/** * PhysicsFS; a portable, flexible file i/o abstraction. * * Documentation is in physfs.h. It's verbose, honest. :) * * Please see the file LICENSE in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_PROFILING) #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "physfs.h" #define __PHYSICSFS_INTERNAL__ #include "physfs_internal.h" typedef struct __PHYSFS_ERRMSGTYPE__ { PHYSFS_uint64 tid; int errorAvailable; char errorString[80]; struct __PHYSFS_ERRMSGTYPE__ *next; } ErrMsg; typedef struct __PHYSFS_DIRINFO__ { char *dirName; DirHandle *dirHandle; struct __PHYSFS_DIRINFO__ *next; } PhysDirInfo; typedef struct __PHYSFS_FILEHANDLELIST__ { PHYSFS_file handle; struct __PHYSFS_FILEHANDLELIST__ *next; } FileHandleList; /* The various i/o drivers... */ #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_ZIP) extern const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo __PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_ZIP; extern const DirFunctions __PHYSFS_DirFunctions_ZIP; #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_GRP) extern const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo __PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_GRP; extern const DirFunctions __PHYSFS_DirFunctions_GRP; #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_QPAK) extern const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo __PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_QPAK; extern const DirFunctions __PHYSFS_DirFunctions_QPAK; #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_HOG) extern const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo __PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_HOG; extern const DirFunctions __PHYSFS_DirFunctions_HOG; #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_MVL) extern const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo __PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_MVL; extern const DirFunctions __PHYSFS_DirFunctions_MVL; #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_WAD) extern const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo __PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_WAD; extern const DirFunctions __PHYSFS_DirFunctions_WAD; #endif extern const DirFunctions __PHYSFS_DirFunctions_DIR; static const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo *supported_types[] = { #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_ZIP) &__PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_ZIP, #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_GRP) &__PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_GRP, #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_QPAK) &__PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_QPAK, #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_HOG) &__PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_HOG, #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_MVL) &__PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_MVL, #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_WAD) &__PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_WAD, #endif NULL }; static const DirFunctions *dirFunctions[] = { &__PHYSFS_DirFunctions_DIR, #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_ZIP) &__PHYSFS_DirFunctions_ZIP, #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_GRP) &__PHYSFS_DirFunctions_GRP, #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_QPAK) &__PHYSFS_DirFunctions_QPAK, #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_HOG) &__PHYSFS_DirFunctions_HOG, #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_MVL) &__PHYSFS_DirFunctions_MVL, #endif #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_WAD) &__PHYSFS_DirFunctions_WAD, #endif NULL }; /* General PhysicsFS state ... */ static int initialized = 0; static ErrMsg *errorMessages = NULL; static PhysDirInfo *searchPath = NULL; static PhysDirInfo *writeDir = NULL; static FileHandleList *openWriteList = NULL; static FileHandleList *openReadList = NULL; static char *baseDir = NULL; static char *userDir = NULL; static int allowSymLinks = 0; /* mutexes ... */ static void *errorLock = NULL; /* protects error message list. */ static void *stateLock = NULL; /* protects other PhysFS static state. */ /* functions ... */ static void __PHYSFS_bubble_sort(void *a, PHYSFS_uint32 lo, PHYSFS_uint32 hi, int (*cmpfn)(void *, PHYSFS_uint32, PHYSFS_uint32), void (*swapfn)(void *, PHYSFS_uint32, PHYSFS_uint32)) { PHYSFS_uint32 i; int sorted; do { sorted = 1; for (i = lo; i < hi; i++) { if (cmpfn(a, i, i + 1) > 0) { swapfn(a, i, i + 1); sorted = 0; } /* if */ } /* for */ } while (!sorted); } /* __PHYSFS_bubble_sort */ static void __PHYSFS_quick_sort(void *a, PHYSFS_uint32 lo, PHYSFS_uint32 hi, int (*cmpfn)(void *, PHYSFS_uint32, PHYSFS_uint32), void (*swapfn)(void *, PHYSFS_uint32, PHYSFS_uint32)) { PHYSFS_uint32 i; PHYSFS_uint32 j; PHYSFS_uint32 v; if ((hi - lo) <= PHYSFS_QUICKSORT_THRESHOLD) __PHYSFS_bubble_sort(a, lo, hi, cmpfn, swapfn); else { i = (hi + lo) / 2; if (cmpfn(a, lo, i) > 0) swapfn(a, lo, i); if (cmpfn(a, lo, hi) > 0) swapfn(a, lo, hi); if (cmpfn(a, i, hi) > 0) swapfn(a, i, hi); j = hi - 1; swapfn(a, i, j); i = lo; v = j; while (1) { while(cmpfn(a, ++i, v) < 0) { /* do nothing */ } while(cmpfn(a, --j, v) > 0) { /* do nothing */ } if (j < i) break; swapfn(a, i, j); } /* while */ if (i != (hi-1)) swapfn(a, i, hi-1); __PHYSFS_quick_sort(a, lo, j, cmpfn, swapfn); __PHYSFS_quick_sort(a, i+1, hi, cmpfn, swapfn); } /* else */ } /* __PHYSFS_quick_sort */ void __PHYSFS_sort(void *entries, PHYSFS_uint32 max, int (*cmpfn)(void *, PHYSFS_uint32, PHYSFS_uint32), void (*swapfn)(void *, PHYSFS_uint32, PHYSFS_uint32)) { /* * Quicksort w/ Bubblesort fallback algorithm inspired by code from here: * http://www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/harrison/Java/sorting-demo.html */ __PHYSFS_quick_sort(entries, 0, max - 1, cmpfn, swapfn); } /* __PHYSFS_sort */ #if (defined PHYSFS_PROFILING) #define PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ITERATIONS 150 #define PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ELEMENTS (64 * 1024) static int __PHYSFS_test_sort_cmp(void *_a, PHYSFS_uint32 x, PHYSFS_uint32 y) { PHYSFS_sint32 *a = (PHYSFS_sint32 *) _a; PHYSFS_sint32 one = a[x]; PHYSFS_sint32 two = a[y]; if (one < two) return(-1); else if (one > two) return(1); return(0); } /* __PHYSFS_test_sort_cmp */ static void __PHYSFS_test_sort_swap(void *_a, PHYSFS_uint32 x, PHYSFS_uint32 y) { PHYSFS_sint32 *a = (PHYSFS_sint32 *) _a; PHYSFS_sint32 tmp; tmp = a[x]; a[x] = a[y]; a[y] = tmp; } /* __PHYSFS_test_sort_swap */ static int __PHYSFS_test_sort_do(PHYSFS_uint32 *timer, PHYSFS_sint32 *a, PHYSFS_uint32 max, int (*cmpfn)(void *, PHYSFS_uint32, PHYSFS_uint32), void (*swapfn)(void *, PHYSFS_uint32, PHYSFS_uint32)) { PHYSFS_uint32 i; struct timeval starttime, endtime; gettimeofday(&starttime, NULL); __PHYSFS_sort(a, max, cmpfn, swapfn); gettimeofday(&endtime, NULL); for (i = 1; i < max; i++) { if (a[i] < a[i - 1]) return(0); } /* for */ if (timer != NULL) { *timer = ( ((endtime.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec) * 1000) + ((endtime.tv_usec - starttime.tv_usec) / 1000) ); } /* if */ return(1); } /* __PHYSFS_test_sort_time */ static void __PHYSFS_test_sort(void) { PHYSFS_uint32 elasped[PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ITERATIONS]; PHYSFS_sint32 iter; PHYSFS_sint32 a[PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ELEMENTS]; PHYSFS_sint32 i, x; int success; printf("Testing __PHYSFS_sort (linear presorted) ... "); for (iter = 0; iter < PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ITERATIONS; iter++) { /* set up array to sort. */ for (i = 0; i < PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ELEMENTS; i++) a[i] = i; /* sort it. */ success = __PHYSFS_test_sort_do(&elasped[iter], a, PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ELEMENTS, __PHYSFS_test_sort_cmp, __PHYSFS_test_sort_swap); if (!success) break; } /* for */ if (!success) printf("Failed!\n"); else { for (x = 0, iter = 0; iter < PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ITERATIONS; iter++) x += elasped[iter]; x /= PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ITERATIONS; printf("Average run (%lu) ms.\n", (unsigned long) x); } /* else */ printf("Testing __PHYSFS_sort (linear presorted reverse) ... "); for (iter = 0; iter < PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ITERATIONS; iter++) { /* set up array to sort. */ for (i = 0, x = PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ELEMENTS; i < PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ELEMENTS; i++, x--) { a[i] = x; } /* for */ /* sort it. */ success = __PHYSFS_test_sort_do(&elasped[iter], a, PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ELEMENTS, __PHYSFS_test_sort_cmp, __PHYSFS_test_sort_swap); if (!success) break; } /* for */ if (!success) printf("Failed!\n"); else { for (x = 0, iter = 0; iter < PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ITERATIONS; iter++) x += elasped[iter]; x /= PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ITERATIONS; printf("Average run (%lu) ms.\n", (unsigned long) x); } /* else */ printf("Testing __PHYSFS_sort (randomized) ... "); for (iter = 0; iter < PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ITERATIONS; iter++) { /* set up array to sort. */ for (i = 0; i < PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ELEMENTS; i++) a[i] = (PHYSFS_uint32) rand(); /* sort it. */ success = __PHYSFS_test_sort_do(&elasped[iter], a, PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ELEMENTS, __PHYSFS_test_sort_cmp, __PHYSFS_test_sort_swap); if (!success) break; } /* for */ if (!success) printf("Failed!\n"); else { for (x = 0, iter = 0; iter < PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ITERATIONS; iter++) x += elasped[iter]; x /= PHYSFS_TEST_SORT_ITERATIONS; printf("Average run (%lu) ms.\n", (unsigned long) x); } /* else */ printf("__PHYSFS_test_sort() complete.\n\n"); } /* __PHYSFS_test_sort */ #endif static ErrMsg *findErrorForCurrentThread(void) { ErrMsg *i; PHYSFS_uint64 tid; if (errorLock != NULL) __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(errorLock); if (errorMessages != NULL) { tid = __PHYSFS_platformGetThreadID(); for (i = errorMessages; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if (i->tid == tid) { if (errorLock != NULL) __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(errorLock); return(i); } /* if */ } /* for */ } /* if */ if (errorLock != NULL) __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(errorLock); return(NULL); /* no error available. */ } /* findErrorForCurrentThread */ void __PHYSFS_setError(const char *str) { ErrMsg *err; if (str == NULL) return; err = findErrorForCurrentThread(); if (err == NULL) { err = (ErrMsg *) malloc(sizeof (ErrMsg)); if (err == NULL) return; /* uhh...? */ memset((void *) err, '\0', sizeof (ErrMsg)); err->tid = __PHYSFS_platformGetThreadID(); if (errorLock != NULL) __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(errorLock); err->next = errorMessages; errorMessages = err; if (errorLock != NULL) __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(errorLock); } /* if */ err->errorAvailable = 1; strncpy(err->errorString, str, sizeof (err->errorString)); err->errorString[sizeof (err->errorString) - 1] = '\0'; } /* __PHYSFS_setError */ const char *PHYSFS_getLastError(void) { ErrMsg *err = findErrorForCurrentThread(); if ((err == NULL) || (!err->errorAvailable)) return(NULL); err->errorAvailable = 0; return(err->errorString); } /* PHYSFS_getLastError */ /* MAKE SURE that errorLock is held before calling this! */ static void freeErrorMessages(void) { ErrMsg *i; ErrMsg *next; for (i = errorMessages; i != NULL; i = next) { next = i->next; free(i); } /* for */ errorMessages = NULL; } /* freeErrorMessages */ void PHYSFS_getLinkedVersion(PHYSFS_Version *ver) { if (ver != NULL) { ver->major = PHYSFS_VER_MAJOR; ver->minor = PHYSFS_VER_MINOR; ver->patch = PHYSFS_VER_PATCH; } /* if */ } /* PHYSFS_getLinkedVersion */ static const char *find_filename_extension(const char *fname) { const char *retval = strchr(fname, '.'); const char *p = retval; while (p != NULL) { p = strchr(p + 1, '.'); if (p != NULL) retval = p; } /* while */ if (retval != NULL) retval++; /* skip '.' */ return(retval); } /* find_filename_extension */ static DirHandle *openDirectory(const char *d, int forWriting) { const DirFunctions **i; const char *ext; BAIL_IF_MACRO(!__PHYSFS_platformExists(d), ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE, NULL); ext = find_filename_extension(d); if (ext != NULL) { /* Look for archivers with matching file extensions first... */ for (i = dirFunctions; *i != NULL; i++) { if (__PHYSFS_platformStricmp(ext, (*i)->info->extension) == 0) { if ((*i)->isArchive(d, forWriting)) return( (*i)->openArchive(d, forWriting) ); } /* if */ } /* for */ /* failing an exact file extension match, try all the others... */ for (i = dirFunctions; *i != NULL; i++) { if (__PHYSFS_platformStricmp(ext, (*i)->info->extension) != 0) { if ((*i)->isArchive(d, forWriting)) return( (*i)->openArchive(d, forWriting) ); } /* if */ } /* for */ } /* if */ else /* no extension? Try them all. */ { for (i = dirFunctions; *i != NULL; i++) { if ((*i)->isArchive(d, forWriting)) return( (*i)->openArchive(d, forWriting) ); } /* for */ } /* else */ __PHYSFS_setError(ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ARCHIVE); return(NULL); } /* openDirectory */ static PhysDirInfo *buildDirInfo(const char *newDir, int forWriting) { DirHandle *dirHandle = NULL; PhysDirInfo *di = NULL; BAIL_IF_MACRO(newDir == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); dirHandle = openDirectory(newDir, forWriting); BAIL_IF_MACRO(dirHandle == NULL, NULL, 0); di = (PhysDirInfo *) malloc(sizeof (PhysDirInfo)); if (di == NULL) { dirHandle->funcs->dirClose(dirHandle); BAIL_IF_MACRO(di == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0); } /* if */ di->dirName = (char *) malloc(strlen(newDir) + 1); if (di->dirName == NULL) { free(di); dirHandle->funcs->dirClose(dirHandle); BAIL_MACRO(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0); } /* if */ di->next = NULL; di->dirHandle = dirHandle; strcpy(di->dirName, newDir); return(di); } /* buildDirInfo */ /* MAKE SURE you've got the stateLock held before calling this! */ static int freeDirInfo(PhysDirInfo *di, FileHandleList *openList) { FileHandleList *i; if (di == NULL) return(1); for (i = openList; i != NULL; i = i->next) { const DirHandle *h = ((FileHandle *) &(i->handle.opaque))->dirHandle; BAIL_IF_MACRO(h == di->dirHandle, ERR_FILES_STILL_OPEN, 0); } /* for */ di->dirHandle->funcs->dirClose(di->dirHandle); free(di->dirName); free(di); return(1); } /* freeDirInfo */ static char *calculateUserDir(void) { char *retval = NULL; const char *str = NULL; str = __PHYSFS_platformGetUserDir(); if (str != NULL) retval = (char *) str; else { const char *dirsep = PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(); const char *uname = __PHYSFS_platformGetUserName(); str = (uname != NULL) ? uname : "default"; retval = (char *) malloc(strlen(baseDir) + strlen(str) + strlen(dirsep) + 6); if (retval == NULL) __PHYSFS_setError(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); else sprintf(retval, "%susers%s%s", baseDir, dirsep, str); if (uname != NULL) free((void *) uname); } /* else */ return(retval); } /* calculateUserDir */ static int appendDirSep(char **dir) { const char *dirsep = PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(); char *ptr; if (strcmp((*dir + strlen(*dir)) - strlen(dirsep), dirsep) == 0) return(1); ptr = realloc(*dir, strlen(*dir) + strlen(dirsep) + 1); if (!ptr) { free(*dir); return(0); } /* if */ strcat(ptr, dirsep); *dir = ptr; return(1); } /* appendDirSep */ static char *calculateBaseDir(const char *argv0) { const char *dirsep = PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(); char *retval; char *ptr; /* * See if the platform driver wants to handle this for us... */ retval = __PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir(argv0); if (retval != NULL) return(retval); /* * Determine if there's a path on argv0. If there is, that's the base dir. */ ptr = strstr(argv0, dirsep); if (ptr != NULL) { char *p = ptr; size_t size; while (p != NULL) { ptr = p; p = strstr(p + 1, dirsep); } /* while */ size = (size_t) (ptr - argv0); retval = (char *) malloc(size + 1); BAIL_IF_MACRO(retval == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); memcpy(retval, argv0, size); retval[size] = '\0'; return(retval); } /* if */ /* * Last ditch effort: it's the current working directory. (*shrug*) */ retval = __PHYSFS_platformCurrentDir(); if(retval != NULL) { return(retval); } /* * Ok, current directory doesn't exist, use the root directory. * Not a good alternative, but it only happens if the current * directory was deleted from under the program. */ retval = (char *) malloc(strlen(dirsep) + 1); strcpy(retval, dirsep); return(retval); } /* calculateBaseDir */ static int initializeMutexes(void) { errorLock = __PHYSFS_platformCreateMutex(); if (errorLock == NULL) goto initializeMutexes_failed; stateLock = __PHYSFS_platformCreateMutex(); if (stateLock == NULL) goto initializeMutexes_failed; return(1); /* success. */ initializeMutexes_failed: if (errorLock != NULL) __PHYSFS_platformDestroyMutex(errorLock); if (stateLock != NULL) __PHYSFS_platformDestroyMutex(stateLock); errorLock = stateLock = NULL; return(0); /* failed. */ } /* initializeMutexes */ int PHYSFS_init(const char *argv0) { char *ptr; BAIL_IF_MACRO(initialized, ERR_IS_INITIALIZED, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!__PHYSFS_platformInit(), NULL, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!initializeMutexes(), NULL, 0); baseDir = calculateBaseDir(argv0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(baseDir == NULL, NULL, 0); ptr = __PHYSFS_platformRealPath(baseDir); free(baseDir); BAIL_IF_MACRO(ptr == NULL, NULL, 0); baseDir = ptr; BAIL_IF_MACRO(!appendDirSep(&baseDir), NULL, 0); userDir = calculateUserDir(); if (userDir != NULL) { ptr = __PHYSFS_platformRealPath(userDir); free(userDir); userDir = ptr; } /* if */ if ((userDir == NULL) || (!appendDirSep(&userDir))) { free(baseDir); baseDir = NULL; return(0); } /* if */ initialized = 1; /* This makes sure that the error subsystem is initialized. */ __PHYSFS_setError(PHYSFS_getLastError()); #if (defined PHYSFS_PROFILING) srand(time(NULL)); setbuf(stdout, NULL); printf("\n"); printf("********************************************************\n"); printf("Warning! Profiling is built into this copy of PhysicsFS!\n"); printf("********************************************************\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); __PHYSFS_test_sort(); #endif return(1); } /* PHYSFS_init */ /* MAKE SURE you hold stateLock before calling this! */ static int closeFileHandleList(FileHandleList **list) { FileHandleList *i; FileHandleList *next = NULL; FileHandle *h; for (i = *list; i != NULL; i = next) { next = i->next; h = (FileHandle *) (i->handle.opaque); if (!h->funcs->fileClose(h)) { *list = i; return(0); } /* if */ free(i); } /* for */ *list = NULL; return(1); } /* closeFileHandleList */ /* MAKE SURE you hold the stateLock before calling this! */ static void freeSearchPath(void) { PhysDirInfo *i; PhysDirInfo *next = NULL; closeFileHandleList(&openReadList); if (searchPath != NULL) { for (i = searchPath; i != NULL; i = next) { next = i->next; freeDirInfo(i, openReadList); } /* for */ searchPath = NULL; } /* if */ } /* freeSearchPath */ int PHYSFS_deinit(void) { BAIL_IF_MACRO(!initialized, ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!__PHYSFS_platformDeinit(), NULL, 0); closeFileHandleList(&openWriteList); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!PHYSFS_setWriteDir(NULL), ERR_FILES_STILL_OPEN, 0); freeSearchPath(); freeErrorMessages(); if (baseDir != NULL) { free(baseDir); baseDir = NULL; } /* if */ if (userDir != NULL) { free(userDir); userDir = NULL; } /* if */ allowSymLinks = 0; initialized = 0; __PHYSFS_platformDestroyMutex(errorLock); __PHYSFS_platformDestroyMutex(stateLock); errorLock = stateLock = NULL; return(1); } /* PHYSFS_deinit */ const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo **PHYSFS_supportedArchiveTypes(void) { return(supported_types); } /* PHYSFS_supportedArchiveTypes */ void PHYSFS_freeList(void *list) { void **i; for (i = (void **) list; *i != NULL; i++) free(*i); free(list); } /* PHYSFS_freeList */ const char *PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(void) { return(__PHYSFS_platformDirSeparator); } /* PHYSFS_getDirSeparator */ char **PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs(void) { return(__PHYSFS_platformDetectAvailableCDs()); } /* PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs */ const char *PHYSFS_getBaseDir(void) { return(baseDir); /* this is calculated in PHYSFS_init()... */ } /* PHYSFS_getBaseDir */ const char *PHYSFS_getUserDir(void) { return(userDir); /* this is calculated in PHYSFS_init()... */ } /* PHYSFS_getUserDir */ const char *PHYSFS_getWriteDir(void) { const char *retval = NULL; __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); if (writeDir != NULL) retval = writeDir->dirName; __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); return(retval); } /* PHYSFS_getWriteDir */ int PHYSFS_setWriteDir(const char *newDir) { int retval = 1; __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); if (writeDir != NULL) { BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(!freeDirInfo(writeDir, openWriteList), NULL, stateLock, 0); writeDir = NULL; } /* if */ if (newDir != NULL) { writeDir = buildDirInfo(newDir, 1); retval = (writeDir != NULL); } /* if */ __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); return(retval); } /* PHYSFS_setWriteDir */ int PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(const char *newDir, int appendToPath) { PhysDirInfo *di; PhysDirInfo *prev = NULL; PhysDirInfo *i; __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); for (i = searchPath; i != NULL; i = i->next) { /* already in search path? */ BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(strcmp(newDir, i->dirName)==0, NULL, stateLock, 1); prev = i; } /* for */ di = buildDirInfo(newDir, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(di == NULL, NULL, stateLock, 0); if (appendToPath) { di->next = NULL; if (prev == NULL) searchPath = di; else prev->next = di; } /* if */ else { di->next = searchPath; searchPath = di; } /* else */ __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); return(1); } /* PHYSFS_addToSearchPath */ int PHYSFS_removeFromSearchPath(const char *oldDir) { PhysDirInfo *i; PhysDirInfo *prev = NULL; PhysDirInfo *next = NULL; BAIL_IF_MACRO(oldDir == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); for (i = searchPath; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if (strcmp(i->dirName, oldDir) == 0) { next = i->next; BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(!freeDirInfo(i, openReadList), NULL, stateLock, 0); if (prev == NULL) searchPath = next; else prev->next = next; BAIL_MACRO_MUTEX(NULL, stateLock, 1); } /* if */ prev = i; } /* for */ BAIL_MACRO_MUTEX(ERR_NOT_IN_SEARCH_PATH, stateLock, 0); } /* PHYSFS_removeFromSearchPath */ char **PHYSFS_getSearchPath(void) { int count = 1; int x; PhysDirInfo *i; char **retval; __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); for (i = searchPath; i != NULL; i = i->next) count++; retval = (char **) malloc(sizeof (char *) * count); BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(!retval, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, stateLock, NULL); count--; retval[count] = NULL; for (i = searchPath, x = 0; x < count; i = i->next, x++) { retval[x] = (char *) malloc(strlen(i->dirName) + 1); if (retval[x] == NULL) /* this is friggin' ugly. */ { while (x > 0) { x--; free(retval[x]); } /* while */ free(retval); BAIL_MACRO_MUTEX(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, stateLock, NULL); } /* if */ strcpy(retval[x], i->dirName); } /* for */ __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); return(retval); } /* PHYSFS_getSearchPath */ int PHYSFS_setSaneConfig(const char *organization, const char *appName, const char *archiveExt, int includeCdRoms, int archivesFirst) { const char *basedir = PHYSFS_getBaseDir(); const char *userdir = PHYSFS_getUserDir(); const char *dirsep = PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(); char *str; BAIL_IF_MACRO(!initialized, ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED, 0); /* set write dir... */ str = malloc(strlen(userdir) + (strlen(organization) * 2) + (strlen(appName) * 2) + (strlen(dirsep) * 3) + 2); BAIL_IF_MACRO(str == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0); sprintf(str, "%s.%s%s%s", userdir, organization, dirsep, appName); if (!PHYSFS_setWriteDir(str)) { int no_write = 0; sprintf(str, ".%s/%s", organization, appName); if ( (PHYSFS_setWriteDir(userdir)) && (PHYSFS_mkdir(str)) ) { sprintf(str, "%s.%s%s%s", userdir, organization, dirsep, appName); if (!PHYSFS_setWriteDir(str)) no_write = 1; } /* if */ else { no_write = 1; } /* else */ if (no_write) { PHYSFS_setWriteDir(NULL); /* just in case. */ free(str); BAIL_MACRO(ERR_CANT_SET_WRITE_DIR, 0); } /* if */ } /* if */ /* Put write dir first in search path... */ PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(str, 0); free(str); /* Put base path on search path... */ PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(basedir, 1); /* handle CD-ROMs... */ if (includeCdRoms) { char **cds = PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs(); char **i; for (i = cds; *i != NULL; i++) PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(*i, 1); PHYSFS_freeList(cds); } /* if */ /* Root out archives, and add them to search path... */ if (archiveExt != NULL) { char **rc = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles("/"); char **i; size_t extlen = strlen(archiveExt); char *ext; for (i = rc; *i != NULL; i++) { size_t l = strlen(*i); if ((l > extlen) && ((*i)[l - extlen - 1] == '.')) { ext = (*i) + (l - extlen); if (__PHYSFS_platformStricmp(ext, archiveExt) == 0) { const char *d = PHYSFS_getRealDir(*i); str = malloc(strlen(d) + strlen(dirsep) + l + 1); if (str != NULL) { sprintf(str, "%s%s%s", d, dirsep, *i); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(str, archivesFirst == 0); free(str); } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* for */ PHYSFS_freeList(rc); } /* if */ return(1); } /* PHYSFS_setSaneConfig */ void PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(int allow) { allowSymLinks = allow; } /* PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks */ /* string manipulation in C makes my ass itch. */ char * __PHYSFS_convertToDependent(const char *prepend, const char *dirName, const char *append) { const char *dirsep = __PHYSFS_platformDirSeparator; size_t sepsize = strlen(dirsep); char *str; char *i1; char *i2; size_t allocSize; while (*dirName == '/') dirName++; allocSize = strlen(dirName) + 1; if (prepend != NULL) allocSize += strlen(prepend) + sepsize; if (append != NULL) allocSize += strlen(append) + sepsize; /* make sure there's enough space if the dir separator is bigger. */ if (sepsize > 1) { str = (char *) dirName; do { str = strchr(str, '/'); if (str != NULL) { allocSize += (sepsize - 1); str++; } /* if */ } while (str != NULL); } /* if */ str = (char *) malloc(allocSize); BAIL_IF_MACRO(str == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); if (prepend == NULL) *str = '\0'; else { strcpy(str, prepend); strcat(str, dirsep); } /* else */ for (i1 = (char *) dirName, i2 = str + strlen(str); *i1; i1++, i2++) { if (*i1 == '/') { strcpy(i2, dirsep); i2 += sepsize; } /* if */ else { *i2 = *i1; } /* else */ } /* for */ *i2 = '\0'; if (append) { strcat(str, dirsep); strcat(str, append); } /* if */ return(str); } /* __PHYSFS_convertToDependent */ int __PHYSFS_verifySecurity(DirHandle *h, const char *fname, int allowMissing) { int retval = 1; char *start; char *end; char *str; if (*fname == '\0') /* quick rejection. */ return(1); /* !!! FIXME: Can we ditch this malloc()? */ start = str = malloc(strlen(fname) + 1); BAIL_IF_MACRO(str == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0); strcpy(str, fname); while (1) { end = strchr(start, '/'); if (end != NULL) *end = '\0'; if ( (strcmp(start, ".") == 0) || (strcmp(start, "..") == 0) || (strchr(start, '\\') != NULL) || (strchr(start, ':') != NULL) ) { __PHYSFS_setError(ERR_INSECURE_FNAME); retval = 0; break; } /* if */ if (!allowSymLinks) { if (h->funcs->isSymLink(h, str, &retval)) { __PHYSFS_setError(ERR_SYMLINK_DISALLOWED); free(str); return(0); /* insecure. */ } /* if */ /* break out early if path element is missing. */ if (!retval) { /* * We need to clear it if it's the last element of the path, * since this might be a non-existant file we're opening * for writing... */ if ((end == NULL) || (allowMissing)) retval = 1; break; } /* if */ } /* if */ if (end == NULL) break; *end = '/'; start = end + 1; } /* while */ free(str); return(retval); } /* __PHYSFS_verifySecurity */ int PHYSFS_mkdir(const char *dname) { DirHandle *h; char *str; char *start; char *end; int retval = 0; int exists = 1; /* force existance check on first path element. */ BAIL_IF_MACRO(dname == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); while (*dname == '/') dname++; __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(writeDir == NULL, ERR_NO_WRITE_DIR, stateLock, 0); h = writeDir->dirHandle; BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(!__PHYSFS_verifySecurity(h,dname,1),NULL,stateLock,0); start = str = malloc(strlen(dname) + 1); BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(str == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, stateLock, 0); strcpy(str, dname); while (1) { end = strchr(start, '/'); if (end != NULL) *end = '\0'; /* only check for existance if all parent dirs existed, too... */ if (exists) retval = h->funcs->isDirectory(h, str, &exists); if (!exists) retval = h->funcs->mkdir(h, str); if (!retval) break; if (end == NULL) break; *end = '/'; start = end + 1; } /* while */ __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); free(str); return(retval); } /* PHYSFS_mkdir */ int PHYSFS_delete(const char *fname) { int retval; DirHandle *h; BAIL_IF_MACRO(fname == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); while (*fname == '/') fname++; __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(writeDir == NULL, ERR_NO_WRITE_DIR, stateLock, 0); h = writeDir->dirHandle; BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(!__PHYSFS_verifySecurity(h,fname,0),NULL,stateLock,0); retval = h->funcs->remove(h, fname); __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); return(retval); } /* PHYSFS_delete */ const char *PHYSFS_getRealDir(const char *filename) { PhysDirInfo *i; const char *retval = NULL; while (*filename == '/') filename++; __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); for (i = searchPath; ((i != NULL) && (retval == NULL)); i = i->next) { DirHandle *h = i->dirHandle; if (__PHYSFS_verifySecurity(h, filename, 0)) { if (h->funcs->exists(h, filename)) retval = i->dirName; } /* if */ } /* for */ __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); return(retval); } /* PHYSFS_getRealDir */ static int countList(LinkedStringList *list) { int retval = 0; LinkedStringList *i; for (i = list; i != NULL; i = i->next) retval++; return(retval); } /* countList */ static char **convertStringListToPhysFSList(LinkedStringList *finalList) { int i; LinkedStringList *next = NULL; int len = countList(finalList); char **retval = (char **) malloc((len + 1) * sizeof (char *)); if (retval == NULL) __PHYSFS_setError(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { next = finalList->next; if (retval == NULL) free(finalList->str); else retval[i] = finalList->str; free(finalList); finalList = next; } /* for */ if (retval != NULL) retval[i] = NULL; return(retval); } /* convertStringListToPhysFSList */ static void insertStringListItem(LinkedStringList **final, LinkedStringList *item) { LinkedStringList *i; LinkedStringList *prev = NULL; int rc; for (i = *final; i != NULL; i = i->next) { rc = strcmp(i->str, item->str); if (rc > 0) /* insertion point. */ break; else if (rc == 0) /* already in list. */ { free(item->str); free(item); return; } /* else if */ prev = i; } /* for */ /* * If we are here, we are either at the insertion point. * This may be the end of the list, or the list may be empty, too. */ if (prev == NULL) *final = item; else prev->next = item; item->next = i; } /* insertStringListItem */ /* if we run out of memory anywhere in here, we give back what we can. */ static void interpolateStringLists(LinkedStringList **final, LinkedStringList *newList) { LinkedStringList *next = NULL; while (newList != NULL) { next = newList->next; insertStringListItem(final, newList); newList = next; } /* while */ } /* interpolateStringLists */ char **PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(const char *path) { PhysDirInfo *i; char **retval = NULL; LinkedStringList *rc; LinkedStringList *finalList = NULL; int omitSymLinks = !allowSymLinks; BAIL_IF_MACRO(path == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, NULL); while (*path == '/') path++; __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); for (i = searchPath; i != NULL; i = i->next) { DirHandle *h = i->dirHandle; if (__PHYSFS_verifySecurity(h, path, 0)) { rc = h->funcs->enumerateFiles(h, path, omitSymLinks); interpolateStringLists(&finalList, rc); } /* if */ } /* for */ __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); retval = convertStringListToPhysFSList(finalList); return(retval); } /* PHYSFS_enumerateFiles */ int PHYSFS_exists(const char *fname) { BAIL_IF_MACRO(fname == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); while (*fname == '/') fname++; return(PHYSFS_getRealDir(fname) != NULL); } /* PHYSFS_exists */ PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_getLastModTime(const char *fname) { PhysDirInfo *i; PHYSFS_sint64 retval = -1; int fileExists = 0; BAIL_IF_MACRO(fname == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); while (*fname == '/') fname++; if (*fname == '\0') /* eh...punt if it's the root dir. */ return(1); __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); for (i = searchPath; ((i != NULL) && (!fileExists)); i = i->next) { DirHandle *h = i->dirHandle; if (__PHYSFS_verifySecurity(h, fname, 0)) retval = h->funcs->getLastModTime(h, fname, &fileExists); } /* for */ __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); return(retval); } /* PHYSFS_getLastModTime */ int PHYSFS_isDirectory(const char *fname) { PhysDirInfo *i; int retval = 0; int fileExists = 0; BAIL_IF_MACRO(fname == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); while (*fname == '/') fname++; BAIL_IF_MACRO(*fname == '\0', NULL, 1); /* Root is always a dir. :) */ __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); for (i = searchPath; ((i != NULL) && (!fileExists)); i = i->next) { DirHandle *h = i->dirHandle; if (__PHYSFS_verifySecurity(h, fname, 0)) retval = h->funcs->isDirectory(h, fname, &fileExists); } /* for */ __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); return(retval); } /* PHYSFS_isDirectory */ int PHYSFS_isSymbolicLink(const char *fname) { PhysDirInfo *i; int retval = 0; int fileExists = 0; BAIL_IF_MACRO(!allowSymLinks, ERR_SYMLINK_DISALLOWED, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(fname == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); while (*fname == '/') fname++; BAIL_IF_MACRO(*fname == '\0', NULL, 0); /* Root is never a symlink */ __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); for (i = searchPath; ((i != NULL) && (!fileExists)); i = i->next) { DirHandle *h = i->dirHandle; if (__PHYSFS_verifySecurity(h, fname, 0)) retval = h->funcs->isSymLink(h, fname, &fileExists); } /* for */ __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); return(retval); } /* PHYSFS_isSymbolicLink */ static PHYSFS_file *doOpenWrite(const char *fname, int appending) { PHYSFS_file *retval = NULL; FileHandle *rc = NULL; DirHandle *h; const DirFunctions *f; FileHandleList *list; BAIL_IF_MACRO(fname == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, NULL); while (*fname == '/') fname++; __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); h = (writeDir == NULL) ? NULL : writeDir->dirHandle; BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(!h, ERR_NO_WRITE_DIR, stateLock, NULL); BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(!__PHYSFS_verifySecurity(h, fname, 0), NULL, stateLock, NULL); list = (FileHandleList *) malloc(sizeof (FileHandleList)); BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(!list, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, stateLock, NULL); f = h->funcs; rc = (appending) ? f->openAppend(h, fname) : f->openWrite(h, fname); if (rc == NULL) free(list); else { rc->buffer = NULL; /* just in case. */ rc->buffill = rc->bufpos = rc->bufsize = 0; /* just in case. */ rc->forReading = 0; list->handle.opaque = (void *) rc; list->next = openWriteList; openWriteList = list; retval = &(list->handle); } /* else */ __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); return(retval); } /* doOpenWrite */ PHYSFS_file *PHYSFS_openWrite(const char *filename) { return(doOpenWrite(filename, 0)); } /* PHYSFS_openWrite */ PHYSFS_file *PHYSFS_openAppend(const char *filename) { return(doOpenWrite(filename, 1)); } /* PHYSFS_openAppend */ PHYSFS_file *PHYSFS_openRead(const char *fname) { PHYSFS_file *retval = NULL; FileHandle *rc = NULL; FileHandleList *list; int fileExists = 0; PhysDirInfo *i; BAIL_IF_MACRO(fname == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, NULL); while (*fname == '/') fname++; __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(!searchPath, ERR_NOT_IN_SEARCH_PATH, stateLock, NULL); for (i = searchPath; ((i != NULL) && (!fileExists)); i = i->next) { DirHandle *h = i->dirHandle; if (__PHYSFS_verifySecurity(h, fname, 0)) rc = h->funcs->openRead(h, fname, &fileExists); } /* for */ BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(rc == NULL, NULL, stateLock, NULL); list = (FileHandleList *) malloc(sizeof (FileHandleList)); BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(!list, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, stateLock, NULL); list->handle.opaque = (void *) rc; list->next = openReadList; openReadList = list; retval = &(list->handle); __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); rc->buffer = NULL; /* just in case. */ rc->buffill = rc->bufpos = rc->bufsize = 0; /* just in case. */ rc->forReading = 1; return(retval); } /* PHYSFS_openRead */ static int closeHandleInOpenList(FileHandleList **list, PHYSFS_file *handle) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; FileHandleList *prev = NULL; FileHandleList *i; int rc = 1; for (i = *list; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if (&i->handle == handle) /* handle is in this list? */ { PHYSFS_uint8 *tmp = h->buffer; rc = PHYSFS_flush(handle); if (rc) rc = h->funcs->fileClose(h); if (!rc) return(-1); if (tmp != NULL) /* free any associated buffer. */ free(tmp); if (prev == NULL) *list = i->next; else prev->next = i->next; free(i); return(1); } /* if */ prev = i; } /* for */ return(0); } /* closeHandleInOpenList */ int PHYSFS_close(PHYSFS_file *handle) { int rc; __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(stateLock); /* -1 == close failure. 0 == not found. 1 == success. */ rc = closeHandleInOpenList(&openReadList, handle); BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(rc == -1, NULL, stateLock, 0); if (!rc) { rc = closeHandleInOpenList(&openWriteList, handle); BAIL_IF_MACRO_MUTEX(rc == -1, NULL, stateLock, 0); } /* if */ __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(stateLock); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!rc, ERR_NOT_A_HANDLE, 0); return(1); } /* PHYSFS_close */ static PHYSFS_sint64 doBufferedRead(PHYSFS_file *handle, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; PHYSFS_sint64 retval = 0; PHYSFS_uint32 remainder = 0; while (objCount > 0) { PHYSFS_uint32 buffered = h->buffill - h->bufpos; PHYSFS_uint64 mustread = (objSize * objCount) - remainder; PHYSFS_uint32 copied; if (buffered == 0) /* need to refill buffer? */ { PHYSFS_sint64 rc = h->funcs->read(h, h->buffer, 1, h->bufsize); if (rc <= 0) { h->bufpos -= remainder; return(((rc == -1) && (retval == 0)) ? -1 : retval); } /* if */ buffered = h->buffill = (PHYSFS_uint32) rc; h->bufpos = 0; } /* if */ if (buffered > mustread) buffered = (PHYSFS_uint32) mustread; memcpy(buffer, h->buffer + h->bufpos, (size_t) buffered); buffer = ((PHYSFS_uint8 *) buffer) + buffered; h->bufpos += buffered; buffered += remainder; /* take remainder into account. */ copied = (buffered / objSize); remainder = (buffered % objSize); retval += copied; objCount -= copied; } /* while */ return(retval); } /* doBufferedRead */ PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_read(PHYSFS_file *handle, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; BAIL_IF_MACRO(!h->forReading, ERR_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN_W, -1); BAIL_IF_MACRO(objSize == 0, NULL, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(objCount == 0, NULL, 0); if (h->buffer != NULL) return(doBufferedRead(handle, buffer, objSize, objCount)); return(h->funcs->read(h, buffer, objSize, objCount)); } /* PHYSFS_read */ static PHYSFS_sint64 doBufferedWrite(PHYSFS_file *handle, const void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; /* whole thing fits in the buffer? */ if (h->buffill + (objSize * objCount) < h->bufsize) { memcpy(h->buffer + h->buffill, buffer, objSize * objCount); h->buffill += (objSize * objCount); return(objCount); } /* if */ /* would overflow buffer. Flush and then write the new objects, too. */ BAIL_IF_MACRO(!PHYSFS_flush(handle), NULL, -1); return(h->funcs->write(h, buffer, objSize, objCount)); } /* doBufferedWrite */ PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_write(PHYSFS_file *handle, const void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; BAIL_IF_MACRO(h->forReading, ERR_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN_R, -1); BAIL_IF_MACRO(objSize == 0, NULL, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(objCount == 0, NULL, 0); if (h->buffer != NULL) return(doBufferedWrite(handle, buffer, objSize, objCount)); return(h->funcs->write(h, buffer, objSize, objCount)); } /* PHYSFS_write */ int PHYSFS_eof(PHYSFS_file *handle) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; if (!h->forReading) /* never EOF on files opened for write/append. */ return(0); /* eof if buffer is empty and archiver says so. */ return((h->bufpos == h->buffill) && (h->funcs->eof(h))); } /* PHYSFS_eof */ PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_tell(PHYSFS_file *handle) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; PHYSFS_sint64 retval = h->forReading ? (h->funcs->tell(h) - h->buffill) + h->bufpos : (h->funcs->tell(h) + h->buffill); return(retval); } /* PHYSFS_tell */ int PHYSFS_seek(PHYSFS_file *handle, PHYSFS_uint64 pos) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; BAIL_IF_MACRO(!PHYSFS_flush(handle), NULL, 0); if (h->buffer && h->forReading) { /* avoid throwing away our precious buffer if seeking within it. */ PHYSFS_sint64 offset = pos - PHYSFS_tell(handle); if ( /* seeking within the already-buffered range? */ ((offset >= 0) && (offset <= h->buffill - h->bufpos)) /* forwards */ || ((offset < 0) && (-offset <= h->bufpos)) /* backwards */ ) { h->bufpos += (PHYSFS_uint32) offset; return(1); /* successful seek */ } /* if */ } /* if */ /* we have to fall back to a 'raw' seek. */ h->buffill = h->bufpos = 0; return(h->funcs->seek(h, pos)); } /* PHYSFS_seek */ PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_fileLength(PHYSFS_file *handle) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; return(h->funcs->fileLength(h)); } /* PHYSFS_filelength */ int PHYSFS_setBuffer(PHYSFS_file *handle, PHYSFS_uint64 _bufsize) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; PHYSFS_uint32 bufsize = (PHYSFS_uint32) _bufsize; BAIL_IF_MACRO(_bufsize > 0xFFFFFFFF, "buffer must fit in 32-bits", 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!PHYSFS_flush(handle), NULL, 0); /* * For reads, we need to move the file pointer to where it would be * if we weren't buffering, so that the next read will get the * right chunk of stuff from the file. PHYSFS_flush() handles writes. */ if ((h->forReading) && (h->buffill != h->bufpos)) { PHYSFS_uint64 pos; PHYSFS_sint64 curpos = h->funcs->tell(h); BAIL_IF_MACRO(curpos == -1, NULL, 0); pos = ((curpos - h->buffill) + h->bufpos); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!h->funcs->seek(h, pos), NULL, 0); } /* if */ if (bufsize == 0) /* delete existing buffer. */ { if (h->buffer != NULL) { free(h->buffer); h->buffer = NULL; } /* if */ } /* if */ else { PHYSFS_uint8 *newbuf = realloc(h->buffer, bufsize); BAIL_IF_MACRO(newbuf == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0); h->buffer = newbuf; } /* else */ h->bufsize = bufsize; h->buffill = h->bufpos = 0; return(1); } /* PHYSFS_setBuffer */ int PHYSFS_flush(PHYSFS_file *handle) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; PHYSFS_sint64 rc; if ((h->forReading) || (h->bufpos == h->buffill)) return(1); /* open for read or buffer empty are successful no-ops. */ /* dump buffer to disk. */ rc = h->funcs->write(h, h->buffer + h->bufpos, h->buffill - h->bufpos, 1); BAIL_IF_MACRO(rc <= 0, NULL, 0); h->bufpos = h->buffill = 0; return(1); } /* PHYSFS_flush */ LinkedStringList *__PHYSFS_addToLinkedStringList(LinkedStringList *retval, LinkedStringList **prev, const char *str, PHYSFS_sint32 len) { LinkedStringList *l; l = (LinkedStringList *) malloc(sizeof (LinkedStringList)); BAIL_IF_MACRO(l == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, retval); if (len < 0) len = strlen(str); l->str = (char *) malloc(len + 1); if (l->str == NULL) { free(l); BAIL_MACRO(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, retval); } /* if */ strncpy(l->str, str, len); l->str[len] = '\0'; if (retval == NULL) retval = l; else (*prev)->next = l; *prev = l; l->next = NULL; return(retval); } /* __PHYSFS_addToLinkedStringList */ /* end of physfs.c ... */