/** * PhysicsFS; a portable, flexible file i/o abstraction. * * Documentation is in physfs.h. It's verbose, honest. :) * * Please see the file LICENSE in the source's root directory. * * This file written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #include #include #include #include #include "physfs.h" #define __PHYSICSFS_INTERNAL__ #include "physfs_internal.h" typedef struct __PHYSFS_ERRMSGTYPE__ { int tid; int errorAvailable; char errorString[80]; struct __PHYSFS_ERRMSGTYPE__ *next; } ErrMsg; typedef struct __PHYSFS_SEARCHDIRINFO__ { char *dirName; DirReader *reader; struct __PHYSFS_SEARCHDIRINFO__ *next; } SearchDirInfo; static int initialized = 0; static ErrMsg *errorMessages = NULL; static char *searchPath = NULL; static char *baseDir = NULL; static char *writeDir = NULL; static int allowSymLinks = 0; #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_ZIP) extern const __PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo __PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_ZIP; extern const __PHYSFS_DirReader __PHYSFS_DirReader_ZIP; extern const __PHYSFS_FileHandle __PHYSFS_FileHandle_ZIP; #endif static const __PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo *supported_types[] = { #if (defined PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_ZIP) &__PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo_ZIP, #endif NULL }; static ErrMsg *findErrorForCurrentThread(void) { ErrMsg *i; int tid; if (errorMessages != NULL) { tid = __PHYSFS_platformGetThreadID(); for (i = errorMessages; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if (i->tid == tid) return(i); } /* for */ } /* if */ return(NULL); /* no error available. */ } /* findErrorForCurrentThread */ void __PHYSFS_setError(const char *str) { ErrMsg *err = findErrorForCurrentThread(); if (err == NULL) { err = (ErrMsg *) malloc(sizeof (ErrMsg)); if (err == NULL) return; /* uhh...? */ err->tid = __PHYSFS_platformGetThreadID(); err->next = errorMessages; errorMessages = err; } /* if */ err->errorAvailable = 1; strncpy(err->errorString, str, sizeof (err->errorString)); err->errorString[sizeof (err->errorString) - 1] = '\0'; } /* __PHYSFS_setError */ const char *PHYSFS_getLastError(void) { ErrMsg *err = findErrorForCurrentThread(); if ((err == NULL) || (!err->errorAvailable)) return(NULL); err->errorAvailable = 0; return(err->errorString); } /* PHYSFS_getLastError */ void PHYSFS_getLinkedVersion(PHYSFS_Version *ver) { if (ver != NULL) { ver->major = PHYSFS_VER_MAJOR; ver->minor = PHYSFS_VER_MINOR; ver->patch = PHYSFS_VER_PATCH; } /* if */ } /* PHYSFS_getLinkedVersion */ int PHYSFS_init(const char *argv0) { BAIL_IF_MACRO(initialized, ERR_IS_INITIALIZED, 0); BAIL_IF_MACRO(argv0 == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); baseDir = calculateBaseDir(); initialized = 1; return(1); } /* PHYSFS_init */ static void freeSearchDir(SearchDirInfo *sdi) { assert(sdi != NULL); /* !!! make sure all files in search dir are closed. */ sdi->reader->close(sdi->reader); free(sdi->dirName); free(sdi); } /* freeSearchDir */ static void freeSearchPath(void) { SearchDirInfo *i; SearchDirInfo *next = NULL; if (searchPath != NULL) { for (i = searchPath; i != NULL; i = next) { next = i; freeSearchDir(i); } /* for */ searchPath = NULL; } /* if */ } /* freeSearchPath */ static void closeAllFiles(void) { } /* closeAllFiles */ void PHYSFS_deinit(void) { BAIL_IF_MACRO(!initialized, ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED, 0); closeAllFiles(); PHYSFS_setWriteDir(NULL); freeSearchPath(); freeErrorMessages(); if (baseDir != NULL) free(baseDir); allowSymLinks = 0; initialized = 0; return(1); } /* PHYSFS_deinit */ const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo **PHYSFS_supportedArchiveTypes(void) { return(supported_types); } /* PHYSFS_supportedArchiveTypes */ void PHYSFS_freeList(void *list) { void **i; for (i = (void **) list; *i != NULL; i++) free(*i); free(list); } /* PHYSFS_freeList */ const char *PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(void) { return(__PHYSFS_pathSeparator); } /* PHYSFS_getDirSeparator */ char **PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs(void) { return(__PHYSFS_platformDetectAvailableCDs()); } /* PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs */ const char *PHYSFS_getBaseDir(void) { return(baseDir); /* this is calculated in PHYSFS_init()... */ } /* PHYSFS_getBaseDir */ const char *PHYSFS_getUserDir(void) { static char *retval = NULL; const char *str = NULL; if (retval != NULL) return(retval); str = __PHYSFS_platformGetUserDir(); if (str != NULL) retval = str; else { const char *dirsep = PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(); const char *uname; str = getenv("HOME"); /* try a default. */ if (str != NULL) retval = str; else { uname = __PHYSFS_platformGetUserName(); str = (uname != NULL) ? uname : "default"; retval = malloc(strlen(baseDir) + strlen(str) + (strlen(dirsep) * 2) + 6); if (retval == NULL) retval = baseDir; /* (*shrug*) */ else sprintf(retval, "%s%susers%s%s", baseDir, dirsep, dirsep, uname); if (uname != NULL) free(uname); } /* else */ } /* if */ return(baseDir); /* just in case. */ } /* PHYSFS_getUserDir */ const char *PHYSFS_getWriteDir(void) { return(writeDir); } /* PHYSFS_getWriteDir */ int PHYSFS_setWriteDir(const char *newDir) { BAIL_IF_MACRO(openWriteCount > 0, ERR_FILES_OPEN_WRITE, 0); if (writeDir != NULL) { free(writeDir); writeDir = NULL; } /* if */ if (newDir != NULL) { BAIL_IF_MACRO(!createDirs_dependent(newDir), ERR_NO_DIR_CREATE, 0); writeDir = malloc(strlen(newDir) + 1); BAIL_IF_MACRO(writeDir == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0); strcpy(writeDir, newDir); } /* if */ return(1); } /* PHYSFS_setWriteDir */ int PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(const char *newDir, int appendToPath) { char *str = NULL; SearchDirInfo *sdi = NULL; DirReader *dirReader = NULL; BAIL_IF_MACRO(newDir == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); reader = getDirReader(newDir); /* This sets the error message. */ if (reader == NULL) return(0); sdi = (SearchDirInfo *) malloc(sizeof (SearchDirInfo)); BAIL_IF_MACRO(sdi == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0); sdi->dirName = (char *) malloc(strlen(newDir) + 1); if (sdi->dirName == NULL) { free(sdi); freeReader(reader); __PHYSFS_setError(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return(0); } /* if */ sdi->dirReader = dirReader; strcpy(sdi->dirName, newDir); if (appendToPath) { sdi->next = searchPath; searchPath = sdi; } /* if */ else { SearchDirInfo *i = searchPath; SearchDirInfo *prev = NULL; sdi->next = NULL; while (i != NULL) prev = i; if (prev == NULL) searchPath = sdi; else prev->next = sdi; } /* else */ return(1); } /* PHYSFS_addToSearchPath */ int PHYSFS_removeFromSearchPath(const char *oldDir) { SearchDirInfo *i; SearchDirInfo *prev = NULL; BAIL_IF_MACRO(oldDir == NULL, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0); for (i = searchPath; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if (strcmp(i->dirName, oldDir) == 0) { if (prev == NULL) searchPath = i->next; else prev->next = i->next; /* !!! make sure all files in search dir are closed. */ freeSearchDir(i); return(1); } /* if */ prev = i; } /* for */ __PHYSFS_setError(ERR_NOT_IN_SEARCH_PATH); return(0); } /* PHYSFS_removeFromSearchPath */ char **PHYSFS_getSearchPath(void) { int count = 1; int x; SearchDirInfo *i; char **retval; for (i = searchPath; i != NULL; i = i->next) count++; retval = (char **) malloc(sizeof (char *) * count); BAIL_IF_MACRO(!retval, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); count--; retval[count] = NULL; for (i = searchPath, x = 0; x < count; i = i->next, x++) { retval[x] = (char *) malloc(strlen(i->dirName) + 1); if (retval[x] == NULL) /* this is friggin' ugly. */ { while (x > 0) { x--; free(retval[x]); } /* while */ free(retval); __PHYSFS_setError(ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return(NULL); } /* if */ strcpy(retval[x], i->dirName); } /* for */ return(retval); } /* PHYSFS_getSearchPath */ /** * Helper function. * * Set up sane, default paths. The write path will be set to * "userpath/.appName", which is created if it doesn't exist. * * The above is sufficient to make sure your program's configuration directory * is separated from other clutter, and platform-independent. The period * before "mygame" even hides the directory on Unix systems. * * The search path will be: * * - The Write Dir (created if it doesn't exist) * - The Write Dir/appName (created if it doesn't exist) * - The Base Dir (PHYSFS_getBaseDir()) * - The Base Dir/appName (if it exists) * - All found CD-ROM paths (optionally) * - All found CD-ROM paths/appName (optionally, and if they exist) * * These directories are then searched for files ending with the extension * (archiveExt), which, if they are valid and supported archives, will also * be added to the search path. If you specified "PKG" for (archiveExt), and * there's a file named data.PKG in the base dir, it'll be checked. Archives * can either be appended or prepended to the search path in alphabetical * order, regardless of which directories they were found in. * * All of this can be accomplished from the application, but this just does it * all for you. Feel free to add more to the search path manually, too. * * @param appName Program-specific name of your program, to separate it * from other programs using PhysicsFS. * * @param archiveExt File extention used by your program to specify an * archive. For example, Quake 3 uses "pk3", even though * they are just zipfiles. Specify NULL to not dig out * archives automatically. * * @param includeCdRoms Non-zero to include CD-ROMs in the search path, and * (if (archiveExt) != NULL) search them for archives. * This may cause a significant amount of blocking * while discs are accessed, and if there are no discs * in the drive (or even not mounted on Unix systems), * then they may not be made available anyhow. You may * want to specify zero and handle the disc setup * yourself. * * @param archivesFirst Non-zero to prepend the archives to the search path. * Zero to append them. Ignored if !(archiveExt). */ int PHYSFS_setSaneConfig(const char *appName, const char *archiveExt, int includeCdRoms, int archivesFirst) { const char *basedir = PHYSFS_getBaseDir(); const char *userdir = PHYSFS_getUserDir(); const char *dirsep = PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(); char *str; int rc; /* set write dir... */ str = malloc(strlen(userdir) + (strlen(appName) * 2) + (strlen(dirsep) * 2) + 2); BAIL_IF_MACRO(str == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0); sprintf(str, "%s%s.%s", userdir, dirsep, appName); rc = PHYSFS_setWriteDir(str); if (!rc) return(0); /* error set by PHYSFS_setWriteDir() ... */ /* Put write dir related dirs on search path... */ PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(str, 1); PHYSFS_mkdir(appName); /* don't care if this fails. */ strcat(str, dirSep); strcat(str, appName); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(str, 1); free(str); /* Put base path stuff on search path... */ PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(basedir, 1); str = malloc(strlen(basedir) + (strlen(appName) * 2) + (strlen(dirsep) * 2) + 2); if (str != NULL) { sprintf(str, "%s%s.%s", basedir, dirsep, appName); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(str, 1); free(str); } /* if */ /* handle CD-ROMs... */ if (includeCdRoms) { char **cds = PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs(); char **i; for (i = cds; *i != NULL; i++) { PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(*i); str = malloc(strlen(*i) + strlen(appName) + strlen(dirsep) + 1); if (str != NULL) { sprintf(str, "%s%s%s", *i, dirsep, appName); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(str); free(str); } /* if */ } /* for */ PHYSFS_freeList(cds); } /* if */ /* Root out archives, and add them to search path... */ if (archiveExt != NULL) { char **rc = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(""); char **i; int extlen = strlen(archiveExt); char *ext; for (i = rc; *i != NULL; i++) { int l = strlen(*i); if ((l > extlen) && ((*i)[l - extlen - 1] == '.')); { ext = (*i) + (l - extlen); if (__PHYSFS_platformStricmp(ext, archiveExt) == 0) { const char *d = PHYSFS_getRealDir(*i); str = malloc(strlen(d) + strlen(dirsep) + l + 1); if (str != NULL) { sprintf(str, "%s%s%s", d, dirsep, *i); PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(d, str); free(str); } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* for */ PHYSFS_freeList(rc); } /* if */ return(1); } /* PHYSFS_setSaneConfig */ /* string manipulation in C makes my ass itch. */ /* be sure to free this crap after you're done with it. */ static char *convertToDependentNotation(const char *prepend, const char *dirName, const char *append) { const char *dirsep = PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(); int sepsize = strlen(dirsep); char *str; char *i1; char *i2; size_t allocSize; allocSize = strlen(dirName) + strlen(writeDir) + sepsize + 1; if (prepend != NULL) allocSize += strlen(prepend) + sepsize; if (append != NULL) allocSize += strlen(append) + sepsize; /* make sure there's enough space if the dir separator is bigger. */ if (sepsize > 1) { for (str = dirName; *str != '\0'; str++) { if (*str == '/') allocSize += (sepsize - 1); } /* for */ } /* if */ str = (char *) malloc(allocSize); BAIL_IF_MACRO(str == NULL, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); *str = '\0'; if (prepend) { strcpy(str, prepend); strcat(str, dirsep); } /* if */ for (i1 = dirName, i2 = str + strlen(str); *i1 != '\0'; i1++, i2++) { if (*i1 == '/') { strcpy(i2, dirsep); i2 += sepsize; } /* if */ else { *i2 = *i1; } /* else */ } /* for */ *i2 = '\0'; if (append) { strcat(str, dirsep); strcpy(str, append); } /* if */ return(str); } /* convertToDependentNotation */ int PHYSFS_mkdir(const char *dirName) { char *str; int rc; BAIL_IF_MACRO(writeDir == NULL, ERR_NO_WRITE_DIR, NULL); str = convertToDependentNotation(writeDir, dirName, NULL); if (str == NULL) /* __PHYSFS_setError is called in convert call. */ return(0); rc = createDirs_dependent(str); free(str); return(rc); } /* PHYSFS_mkdir */ int PHYSFS_delete(const char *filename) { char *str; int rc; BAIL_IF_MACRO(writeDir == NULL, ERR_NO_WRITE_DIR, NULL); str = convertToDependentNotation(writeDir, fileName, NULL); if (str == NULL) /* __PHYSFS_setError is called in convert call. */ return(0); rc = remove(str); free(str); rc = (rc == 0); if (!rc) __PHYSFS_setError(strerror(errno)); return(rc); } /* PHYSFS_delete */ void PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(int allow) { allowSymLinks = allow; } /* PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks */ /** * Figure out where in the search path a file resides. The file is specified * in platform-independent notation. The returned filename will be the * element of the search path where the file was found, which may be a * directory, or an archive. Even if there are multiple matches in different * parts of the search path, only the first one found is used, just like * when opening a file. * * So, if you look for "maps/level1.map", and C:\mygame is in your search * path and C:\mygame\maps\level1.map exists, then "C:\mygame" is returned. * * If a match is a symbolic link, and you've not explicitly permitted symlinks, * then it will be ignored, and the search for a match will continue. * * @param filename file to look for. * @return READ ONLY string of element of search path containing the * the file in question. NULL if not found. */ const char *PHYSFS_getRealDir(const char *filename) { } /* PHYSFS_getRealDir */ /** * Get a file listing of a search path's directory. Matching directories are * interpolated. That is, if "C:\mypath" is in the search path and contains a * directory "savegames" that contains "x.sav", "y.sav", and "z.sav", and * there is also a "C:\userpath" in the search path that has a "savegames" * subdirectory with "w.sav", then the following code: * * ------------------------------------------------ * char **rc = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles("savegames"); * char **i; * * for (i = rc; *i != NULL; i++) * printf("We've got [%s].\n", *i); * * PHYSFS_freeList(rc); * ------------------------------------------------ * * ...will print: * * ------------------------------------------------ * We've got [x.sav]. * We've got [y.sav]. * We've got [z.sav]. * We've got [w.sav]. * ------------------------------------------------ * * Don't forget to call PHYSFS_freeList() with the return value from this * function when you are done with it. * * @param path directory in platform-independent notation to enumerate. * @return Null-terminated array of null-terminated strings. */ char **PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(const char *path) { } /* PHYSFS_enumerateFiles */ /** * Open a file for writing, in platform-independent notation and in relation * to the write path as the root of the writable filesystem. The specified * file is created if it doesn't exist. If it does exist, it is truncated to * zero bytes, and the writing offset is set to the start. * * @param filename File to open. * @return A valid PhysicsFS filehandle on success, NULL on error. Specifics * of the error can be gleaned from PHYSFS_getLastError(). */ PHYSFS_file *PHYSFS_openWrite(const char *filename) { } /* PHYSFS_openWrite */ /** * Open a file for writing, in platform-independent notation and in relation * to the write path as the root of the writable filesystem. The specified * file is created if it doesn't exist. If it does exist, the writing offset * is set to the end of the file, so the first write will be the byte after * the end. * * @param filename File to open. * @return A valid PhysicsFS filehandle on success, NULL on error. Specifics * of the error can be gleaned from PHYSFS_getLastError(). */ PHYSFS_file *PHYSFS_openAppend(const char *filename) { } /* PHYSFS_openAppend */ /** * Open a file for reading, in platform-independent notation. The search path * is checked one at a time until a matching file is found, in which case an * abstract filehandle is associated with it, and reading may be done. * The reading offset is set to the first byte of the file. * * @param filename File to open. * @return A valid PhysicsFS filehandle on success, NULL on error. Specifics * of the error can be gleaned from PHYSFS_getLastError(). */ PHYSFS_file *PHYSFS_openRead(const char *filename) { } /* PHYSFS_openRead */ /** * Close a PhysicsFS filehandle. This call is capable of failing if the * operating system was buffering writes to this file, and (now forced to * write those changes to physical media) can not store the data for any * reason. In such a case, the filehandle stays open. A well-written program * should ALWAYS check the return value from the close call in addition to * every writing call! * * @param handle handle returned from PHYSFS_open*(). * @return nonzero on success, zero on error. Specifics of the error can be * gleaned from PHYSFS_getLastError(). */ int PHYSFS_close(PHYSFS_file *handle) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; assert(h != NULL); BAIL_IF_MACRO(h->close == NULL, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, -1); rc = h->close(h); if (rc) free(handle); return(rc); } /* PHYSFS_close */ int PHYSFS_read(PHYSFS_file *handle, void *buffer, unsigned int objSize, unsigned int objCount) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; assert(h != NULL); BAIL_IF_MACRO(h->read == NULL, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, -1); return(h->read(h, buffer, objSize, objCount)); } /* PHYSFS_read */ int PHYSFS_write(PHYSFS_file *handle, void *buffer, unsigned int objSize, unsigned int objCount) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; assert(h != NULL); BAIL_IF_MACRO(h->write == NULL, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, -1); return(h->write(h, buffer, objSize, objCount)); } /* PHYSFS_write */ int PHYSFS_eof(PHYSFS_file *handle) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; assert(h != NULL); BAIL_IF_MACRO(h->eof == NULL, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, -1); return(h->eof(h)); } /* PHYSFS_eof */ int PHYSFS_tell(PHYSFS_file *handle) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; assert(h != NULL); BAIL_IF_MACRO(h->tell == NULL, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, -1); return(h->tell(h)); } /* PHYSFS_tell */ int PHYSFS_seek(PHYSFS_file *handle, int pos) { FileHandle *h = (FileHandle *) handle->opaque; assert(h != NULL); BAIL_IF_MACRO(h->seek == NULL, ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, 0); return(h->seek(h, pos)); } /* PHYSFS_seek */ /* end of physfs.c ... */