/* * MIX support routines for PhysicsFS. * * This driver handles old archives used in the famous games * Command&Conquer Tiberium Dawn and Command&Conquer Red Alert. * * Newer MIX files as they are used in C&C Tiberium Sun and C&C Red Alert 2 * aren't supported yet. Keep your eyes open for future updates. * * A MIX file has three parts: * (1) Header * 16bit integer -> number of files stored in this MIX * 32bit integer -> filesize * (2) "Directory" * 32bit integer -> hash of the filename * 32bit integer -> starting offset in the MIX * 32bit integer -> end offset in the MIX * (3) Data (BODY) * All data comes here * * NOTES: * The offsets are relative to the body. So offset 0 is directly after * the directory. * * Filenames only exist as hashes. So enumerate_files() will only report all * hashes. Searching a filename in hashes is extremly quick so I decided not * to include any sorting routines after then opening of the archive. * * * I found the structure of MIX files here: * http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/8682/cncmap1f.txt * * * Please see the file LICENSE in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Sebastian Steinhauer */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_MIX) #include #include #include #include "physfs.h" #define __PHYSICSFS_INTERNAL__ #include "physfs_internal.h" typedef struct { PHYSFS_uint16 num_files; PHYSFS_uint32 filesize; } MIXheader; typedef struct { PHYSFS_uint32 hash; PHYSFS_uint32 start_offset; PHYSFS_uint32 end_offset; } MIXentry; typedef struct { char *filename; /* filename of the archive */ MIXentry *entry; /* list of entries */ MIXheader header; /* the header of the MIX file */ PHYSFS_uint32 delta; /* size of header + entries */ } MIXinfo; typedef struct { PHYSFS_uint64 size; /* filesize */ PHYSFS_uint64 cur_pos; /* position in this file */ MIXentry *entry; /* pointer to the MIX entry */ MIXinfo *info; /* pointer to our MIXinfo */ void *handle; /* filehandle */ } MIXfileinfo; static PHYSFS_uint32 MIX_hash(const char *name) { PHYSFS_uint32 id = 0; PHYSFS_uint32 a = 0; PHYSFS_uint32 i = 0; PHYSFS_uint32 l; PHYSFS_uint32 j; l = strlen(name); while (i < l) { a = 0; for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) { a >>= 8; if (i < l) { a += (unsigned int) (name[i]) << 24; i++; } /* if */ } /* for */ id = (id << 1 | id >> 31) + a; } /* while */ /* a bit debuggin :) /printf("Filename %s -> %X\n",name,id); */ return(id); } /* MIX_hash */ static void MIX_dirClose(dvoid *opaque) { MIXinfo *info = ((MIXinfo *) opaque); allocator.Free(info->entry); allocator.Free(info->filename); } /* MIX_dirClose */ static PHYSFS_sint64 MIX_read(fvoid *opaque, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount) { MIXfileinfo *finfo = (MIXfileinfo *) opaque; MIXentry *entry = finfo->entry; PHYSFS_uint32 read; /* set position in the archive */ __PHYSFS_platformSeek(finfo->handle, finfo->info->delta + entry->start_offset + finfo->cur_pos); /* read n bytes */ read = __PHYSFS_platformRead(finfo->handle, buffer, objSize, objCount); /* keep filepointer up to date */ if (read) finfo->cur_pos += read * objSize; return(read); } /* MIX_read */ static PHYSFS_sint64 MIX_write(fvoid *opaque, const void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, -1); } /* MIX_write */ static int MIX_eof(fvoid *opaque) { MIXfileinfo *fifo = (MIXfileinfo *) opaque; return(fifo->cur_pos >= fifo->size); } /* MIX_eof */ static PHYSFS_sint64 MIX_tell(fvoid *opaque) { return(((MIXfileinfo *) opaque)->cur_pos); } /* MIX_tell */ static int MIX_seek(fvoid *opaque, PHYSFS_uint64 offset) { MIXfileinfo *h = (MIXfileinfo *) opaque; BAIL_IF_MACRO(offset < 0, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(offset >= h->size, ERR_PAST_EOF, 0); h->cur_pos = offset; return(1); } /* MIX_seek */ static PHYSFS_sint64 MIX_fileLength(fvoid *opaque) { return (((MIXfileinfo *) opaque)->size); } /* MIX_fileLength */ static int MIX_fileClose(fvoid *opaque) { MIXfileinfo *finfo = (MIXfileinfo *) opaque; __PHYSFS_platformClose(finfo->handle); allocator.Free(finfo); return(1); } /* MIX_fileClose */ static int MIX_isArchive(const char *filename, int forWriting) { /* !!! FIXME: write a simple detection routine for MIX files. Unfortunaly MIX files have no ID in the header. */ return(1); } /* MIX_isArchive */ /* * Read an unsigned 32-bit int and swap to native byte order. */ static int readui32(void *in, PHYSFS_uint32 *val) { PHYSFS_uint32 v; BAIL_IF_MACRO(__PHYSFS_platformRead(in, &v, sizeof (v), 1) != 1, NULL, 0); *val = PHYSFS_swapULE32(v); return(1); } /* readui32 */ /* * Read an unsigned 16-bit int and swap to native byte order. */ static int readui16(void *in, PHYSFS_uint16 *val) { PHYSFS_uint16 v; BAIL_IF_MACRO(__PHYSFS_platformRead(in, &v, sizeof (v), 1) != 1, NULL, 0); *val = PHYSFS_swapULE16(v); return(1); } /* readui16 */ static void *MIX_openArchive(const char *name, int forWriting) { PHYSFS_uint32 i = 0; MIXinfo *info = NULL; void *handle = NULL; info = (MIXinfo *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (MIXinfo)); BAIL_IF_MACRO(info == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0); memset(info, '\0', sizeof (MIXinfo)); info->filename = (char *) allocator.Malloc(strlen(name) + 1); GOTO_IF_MACRO(!info->filename, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, MIX_openArchive_failed); /* store filename */ strcpy(info->filename, name); /* open the file */ handle = __PHYSFS_platformOpenRead(name); if (!handle) goto MIX_openArchive_failed; /* read the MIX header */ if ( (!readui16(handle, &info->header.num_files)) || (!readui32(handle, &info->header.filesize)) ) goto MIX_openArchive_failed; info->delta = 6 + (info->header.num_files * 12); /* allocate space for the entries and read the entries */ info->entry = allocator.Malloc(sizeof (MIXentry) * info->header.num_files); GOTO_IF_MACRO(!info->entry, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, MIX_openArchive_failed); /* read the directory list */ for (i = 0; i < header.num_files; i++) { if ( (!readui32(handle, &info->entry[i].hash)) || (!readui32(handle, &info->entry[i].start_offset)) || (!readui32(handle, &info->entry[i].end_offset)) ) goto MIX_openArchive_failed; } /* for */ __PHYSFS_platformClose(handle); return(info); MIX_openArchive_failed: if (info != NULL) { if (info->filename != NULL) allocator.Free(info->filename); if (info->entry != NULL) allocator.Free(info->entry); allocator.Free(info); } /* if */ if (handle != NULL) __PHYSFS_platformClose(handle); return(NULL); } /* MIX_openArchive */ static void MIX_enumerateFiles(dvoid *opaque, const char *dname, int omitSymLinks, PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback cb, const char *origdir, void *callbackdata) { /* no directories in MIX files. */ if (*dirname != '\0') { MIXinfo *info = (MIXinfo*) opaque; MIXentry *entry = info->entry; int i; char buffer[32]; for (i = 0; i < info->header.num_files; i++, entry++) { sprintf(buffer, "%X", entry->hash); cb(callbackdata, origdir, buffer); } /* for */ } /* if */ } /* MIX_enumerateFiles */ static MIXentry *MIX_find_entry(MIXinfo *info, const char *name) { MIXentry *entry = info->entry; PHYSFS_uint32 i, id; /* create hash */ id = MIX_hash(name); /* look for this hash */ for (i = 0; i < info->header.num_files; i++, entry++) { if (entry->hash == id) return(entry); } /* for */ /* nothing found... :( */ return(NULL); } /* MIX_find_entry */ static int MIX_exists(dvoid *opaque, const char *name) { return(MIX_find_entry(((MIXinfo *) opaque), name) != NULL); } /* MIX_exists */ static int MIX_isDirectory(dvoid *opaque, const char *name, int *fileExists) { *fileExists = MIX_exists(opaque, name); return(0); /* never directories in a MIX */ } /* MIX_isDirectory */ static int MIX_isSymLink(dvoid *opaque, const char *name, int *fileExists) { *fileExists = MIX_exists(opaque, name); return(0); /* never symlinks in a MIX. */ } /* MIX_isSymLink */ static PHYSFS_sint64 MIX_getLastModTime(dvoid *opaque, const char *name, int *fileExists) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, 0); /* !!! FIXME: return .MIX's modtime. */ } /* MIX_getLastModTime */ static fvoid *MIX_openRead(dvoid *opaque, const char *fnm, int *fileExists) { MIXinfo *info = ((MIXinfo*) opaque); MIXfileinfo *finfo; MIXentry *entry; /* try to find this file */ entry = MIX_find_entry(info,fnm); BAIL_IF_MACRO(entry == NULL, ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE, NULL); /* allocate a MIX handle */ finfo = (MIXfileinfo *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (MIXfileinfo)); BAIL_IF_MACRO(finfo == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); /* open the archive */ finfo->handle = __PHYSFS_platformOpenRead(info->filename); if(!finfo->handle) { allocator.Free(finfo); return(NULL); } /* if */ /* setup structures */ finfo->cur_pos = 0; finfo->info = info; finfo->entry = entry; finfo->size = entry->end_offset - entry->start_offset; return(finfo); } /* MIX_openRead */ static fvoid *MIX_openWrite(dvoid *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, NULL); } /* MIX_openWrite */ static fvoid *MIX_openAppend(dvoid *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, NULL); } /* MIX_openAppend */ static int MIX_remove(dvoid *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, 0); } /* MIX_remove */ static int MIX_mkdir(dvoid *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, 0); } /* MIX_mkdir */ const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo __PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_MIX = { "MIX", "Westwood archive (Tiberian Dawn / Red Alert)", "Sebastian Steinhauer ", "http://icculus.org/physfs/", }; const PHYSFS_Archiver __PHYSFS_Archiver_MIX = { &__PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_MIX, MIX_isArchive, /* isArchive() method */ MIX_openArchive, /* openArchive() method */ MIX_enumerateFiles, /* enumerateFiles() method */ MIX_exists, /* exists() method */ MIX_isDirectory, /* isDirectory() method */ MIX_isSymLink, /* isSymLink() method */ MIX_getLastModTime, /* getLastModTime() method */ MIX_openRead, /* openRead() method */ MIX_openWrite, /* openWrite() method */ MIX_openAppend, /* openAppend() method */ MIX_remove, /* remove() method */ MIX_mkdir, /* mkdir() method */ MIX_dirClose, /* dirClose() method */ MIX_read, /* read() method */ MIX_write, /* write() method */ MIX_eof, /* eof() method */ MIX_tell, /* tell() method */ MIX_seek, /* seek() method */ MIX_fileLength, /* fileLength() method */ MIX_fileClose /* fileClose() method */ }; #endif /* defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_MIX */ /* end of mix.c ... */