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Building is (ahem) very easy.
Please understand your rights and mine: read the text file LICENSE in the root
of the source tree. If you can't abide by it, delete this source tree now.
The best documentation for the PhysicsFS API is physfs.h. It is VERY heavily
commented, and makes an excellent, in-depth reference to all the functions.
Edit "Makefile", and follow the instructions. The defaults are probably okay
for general purposes, but give it a once over to make sure. If you don't have
zLib on your system, you'll need to disable ZIP support.
run "make"
That's it. The library will be sitting in a new directory called "bin".
Run "make install" to install the library for use on your system.
Download, and
unpack in the root of the source directory, preserving directory names. If
you did it correctly, there should be a directory named "zlib114" in the
same directory as "physfs.h". This archive has Visual C project files and
the code needed for zipfile support in PhysicsFS, since most Windows boxes
don't have zlib preinstalled.
IMPORTANT: If you are using anything older than Visual Studio.NET, you
will _NEED_ to upgrade to the latest Platform SDK from Microsoft. It is a
free download:
Be sure to install _at least_ the Core SDK and the WMI SDK. I'm not sure if
this is needed (or usable for Cygwin). Even though you need these SDK updates,
the compiled PhysicsFS DLL should work on any win32 platform from Win95 and
WinNT 4.0 and later.
No one's tried building this for a WinCE (PocketPC) platform, but it may or
may not work. Patches are welcome.
After that, if building with CygWin, follow the Unix instructions, above.
(Which used to work, see caveat about Platform SDK above). If you're using
Visual C, point the IDE at physfs.dsp, and build. If you're using any other
compiler, send me a patch when you get it working. :)
If someone is willing to maintain prebuilt PhysicsFS DLLs, I'd like to hear
from you; send an email to
MACOS 8/9:
Download and
unpack it in the root of the physfs folder. It should produce a folder
called "Mac Classic Support" that has CodeWarrior 6 project files and a
copy of zlib for zipfile support.
If someone is willing to maintain prebuilt PhysicsFS Shared Libraries for
the Mac, I'd like to hear from you; send an email to
Many platforms might "just work" with the Unix Makefile (such as BeOS and
MacOS X), but have not been heavily tested, if tested at all. To implement a
new platform or archiver, please read the heavily-commented physfs_internal.h
and look in the platform/ and archiver/ directories for examples.
--ryan. (