/* * VDF support routines for PhysicsFS. * * This driver handles Gothic I/II VDF archives. * This format (but not this driver) was designed by Piranha Bytes for * use wih the ZenGin engine. * * This file was written by Francesco Bertolaccini, based on the UNPK archiver * by Ryan C. Gordon and the works of degenerated1123 and Nico Bendlin. */ #define __PHYSICSFS_INTERNAL__ #include "physfs_internal.h" #if PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_VDF #include #define VDF_COMMENT_LENGTH 256 #define VDF_SIGNATURE_LENGTH 16 #define VDF_ENTRY_NAME_LENGTH 64 static const char* VDF_SIGNATURE_G1 = "PSVDSC_V2.00\r\n\r\n"; static const char* VDF_SIGNATURE_G2 = "PSVDSC_V2.00\n\r\n\r"; static inline int readui32(PHYSFS_Io *io, PHYSFS_uint32 *val) { PHYSFS_uint32 v; BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, &v, sizeof (v)), 0); *val = PHYSFS_swapULE32(v); return 1; } /* readui32 */ static PHYSFS_sint64 vdfDosTimeToEpoch(const PHYSFS_uint32 dostime) { /* VDF stores timestamps as 32bit DOS dates: the seconds are counted in 2-seconds intervals and the years are counted since 1 Jan. 1980 */ struct tm t; memset(&t, '\0', sizeof (t)); t.tm_year = ((int) ((dostime >> 25) & 0x7F)) + 80; /* 1980 to 1900 */ t.tm_mon = ((int) ((dostime >> 21) & 0xF)) - 1; /* 1-12 to 0-11 */ t.tm_mday = (int) ((dostime >> 16) & 0x1F); t.tm_hour = (int) ((dostime >> 11) & 0x1F); t.tm_min = (int) ((dostime >> 5) & 0x3F); t.tm_sec = ((int) ((dostime >> 0) & 0x1F)) * 2; /* 2 seconds to 1. */ return (PHYSFS_sint64) mktime(&t); } /* vdfDosTimeToEpoch */ static int vdfLoadEntries(PHYSFS_Io *io, const PHYSFS_uint32 count, const PHYSFS_sint64 ts, void *arc) { PHYSFS_uint32 i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { char name[VDF_ENTRY_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; int namei; PHYSFS_uint32 jump, size, type, attr; BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, name, sizeof (name) - 1), 0); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!readui32(io, &jump), 0); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!readui32(io, &size), 0); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!readui32(io, &type), 0); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!readui32(io, &attr), 0); /* Trim whitespace off the end of the filename */ name[VDF_ENTRY_NAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; /* always null-terminated. */ for (namei = VDF_ENTRY_NAME_LENGTH - 1; namei >= 0; namei--) { if (name[namei] == ' ') name[namei] = '\0'; else break; } /* for */ BAIL_IF(!name[0], PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT, 0); /* !!! FIXME: we assume the filenames are low-ASCII; if they use any high-ASCII chars, they will be invalid UTF-8. */ BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!UNPK_addEntry(arc, name, 0, ts, ts, jump, size), 0); } /* for */ return 1; } /* vdfLoadEntries */ static void *VDF_openArchive(PHYSFS_Io *io, const char *name, int forWriting) { PHYSFS_uint8 ignore[16]; PHYSFS_uint8 sig[VDF_SIGNATURE_LENGTH]; PHYSFS_uint32 count, timestamp, version, dataSize, rootCatOffset; void *unpkarc; assert(io != NULL); /* shouldn't ever happen. */ BAIL_IF(forWriting, PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, NULL); /* skip the 256-byte comment field. */ BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!io->seek(io, VDF_COMMENT_LENGTH), NULL); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, sig, sizeof (sig)), NULL); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!readui32(io, &count), NULL); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, ignore, 4), NULL); /* numFiles */ BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!readui32(io, ×tamp), NULL); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!readui32(io, &dataSize), NULL); /* dataSize */ BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!readui32(io, &rootCatOffset), NULL); /* rootCatOff */ BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!readui32(io, &version), NULL); BAIL_IF(version != 0x50, PHYSFS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED, NULL); if ((memcmp(sig, VDF_SIGNATURE_G1, VDF_SIGNATURE_LENGTH) != 0) && (memcmp(sig, VDF_SIGNATURE_G2, VDF_SIGNATURE_LENGTH) != 0)) { BAIL(PHYSFS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED, NULL); } /* if */ BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!io->seek(io, rootCatOffset), NULL); unpkarc = UNPK_openArchive(io); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!unpkarc, NULL); if (!vdfLoadEntries(io, count, vdfDosTimeToEpoch(timestamp), unpkarc)) { UNPK_abandonArchive(unpkarc); return NULL; } /* if */ return unpkarc; } /* VDF_openArchive */ const PHYSFS_Archiver __PHYSFS_Archiver_VDF = { CURRENT_PHYSFS_ARCHIVER_API_VERSION, { "VDF", "Gothic I/II engine format", "Francesco Bertolaccini ", "https://github.com/frabert", 0, /* supportsSymlinks */ }, VDF_openArchive, UNPK_enumerateFiles, UNPK_openRead, UNPK_openWrite, UNPK_openAppend, UNPK_remove, UNPK_mkdir, UNPK_stat, UNPK_closeArchive }; #endif /* defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_VDF */ /* end of physfs_archiver_vdf.c ... */