/* * MVL support routines for PhysicsFS. * * This driver handles Descent II Movielib archives. * * The file format of MVL is quite easy... * * //MVL File format - Written by Heiko Herrmann * char sig[4] = {'D','M', 'V', 'L'}; // "DMVL"=Descent MoVie Library * * int num_files; // the number of files in this MVL * * struct { * char file_name[13]; // Filename, padded to 13 bytes with 0s * int file_size; // filesize in bytes * }DIR_STRUCT[num_files]; * * struct { * char data[file_size]; // The file data * }FILE_STRUCT[num_files]; * * (That info is from http://www.descent2.com/ddn/specs/mvl/) * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Bradley Bell. * Based on grp.c by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #define __PHYSICSFS_INTERNAL__ #include "physfs_internal.h" #if PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_MVL static int mvlLoadEntries(PHYSFS_Io *io, const PHYSFS_uint32 count, void *arc) { PHYSFS_uint32 location = 8 + (17 * count); /* past sig+metadata. */ PHYSFS_uint32 i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { PHYSFS_uint32 size; char name[13]; BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, name, 13), 0); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, &size, 4), 0); name[12] = '\0'; /* just in case. */ size = PHYSFS_swapULE32(size); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!UNPK_addEntry(arc, name, 0, location, size), 0); location += size; } /* for */ return 1; } /* mvlLoadEntries */ static void *MVL_openArchive(PHYSFS_Io *io, const char *name, int forWriting) { PHYSFS_uint8 buf[4]; PHYSFS_uint32 count = 0; void *unpkarc; assert(io != NULL); /* shouldn't ever happen. */ BAIL_IF(forWriting, PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY, NULL); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, buf, 4), NULL); BAIL_IF(memcmp(buf, "DMVL", 4) != 0, PHYSFS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED, NULL); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!__PHYSFS_readAll(io, &count, sizeof(count)), NULL); count = PHYSFS_swapULE32(count); unpkarc = UNPK_openArchive(io); BAIL_IF_ERRPASS(!unpkarc, NULL); if (!mvlLoadEntries(io, count, unpkarc)) { UNPK_closeArchive(unpkarc); return NULL; } /* if */ return unpkarc; } /* MVL_openArchive */ const PHYSFS_Archiver __PHYSFS_Archiver_MVL = { CURRENT_PHYSFS_ARCHIVER_API_VERSION, { "MVL", "Descent II Movielib format", "Bradley Bell ", "https://icculus.org/physfs/", 0, /* supportsSymlinks */ }, MVL_openArchive, UNPK_enumerateFiles, UNPK_openRead, UNPK_openWrite, UNPK_openAppend, UNPK_remove, UNPK_mkdir, UNPK_stat, UNPK_closeArchive }; #endif /* defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_MVL */ /* end of archiver_mvl.c ... */