\x0d\x0d # Test simple validity check for restarts /abcdef/ abc\=dfa_restart Failed: error -37: invalid data in workspace for DFA restart /)(.)|(?R))++)*F>/ text text xxxxx text F> text2 more text. 0: text xxxxx text F> /^(?>.{4})abc|^\w\w.xabcd/ xxxxabcd 0: xxxxabcd 1: xxxxabc xx\xa0xabcd 0: xx\xa0xabcd 1: xx\xa0xabc /^(.{4}){2}+abc|^\w\w.x\w\w\w\wabcd/ xxxxxxxxabcd 0: xxxxxxxxabcd 1: xxxxxxxxabc xx\xa0xxxxxabcd 0: xx\xa0xxxxxabcd 1: xx\xa0xxxxxabc /abcd/ abcd\=ovector=0 0: abcd # These tests show up auto-possessification /[ab]*/ aaaa 0: aaaa /[ab]*?/ aaaa 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa 3: a 4: /[ab]?/ aaaa 0: a /[ab]??/ aaaa 0: a 1: /[ab]+/ aaaa 0: aaaa /[ab]+?/ aaaa 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa 3: a /[ab]{2,3}/ aaaa 0: aaa /[ab]{2,3}?/ aaaa 0: aaa 1: aa /[ab]{2,}/ aaaa 0: aaaa /[ab]{2,}?/ aaaa 0: aaaa 1: aaa 2: aa '\A(?:[^\"]++|\"(?:[^\"]*+|\"\")*+\")++' NON QUOTED \"QUOT\"\"ED\" AFTER \"NOT MATCHED 0: NON QUOTED "QUOT""ED" AFTER '\A(?:[^\"]++|\"(?:[^\"]++|\"\")*+\")++' NON QUOTED \"QUOT\"\"ED\" AFTER \"NOT MATCHED 0: NON QUOTED "QUOT""ED" AFTER /abc(?=xyz)/allusedtext abcxyzpqr 0: abcxyz >>> abcxyzpqr\=aftertext 0: abcxyz >>> 0+ xyzpqr /(?<=pqr)abc(?=xyz)/allusedtext xyzpqrabcxyzpqr 0: pqrabcxyz <<< >>> xyzpqrabcxyzpqr\=aftertext 0: pqrabcxyz <<< >>> 0+ xyzpqr /a\b/ a.\=allusedtext 0: a. > a\=allusedtext 0: a /abc(?=abcde)(?=ab)/allusedtext abcabcdefg 0: abcabcde >>>>> /a*?b*?/ ab 0: ab 1: a 2: /(*NOTEMPTY)a*?b*?/ ab 0: ab 1: a ba 0: b cb 0: b /(*NOTEMPTY_ATSTART)a*?b*?/aftertext ab 0: ab 0+ 1: a cdab 0: 0+ dab # End of testinput6