/* * Windows Runtime support routines for PhysicsFS. * * Please see the file LICENSE.txt in the source's root directory. * * This file is based on "platform_windows.c" by Ryan C. Gordon and Gregory S. Read. * Windows Runtime-specific additions and changes are made by Martin "T-Bone" Ahrnbom. * * Instructions for setting up PhysFS in a WinRT Universal 8.1 app in Visual Studio 2013: * (hopefully these instructions will be somewhat valid with Windows 10 Apps as well...) * * 1. In Visual Studio 2013 (or later?), hit File -> New -> Project... * 2. On the left, navigate to Templates -> Visual C++ -> Store Apps -> Universal Apps * 3. In the middle of the window, select "DLL (Universal Apps)" * 4. Near the bottom, give the project a name (like PhysFS-WinRT) and choose a location * 5. In the Solution Explorer (to the right typically), delete all .cpp and .h files in * PhysFS-WinRT.Shared except targetver.h. * 6. In Windows Explorer, find the "src" folder of the PhysFS source code. Select all files * in the folder. * Drag and drop all of the source files onto PhysFS-WinRT-Shared in Visual Studio. * 7. In Windows Explorer, find the file called "physfs.h". Copy this file into a folder of its own somewhere. * I suggest naming that folder "include". This will be your "include" folder for any projects using PhysFS. * 8. In the Solution Explorer, right click on PhysFS-WinRT.Windows and select Properties. Make sure that "Configuration" is set to * "All Configurations" and "Platform" is set to "All Platforms" near the top of the window. * 9. On the left, select "Precompiled Headers". Change "Precompiled Header" from "Use (/Yu)" to "Not Using Precompiled Headers". * 10. On the left, navigate to Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor. In Preprocessor Definitions, add "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" * 11. Hit the OK button. * 12. Repeat steps 8-11 but for PhysFS-WinRT.WindowsPhone. * 13. In the Solution Explorer, find "platform_winrt.cpp" in PhysFS-WinRT.Shared. Right click on it and select "Properties". * 14. On the left, navigate to Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General. On the right, change "Consume Windows Runtime Extensions" * from "No" to "Yes (/ZW)". Hit "OK". * 15. Near the top of the Visual Studio window, select BUILD -> Batch Build... Hit "Select All", and then "Build". * 16. Now you have a bunch of .dll and .lib files, as well as an include folder that you can use in your projects! * 17. ??? * 18. Profit! */ /* !!! FIXME: remove the tabstops from this file. */ /* !!! FIXME: maybe just merge this back into platform_windows.c? */ #define __PHYSICSFS_INTERNAL__ #include "physfs_platforms.h" #ifdef PHYSFS_PLATFORM_WINRT #include "physfs_internal.h" #include #include #include #include #define LOWORDER_UINT64(pos) ((PHYSFS_uint32) (pos & 0xFFFFFFFF)) #define HIGHORDER_UINT64(pos) ((PHYSFS_uint32) ((pos >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF)) /* * Users without the platform SDK don't have this defined. The original docs * for SetFilePointer() just said to compare with 0xFFFFFFFF, so this should * work as desired. */ #define PHYSFS_INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER 0xFFFFFFFF /* just in case... */ #define PHYSFS_INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES 0xFFFFFFFF /* Not defined before the Vista SDK. */ #define PHYSFS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK 0xA000000C #define UTF8_TO_UNICODE_STACK(w_assignto, str) { \ if (str == NULL) \ w_assignto = NULL; \ else { \ const PHYSFS_uint64 len = (PHYSFS_uint64) ((strlen(str) + 1) * 2); \ w_assignto = (WCHAR *) __PHYSFS_smallAlloc(len); \ if (w_assignto != NULL) \ PHYSFS_utf8ToUtf16(str, (PHYSFS_uint16 *) w_assignto, len); \ } \ } \ /* Note this counts WCHARs, not codepoints! */ static PHYSFS_uint64 wStrLen(const WCHAR *wstr) { PHYSFS_uint64 len = 0; while (*(wstr++)) len++; return len; } /* wStrLen */ /* !!! FIXME: do we really need readonly? If not, do we need this struct? */ typedef struct { HANDLE handle; int readonly; } WinApiFile; static HANDLE detectCDThreadHandle = NULL; static HWND detectCDHwnd = 0; static volatile int initialDiscDetectionComplete = 0; static volatile DWORD drivesWithMediaBitmap = 0; static PHYSFS_ErrorCode errcodeFromWinApiError(const DWORD err) { /* * win32 error codes are sort of a tricky thing; Microsoft intentionally * doesn't list which ones a given API might trigger, there are several * with overlapping and unclear meanings...and there's 16 thousand of * them in Windows 7. It looks like the ones we care about are in the * first 500, but I can't say this list is perfect; we might miss * important values or misinterpret others. * * Don't treat this list as anything other than a work in progress. */ switch (err) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: return PHYSFS_ERR_OK; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: return PHYSFS_ERR_PERMISSION; case ERROR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED: return PHYSFS_ERR_PERMISSION; case ERROR_NOT_READY: return PHYSFS_ERR_IO; case ERROR_CRC: return PHYSFS_ERR_IO; case ERROR_SEEK: return PHYSFS_ERR_IO; case ERROR_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND: return PHYSFS_ERR_IO; case ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK: return PHYSFS_ERR_IO; case ERROR_WRITE_FAULT: return PHYSFS_ERR_IO; case ERROR_READ_FAULT: return PHYSFS_ERR_IO; case ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST: return PHYSFS_ERR_IO; /* !!! FIXME: ?? case ELOOP: return PHYSFS_ERR_SYMLINK_LOOP; */ case ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: return PHYSFS_ERR_BAD_FILENAME; case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: return PHYSFS_ERR_BAD_FILENAME; case ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME: return PHYSFS_ERR_BAD_FILENAME; case ERROR_DIRECTORY: return PHYSFS_ERR_BAD_FILENAME; case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: return PHYSFS_ERR_NOT_FOUND; case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: return PHYSFS_ERR_NOT_FOUND; case ERROR_DELETE_PENDING: return PHYSFS_ERR_NOT_FOUND; case ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE: return PHYSFS_ERR_NOT_FOUND; case ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL: return PHYSFS_ERR_NO_SPACE; case ERROR_DISK_FULL: return PHYSFS_ERR_NO_SPACE; /* !!! FIXME: ?? case ENOTDIR: return PHYSFS_ERR_NOT_FOUND; */ /* !!! FIXME: ?? case EISDIR: return PHYSFS_ERR_NOT_A_FILE; */ case ERROR_WRITE_PROTECT: return PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY; case ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION: return PHYSFS_ERR_BUSY; case ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION: return PHYSFS_ERR_BUSY; case ERROR_CURRENT_DIRECTORY: return PHYSFS_ERR_BUSY; case ERROR_DRIVE_LOCKED: return PHYSFS_ERR_BUSY; case ERROR_PATH_BUSY: return PHYSFS_ERR_BUSY; case ERROR_BUSY: return PHYSFS_ERR_BUSY; case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: return PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; case ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: return PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; case ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY: return PHYSFS_ERR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY; default: return PHYSFS_ERR_OS_ERROR; } /* switch */ } /* errcodeFromWinApiError */ static inline PHYSFS_ErrorCode errcodeFromWinApi(void) { return errcodeFromWinApiError(GetLastError()); } /* errcodeFromWinApi */ typedef BOOL(WINAPI *fnSTEM)(DWORD, LPDWORD b); static DWORD pollDiscDrives(void) { // We don't do discs return 0; } /* pollDiscDrives */ static LRESULT CALLBACK detectCDWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lparam) { return FALSE; } /* detectCDWndProc */ static DWORD WINAPI detectCDThread(LPVOID lpParameter) { return 0; } /* detectCDThread */ void __PHYSFS_platformDetectAvailableCDs(PHYSFS_StringCallback cb, void *data) { return; } /* __PHYSFS_platformDetectAvailableCDs */ static char *unicodeToUtf8Heap(const WCHAR *w_str) { char *retval = NULL; if (w_str != NULL) { void *ptr = NULL; const PHYSFS_uint64 len = (wStrLen(w_str) * 4) + 1; retval = (char*)allocator.Malloc(len); BAIL_IF(!retval, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); PHYSFS_utf8FromUtf16((const PHYSFS_uint16 *)w_str, retval, len); ptr = allocator.Realloc(retval, strlen(retval) + 1); /* shrink. */ if (ptr != NULL) retval = (char *)ptr; } /* if */ return retval; } /* unicodeToUtf8Heap */ char *__PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir(const char *argv0) { const wchar_t* path = Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current->InstalledLocation->Path->Data(); wchar_t path2[1024]; wcscpy_s(path2, path); wcscat_s(path2, L"\\"); return unicodeToUtf8Heap(path2); } /* __PHYSFS_platformCalcBaseDir */ char *__PHYSFS_platformCalcPrefDir(const char *org, const char *app) { const wchar_t* path = Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder->Path->Data(); wchar_t path2[1024]; wcscpy_s(path2, path); wcscat_s(path2, L"\\"); return unicodeToUtf8Heap(path2); } /* __PHYSFS_platformCalcPrefDir */ char *__PHYSFS_platformCalcUserDir(void) { return __PHYSFS_platformCalcPrefDir(NULL, NULL); } /* __PHYSFS_platformCalcUserDir */ void *__PHYSFS_platformGetThreadID(void) { return ((void *)((size_t)GetCurrentThreadId())); } /* __PHYSFS_platformGetThreadID */ static int isSymlinkAttrs(const DWORD attr, const DWORD tag) { return ((attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) && (tag == PHYSFS_IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK)); } /* isSymlinkAttrs */ void __PHYSFS_platformEnumerateFiles(const char *dirname, PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback callback, const char *origdir, void *callbackdata) { HANDLE dir = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATAW entw; size_t len = strlen(dirname); char *searchPath = NULL; WCHAR *wSearchPath = NULL; /* Allocate a new string for path, maybe '\\', "*", and NULL terminator */ searchPath = (char *)__PHYSFS_smallAlloc(len + 3); if (searchPath == NULL) return; /* Copy current dirname */ strcpy(searchPath, dirname); /* if there's no '\\' at the end of the path, stick one in there. */ if (searchPath[len - 1] != '\\') { searchPath[len++] = '\\'; searchPath[len] = '\0'; } /* if */ /* Append the "*" to the end of the string */ strcat(searchPath, "*"); UTF8_TO_UNICODE_STACK(wSearchPath, searchPath); if (!wSearchPath) return; /* oh well. */ //dir = FindFirstFileW(wSearchPath, &entw); dir = FindFirstFileExW(wSearchPath, FindExInfoStandard, &entw, FindExSearchNameMatch, NULL, 0); __PHYSFS_smallFree(wSearchPath); __PHYSFS_smallFree(searchPath); if (dir == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; do { const DWORD attr = entw.dwFileAttributes; const DWORD tag = entw.dwReserved0; const WCHAR *fn = entw.cFileName; char *utf8; if ((fn[0] == '.') && (fn[1] == '\0')) continue; if ((fn[0] == '.') && (fn[1] == '.') && (fn[2] == '\0')) continue; utf8 = unicodeToUtf8Heap(fn); if (utf8 != NULL) { callback(callbackdata, origdir, utf8); allocator.Free(utf8); } /* if */ } while (FindNextFileW(dir, &entw) != 0); FindClose(dir); } /* __PHYSFS_platformEnumerateFiles */ int __PHYSFS_platformMkDir(const char *path) { WCHAR *wpath; DWORD rc; UTF8_TO_UNICODE_STACK(wpath, path); rc = CreateDirectoryW(wpath, NULL); __PHYSFS_smallFree(wpath); BAIL_IF(rc == 0, errcodeFromWinApi(), 0); return 1; } /* __PHYSFS_platformMkDir */ int __PHYSFS_platformInit(void) { return 1; /* It's all good */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformInit */ int __PHYSFS_platformDeinit(void) { return 1; /* It's all good */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformDeinit */ static void *doOpen(const char *fname, DWORD mode, DWORD creation, int rdonly) { HANDLE fileh; WinApiFile *retval; WCHAR *wfname; UTF8_TO_UNICODE_STACK(wfname, fname); BAIL_IF(!wfname, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); //fileh = CreateFileW(wfname, mode, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, creation, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); fileh = CreateFile2(wfname, mode, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, creation, NULL); __PHYSFS_smallFree(wfname); BAIL_IF(fileh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, errcodeFromWinApi(), NULL); retval = (WinApiFile *)allocator.Malloc(sizeof(WinApiFile)); if (!retval) { CloseHandle(fileh); BAIL(PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); } /* if */ retval->readonly = rdonly; retval->handle = fileh; return retval; } /* doOpen */ void *__PHYSFS_platformOpenRead(const char *filename) { return doOpen(filename, GENERIC_READ, OPEN_EXISTING, 1); } /* __PHYSFS_platformOpenRead */ void *__PHYSFS_platformOpenWrite(const char *filename) { return doOpen(filename, GENERIC_WRITE, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0); } /* __PHYSFS_platformOpenWrite */ void *__PHYSFS_platformOpenAppend(const char *filename) { void *retval = doOpen(filename, GENERIC_WRITE, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0); if (retval != NULL) { HANDLE h = ((WinApiFile *)retval)->handle; //DWORD rc = SetFilePointer(h, 0, NULL, FILE_END); const LARGE_INTEGER zero = { 0 }; DWORD rc = SetFilePointerEx(h, zero, NULL, FILE_END); if (rc == PHYSFS_INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { const PHYSFS_ErrorCode err = errcodeFromWinApi(); CloseHandle(h); allocator.Free(retval); BAIL(err, NULL); } /* if */ } /* if */ return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformOpenAppend */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformRead(void *opaque, void *buf, PHYSFS_uint64 len) { HANDLE Handle = ((WinApiFile *)opaque)->handle; PHYSFS_sint64 totalRead = 0; if (!__PHYSFS_ui64FitsAddressSpace(len)) BAIL(PHYSFS_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, -1); while (len > 0) { const DWORD thislen = (len > 0xFFFFFFFF) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : (DWORD)len; DWORD numRead = 0; if (!ReadFile(Handle, buf, thislen, &numRead, NULL)) BAIL(errcodeFromWinApi(), -1); len -= (PHYSFS_uint64)numRead; totalRead += (PHYSFS_sint64)numRead; if (numRead != thislen) break; } /* while */ return totalRead; } /* __PHYSFS_platformRead */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformWrite(void *opaque, const void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint64 len) { HANDLE Handle = ((WinApiFile *)opaque)->handle; PHYSFS_sint64 totalWritten = 0; if (!__PHYSFS_ui64FitsAddressSpace(len)) BAIL(PHYSFS_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, -1); while (len > 0) { const DWORD thislen = (len > 0xFFFFFFFF) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : (DWORD)len; DWORD numWritten = 0; if (!WriteFile(Handle, buffer, thislen, &numWritten, NULL)) BAIL(errcodeFromWinApi(), -1); len -= (PHYSFS_uint64)numWritten; totalWritten += (PHYSFS_sint64)numWritten; if (numWritten != thislen) break; } /* while */ return totalWritten; } /* __PHYSFS_platformWrite */ int __PHYSFS_platformSeek(void *opaque, PHYSFS_uint64 pos) { HANDLE Handle = ((WinApiFile *)opaque)->handle; BOOL rc; LARGE_INTEGER li; li.LowPart = LOWORDER_UINT64(pos); li.HighPart = HIGHORDER_UINT64(pos); rc = SetFilePointerEx(Handle, li, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); if (!rc && (GetLastError() != NO_ERROR)) { BAIL(errcodeFromWinApi(), 0); } /* if */ return 1; /* No error occured */ } /* __PHYSFS_platformSeek */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformTell(void *opaque) { HANDLE Handle = ((WinApiFile *)opaque)->handle; PHYSFS_sint64 retval; BOOL rc; LARGE_INTEGER zero; zero.QuadPart = 0; LARGE_INTEGER out; rc = SetFilePointerEx(Handle, zero, &out, FILE_CURRENT); if (!rc) { BAIL(errcodeFromWinApi(), -1); } /* if */ else { retval = out.QuadPart; assert(retval >= 0); } /* else */ return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformTell */ PHYSFS_sint64 __PHYSFS_platformFileLength(void *opaque) { HANDLE Handle = ((WinApiFile *)opaque)->handle; PHYSFS_sint64 retval; FILE_STANDARD_INFO file_info = { 0 }; const BOOL res = GetFileInformationByHandleEx(Handle, FileStandardInfo, &file_info, sizeof(file_info)); if (res) { retval = file_info.EndOfFile.QuadPart; assert(retval >= 0); } else { PHYSFS_setErrorCode(PHYSFS_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformFileLength */ int __PHYSFS_platformFlush(void *opaque) { WinApiFile *fh = ((WinApiFile *)opaque); if (!fh->readonly) BAIL_IF(!FlushFileBuffers(fh->handle), errcodeFromWinApi(), 0); return 1; } /* __PHYSFS_platformFlush */ void __PHYSFS_platformClose(void *opaque) { HANDLE Handle = ((WinApiFile *)opaque)->handle; (void)CloseHandle(Handle); /* ignore errors. You should have flushed! */ allocator.Free(opaque); } /* __PHYSFS_platformClose */ static int doPlatformDelete(LPWSTR wpath) { //const int isdir = (GetFileAttributesW(wpath) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); int isdir = 0; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA file_info; const BOOL res = GetFileAttributesEx(wpath, GetFileExInfoStandard, &file_info); if (res) { isdir = (file_info.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); } const BOOL rc = (isdir) ? RemoveDirectoryW(wpath) : DeleteFileW(wpath); BAIL_IF(!rc, errcodeFromWinApi(), 0); return 1; /* if you made it here, it worked. */ } /* doPlatformDelete */ int __PHYSFS_platformDelete(const char *path) { int retval = 0; LPWSTR wpath = NULL; UTF8_TO_UNICODE_STACK(wpath, path); BAIL_IF(!wpath, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0); retval = doPlatformDelete(wpath); __PHYSFS_smallFree(wpath); return retval; } /* __PHYSFS_platformDelete */ void *__PHYSFS_platformCreateMutex(void) { LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpcs; lpcs = (LPCRITICAL_SECTION)allocator.Malloc(sizeof(CRITICAL_SECTION)); BAIL_IF(!lpcs, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); //InitializeCriticalSection(lpcs); InitializeCriticalSectionEx(lpcs, 2000, 0); return lpcs; } /* __PHYSFS_platformCreateMutex */ void __PHYSFS_platformDestroyMutex(void *mutex) { DeleteCriticalSection((LPCRITICAL_SECTION)mutex); allocator.Free(mutex); } /* __PHYSFS_platformDestroyMutex */ int __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex(void *mutex) { EnterCriticalSection((LPCRITICAL_SECTION)mutex); return 1; } /* __PHYSFS_platformGrabMutex */ void __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex(void *mutex) { LeaveCriticalSection((LPCRITICAL_SECTION)mutex); } /* __PHYSFS_platformReleaseMutex */ static PHYSFS_sint64 FileTimeToPhysfsTime(const FILETIME *ft) { SYSTEMTIME st_utc; SYSTEMTIME st_localtz; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzi; DWORD tzid; PHYSFS_sint64 retval; struct tm tm; BOOL rc; BAIL_IF(!FileTimeToSystemTime(ft, &st_utc), errcodeFromWinApi(), -1); tzid = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi); BAIL_IF(tzid == TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID, errcodeFromWinApi(), -1); rc = SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(&tzi, &st_utc, &st_localtz); BAIL_IF(!rc, errcodeFromWinApi(), -1); /* Convert to a format that mktime() can grok... */ tm.tm_sec = st_localtz.wSecond; tm.tm_min = st_localtz.wMinute; tm.tm_hour = st_localtz.wHour; tm.tm_mday = st_localtz.wDay; tm.tm_mon = st_localtz.wMonth - 1; tm.tm_year = st_localtz.wYear - 1900; tm.tm_wday = -1 /*st_localtz.wDayOfWeek*/; tm.tm_yday = -1; tm.tm_isdst = -1; /* Convert to a format PhysicsFS can grok... */ retval = (PHYSFS_sint64)mktime(&tm); BAIL_IF(retval == -1, PHYSFS_ERR_OS_ERROR, -1); return retval; } /* FileTimeToPhysfsTime */ int __PHYSFS_platformStat(const char *filename, PHYSFS_Stat *st) { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA winstat; WCHAR *wstr = NULL; DWORD err = 0; BOOL rc = 0; UTF8_TO_UNICODE_STACK(wstr, filename); BAIL_IF(!wstr, PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0); rc = GetFileAttributesExW(wstr, GetFileExInfoStandard, &winstat); err = (!rc) ? GetLastError() : 0; __PHYSFS_smallFree(wstr); BAIL_IF(!rc, errcodeFromWinApiError(err), 0); st->modtime = FileTimeToPhysfsTime(&winstat.ftLastWriteTime); st->accesstime = FileTimeToPhysfsTime(&winstat.ftLastAccessTime); st->createtime = FileTimeToPhysfsTime(&winstat.ftCreationTime); if (winstat.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { st->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_DIRECTORY; st->filesize = 0; } /* if */ else if (winstat.dwFileAttributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE)) { /* !!! FIXME: what are reparse points? */ st->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_OTHER; /* !!! FIXME: don't rely on this */ st->filesize = 0; } /* else if */ /* !!! FIXME: check for symlinks on Vista. */ else { st->filetype = PHYSFS_FILETYPE_REGULAR; st->filesize = (((PHYSFS_uint64)winstat.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) | winstat.nFileSizeLow; } /* else */ st->readonly = ((winstat.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) != 0); return 1; } /* __PHYSFS_platformStat */ #endif /* PHYSFS_PLATFORM_WINRT */ /* end of physfs_platform_winrt.cpp ... */