Removed the death messages.

At first I was doing the same thing to them I did to the bragging
messages, but when it came to actually thinking of things these
characters should say, nothing I liked came up. The main problem
is nothing fits the characters' expressions. Add to that the
complexity of making this really work right, and it's just not
worth it.

The Sid death message has also been removed, both for consistency
and because of the mismatch of Chris's face with what he said there.
This commit is contained in:
onpon4 2016-11-19 08:10:25 -05:00
parent 3c6c41ee49
commit 7578f3814f
7 changed files with 40 additions and 79 deletions

View File

@ -1418,7 +1418,7 @@ void alien_setKlineAttackMethod(object *alien)
if (alien->shield <= 500)
setRadioMessage(FS_KLINE, "ENOUGH!! THIS ENDS NOW!!!", 1);
setRadioMessage(FS_KLINE, "ENOUGH! THIS ENDS NOW!", 1);
alien->weaponType[0] = W_AIMED_SHOT;
alien->weaponType[1] = W_MICRO_HOMING_MISSILES;
alien->flags |= FL_CANCLOAK;
@ -1427,7 +1427,7 @@ void alien_setKlineAttackMethod(object *alien)
else if (alien->shield <= 1000)
setRadioMessage(FS_KLINE, "Your ability to stay alive irritates me!! Try dodging some of these!!", 1);
setRadioMessage(FS_KLINE, "Your ability to stay alive irritates me! Try dodging some of these!", 1);
if (game.difficulty == DIFFICULTY_ORIGINAL)
alien->weaponType[0] = W_DIRSHOCKMISSILE;

View File

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ void cargo_becomeCollectable(int i)
aliens[ALIEN_PHOEBE].active = true;
aliens[ALIEN_PHOEBE].x = cargo[i].x;
aliens[ALIEN_PHOEBE].y = cargo[i].y;
setRadioMessage(FS_PHOEBE, "Thanks!! Watch out, WEAPCO! Phoebe's loose and she's ANGRY!!!", 1);
setRadioMessage(FS_PHOEBE, "Thanks! Watch out, WEAPCO! Phoebe's loose and she's ANGRY!", 1);
cargo[i].active = false;

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ void events_init()
events[3].time = 170;
events[3].face = FS_SID;
strcpy(events[3].message, "Chris, HURRY!!!");
strcpy(events[3].message, "Chris, HURRY!");
events[4].time = 180;
events[4].face = FS_SID;
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ void events_init()
events[5].time = 100;
events[5].face = FS_CREW;
strcpy(events[5].message, "Chris, HELP!! We've lost all system power! We're a sitting duck out here!");
strcpy(events[5].message, "Chris, HELP! We've lost all system power! We're a sitting duck out here!");
events[5].entity = ALIEN_FRIEND1;
events[5].flag = FL_DISABLED;
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ void events_init()
events[1].time = -8;
events[1].face = FS_PHOEBE;
strcpy(events[1].message, "DAMMIT! It's a trap! Come on, Chris, we have to leave NOW!!");
strcpy(events[1].message, "DAMMIT! It's a trap! Come on, Chris, we have to leave NOW!");
events[2].time = -9;
events[2].entity = ALIEN_PHOEBE;
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ void events_init()
events[4].time = 93;
events[4].face = FS_KRASS;
strcpy(events[4].message, "Keep those things off my back or it'll cost you extra!!!");
strcpy(events[4].message, "Keep those things off my back or it'll cost you extra!");
events[5].time = 120;
events[5].entity = ALIEN_BOSS_PART3;

View File

@ -25,6 +25,14 @@ static Star stars[STARS_NUM];
static Uint32 frameLimit = 0;
static int thirds = 0;
static const char *klineInsult[] = {
"Pathetic.", "How very disappointing...", "Heroic. And stupid."
static const char *klineVenusInsult[] = {
"Fool.", "And now you're nothing but a DEAD hero."
void game_init()
game.system = SYSTEM_SPIRIT;
@ -394,7 +402,7 @@ static void game_doCollectables()
weapon[W_PLAYER_WEAPON].reload[0] = rate2reload[5];
weapon[W_PLAYER_WEAPON].flags |= WF_SPREAD;
sprintf(temp, "Picked up a Super Charge!!");
sprintf(temp, "Picked up a Super Charge!");
@ -1176,8 +1184,8 @@ static void game_doPlayer()
int shapeToUse;
float cd;
float cc;
bool xmoved = false;
bool ymoved = false;
int xmoved = 0;
int ymoved = 0;
if (player.shield > -100)
@ -1206,7 +1214,7 @@ static void game_doPlayer()
if (player.ammo[1] >= 100)
player.ammo[1] = 200;
setInfoLine("Laser Overheat!!", FONT_WHITE);
setInfoLine("Laser Overheat!", FONT_WHITE);
@ -1277,14 +1285,14 @@ static void game_doPlayer()
player.y -= player.speed;
engine.ssy += 0.1;
ymoved = true;
ymoved = 1;
if (engine.keyState[KEY_DOWN])
player.y += player.speed;
engine.ssy -= 0.1;
ymoved = true;
ymoved = 1;
if (engine.keyState[KEY_LEFT])
@ -1292,7 +1300,7 @@ static void game_doPlayer()
player.x -= player.speed;
engine.ssx += 0.1;
player.face = 1;
xmoved = true;
xmoved = 1;
if (engine.keyState[KEY_RIGHT])
@ -1300,7 +1308,7 @@ static void game_doPlayer()
player.x += player.speed;
engine.ssx -= 0.1;
player.face = 0;
xmoved = true;
xmoved = 1;
if (engine.keyState[KEY_ESCAPE])
@ -1324,8 +1332,8 @@ static void game_doPlayer()
(game.area == MISN_MARS))
player.face = 0;
xmoved = true;
ymoved = true;
xmoved = 1;
ymoved = 1;
if (engine.done == 0)
@ -1423,8 +1431,17 @@ static void game_doPlayer()
if (player.shield == -1)
if ((game.hasWingMate1) || (aliens[ALIEN_KLINE].active))
if (aliens[ALIEN_KLINE].active)
if (game.area == MISN_VENUS)
setRadioMessage(FS_KLINE, klineVenusInsult[rand() % 2], 1);
setRadioMessage(FS_KLINE, klineInsult[rand() % 3], 1);
else if ((aliens[ALIEN_BOSS].active) && (aliens[ALIEN_BOSS].classDef == CD_KRASS))
setRadioMessage(FS_KRASS, "That was the easiest $90,000,000 I've ever earned! Bwah! Ha! Ha! Ha!", 1);
// Make it look like the ships are all still moving...
if (game.area == MISN_ELLESH)

View File

@ -19,21 +19,12 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "Starfighter.h"
static const char *deathMessage[6] = {
"Oh my God... No!",
"Please tell me that didn't just happen...",
"Chris, answer me!!",
"What the hell happened?!",
static const char *missFireMessage[5] = {
"I am NOT your enemy!",
"Hey! Watch it!",
"What are you doing?! Shoot THEM!",
"OW!!! I hope that was an accident!",
"Open your eyes!!",
"OW! I hope that was an accident!",
"Open your eyes!",
static const char *playerHitMessage[3] = {
@ -42,50 +33,6 @@ static const char *playerHitMessage[3] = {
"Don't fly into my missiles!",
const char *getKlineInsult()
static const char *insult[] = {
"Pathetic.", "How very disappointing...", "Heroic. And stupid.", "Fool.",
"And now you're nothing but a DEAD hero."
if (game.area != MISN_VENUS)
return (insult[rand() % 3]);
return (insult[3 + (rand() % 2)]);
void getPlayerDeathMessage()
if (aliens[ALIEN_KLINE].active)
setRadioMessage(FS_KLINE, getKlineInsult(), 1);
if ((aliens[ALIEN_BOSS].active) && (aliens[ALIEN_BOSS].classDef == CD_KRASS))
setRadioMessage(FS_KRASS, "That was the easiest $90,000,000 I've ever earned! Bwwah!! Ha!! Ha!! Ha!!", 1);
int faceToUse = FS_PHOEBE;
if ((game.area == MISN_URUSOR) || (game.area == MISN_POSWIC) ||
(game.area == MISN_EARTH))
faceToUse = FS_SID;
else if (game.hasWingMate2)
if ((rand() % 2) == 0)
faceToUse = FS_URSULA;
setRadioMessage(faceToUse, deathMessage[rand() % 6], 1);
void getMissFireMessage(object *ally)
int faceToUse = FS_PHOEBE;

View File

@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#define MESSAGES_H
extern void getKillMessage(object *ally);
extern const char *getKlineInsult();
extern void getPlayerDeathMessage();
extern void getMissFireMessage(object *ally);
extern void getPlayerHitMessage(object *ally);

View File

@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ static void evaluateRequirement(int type, int id, int *completed, int *targetVal
setRadioMessage(FS_SID, "Dammit, Chris! We just lost her!", 1);
setRadioMessage(FS_CREW, "Noooo!! Hull bre...", 1);
setRadioMessage(FS_CREW, "Noooo! Hull bre...", 1);
setRadioMessage(FS_SID, "Chris, we've got to disable them, not destroy them!!", 1);
@ -435,8 +435,7 @@ void updateMissionRequirements(int type, int id, int value)
// you will automatically fail the mission(!)
if ((type == M_DESTROY_TARGET_TYPE) && (id == CD_SID))
setInfoLine("Sid has been killed!!", FONT_RED);
setRadioMessage(FS_CHRIS, "Sid... I... I'm sorry...", 1);
setInfoLine("Sid has been killed!", FONT_RED);
currentMission.completed1[0] = OB_JUST_FAILED;