/* * High-level PhysicsFS archiver for simple unpacked file formats. * * This is a framework that basic archivers build on top of. It's for simple * formats that can just hand back a list of files and the offsets of their * uncompressed data. There are an alarming number of formats like this. * * RULES: Archive entries must be uncompressed, must not have subdirs, * must be case insensitive filenames < 32 chars. We can relax some of these * rules as necessary. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #define __PHYSICSFS_INTERNAL__ #include "physfs_internal.h" typedef struct { PHYSFS_Io *io; PHYSFS_uint32 entryCount; UNPKentry *entries; } UNPKinfo; typedef struct { PHYSFS_Io *io; UNPKentry *entry; PHYSFS_uint32 curPos; } UNPKfileinfo; void UNPK_dirClose(dvoid *opaque) { UNPKinfo *info = ((UNPKinfo *) opaque); info->io->destroy(info->io); allocator.Free(info->entries); allocator.Free(info); } /* UNPK_dirClose */ static PHYSFS_sint64 UNPK_read(PHYSFS_Io *io, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint64 len) { UNPKfileinfo *finfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) io->opaque; const UNPKentry *entry = finfo->entry; const PHYSFS_uint64 bytesLeft = (PHYSFS_uint64)(entry->size-finfo->curPos); PHYSFS_sint64 rc; if (bytesLeft < len) len = bytesLeft; rc = finfo->io->read(finfo->io, buffer, len); if (rc > 0) finfo->curPos += (PHYSFS_uint32) rc; return rc; } /* UNPK_read */ static PHYSFS_sint64 UNPK_write(PHYSFS_Io *io, const void *b, PHYSFS_uint64 len) { BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, -1); } /* UNPK_write */ static PHYSFS_sint64 UNPK_tell(PHYSFS_Io *io) { return ((UNPKfileinfo *) io->opaque)->curPos; } /* UNPK_tell */ static int UNPK_seek(PHYSFS_Io *io, PHYSFS_uint64 offset) { UNPKfileinfo *finfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) io->opaque; const UNPKentry *entry = finfo->entry; int rc; BAIL_IF_MACRO(offset >= entry->size, PHYSFS_ERR_PAST_EOF, 0); rc = finfo->io->seek(finfo->io, entry->startPos + offset); if (rc) finfo->curPos = (PHYSFS_uint32) offset; return rc; } /* UNPK_seek */ static PHYSFS_sint64 UNPK_length(PHYSFS_Io *io) { const UNPKfileinfo *finfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) io->opaque; return ((PHYSFS_sint64) finfo->entry->size); } /* UNPK_length */ static PHYSFS_Io *UNPK_duplicate(PHYSFS_Io *_io) { UNPKfileinfo *origfinfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) _io->opaque; PHYSFS_Io *io = NULL; PHYSFS_Io *retval = (PHYSFS_Io *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (PHYSFS_Io)); UNPKfileinfo *finfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (UNPKfileinfo)); GOTO_IF_MACRO(!retval, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, UNPK_duplicate_failed); GOTO_IF_MACRO(!finfo, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, UNPK_duplicate_failed); io = origfinfo->io->duplicate(origfinfo->io); if (!io) goto UNPK_duplicate_failed; finfo->io = io; finfo->entry = origfinfo->entry; finfo->curPos = 0; memcpy(retval, _io, sizeof (PHYSFS_Io)); retval->opaque = finfo; return retval; UNPK_duplicate_failed: if (finfo != NULL) allocator.Free(finfo); if (retval != NULL) allocator.Free(retval); if (io != NULL) io->destroy(io); return NULL; } /* UNPK_duplicate */ static int UNPK_flush(PHYSFS_Io *io) { return 1; /* no write support. */ } static void UNPK_destroy(PHYSFS_Io *io) { UNPKfileinfo *finfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) io->opaque; finfo->io->destroy(finfo->io); allocator.Free(finfo); allocator.Free(io); } /* UNPK_destroy */ static const PHYSFS_Io UNPK_Io = { UNPK_read, UNPK_write, UNPK_seek, UNPK_tell, UNPK_length, UNPK_duplicate, UNPK_flush, UNPK_destroy, NULL }; static int entryCmp(void *_a, PHYSFS_uint32 one, PHYSFS_uint32 two) { if (one != two) { const UNPKentry *a = (const UNPKentry *) _a; return strcmp(a[one].name, a[two].name); } /* if */ return 0; } /* entryCmp */ static void entrySwap(void *_a, PHYSFS_uint32 one, PHYSFS_uint32 two) { if (one != two) { UNPKentry tmp; UNPKentry *first = &(((UNPKentry *) _a)[one]); UNPKentry *second = &(((UNPKentry *) _a)[two]); memcpy(&tmp, first, sizeof (UNPKentry)); memcpy(first, second, sizeof (UNPKentry)); memcpy(second, &tmp, sizeof (UNPKentry)); } /* if */ } /* entrySwap */ void UNPK_enumerateFiles(dvoid *opaque, const char *dname, int omitSymLinks, PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback cb, const char *origdir, void *callbackdata) { /* no directories in UNPK files. */ if (*dname == '\0') { UNPKinfo *info = (UNPKinfo *) opaque; UNPKentry *entry = info->entries; PHYSFS_uint32 max = info->entryCount; PHYSFS_uint32 i; for (i = 0; i < max; i++, entry++) cb(callbackdata, origdir, entry->name); } /* if */ } /* UNPK_enumerateFiles */ static UNPKentry *findEntry(const UNPKinfo *info, const char *name) { UNPKentry *a = info->entries; PHYSFS_sint32 lo = 0; PHYSFS_sint32 hi = (PHYSFS_sint32) (info->entryCount - 1); PHYSFS_sint32 middle; int rc; while (lo <= hi) { middle = lo + ((hi - lo) / 2); rc = __PHYSFS_utf8strcasecmp(name, a[middle].name); if (rc == 0) /* found it! */ return &a[middle]; else if (rc > 0) lo = middle + 1; else hi = middle - 1; } /* while */ BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_NO_SUCH_PATH, NULL); } /* findEntry */ PHYSFS_Io *UNPK_openRead(dvoid *opaque, const char *fnm, int *fileExists) { PHYSFS_Io *retval = NULL; UNPKinfo *info = (UNPKinfo *) opaque; UNPKfileinfo *finfo = NULL; UNPKentry *entry; entry = findEntry(info, fnm); *fileExists = (entry != NULL); GOTO_IF_MACRO(!entry, ERRPASS, UNPK_openRead_failed); retval = (PHYSFS_Io *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (PHYSFS_Io)); GOTO_IF_MACRO(!retval, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, UNPK_openRead_failed); finfo = (UNPKfileinfo *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (UNPKfileinfo)); GOTO_IF_MACRO(!finfo, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, UNPK_openRead_failed); finfo->io = info->io->duplicate(info->io); GOTO_IF_MACRO(!finfo->io, ERRPASS, UNPK_openRead_failed); if (!finfo->io->seek(finfo->io, entry->startPos)) goto UNPK_openRead_failed; finfo->curPos = 0; finfo->entry = entry; memcpy(retval, &UNPK_Io, sizeof (*retval)); retval->opaque = finfo; return retval; UNPK_openRead_failed: if (finfo != NULL) { if (finfo->io != NULL) finfo->io->destroy(finfo->io); allocator.Free(finfo); } /* if */ if (retval != NULL) allocator.Free(retval); return NULL; } /* UNPK_openRead */ PHYSFS_Io *UNPK_openWrite(dvoid *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, NULL); } /* UNPK_openWrite */ PHYSFS_Io *UNPK_openAppend(dvoid *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, NULL); } /* UNPK_openAppend */ int UNPK_remove(dvoid *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, 0); } /* UNPK_remove */ int UNPK_mkdir(dvoid *opaque, const char *name) { BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, 0); } /* UNPK_mkdir */ int UNPK_stat(dvoid *opaque, const char *filename, int *exists, PHYSFS_Stat *stat) { const UNPKinfo *info = (const UNPKinfo *) opaque; const UNPKentry *entry = findEntry(info, filename); *exists = (entry != 0); if (!entry) return 0; stat->filesize = entry->size; stat->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_REGULAR; stat->modtime = -1; stat->createtime = -1; stat->accesstime = -1; stat->readonly = 1; return 1; } /* UNPK_stat */ dvoid *UNPK_openArchive(PHYSFS_Io *io, UNPKentry *e, const PHYSFS_uint32 num) { UNPKinfo *info = (UNPKinfo *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (UNPKinfo)); if (info == NULL) { allocator.Free(e); BAIL_MACRO(PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); } /* if */ __PHYSFS_sort(e, num, entryCmp, entrySwap); info->io = io; info->entryCount = num; info->entries = e; return info; } /* UNPK_openArchive */ /* end of archiver_unpacked.c ... */