/* * PocketPC support routines for PhysicsFS. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #define __PHYSICSFS_INTERNAL__ #include "physfs_platforms.h" #ifdef PHYSFS_PLATFORM_POCKETPC #include #include #include "physfs_internal.h" #define INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES 0xFFFFFFFF #define INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER 0xFFFFFFFF typedef struct { HANDLE handle; int readonly; } winCEfile; const char *__PHYSFS_platformDirSeparator = "\\"; static char *userDir = NULL; /* * Figure out what the last failing Win32 API call was, and * generate a human-readable string for the error message. * * The return value is a static buffer that is overwritten with * each call to this function. */ static const char *win32strerror(void) { static TCHAR msgbuf[255]; TCHAR *ptr = msgbuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), /* Default language */ msgbuf, sizeof (msgbuf) / sizeof (TCHAR), NULL ); /* chop off newlines. */ for (ptr = msgbuf; *ptr; ptr++) { if ((*ptr == '\n') || (*ptr == '\r')) { *ptr = ' '; break; } /* if */ } /* for */ return ((const char *) msgbuf); } /* win32strerror */ /* !!! FIXME: need to check all of these for NULLs. */ #define UTF8_TO_UNICODE_STACK_MACRO(w_assignto, str) { \ if (str == NULL) \ w_assignto = NULL; \ else { \ const PHYSFS_uint64 len = (PHYSFS_uint64) ((strlen(str) * 4) + 1); \ w_assignto = (char *) __PHYSFS_smallAlloc(len); \ PHYSFS_uc2fromutf8(str, (PHYSFS_uint16 *) w_assignto, len); \ } \ } \ static char *getExePath() { DWORD buflen; int success = 0; TCHAR *ptr = NULL; TCHAR *retval = (TCHAR*) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (TCHAR) * (MAX_PATH + 1)); char *charretval; BAIL_IF_MACRO(retval == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); retval[0] = _T('\0'); /* !!! FIXME: don't preallocate here? */ /* !!! FIXME: use smallAlloc? */ buflen = GetModuleFileName(NULL, retval, MAX_PATH + 1); if (buflen <= 0) __PHYSFS_setError(win32strerror()); else { retval[buflen] = '\0'; /* does API always null-terminate this? */ ptr = retval+buflen; while( ptr != retval ) { if( *ptr != _T('\\') ) *ptr-- = _T('\0'); else break; } /* while */ success = 1; } /* else */ if (!success) { allocator.Free(retval); return NULL; /* physfs error message will be set, above. */ } /* if */ buflen = (buflen * 4) + 1; charretval = (char *) allocator.Malloc(buflen); if (charretval != NULL) PHYSFS_utf8fromucs2((const PHYSFS_uint16 *) retval, charretval, buflen); allocator.Free(retval); return charretval; /* w00t. */ } /* getExePath */ int __PHYSFS_platformInit(void) { userDir = getExePath(); BAIL_IF_MACRO(userDir == NULL, NULL, 0); /* failed? */ return 1; /* always succeed. */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformInit */ int __PHYSFS_platformDeinit(void) { allocator.Free(userDir); return 1; /* always succeed. */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformDeinit */ void __PHYSFS_platformDetectAvailableCDs(PHYSFS_StringCallback cb, void *data) { /* no-op on this platform. */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformDetectAvailableCDs */ char *__PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir(const char *argv0) { return getExePath(); } /* __PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir */ char *__PHYSFS_platformGetUserName(void) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NULL); } /* __PHYSFS_platformGetUserName */ char *__PHYSFS_platformGetUserDir(void) { return userDir; BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NULL); } /* __PHYSFS_platformGetUserDir */ void *__PHYSFS_platformGetThreadID(void) { return ((void *)1); /* single threaded. */ /* !!! FIXME: is this true? */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformGetThreadID */ int __PHYSFS_platformExists(const char *fname) { int retval = 0; wchar_t *w_fname = NULL; UTF8_TO_UNICODE_STACK_MACRO(w_fname, fname); if (w_fname != NULL) retval = (GetFileAttributes(w_fname) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES); __PHYSFS_smallFree(w_fname); return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformExists */ int __PHYSFS_platformIsSymLink(const char *fname) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 0); } /* __PHYSFS_platformIsSymlink */ int __PHYSFS_platformIsDirectory(const char *fname) { int retval = 0; wchar_t *w_fname = NULL; UTF8_TO_UNICODE_STACK_MACRO(w_fname, fname); if (w_fname != NULL) retval = ((GetFileAttributes(w_fname) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0); __PHYSFS_smallFree(w_fname); return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformIsDirectory */ char *__PHYSFS_platformCvtToDependent(const char *prepend, const char *dirName, const char *append) { int len = ((prepend) ? strlen(prepend) : 0) + ((append) ? strlen(append) : 0) + strlen(dirName) + 1; char *retval = (char *) allocator.Malloc(len); char *p; BAIL_IF_MACRO(retval == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); if (prepend) strcpy(retval, prepend); else retval[0] = '\0'; strcat(retval, dirName); if (append) strcat(retval, append); for (p = strchr(retval, '/'); p != NULL; p = strchr(p + 1, '/')) *p = '\\'; return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformCvtToDependent */ static int doEnumCallback(const wchar_t *w_fname) { const PHYSFS_uint64 len = (PHYSFS_uint64) ((wcslen(w_fname) * 4) + 1); char *str = (char *) __PHYSFS_smallAlloc(len); PHYSFS_utf8fromucs2((const PHYSFS_uint16 *) w_fname, str, len); callback(callbackdata, origdir, str); __PHYSFS_smallFree(str); return 1; } /* doEnumCallback */ void __PHYSFS_platformEnumerateFiles(const char *dirname, int omitSymLinks, PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback callback, const char *origdir, void *callbackdata) { HANDLE dir; WIN32_FIND_DATA ent; char *SearchPath; wchar_t *w_SearchPath; size_t len = strlen(dirname); /* Allocate a new string for path, maybe '\\', "*", and NULL terminator */ SearchPath = (char *) __PHYSFS_smallAlloc(len + 3); BAIL_IF_MACRO(SearchPath == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); /* Copy current dirname */ strcpy(SearchPath, dirname); /* if there's no '\\' at the end of the path, stick one in there. */ if (SearchPath[len - 1] != '\\') { SearchPath[len++] = '\\'; SearchPath[len] = '\0'; } /* if */ /* Append the "*" to the end of the string */ strcat(SearchPath, "*"); UTF8_TO_UNICODE_STACK_MACRO(w_SearchPath, SearchPath); __PHYSFS_smallFree(SearchPath); dir = FindFirstFile(w_SearchPath, &ent); __PHYSFS_smallFree(w_SearchPath); if (dir == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; do { const char *str = NULL; if (wcscmp(ent.cFileName, L".") == 0) continue; if (wcscmp(ent.cFileName, L"..") == 0) continue; if (!doEnumCallback(ent.cFileName)) break; } while (FindNextFile(dir, &ent) != 0); FindClose(dir); } /* __PHYSFS_platformEnumerateFiles */ char *__PHYSFS_platformCurrentDir(void) { return "\\"; } /* __PHYSFS_platformCurrentDir */ char *__PHYSFS_platformRealPath(const char *path) { char *retval = (char *) allocator.Malloc(strlen(path) + 1); strcpy(retval,path); return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformRealPath */ int __PHYSFS_platformMkDir(const char *path) { int retval = 0; wchar_t *w_path = NULL; UTF8_TO_UNICODE_STACK_MACRO(w_path, path); if (w_path != NULL) { retval = CreateDirectory(w_path, NULL); __PHYSFS_smallFree(w_fname); } /* if */ return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformMkDir */ static void *doOpen(const char *fname, DWORD mode, DWORD creation, int rdonly) { HANDLE fileHandle; winCEfile *retval; wchar_t *w_fname = NULL; UTF8_TO_UNICODE_STACK_MACRO(w_fname, fname); fileHandle = CreateFile(w_fname, mode, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, creation, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); __PHYSFS_smallFree(w_fname); BAIL_IF_MACRO(fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, win32strerror(), NULL); retval = (winCEfile *) allocator.Malloc(sizeof (winCEfile)); if (retval == NULL) { CloseHandle(fileHandle); BAIL_MACRO(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); } /* if */ retval->readonly = rdonly; retval->handle = fileHandle; return retval; } /* doOpen */ void *__PHYSFS_platformOpenRead(const char *filename) { return doOpen(filename, GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, 1); } /* __PHYSFS_platformOpenRead */ void *__PHYSFS_platformOpenWrite(const char *filename) { return doOpen(filename, GENERIC_WRITE, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0); } /* __PHYSFS_platformOpenWrite */ void *__PHYSFS_platformOpenAppend(const char *filename) { void *retval = doOpen(filename, GENERIC_WRITE, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0); if (retval != NULL) { HANDLE h = ((winCEfile *) retval)->handle; if (SetFilePointer(h, 0, NULL, FILE_END) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { const char *err = win32strerror(); CloseHandle(h); allocator.Free(retval); BAIL_MACRO(err, NULL); } /* if */ } /* if */ return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformOpenAppend */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformRead(void *opaque, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 size, PHYSFS_uint32 count) { HANDLE Handle = ((winCEfile *) opaque)->handle; DWORD CountOfBytesRead; PHYSFS_sint64 retval; /* Read data from the file */ /*!!! - uint32 might be a greater # than DWORD */ if (!ReadFile(Handle, buffer, count * size, &CountOfBytesRead, NULL)) { retval = -1; } /* if */ else { /* Return the number of "objects" read. */ /* !!! - What if not the right amount of bytes was read to make an object? */ retval = CountOfBytesRead / size; } /* else */ return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformRead */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformWrite(void *opaque, const void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 size, PHYSFS_uint32 count) { HANDLE Handle = ((winCEfile *) opaque)->handle; DWORD CountOfBytesWritten; PHYSFS_sint64 retval; /* Read data from the file */ /*!!! - uint32 might be a greater # than DWORD */ if (!WriteFile(Handle, buffer, count * size, &CountOfBytesWritten, NULL)) { retval = -1; } /* if */ else { /* Return the number of "objects" read. */ /*!!! - What if not the right number of bytes was written? */ retval = CountOfBytesWritten / size; } /* else */ return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformWrite */ int __PHYSFS_platformSeek(void *opaque, PHYSFS_uint64 pos) { HANDLE Handle = ((winCEfile *) opaque)->handle; DWORD HighOrderPos; DWORD rc; /* Get the high order 32-bits of the position */ //HighOrderPos = HIGHORDER_UINT64(pos); HighOrderPos = (unsigned long)(pos>>32); /*!!! SetFilePointer needs a signed 64-bit value. */ /* Move pointer "pos" count from start of file */ rc = SetFilePointer(Handle, (unsigned long)(pos&0x00000000ffffffff), &HighOrderPos, FILE_BEGIN); if ((rc == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) && (GetLastError() != NO_ERROR)) { BAIL_MACRO(win32strerror(), 0); } return 1; /* No error occured */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformSeek */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformTell(void *opaque) { HANDLE Handle = ((winCEfile *) opaque)->handle; DWORD HighPos = 0; DWORD LowPos; PHYSFS_sint64 retval; /* Get current position */ LowPos = SetFilePointer(Handle, 0, &HighPos, FILE_CURRENT); if ((LowPos == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) && (GetLastError() != NO_ERROR)) { BAIL_MACRO(win32strerror(), 0); } /* if */ else { /* Combine the high/low order to create the 64-bit position value */ retval = (((PHYSFS_uint64) HighPos) << 32) | LowPos; //assert(retval >= 0); } /* else */ return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformTell */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformFileLength(void *opaque) { HANDLE Handle = ((winCEfile *) opaque)->handle; DWORD SizeHigh; DWORD SizeLow; PHYSFS_sint64 retval; SizeLow = GetFileSize(Handle, &SizeHigh); if ((SizeLow == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) && (GetLastError() != NO_ERROR)) { BAIL_MACRO(win32strerror(), -1); } /* if */ else { /* Combine the high/low order to create the 64-bit position value */ retval = (((PHYSFS_uint64) SizeHigh) << 32) | SizeLow; //assert(retval >= 0); } /* else */ return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformFileLength */ int __PHYSFS_platformEOF(void *opaque) { PHYSFS_sint64 FilePosition; int retval = 0; /* Get the current position in the file */ if ((FilePosition = __PHYSFS_platformTell(opaque)) != 0) { /* Non-zero if EOF is equal to the file length */ retval = FilePosition == __PHYSFS_platformFileLength(opaque); } /* if */ return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformEOF */ int __PHYSFS_platformFlush(void *opaque) { winCEfile *fh = ((winCEfile *) opaque); if (!fh->readonly) BAIL_IF_MACRO(!FlushFileBuffers(fh->handle), win32strerror(), 0); return 1; } /* __PHYSFS_platformFlush */ int __PHYSFS_platformClose(void *opaque) { HANDLE Handle = ((winCEfile *) opaque)->handle; BAIL_IF_MACRO(!CloseHandle(Handle), win32strerror(), 0); allocator.Free(opaque); return 1; } /* __PHYSFS_platformClose */ int __PHYSFS_platformDelete(const char *path) { wchar_t *w_path = NULL; UTF8_TO_UNICODE_STACK_MACRO(w_path, path); /* If filename is a folder */ if (GetFileAttributes(w_path) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { int retval = !RemoveDirectory(w_path); __PHYSFS_smallFree(w_path); BAIL_IF_MACRO(retval, win32strerror(), 0); } /* if */ else { int retval = !DeleteFile(w_path); __PHYSFS_smallFree(w_path); BAIL_IF_MACRO(retval, win32strerror(), 0); } /* else */ return 1; /* if you got here, it worked. */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformDelete */ /* Shamelessly copied from platform_windows.c */ static PHYSFS_sint64 FileTimeToPhysfsTime(const FILETIME *ft) { SYSTEMTIME st_utc; SYSTEMTIME st_localtz; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzi; DWORD tzid; PHYSFS_sint64 retval; struct tm tm; BAIL_IF_MACRO(!FileTimeToSystemTime(ft, &st_utc), winApiStrError(), -1); tzid = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi); BAIL_IF_MACRO(tzid == TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID, winApiStrError(), -1); /* (This API is unsupported and fails on non-NT systems. */ if (!SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(&tzi, &st_utc, &st_localtz)) { /* do it by hand. Grumble... */ ULARGE_INTEGER ui64; FILETIME new_ft; ui64.LowPart = ft->dwLowDateTime; ui64.HighPart = ft->dwHighDateTime; if (tzid == TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD) tzi.Bias += tzi.StandardBias; else if (tzid == TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT) tzi.Bias += tzi.DaylightBias; /* convert from minutes to 100-nanosecond increments... */ ui64.QuadPart -= (((LONGLONG) tzi.Bias) * (600000000)); /* Move it back into a FILETIME structure... */ new_ft.dwLowDateTime = ui64.LowPart; new_ft.dwHighDateTime = ui64.HighPart; /* Convert to something human-readable... */ if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&new_ft, &st_localtz)) BAIL_MACRO(winApiStrError(), -1); } /* if */ /* Convert to a format that mktime() can grok... */ tm.tm_sec = st_localtz.wSecond; tm.tm_min = st_localtz.wMinute; tm.tm_hour = st_localtz.wHour; tm.tm_mday = st_localtz.wDay; tm.tm_mon = st_localtz.wMonth - 1; tm.tm_year = st_localtz.wYear - 1900; tm.tm_wday = -1 /*st_localtz.wDayOfWeek*/; tm.tm_yday = -1; tm.tm_isdst = -1; /* Convert to a format PhysicsFS can grok... */ retval = (PHYSFS_sint64) mktime(&tm); BAIL_IF_MACRO(retval == -1, strerror(errno), -1); return retval; } /* FileTimeToPhysfsTime */ int __PHYSFS_platformStat(const char *filename, int *exists, PHYSFS_Stat *stat) { WIN32_FIND_DATA winstat; const HANDLE searchhandle = FindFirstFile(filename, &winstat); if (searchhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) /* call failed? */ { /* !!! FIXME: FindFirstFile() doesn't set errno. Use GetLastError()?. */ if (errno == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { *exists = 0; return 0; } /* if */ BAIL_MACRO(win32strerror, -1); } /* if */ FindClose(searchhandle); /* close handle, not needed anymore */ *exists = 1; if(winstat.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) stat->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_DIRECTORY; else if (winstat.dwFileAttributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ROMMODULE)) stat->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_OTHER; else stat->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_OTHER; /* !!! FIXME: _REGULAR? */ if (stat->filetype == PHYSFS_FILETYPE_REGULAR) stat->filesize = (((PHYSFS_uint64) winstat.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) | winstat.nFileSizeLow; stat->modtime = FileTimeToPhysfsTime(&winstat.ftLastWriteTime); stat->accesstime = FileTimeToPhysfsTime(&winstat.ftLastAccessTime); stat->createtime = FileTimeToPhysfsTime(&winstat.ftCreationTime); stat->readonly = ((winstat.dwFileAttributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INROM)) != 0); return 0; } /* __PHYSFS_platformStat */ /* * !!! FIXME: why aren't we using Critical Sections instead of Mutexes? * !!! FIXME: mutexes on Windows are for cross-process sync. CritSects are * !!! FIXME: mutexes for threads in a single process and are faster. */ void *__PHYSFS_platformCreateMutex(void) { return ((void *) CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL)); } /* __PHYSFS_platformCreateMutex */ void __PHYSFS_platformDestroyMutex(void *mutex) { CloseHandle((HANDLE) mutex); } /* __PHYSFS_platformDestroyMutex */ int __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(void *mutex) { return (WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE) mutex, INFINITE) != WAIT_FAILED); } /* __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex */ void __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(void *mutex) { ReleaseMutex((HANDLE) mutex); } /* __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformGetLastModTime(const char *fname) { BAIL_MACRO(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, -1); } /* __PHYSFS_platformGetLastModTime */ /* !!! FIXME: Don't use C runtime for allocators? */ int __PHYSFS_platformSetDefaultAllocator(PHYSFS_Allocator *a) { return 0; /* just use malloc() and friends. */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformSetDefaultAllocator */ #endif /* PHYSFS_PLATFORM_POCKETPC */ /* end of pocketpc.c ... */