# This file has been dedicated to the public domain, to the extent # possible under applicable law, via CC0. See # http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ for more # information. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty. bin_PROGRAMS = starfighter if RUN_IN_PLACE starfighter_CPPFLAGS = $(STARFIGHTER_CPPFLAGS) else starfighter_CPPFLAGS = $(STARFIGHTER_CPPFLAGS) -DDATADIR=\"$(pkgdatadir)\" endif if BUILD_MACOS starfighter_LDFLAGS = -framework CoreFoundation endif starfighter_CFLAGS = $(SDL_CFLAGS) $(PANGO_CFLAGS) starfighter_LDADD = $(SDL_LIBS) $(PANGO_LIBS) starfighter_SOURCES = \ Starfighter.c \ alien.c \ alien.h \ audio.c \ audio.h \ bullet.c \ bullet.h \ cargo.c \ cargo.h \ collectable.c \ collectable.h \ colors.c \ colors.h \ cutscene.c \ cutscene.h \ defs.c \ defs.h \ engine.c \ engine.h \ event.c \ event.h \ explosion.c \ explosion.h \ game.c \ game.h \ gfx.c \ gfx.h \ info.c \ info.h \ intermission.c \ intermission.h \ mission.c \ mission.h \ player.c \ player.h \ radio.c \ radio.h \ renderer.c \ renderer.h \ save.c \ save.h \ screen.c \ screen.h \ ship.c \ ship.h \ shop.c \ shop.h \ structs.h \ title.c \ title.h \ weapons.c \ weapons.h \ window.c \ window.h