/* * Skeleton platform-dependent support routines for PhysicsFS. * * Please see the file LICENSE in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #define __PHYSICSFS_INTERNAL__ #include "physfs_internal.h" #error DO NOT COMPILE THIS. IT IS JUST A SKELETON EXAMPLE FILE. const char *__PHYSFS_platformDirSeparator = ":"; int __PHYSFS_platformInit(void) { return(1); /* always succeed. */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformInit */ int __PHYSFS_platformDeinit(void) { return(1); /* always succeed. */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformDeinit */ void __PHYSFS_platformDetectAvailableCDs(PHYSFS_StringCallback cb, void *data) { } /* __PHYSFS_platformDetectAvailableCDs */ char *__PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir(const char *argv0) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NULL); } /* __PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir */ char *__PHYSFS_platformGetUserName(void) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NULL); } /* __PHYSFS_platformGetUserName */ char *__PHYSFS_platformGetUserDir(void) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NULL); } /* __PHYSFS_platformGetUserDir */ PHYSFS_uint64 __PHYSFS_platformGetThreadID(void) { return(1); /* single threaded. */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformGetThreadID */ int __PHYSFS_platformStricmp(const char *x, const char *y) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 0); } /* __PHYSFS_platformStricmp */ int __PHYSFS_platformStrnicmp(const char *x, const char *y, PHYSFS_uint32 l) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 0); } /* __PHYSFS_platformStrnicmp */ int __PHYSFS_platformExists(const char *fname) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 0); } /* __PHYSFS_platformExists */ int __PHYSFS_platformIsSymLink(const char *fname) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 0); } /* __PHYSFS_platformIsSymlink */ int __PHYSFS_platformIsDirectory(const char *fname) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 0); } /* __PHYSFS_platformIsDirectory */ char *__PHYSFS_platformCvtToDependent(const char *prepend, const char *dirName, const char *append) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NULL); } /* __PHYSFS_platformCvtToDependent */ void __PHYSFS_platformTimeslice(void) { } /* __PHYSFS_platformTimeslice */ void __PHYSFS_platformEnumerateFiles(const char *dirname, int omitSymLinks, PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback callback, const char *origdir, void *callbackdata) { } /* __PHYSFS_platformEnumerateFiles */ char *__PHYSFS_platformCurrentDir(void) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NULL); } /* __PHYSFS_platformCurrentDir */ char *__PHYSFS_platformRealPath(const char *path) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NULL); } /* __PHYSFS_platformRealPath */ int __PHYSFS_platformMkDir(const char *path) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 0); } /* __PHYSFS_platformMkDir */ void *__PHYSFS_platformOpenRead(const char *filename) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NULL); } /* __PHYSFS_platformOpenRead */ void *__PHYSFS_platformOpenWrite(const char *filename) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NULL); } /* __PHYSFS_platformOpenWrite */ void *__PHYSFS_platformOpenAppend(const char *filename) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NULL); } /* __PHYSFS_platformOpenAppend */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformRead(void *opaque, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 size, PHYSFS_uint32 count) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, -1); } /* __PHYSFS_platformRead */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformWrite(void *opaque, const void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 size, PHYSFS_uint32 count) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, -1); } /* __PHYSFS_platformWrite */ int __PHYSFS_platformSeek(void *opaque, PHYSFS_uint64 pos) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, -1); } /* __PHYSFS_platformSeek */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformTell(void *opaque) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, -1); } /* __PHYSFS_platformTell */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformFileLength(void *opaque) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, -1); } /* __PHYSFS_platformFileLength */ int __PHYSFS_platformEOF(void *opaque) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, -1); } /* __PHYSFS_platformEOF */ int __PHYSFS_platformFlush(void *opaque) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 0); } /* __PHYSFS_platformFlush */ int __PHYSFS_platformClose(void *opaque) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 0); } /* __PHYSFS_platformClose */ int __PHYSFS_platformDelete(const char *path) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 0); } /* __PHYSFS_platformDelete */ void *__PHYSFS_platformCreateMutex(void) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NULL); } /* __PHYSFS_platformCreateMutex */ void __PHYSFS_platformDestroyMutex(void *mutex) { } /* __PHYSFS_platformDestroyMutex */ int __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(void *mutex) { /* not implemented, but can't call __PHYSFS_setError! */ return(0); } /* __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex */ void __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(void *mutex) { /* not implemented, but can't call __PHYSFS_setError! */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformGetLastModTime(const char *fname) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, -1); } /* __PHYSFS_platformGetLastModTime */ int __PHYSFS_platformAllocatorInit(void) { return(1); /* always succeeds. */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformAllocatorInit */ void __PHYSFS_platformAllocatorDeinit(void) { /* no-op */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformAllocatorInit */ void *__PHYSFS_platformAllocatorMalloc(PHYSFS_uint64 s) { /* make sure s isn't larger than the address space of the platform... */ if ( s > (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF >> (64-(sizeof (size_t) * 8))) ) BAIL_MACRO(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); #undef malloc return(malloc((size_t) s)); } /* __PHYSFS_platformMalloc */ void *__PHYSFS_platformAllocatorRealloc(void *ptr, PHYSFS_uint64 s) { /* make sure s isn't larger than the address space of the platform... */ if ( s > (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF >> (64-(sizeof (size_t) * 8))) ) BAIL_MACRO(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); #undef realloc return(realloc(ptr, (size_t) s)); } /* __PHYSFS_platformRealloc */ void __PHYSFS_platformAllocatorFree(void *ptr) { #undef free free(ptr); } /* __PHYSFS_platformAllocatorFree */ /* end of skeleton.c ... */