/* * 7zip support routines for PhysicsFS. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file was written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #define __PHYSICSFS_INTERNAL__ #include "physfs_internal.h" #if PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_7Z #include "physfs_lzmasdk.h" typedef struct { ISeekInStream seekStream; /* lzma sdk i/o interface (lower level). */ PHYSFS_Io *io; /* physfs i/o interface for this archive. */ CLookToRead lookStream; /* lzma sdk i/o interface (higher level). */ } SZIPLookToRead; /* One SZIPentry is kept for each file in an open 7zip archive. */ typedef struct { __PHYSFS_DirTreeEntry tree; /* manages directory tree */ PHYSFS_uint32 dbidx; /* index into lzma sdk database */ } SZIPentry; /* One SZIPinfo is kept for each open 7zip archive. */ typedef struct { __PHYSFS_DirTree tree; /* manages directory tree. */ PHYSFS_Io *io; /* physfs i/o interface for this archive. */ CSzArEx db; /* lzma sdk archive database object. */ } SZIPinfo; static PHYSFS_ErrorCode szipErrorCode(const SRes rc) { switch (rc) { case SZ_OK: return PHYSFS_ERR_OK; case SZ_ERROR_DATA: return PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT; case SZ_ERROR_MEM: return PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; case SZ_ERROR_CRC: return PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT; case SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED: return PHYSFS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; case SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF: return PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT; case SZ_ERROR_OUTPUT_EOF: return PHYSFS_ERR_IO; case SZ_ERROR_READ: return PHYSFS_ERR_IO; case SZ_ERROR_WRITE: return PHYSFS_ERR_IO; case SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE: return PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT; case SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE: return PHYSFS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; default: break; } /* switch */ return PHYSFS_ERR_OTHER_ERROR; } /* szipErrorCode */ /* LZMA SDK's ISzAlloc interface ... */ static void *SZIP_ISzAlloc_Alloc(void *p, size_t size) { return allocator.Malloc(size ? size : 1); } /* SZIP_ISzAlloc_Alloc */ static void SZIP_ISzAlloc_Free(void *p, void *address) { if (address) allocator.Free(address); } /* SZIP_ISzAlloc_Free */ static ISzAlloc SZIP_SzAlloc = { SZIP_ISzAlloc_Alloc, SZIP_ISzAlloc_Free }; /* we implement ISeekInStream, and then wrap that in LZMA SDK's CLookToRead, which implements the higher-level ILookInStream on top of that, handling buffering and such for us. */ /* LZMA SDK's ISeekInStream interface ... */ static SRes SZIP_ISeekInStream_Read(void *p, void *buf, size_t *size) { SZIPLookToRead *stream = (SZIPLookToRead *) p; PHYSFS_Io *io = stream->io; const PHYSFS_uint64 len = (PHYSFS_uint64) *size; const PHYSFS_sint64 rc = (len == 0) ? 0 : io->read(io, buf, len); if (rc < 0) { *size = 0; return SZ_ERROR_READ; } /* if */ *size = (size_t) rc; return SZ_OK; } /* SZIP_ISeekInStream_Read */ static SRes SZIP_ISeekInStream_Seek(void *p, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin) { SZIPLookToRead *stream = (SZIPLookToRead *) p; PHYSFS_Io *io = stream->io; PHYSFS_sint64 base; PHYSFS_uint64 newpos; switch (origin) { case SZ_SEEK_SET: base = 0; break; case SZ_SEEK_CUR: base = io->tell(io); break; case SZ_SEEK_END: base = io->length(io); break; default: return SZ_ERROR_FAIL; } /* switch */ if (base < 0) return SZ_ERROR_FAIL; else if ((*pos < 0) && (((Int64) base) < -*pos)) return SZ_ERROR_FAIL; newpos = (PHYSFS_uint64) (((Int64) base) + *pos); if (!io->seek(io, newpos)) return SZ_ERROR_FAIL; *pos = (Int64) newpos; return SZ_OK; } /* SZIP_ISeekInStream_Seek */ static void szipInitStream(SZIPLookToRead *stream, PHYSFS_Io *io) { stream->seekStream.Read = SZIP_ISeekInStream_Read; stream->seekStream.Seek = SZIP_ISeekInStream_Seek; stream->io = io; /* !!! FIXME: can we use lookahead? Is there value to it? */ LookToRead_Init(&stream->lookStream); LookToRead_CreateVTable(&stream->lookStream, False); stream->lookStream.realStream = &stream->seekStream; } /* szipInitStream */ /* Do this in a separate function so we can smallAlloc without looping. */ static int szipLoadEntry(SZIPinfo *info, const PHYSFS_uint32 idx) { const size_t utf16len = SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&info->db, idx, NULL); const size_t utf16buflen = utf16len * 2; PHYSFS_uint16 *utf16 = (PHYSFS_uint16 *) __PHYSFS_smallAlloc(utf16buflen); const size_t utf8buflen = utf16len * 4; char *utf8 = (char *) __PHYSFS_smallAlloc(utf8buflen); int retval = 0; if (utf16 && utf8) { const int isdir = SzArEx_IsDir(&info->db, idx) != 0; SZIPentry *entry; SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&info->db, idx, (UInt16 *) utf16); PHYSFS_utf8FromUtf16(utf16, utf8, utf8buflen); entry = (SZIPentry*) __PHYSFS_DirTreeAdd(&info->tree, utf8, isdir); retval = (entry != NULL); if (retval) entry->dbidx = idx; } /* if */ __PHYSFS_smallFree(utf8); __PHYSFS_smallFree(utf16); return retval; } /* szipLoadEntry */ static int szipLoadEntries(SZIPinfo *info) { int retval = 0; if (__PHYSFS_DirTreeInit(&info->tree, sizeof (SZIPentry))) { const PHYSFS_uint32 count = info->db.NumFiles; PHYSFS_uint32 i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!szipLoadEntry(info, i), 0); retval = 1; } /* if */ return retval; } /* szipLoadEntries */ static void SZIP_closeArchive(void *opaque) { SZIPinfo *info = (SZIPinfo *) opaque; if (info) { SzArEx_Free(&info->db, &SZIP_SzAlloc); __PHYSFS_DirTreeDeinit(&info->tree); allocator.Free(info); } /* if */ } /* SZIP_closeArchive */ static void *SZIP_openArchive(PHYSFS_Io *io, const char *name, int forWriting) { SZIPLookToRead stream; ISzAlloc *alloc = &SZIP_SzAlloc; SZIPinfo *info = NULL; SRes rc; /* !!! FIXME-3.0: this is a race condition; we need a global init method that gets called when registering new archivers. */ static int generatedTable = 0; if (!generatedTable) { generatedTable = 1; CrcGenerateTable(); } /* if */ BAIL_IF(forWriting, PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, NULL); info = (SZIPinfo *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (SZIPinfo)); BAIL_IF(!info, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); memset(info, '\0', sizeof (*info)); SzArEx_Init(&info->db); info->io = io; szipInitStream(&stream, io); rc = SzArEx_Open(&info->db, &stream.lookStream.s, alloc, alloc); GOTO_IF(rc != SZ_OK, szipErrorCode(rc), failed); GOTO_IF_ERRPASS(!szipLoadEntries(info), failed); return info; failed: info->io = NULL; /* don't let cleanup destroy the PHYSFS_Io. */ SZIP_closeArchive(info); return NULL; } /* SZIP_openArchive */ static PHYSFS_Io *SZIP_openRead(void *opaque, const char *path) { /* !!! FIXME: the current lzma sdk C API only allows you to decompress !!! FIXME: the entire file at once, which isn't ideal. Fix this in the !!! FIXME: SDK and then convert this all to a streaming interface. */ SZIPinfo *info = (SZIPinfo *) opaque; SZIPentry *entry = (SZIPentry *) __PHYSFS_DirTreeFind(&info->tree, path); ISzAlloc *alloc = &SZIP_SzAlloc; SZIPLookToRead stream; PHYSFS_Io *retval = NULL; PHYSFS_Io *io = NULL; UInt32 blockIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF; Byte *outBuffer = NULL; size_t outBufferSize = 0; size_t offset = 0; size_t outSizeProcessed = 0; void *buf = NULL; SRes rc; BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!entry, NULL); BAIL_IF(entry->tree.isdir, PHYSFS_ERR_NOT_A_FILE, NULL); io = info->io->duplicate(info->io); GOTO_IF_ERRPASS(!io, SZIP_openRead_failed); szipInitStream(&stream, io); rc = SzArEx_Extract(&info->db, &stream.lookStream.s, entry->dbidx, &blockIndex, &outBuffer, &outBufferSize, &offset, &outSizeProcessed, alloc, alloc); GOTO_IF(rc != SZ_OK, szipErrorCode(rc), SZIP_openRead_failed); io->destroy(io); io = NULL; buf = allocator.Malloc(outSizeProcessed); GOTO_IF(rc != SZ_OK, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, SZIP_openRead_failed); memcpy(buf, outBuffer + offset, outSizeProcessed); alloc->Free(alloc, outBuffer); outBuffer = NULL; retval = __PHYSFS_createMemoryIo(buf, outSizeProcessed, allocator.Free); GOTO_IF_ERRPASS(!retval, SZIP_openRead_failed); return retval; SZIP_openRead_failed: if (io != NULL) io->destroy(io); if (buf) allocator.Free(buf); if (outBuffer) alloc->Free(alloc, outBuffer); return NULL; } /* SZIP_openRead */ static PHYSFS_Io *SZIP_openWrite(void *opaque, const char *filename) { BAIL(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, NULL); } /* SZIP_openWrite */ static PHYSFS_Io *SZIP_openAppend(void *opaque, const char *filename) { BAIL(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, NULL); } /* SZIP_openAppend */ static int SZIP_remove(void *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, 0); } /* SZIP_remove */ static int SZIP_mkdir(void *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, 0); } /* SZIP_mkdir */ static inline PHYSFS_uint64 lzmasdkTimeToPhysfsTime(const CNtfsFileTime *t) { const PHYSFS_uint64 winEpochToUnixEpoch = __PHYSFS_UI64(0x019DB1DED53E8000); const PHYSFS_uint64 nanosecToMillisec = __PHYSFS_UI64(10000000); const PHYSFS_uint64 quad = (((PHYSFS_uint64) t->High) << 32) | t->Low; return (quad - winEpochToUnixEpoch) / nanosecToMillisec; } /* lzmasdkTimeToPhysfsTime */ static int SZIP_stat(void *opaque, const char *path, PHYSFS_Stat *stat) { SZIPinfo *info = (SZIPinfo *) opaque; SZIPentry *entry; PHYSFS_uint32 idx; entry = (SZIPentry *) __PHYSFS_DirTreeFind(&info->tree, path); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!entry, 0); idx = entry->dbidx; if (entry->tree.isdir) { stat->filesize = -1; stat->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_DIRECTORY; } /* if */ else { stat->filesize = (PHYSFS_sint64) SzArEx_GetFileSize(&info->db, idx); stat->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_REGULAR; } /* else */ if (info->db.MTime.Vals != NULL) stat->modtime = lzmasdkTimeToPhysfsTime(&info->db.MTime.Vals[idx]); else if (info->db.CTime.Vals != NULL) stat->modtime = lzmasdkTimeToPhysfsTime(&info->db.CTime.Vals[idx]); else stat->modtime = -1; if (info->db.CTime.Vals != NULL) stat->createtime = lzmasdkTimeToPhysfsTime(&info->db.CTime.Vals[idx]); else if (info->db.MTime.Vals != NULL) stat->createtime = lzmasdkTimeToPhysfsTime(&info->db.MTime.Vals[idx]); else stat->createtime = -1; stat->accesstime = -1; stat->readonly = 1; return 1; } /* SZIP_stat */ const PHYSFS_Archiver __PHYSFS_Archiver_7Z = { CURRENT_PHYSFS_ARCHIVER_API_VERSION, { "7Z", "7zip archives", "Ryan C. Gordon ", "https://icculus.org/physfs/", 0, /* supportsSymlinks */ }, SZIP_openArchive, __PHYSFS_DirTreeEnumerate, SZIP_openRead, SZIP_openWrite, SZIP_openAppend, SZIP_remove, SZIP_mkdir, SZIP_stat, SZIP_closeArchive }; #endif /* defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_7Z */ /* end of physfs_archiver_7z.c ... */