# Project: Starfighter Translatable Text # Copyright (C) 2003 Parallel Relaities # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 Guus Sliepen # Copyright (C) 2012, 2015-2020 Layla Marchant # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Jorge Maldonado Ventura , 2021. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: diligentcircle@riseup.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-25 14:04-0500\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-31 13:44+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Jorge Maldonado Ventura \n" "Language-Team: \n" "Language: eo\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n" #. / Dialog (Kline Kethlan) #. / Used when the final "stage" of the Venus fight is entered. #: ../src/alien.c:1593 msgid "ENOUGH! THIS ENDS NOW!" msgstr "SUFIĈAS! ĈI TIO FINAS NUN!" #. / Dialog (Kline Kethlan) #. / Used when the third "stage" of the Vinus fight is entered. #: ../src/alien.c:1604 msgid "Your ability to stay alive irritates me! Try dodging some of these!" msgstr "Via eblo supervivi ĝenas min! Klopodi eviti iuj el tiuj!" #. / Dialog (Kline Kethlan) #. / Used when the second "stage" of the Venus fight is entered. #: ../src/alien.c:1618 #, fuzzy msgid "Very good, Bainfield. Now let's get a little more serious..." msgstr "Tre bone, Benfeldo." #: ../src/alien.c:2002 msgid ">> Ally has ejected! <<" msgstr ">> Amiko elĵetiĝis! <<" #: ../src/alien.c:2004 msgid ">> Friendly craft has been destroyed! <<" msgstr ">> Amika flugilo estis detruita! <<" #. / Chris brag messages #. / This is a list of brags separated by "\n". They are randomly #. / broadcast when Chris successfully kills an enemy. #. / Instead of directly translating these, please populate the list #. / with brag messages that work well in the target language, #. / following the English version only as a general guideline. Any #. / number of brag messages is permitted. #: ../src/alien.c:2033 msgid "" "Take that, robot oppressors!\n" "Come on, WEAPCO, give me a challenge already!\n" "Is that all you've got?\n" "I could kill these robots with my hands tied behind my back!\n" "And now you're nothing but a pile of scrap metal!\n" "Who else wants some?!\n" "Humans do it better!\n" "A century of AI research is no match for me!\n" "What's the matter, WEAPCO? Can't keep up?\n" "I eat robots like you for breakfast!\n" "Target destroyed!\n" "Bring it on, WEAPCO!\n" "I wish the guys back at home could see this!\n" "How do you like that, WEAPCO?\n" "Maybe you should change your name to WEEPCO!" msgstr "" "Prenu tion, robotaj premantoj!\n" "Ek, ARMKORP, donu al mi defion!\n" "Ĉu tio estas ĉio, kiun vi havas?\n" "Mi povus detrui tiujn robotojn kun miaj manoj ligitaj antaŭ mia dorso!\n" "Kaj nun vi estas nur amaso de metalaj pecoj!\n" "Kiu ankaŭ volas iom?!\n" "Homoj pli bone ĝin faras!\n" "Jarcento de AI-a esplorado ne estas defio por mi!\n" "Kio estas la problemo, ARMKORP? Ĉu ne povas daŭrigi?\n" "Mi manĝas robotojn kiel vi matenmanĝe!\n" "Celo detruita!\n" "Ĝenu plu, ARMKORP!\n" "Mi dezirus, ke uloj hejme povu vidi ĉi tion!\n" "Kiel vi ŝatas tion, ARMKORP?\n" "Eble vi devus ŝanĝi vian nomon al PLORIKORP!" #. / Phoebe brag messages #. / This is a list of brags separated by "\n". They are randomly #. / broadcast when Phoebe successfully kills an enemy. #. / Instead of directly translating these, please populate the list #. / with brag messages that work well in the target language, #. / following the English version only as a general guideline. Any #. / number of brag messages is permitted. #: ../src/alien.c:2066 msgid "" "I got another one!\n" "Target destroyed!\n" "One more for me!\n" "Yes! Did you see that, Chris?\n" "Hey Chris, remind me to check my kill count later!\n" "Bring it on, WEAPCO!\n" "Take that, WEAPCO!\n" "My kill count is going up!\n" "Another one bites the dust!\n" "Yeah! Nothing can stand in our way!\n" "I got it!" msgstr "" #. / Ursula brag messages #. / This is a list of brags separated by "\n". They are randomly #. / broadcast when Ursula successfully kills an enemy. #. / Instead of directly translating these, please populate the list #. / with brag messages that work well in the target language, #. / following the English version only as a general guideline. Any #. / number of brag messages is permitted. #: ../src/alien.c:2095 msgid "" "Kicked your ass!\n" "You ain't so tough!\n" "I was always a better WEAPCO pilot than you!\n" "Target destroyed!\n" "That'll teach you!\n" "Take that, you cruddy robots!\n" "Is that all you've got?\n" "Who else wants some?!\n" "I'm not letting you beat me, Phoebe!\n" "Bring it on, you mindless drones!\n" "Oh, I'm sorry, are you getting your metal asses handed to you?\n" "No one messes with the Lexx family!\n" "Die, damned WEAPCO drones!\n" "Don't think you can get away from me!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Chris Bainfield) #. / Used when Krass Tyler is beaten in the Jupiter mission. #: ../src/alien.c:2158 msgid "The name's CHRIS, old-timer." msgstr "La nomo estas KRISO, maljunulo." #. / Dialog (Kline Kethlan) #. / Used when Kline is killed in the Venus mission. #: ../src/alien.c:2165 msgid "It was an honor... to have fought you..." msgstr "Estis honoro... batali kontraŭ vi..." #. / Dialog (Kline Kethlan) #. / Used when Kline is beaten in the Elamale mission. #: ../src/alien.c:2207 #, fuzzy msgid "Seems I underestimated you, Bainfield. We'll meet again!" msgstr "Ŝajnas, ke mi subtaskis vin, Benfeldo. Ni rekontiĝos denove." #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #. / Used when Kline is beaten in the Earth mission. #: ../src/alien.c:2223 msgid "Chris, Kethlan is getting away!" msgstr "Kriso, Ketlano foriras!" #. / Dialog (Phoebe Lexx) #. / Used when Phoebe is freed in the Nerod mission. #: ../src/cargo.c:89 #, fuzzy msgid "Thanks! Watch out, WEAPCO! Phoebe's loose and she's ANGRY!" msgstr "Dankon! Atentu, ARMKORP!" #. / Cutscene (narration) #: ../src/cutscene.c:105 msgid "" "While escaping with his newly acquired Firefly, Chris Bainfield is " "intercepted by a WEAPCO patrol..." msgstr "" "Dum li forkuras per lia nova akirita Fajrflugilo, Kriso Benfeldo estas " "interkaptita per patrolo de ARMKORP..." #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:109 msgid "These things just won't give up, will they?" msgstr "Tiuj aĵoj neniam rezignos, ĉu ne?" #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:113 msgid "" "What a dilemma! I'm not all that familiar with this ship's controls, but I " "can't let this patrol reach my rendezvous point..." msgstr "" "Kia dilemo! Mi tute ne konas la kontrolojn de ĉi tiu veturilo, sed mi ne " "povas permesi, ke tiu patrolo atingu mian rendevuan lokon..." #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:117 msgid "I guess I'll have to fight them, then. Let's see what this ship can do!" msgstr "" "Mi supozas, ke mi devos batali ilin. Mi vidos kion povas fari ĉi tiu " "veturilo!" #. / Cutscene (narration) #: ../src/cutscene.c:143 msgid "" "A few hours later, in the Sol system, news has already spread of Chris " "Bainfield's heroic actions. The commander of WEAPCO's navy considers his " "options." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Kline Kethlan) #: ../src/cutscene.c:147 msgid "" "The Emperor will not be pleased. Spirit is now a free star system thanks to " "that interfering rebel pilot." msgstr "" "La Imperiestro ne estos kontenta. Spirito estas nun libera stelsistemo danke " "al tiu enmiskiĝita ribela veturisto." #. / Cutscene (Kline Kethlan) #: ../src/cutscene.c:151 msgid "" "It was reported that he was able to take down one of our most powerful " "frigates in under 3 minutes!" msgstr "" "Oni raportis, ke li povis detrui unu el niaj plej potencajn egajn veturilojn " "en malpli ol 3 minutojn!" #. / Cutscene (Kline Kethlan) #: ../src/cutscene.c:155 msgid "" "Talent like that does not appear every day. He would be a perfect candidate " "for our new AI training program!" msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Kline Kethlan) #: ../src/cutscene.c:159 msgid "What a pity I must kill him..." msgstr "Bedaŭrinde mi devas mortigi lin..." #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:182 msgid "We're nearly ready to make the jump to Eyananth." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:186 msgid "Aren't there a lot of WEAPCO slaves in this system?" msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:190 msgid "Yes. It's got one of the highest mortality rates in the galaxy." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:194 msgid "You think we can use that to our advantage?" msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:198 msgid "I think so. I'll come up with a plan of action." msgstr "Tion mi pensas. Mi trovos agadplanon." #. / Cutscene (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/cutscene.c:227 msgid "Nice head gear! You shop at the same place as me, huh?" msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:231 msgid "" "More importantly, what were you doing out there? You're lucky I was around!" msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/cutscene.c:235 msgid "I'm looking for my sister. She vanished about a week ago." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/cutscene.c:239 msgid "" "Hey! Wait a moment! You're that rebel from Spirit! I think you're so cool! " "Can I come with you?" msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:243 msgid "Extra firepower? I wouldn't mind one bit! What do you think, Sid?" msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:247 msgid "" "I agree. I'm also interested in studying her homing missile launcher; it " "could come in handy." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:251 msgid "In that case, welcome aboard, Phoebe!" msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:280 msgid "What happened back there, Chris? The video feed was jammed." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:284 msgid "" "We took down the WEAPCO mining vessel and then I was jumped by a man " "claiming to be Kline Kethlan." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:288 msgid "" "I've heard of him. He's the Commander of WEAPCO's naval forces. One of the " "best pilots they ever had." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:292 msgid "" "He did put up one hell of a fight! He didn't stick around for long, though." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:296 msgid "Anyway, what's the scoop on Mordor, Sid?" msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:300 msgid "" "I've learned from the scientist we captured that WEAPCO is testing a new " "fighter craft there." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:304 msgid "" "We should probably destroy that craft, then. We might be able to thwart its " "development somewhat." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:308 msgid "" "Agreed. Capturing it would be better, but that's probably not going to " "happen." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/cutscene.c:312 msgid "I wonder if my sister will be here..." msgstr "Mi demandas al mi, se mia fratino estos ĉi tie..." #. / Cutscene (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/cutscene.c:341 msgid "Will she be okay?" msgstr "Ĉu ŝi estos bone?" #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:345 msgid "" "I've had a look at the implants and they should be easy to remove. She'll " "just have a headache for a while." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:349 msgid "Will she be able to tell us anything useful?" msgstr "Ĉu ŝi povos diri al ni ion utilan?" #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:353 msgid "" "We'll have to wait for her memory to come back. She might not be able to " "remember anything she did while the implants were in." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:357 #, fuzzy msgid "She'll still be able to pilot a ship though." msgstr "Tamen ŝi ankoraŭ povos veturi ŝipon." #. / Cutscene (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/cutscene.c:392 msgid "Sorry folks, we just lost our bargaining chip." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:396 msgid "" "Don't worry about it. It's not what I hoped for, but it should still make it " "easier to defeat WEAPCO." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Ursula Lexx) #: ../src/cutscene.c:400 msgid "" "Sol is going to be difficult. I've heard they have a lot of heavy defenses " "on the outer planets." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:404 msgid "We'll have to start there, then." msgstr "" #. / Cutscene (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/cutscene.c:408 msgid "" "The forces here will be unlike anything we've met so far. Just be careful, " "everyone." msgstr "" #. / Instructions for how to skip the current cutscene #: ../src/cutscene.c:497 msgid "Press [Escape] to skip" msgstr "Prenu [Eskapklavon] por preterpasi" #. / This is a list of taunts broadcast by Kline Kethlan when he shows #. / up at interceptions. Taunts are separated by a single "\n". Instead #. / of directly translating these, please populate the list with taunts #. / that work well in the target language, following the English #. / version only as a general guideline. Any number of taunts is #. / permitted. #: ../src/event.c:63 msgid "" "How nice to see you again, Bainfield!\n" "It all ends here, rebel!\n" "I hope you won't disappoint me this time...\n" "Do you really think you can defeat us?!" msgstr "" "Kiel bone vidi vin denove, Benfeldo!\n" "Ĉio finas ĉi tie, ribelulo!\n" "I deziras, ke vi ne malkontentigos min ĉi-foje...\n" "Ĉu vi vere pensas, ke vi povas venkos nin?!" #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/event.c:76 msgid "You should try and destroy some of the frigate's weaponry, it'll help!" msgstr "" "Vi devus provi kaj detrui iujn el la armoj de la ega veturilo, ĝi helpos!" #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/event.c:81 msgid "Chris, get a move on! The frigate is almost in range!" msgstr "Kriso, rapidiĝu! La ega veturilo estas preskaŭ pafebla!" #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/event.c:86 msgid "The frigate is charging its cannon!" msgstr "La ega veturilo ŝarĝas ĝian pafilegon!" #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/event.c:91 msgid "Chris, HURRY!" msgstr "Kris, RAPIDE!" #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/event.c:96 msgid "Oh my god..." msgstr "Ho dio mia..." #. / Dialog (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/event.c:106 msgid "Hey, over here! Destroy this tug so I can break free!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (friendly transport from Eyananth, Allez mission) #: ../src/event.c:114 msgid "Thank God! Please, help us! If they destroy this ship..." msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/event.c:119 msgid "How long do you need?" msgstr "Kiom da tempo vi bezonas?" #. / Dialog (friendly transport from Eyananth, Allez mission) #: ../src/event.c:124 msgid "Just a few minutes!" msgstr "Nur kelkajn minutojn!" #. / Dialog (friendly transport from Eyananth, Allez mission) #: ../src/event.c:129 msgid "" "Alright! We've got the weapons working again! Now to look at the engines..." msgstr "" #. / Dialog (friendly transport from Eyananth, Allez mission) #: ../src/event.c:136 msgid "DAMN! The guns are offline again! What you guys doing back there?!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (friendly transport from Eyananth, Allez mission) #: ../src/event.c:143 msgid "" "Chris, HELP! We've lost all system power! We're a sitting duck out here!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (friendly transport from Eyananth, Allez mission) #: ../src/event.c:150 msgid "Just a little longer..." msgstr "Nur iom plu..." #. / Dialog (friendly transport from Eyananth, Allez mission) #: ../src/event.c:155 msgid "" "Okay! We've fixed that one. We think we've found the problem with the " "engines too..." msgstr "" #. / Dialog (friendly transport from Eyananth, Allez mission) #: ../src/event.c:162 msgid "Engines fixed! Let's move!" msgstr "Motoro reparitaj! Ni moviĝu!" #. / Dialog (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/event.c:183 msgid "" "Ummm... something about this doesn't look right! They should be offering " "more resistance than this!" msgstr "" "Ummm... io pri tio ĉi ne aspektas bone! Ili devus rezisti pli ol ĉi tio!" #. / Dialog (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/event.c:188 msgid "DAMMIT! It's a trap! Come on, Chris, we have to leave NOW!" msgstr "FEK! Estas kaptilo! Ek, Kris, ni devas foriri NUN!" #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/event.c:197 msgid "Chris, wh..." msgstr "Kris, ki..." #. / Dialog (Kline Kethlan) #: ../src/event.c:202 msgid "So finally I meet the man who has been causing us so much trouble!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/event.c:207 msgid "I see you've jammed up my warp drive. Who are you?" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Kline Kethlan) #: ../src/event.c:212 msgid "" "I am Kline Kethlan. And I am here to put to a stop to your worthless little " "crusade!" msgstr "" "Mi estas Klino Kethlan. Kaj mi estas ĉi tie por finigi vian senvaloran " "mision!" #. / Dialog (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/event.c:217 msgid "Kline Kethlan, huh? You sure sound confident." msgstr "Klino, Kethlan, hah? Vi vere sonas memfida." #. / Dialog (Kline Kethlan) #: ../src/event.c:222 msgid "" "Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no one to help you! This will certainly " "be interesting..." msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Ursula Lexx under mind control) #. / Translation note: This should appear robotic or at least monotone. #: ../src/event.c:235 msgid "Unidentified craft sighted. Will proceed to destroy all targets." msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/event.c:240 msgid "" "Looks like she's got one of those homing missile launchers too! Any advice, " "Phoebe?" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/event.c:245 msgid "Just try and dodge them!" msgstr "Simple peni eviti ilin!" #. / Dialog (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/event.c:253 msgid "That's a nice ship you got there, old-timer!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Krass Tyler) #: ../src/event.c:258 msgid "Thanks, boy. Made it myself!" msgstr "Dankon, junulo. Faris mi mem!" #. / Dialog (Krass Tyler) #: ../src/event.c:263 msgid "" "Hey, boy, we've got company! Looks like your friends didn't do a very good " "job after all!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Krass Tyler) #: ../src/event.c:274 msgid "Keep those things off my back or it'll cost you extra!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/event.c:283 msgid "Hey! Did we miss anything exciting?" msgstr "Hej! Ĉu ni forgesis ion interesan?" #. / Dialog (Krass Tyler) #: ../src/event.c:294 msgid "I've earned my fee. I'll see you around, boy!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/event.c:304 msgid "DAMMIT! It's getting away! We've got to stop it!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/event.c:314 msgid "Chris! Another two of those ray cannons just arrived in your sector!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/event.c:325 msgid "Two more!" msgstr "Du pli!" #. / Dialog (Ursula Lexx) #: ../src/event.c:343 msgid "It's a trap! My God! It's Tyler!" msgstr "Ĝi estas kaptilo! Mia Dio! Estas Tajlo!" #. / Dialog (Krass Tyler) #: ../src/event.c:348 msgid "" "I'm a mercenary, what do you expect?! WEAPCO hired me to do a job, just like " "you have been doing." msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/event.c:353 msgid "Good point. It would be foolish to expect anything else." msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Krass Tyler) #: ../src/event.c:362 msgid "" "Now if you'll assist me in dying quickly, I have a cheque to earn, boy..." msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/event.c:367 msgid "I have a name, you know. Do you remember it?" msgstr "Mi havas nomon, vi scias. Ĉu vi memoras ĝin?" #. / Dialog (Kline Kethlan) #: ../src/event.c:383 msgid "" "That's far enough, Bainfield. You've been lucky so far, but your luck is " "about to run out!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/event.c:388 msgid "Yeah, right! Like I'd lose to you after coming this far!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/event.c:396 msgid "" "WEAPCO is finished, Kethlan! You have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and " "no one to help you." msgstr "" "ARMKORP estas finita, Kethlan! Vi nenien povas fuĝi, nenie povas vi kaŝi, " "kaj neniu helpos vin." #. / Dialog (Kline Kethlan) #: ../src/event.c:401 msgid "You underestimate me, Bainfield." msgstr "Vi subtaskas min, Benfeldo." #: ../src/game.c:71 msgid "Spirit" msgstr "Spirito" #: ../src/game.c:72 msgid "Eyananth" msgstr "Ejananto" #: ../src/game.c:73 msgid "Mordor" msgstr "Mordor" #: ../src/game.c:74 msgid "Sol" msgstr "Suno" #. / "%d" must be retained. It is replaced with the amount of money that #. / was picked up. #: ../src/game.c:320 #, c-format msgid "Got $%d" msgid_plural "Got $%d" msgstr[0] "Akiris $%d" msgstr[1] "Akiris $%d" #: ../src/game.c:329 msgid "Rocket Ammo at Maximum" msgstr "Raketa Municio Maksimume" #. / "%d" must be retained. It is replaced with the number of rockets #. / picked up. #: ../src/game.c:335 #, c-format msgid "Got %d rocket" msgid_plural "Got %d rockets" msgstr[0] "Akiris %d raketon" msgstr[1] "Akiris %d raketojn" #: ../src/game.c:345 msgid "Restored 10 shield points" msgstr "Restarigitaj 10 ŝildaj poentoj" #: ../src/game.c:358 ../src/game.c:377 msgid "Firing rate already at maximum" msgstr "Pafrapideco jam estas maksimuma" #: ../src/game.c:362 ../src/game.c:381 msgid "Firing rate increased" msgstr "Pafrapideco pliigita" #: ../src/game.c:386 ../src/game.c:427 ../src/game.c:468 msgid "Upgrade failed (no plasma ammo)" msgstr "Pliboniga eldono fiaskis (sen plasma municio)" #: ../src/game.c:399 ../src/game.c:418 msgid "Plasma output already at maximum" msgstr "Plasma eligo jam maksimuma" #: ../src/game.c:403 ../src/game.c:422 msgid "Plasma output increased" msgstr "Plasma eligo pliigita" #: ../src/game.c:440 ../src/game.c:459 msgid "Plasma damage already at maximum" msgstr "Plasma damaĝo jam maksimuma" #: ../src/game.c:444 ../src/game.c:463 msgid "Plasma damage increased" msgstr "Plasma damaĝo pliigita" #: ../src/game.c:493 msgid "Picked up a Super Charge!" msgstr "" #. / Rare case of grabbing the super charge when you have no ammo at an #. / interception (which means it won't take effect). The "Damn!" serves #. / as a little sympathetic easter egg for players unfortunate enough to #. / have this happen to them. #: ../src/game.c:501 msgid "Damn! Upgrade failed (no plasma ammo)" msgstr "" #: ../src/game.c:507 msgid "Plasma cells already at Maximum" msgstr "" #. / "%d" must be retained. It is replaced with the number of plasma #. / cells picked up. #: ../src/game.c:515 #, c-format msgid "Got %d plasma cell" msgid_plural "Got %d plasma cells" msgstr[0] "Akiris %d plasman ĉelon" msgstr[1] "Akiris %d plasmajn ĉelojn" #: ../src/game.c:523 msgid "Picked up some Cargo" msgstr "Kolektita kelkan Kargon" #: ../src/game.c:529 #, c-format msgid "Rescued %d slave" msgid_plural "Rescued %d slaves" msgstr[0] "%d sklavo savita" msgstr[1] "%d sklavoj savitaj" #: ../src/game.c:536 msgid "Picked up an Escape Pod" msgstr "" #: ../src/game.c:540 msgid "Picked up some Ore" msgstr "Akirita iom da Erco" #. / Chris: Phoebe Hit Messages #. / This is a list of messages separated by "\n". They are randomly #. / broadcast by Phoebe when Chris (the player) damages her. #. / Instead of directly translating these, please populate the list #. / with messages that work well in the target language, #. / following the English version only as a general guideline. Any #. / number of messages is permitted. #: ../src/game.c:737 msgid "" "OW! I hope that was an accident!\n" "Chris, please be more careful!\n" "Ouch! What are you shooting at me for?" msgstr "" #. / Chris: Ursula Hit Messages #. / This is a list of messages separated by "\n". They are randomly #. / broadcast by Phoebe when Chris (the player) damages her. #. / Instead of directly translating these, please populate the list #. / with messages that work well in the target language, #. / following the English version only as a general guideline. Any #. / number of messages is permitted. #: ../src/game.c:753 msgid "" "I am NOT your enemy!\n" "Hey! Watch it!\n" "What are you doing?! Shoot THEM!\n" "Pay some damn attention!" msgstr "" "Mi NE estas via malamiko!\n" "He! Vidu ĝin!\n" "Kion vi faras?! Pafi ILIN!\n" "Damne atenti!" #. / Phoebe: Player Hit Messages #. / This is a list of messages separated by "\n". They are randomly #. / broadcast when Phoebe accidentally damages Chris (the player). #. / Instead of directly translating these, please populate the list #. / with messages that work well in the target language, #. / following the English version only as a general guideline. Any #. / number of messages is permitted. #: ../src/game.c:841 msgid "" "Oops! Sorry!\n" "Whoops! Are you OK, Chris?\n" "Oh, sorry! I didn't see you there!" msgstr "" #. / Ursula: Player Hit Messages #. / This is a list of messages separated by "\n". They are randomly #. / broadcast when Ursula accidentally damages Chris (the player). #. / Instead of directly translating these, please populate the list #. / with messages that work well in the target language, #. / following the English version only as a general guideline. Any #. / number of messages is permitted. #: ../src/game.c:857 msgid "" "Get out of the way!\n" "Don't fly into my missiles!\n" "Dammit, Chris, you made me miss!" msgstr "" #. / Kline Venus insult messages #. / This is a list of insults separated by "\n". They are randomly #. / broadcast when the player dies in the Venus mission. #. / Instead of directly translating these, please populate the list #. / with insults that work well in the target language, #. / following the English version only as a general guideline. Any #. / number of insults is permitted. #: ../src/game.c:1608 msgid "" "Fool.\n" "And now you're nothing but a DEAD hero." msgstr "" #. / Kline insult messages #. / This is a list of insults separated by "\n". They are randomly #. / broadcast when the player dies in a mission Kline is in (except Venus). #. / Instead of directly translating these, please populate the list #. / with insults that work well in the target language, #. / following the English version only as a general guideline. Any #. / number of insults is permitted. #: ../src/game.c:1623 msgid "" "Pathetic.\n" "How very disappointing...\n" "Heroic. And foolish." msgstr "" #. / Dialog: Krass Tyler #. / Used when the player is killed in the Jupiter mission. #: ../src/game.c:1634 msgid "That was the easiest $90,000,000 I've ever earned! Bwah! Ha! Ha! Ha!" msgstr "" #. / Each "%.2d" must be retained. They are replaced with the minutes and seconds left #. / to complete the mission, respectively (or, in the case of the Mars mission, the #. / minutes and seconds, respectively, until the mission is completed). #. / If you are familiar with C string formatting, they can be modified as long as #. / the "d" type remains. For example, you can replace "%.2d" with "%d" to allow the #. / timer to use single-digit numbers. #. / The ":" can also be replaced just like any text. For example, this would be fine: #. / "Time Remaining - %d minutes and %d seconds" #: ../src/game.c:1947 #, c-format msgid "Time Remaining - %.2d:%.2d" msgstr "Restanta Tempo - %.2d:%.2d" #. / "%d" must be retained. It is replaced with the number of mission objectives remaining. #: ../src/game.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "Objectives Remaining: %d" msgstr "Restantaj Celoj: %d" #. / "%d" must be retained. It is replaced with the player's current total cash. #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the player's current cash. #: ../src/game.c:1961 ../src/shop.c:353 #, c-format msgid "Cash: $%d" msgstr "Mono: $%d" #. / "%.3d" must be retained. It is replaced with the amount of plasma ammo. #: ../src/game.c:1998 #, c-format msgid "Plasma: %.3d" msgstr "Plasmo: %.3d" #. / Used to indicate the charge meter for the charger cannon in the HUD. #: ../src/game.c:2005 msgid "Charge" msgstr "Ŝarĝo" #. / Used to indicate the heat meter for the laser cannon in the HUD. #: ../src/game.c:2010 msgid "Heat" msgstr "Varmo" #. / "%.2d" must be retained. It is replaced with the amount of rocket ammo. #. / Retain "%.2d". It is replaced with the ship's current number of rockets. #. / "%.2d" can be changed to "%d" if you wish to not fill in space with zeroes, #. / e.g. render the number 3 as "3" rather than "03". #: ../src/game.c:2015 ../src/shop.c:363 #, c-format msgid "Rockets: %.2d" msgstr "Raketoj: %.2d" #. / DIFFICULTY_SUPEREASY #: ../src/game.c:2425 msgid "Super-Easy" msgstr "Facilega" #. / DIFFICULTY_EASY #: ../src/game.c:2429 msgid "Easy" msgstr "Facila" #. / DIFFICULTY_NORMAL #: ../src/game.c:2433 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normala" #. / DIFFICULTY_HARD #: ../src/game.c:2437 msgid "Hard" msgstr "Malfacila" #. / DIFFICULTY_NIGHTMARE #: ../src/game.c:2441 msgid "Nightmare!" msgstr "Terursonĝa!" #. / DIFFICULTY_ORIGINAL (Classic) #: ../src/game.c:2445 msgid "Classic" msgstr "Klasika" #. / If the TakaoGothic font is able to display the text of the language #. / being translated to, DO NOT CHANGE THIS! If, however, the language #. / requires characters not available in the default font, you can #. / place that font in the "data" directory and indicate the name of the #. / alternate font as a translation to "TakaoPGothic.ttf" (leaving the #. / rest of the string unchanged). Please ensure that the font displays #. / correctly with ALL text (space is limited and some fonts take up #. / more space than others), and also check the license of the font #. / before distributing to make sure you are allowed to do so. #: ../src/gfx.c:116 msgid "data/TakaoPGothic.ttf" msgstr "data/TakaoPGothic.ttf" #: ../src/intermission.c:212 msgid "No Destination" msgstr "Neniu celloko" #. / Status Screen text #. / Retain "%s" as-is. It is replaced with the current difficulty. #: ../src/intermission.c:243 #, c-format msgid "Difficulty : %s" msgstr "Facileco: %s" #. / Status Screen text #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the number of shots fired. #: ../src/intermission.c:248 #, c-format msgid "Shots Fired : %d" msgstr "Pafoj : %d" #. / Status Screen text #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the number of hits scored. #: ../src/intermission.c:253 #, c-format msgid "Hits Scored : %d" msgstr "Akurataj Pafoj : %d" #. / Status Screen text #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the firing accuracy as a percentage. #. / Note: To use the "%" symbol, you must enter "%%", as you can see in #. / the English version. #: ../src/intermission.c:260 #, c-format msgid "Accuracy : %d%%" msgstr "Akurateco : %d%%" #. / Status Screen text #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the number of kills. #: ../src/intermission.c:265 #, c-format msgid "Enemies Killed by Others : %d" msgstr "De Aliuloj Mortigitaj Malamikoj : %d" #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the amount of cash earned. #: ../src/intermission.c:269 #, c-format msgid "Total Cash Earned : %d" msgstr "Totala Gajnita Mono : %d" #: ../src/intermission.c:272 msgid "*** Chris ***" msgstr "*** Kriso ***" #. / Status Screen text #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the number of kills. #: ../src/intermission.c:276 ../src/intermission.c:315 #: ../src/intermission.c:337 #, c-format msgid "Enemies Killed : %d" msgstr "Malamikoj Mortigitaj : %d" #. / Status Screen text #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the number of shield restores picked up. #: ../src/intermission.c:281 #, c-format msgid "Shield Restores Picked Up : %d" msgstr "Ŝildaj Restaŭrigiloj Akiritaj : %d" #. / Status Screen text #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the number of plasma cells picked up. #: ../src/intermission.c:286 #, c-format msgid "Plasma Cells Picked Up : %d" msgstr "Plasmaj Ĉeloj Akiritaj : %d" #. / Status Screen text #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the number of rockets picked up. #: ../src/intermission.c:291 #, c-format msgid "Rockets Picked Up : %d" msgstr "Raketoj Akiritaj : %d" #. / Status Screen text #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the number of powerups picked up. #: ../src/intermission.c:296 #, c-format msgid "Powerups Picked Up : %d" msgstr "" #. / Status Screen text #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the number of mines destroyed. #: ../src/intermission.c:301 #, c-format msgid "Mines Destroyed : %d" msgstr "Minoj Forigitaj : %d" #. / Status Screen text #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the number of slaves rescued. #: ../src/intermission.c:306 #, c-format msgid "Slaves Rescued : %d" msgstr "Savitaj Sklavoj : %d" #: ../src/intermission.c:311 msgid "*** Phoebe ***" msgstr "*** Phoebe ***" #. / Retain #. / Status Screen text "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the number of ejections. #. / Status Screen text #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the number of ejections. #: ../src/intermission.c:320 ../src/intermission.c:342 #, c-format msgid "Ejections : %d" msgstr "" #. / Status Screen text #: ../src/intermission.c:333 msgid "*** Ursula ***" msgstr "*** Ursula ***" #: ../src/intermission.c:352 ../src/intermission.c:1512 msgid "Current Status" msgstr "Nuna Stato" #. / Status Screen footer (indicates the total time the game has been played) #. / "%ld" (which represents hours) and "%02ld" sequences (which #. / represent minutes and seconds, respectively) must remain and #. / stay in the same order relative to each other. The ":"s #. / between them can be changed to other characters if desired, #. / e.g. this would be acceptable: #. / #. / "Total Time : %ld hours, %02ld minutes, %02ld seconds" #. / #. / If you are familiar with printf formatting, you may also change #. / the formatting of any of these as long as the "ld" type remains. #. / For example, the "%02ld" sequences may be changed to "%ld" if #. / you wish to not force two digits to be filled in (e.g. to render #. / the number 3 as "3" instead of "03"). #: ../src/intermission.c:368 #, c-format msgid "Total Time : %ld:%02ld:%02ld" msgstr "Totala Tempo : %ld:%02ld:%02ld" #: ../src/intermission.c:392 msgid "Hail" msgstr "Hajlo" #: ../src/intermission.c:396 msgid "Ceradse" msgstr "Ceradse" #: ../src/intermission.c:400 msgid "Hinstag" msgstr "Hinstago" #: ../src/intermission.c:404 msgid "Joldar" msgstr "Ĵoldaro" #: ../src/intermission.c:408 msgid "Moebo" msgstr "Moebo" #. / Spirit, Hail mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:415 msgid "Destroy WEAPCO training ground" msgstr "Detruu la ekzercejon de ARMKORP" #. / Spirit, Ceradse mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:421 msgid "Collect 6 cargo pods" msgstr "" #. / Spirit, Hinstag mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:427 msgid "Destroy 5 WEAPCO missile boats" msgstr "Detruu 5 misilo-veturilojn de ARMKORP" #. / Spirit, Joldar mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:433 msgid "Clear the mine field around Joldar" msgstr "" #. / Spirit, Moebo mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:439 msgid "Destroy WEAPCO frigate" msgstr "Detruu la veturilon de ARMKORP" #: ../src/intermission.c:444 ../src/intermission.c:505 msgid "WEAPCO interceptions" msgstr "" #: ../src/intermission.c:447 msgid "Nerod" msgstr "Nerodo" #: ../src/intermission.c:451 msgid "Allez" msgstr "Aleco" #: ../src/intermission.c:455 msgid "Urusor" msgstr "Urusoro" #: ../src/intermission.c:459 msgid "Dorim" msgstr "Dorimo" #: ../src/intermission.c:463 msgid "Elamale" msgstr "Elamelo" #. / Eyananth, interception mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:470 msgid "Rescue slaves" msgstr "Savi sklavojn" #. / Eyananth, Nerod mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:476 msgid "SOS" msgstr "SOS" #. / Eyananth, Allez mission summary #. / Mission objective (Allez) #: ../src/intermission.c:482 ../src/mission.c:205 msgid "Assist medical supply craft" msgstr "" #. / Eyananth, Urusor mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:488 msgid "Capture five WEAPCO supply craft" msgstr "" #. / Eyananth, Dorim mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:494 msgid "Find WEAPCO scientist" msgstr "Trovu scienciston de ARMKORP" #. / Eyananth, Elamale mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:500 msgid "Destroy WEAPCO Ore Mining craft" msgstr "Detruu la Ercan Veturilon de ARMKORP" #: ../src/intermission.c:508 msgid "Odeon" msgstr "Odeo" #: ../src/intermission.c:512 msgid "Fellon" msgstr "Felono" #: ../src/intermission.c:516 msgid "Sivedi" msgstr "Sivedo" #: ../src/intermission.c:520 msgid "Almartha" msgstr "Almarza" #: ../src/intermission.c:524 msgid "Poswic" msgstr "Posvico" #: ../src/intermission.c:528 msgid "Ellesh" msgstr "Eleŝo" #. / Mordor, incerception mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:535 msgid "Destroy experimental fighter" msgstr "Detruu eksperimentan batalilon" #. / Mordor, Odeon mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:541 msgid "Rescue Ursula" msgstr "Savu Ursulan" #. / Mordor, Fellon mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:547 msgid "Assist rebel forces" msgstr "Asistu ribelan militistaron" #. / Mordor, Sivedi mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:553 msgid "Mine ore from asteroid belt" msgstr "" #. / Mordor, Almartha mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:559 msgid "Create a diversion" msgstr "" #. / Mordor, Poswic mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:565 msgid "Capture WEAPCO executive transport" msgstr "" #. / Mordor, Ellesh mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:571 msgid "Destroy WEAPCO executive transport" msgstr "Detruu la estraran transportilon de ARMKORP" #: ../src/intermission.c:577 msgid "Mercury" msgstr "Merkuro" #: ../src/intermission.c:581 msgid "Venus" msgstr "Venuso" #: ../src/intermission.c:585 msgid "Earth" msgstr "Tero" #: ../src/intermission.c:589 msgid "Mars" msgstr "Marso" #: ../src/intermission.c:593 msgid "Jupiter" msgstr "Jupitero" #: ../src/intermission.c:597 msgid "Saturn" msgstr "Saturno" #: ../src/intermission.c:601 msgid "Uranus" msgstr "Urano" #: ../src/intermission.c:605 msgid "Neptune" msgstr "Neptuno" #: ../src/intermission.c:609 msgid "Pluto" msgstr "Plutono" #. / Sol, Pluto mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:616 msgid "Secure Pluto" msgstr "Sekurigi Plutonon" #. / Sol, Neptune mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:622 msgid "Secure Neptune" msgstr "Sekurigi Neptunon" #. / Sol, Uranus mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:628 msgid "Secure Uranus" msgstr "Sekurigi Uranon" #. / Sol, Saturn mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:634 msgid "Destroy outer defense system" msgstr "Detruu eksteran defendan sistemon" #. / Sol, Jupiter mission summary #. / Mission objective (Jupiter) #: ../src/intermission.c:640 ../src/mission.c:471 msgid "Investigate distress call" msgstr "" #. / Sol, Mars mission summary #. / Mission objective (Mars) #: ../src/intermission.c:646 ../src/mission.c:493 msgid "Navigate asteroid belt" msgstr "" #. / Sol, Earth mission summary #: ../src/intermission.c:652 msgid "Take back Earth" msgstr "Rekonkeru Teron" #. / Sol, Venus mission summary #. / Mission objective (Venus) #: ../src/intermission.c:658 ../src/mission.c:515 msgid "Defeat Kline" msgstr "Venku Klinon" #: ../src/intermission.c:782 msgid "+++ CURRENT MISSIONS +++" msgstr "+++ NUNAJ MISIOJ +++" #. / Brief instructions for how to review a mission conversation, shown below the #. / CURRENT MISSIONS header. #: ../src/intermission.c:785 msgid "click for info" msgstr "klaku por informo" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Hail (Krass Tyler) #: ../src/intermission.c:835 msgid "" "Hey, boy! You still owe me money for the Firefly I stole for you! But " "instead, I want you to go to the WEAPCO training ground and destroy all the " "craft there." msgstr "" "He, knabo! Vi ankoraŭ ŝuldas al mi monon kontraŭ la Fajrflugilo, kiun mi " "ŝtelis por vi! Sed anstataŭe mi volas, ke vi iru al la ekzercejo de ARMKORP " "kaj detruu ĉiujn veturilojn ĉi tie." #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Hail (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:839 msgid "Oh? That's the job I contracted you to do, was it not?" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Hail (Krass Tyler) #: ../src/intermission.c:843 msgid "" "I know, but this way we can resolve your debt right now. Do this job, and " "also collect $500, and we will call it quits. And if you die... well, I " "guess the ship was not worth stealing! HA HA HA!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Hail (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:847 msgid "As usual, you take me too lightly, Krass." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Ceradse (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:854 msgid "Hey, Sid, what's up?" msgstr "He, Sid, kiel vi fartas?" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Ceradse (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:858 msgid "" "Chris, I've intercepted a communication from WEAPCO. Seems they're " "transporting some medical supplies around Ceradse. We need to get hold of " "those pods to save some lives!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Ceradse (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:862 msgid "How many do we need?" msgstr "Kiom ni bezonas?" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Ceradse (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:866 msgid "" "All six, Chris! If you lose even a single one, thousands of people could " "perish in Spirit within the next few months." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Hinstag (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:873 msgid "Wow! Missile boats?" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Hinstag (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:877 msgid "Yup. Looks like WEAPCO is starting to take notice of your actions." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Hinstag (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:881 msgid "" "Awesome! This will really put the Firefly's fighting ability to the test!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Hinstag (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:885 msgid "" "Please be careful, Chris. A single missile boat carries enough rockets to " "level most major cities. Try not to face them head-on, and keep your " "distance." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Joldar (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:892 msgid "" "We're going to have to get rid of the mine deployment unit around Joldar. " "The minefield is stopping interplanetary traffic." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Joldar (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:896 msgid "Are any fighters around to keep me entertained?" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Joldar (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:900 msgid "" "Not at the moment, but that doesn't mean they won't turn up. Be very careful " "of those mines! They'll only explode when they encounter a ship that's not " "transmitting a WEAPCO signal. Shoot them down if they get in your way." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Moebo (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:907 #, fuzzy msgid "" "We've got a major problem here! WEAPCO has decided to stop our resistance by " "destroying Spirit! The explosion will incinerate everything in the system! " "You've got to destroy that frigate before it gets in range!" msgstr "Ni havas grandan problemon ĉi tie! ARMKORP decidis" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Moebo (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:911 msgid "Damn! I'll get right on it, then!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Spirit, Moebo (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:915 msgid "" "We're all counting on you, Chris! But remember, they didn't call that thing " "\"Star Killer\" just because it sounded nice!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, interceptions (Sid Wilson) #. / "%d" must be retained as-is. It is replaced with the number of slaves that #. / need to be rescued. #: ../src/intermission.c:924 #, c-format msgid "" "As you know, WEAPCO has many slaves in this system. If we free a large " "number of them, it might help to spark a rebellion. I estimate that we will " "need to rescue around %d to make a difference." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, interceptions (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:928 msgid "Most of the slaves are working in ore mines, aren't they?" msgstr "La plej granda parto de la sklavoj laboras en la ercaj minejoj, ĉu ne?" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, interceptions (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:932 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Yes, but attacking the mines directly would be dangerous. You'd be better " "off intercepting slave transports. What you'll have to do is fly around and " "see if you can intercept a WEAPCO patrol. Of course, they might not be " "escorting any slave units, so be careful!" msgstr "Jes, sed ataki la minojn rekte estus danĝera." #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Nerod (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:939 msgid "Help! This is an SOS! Can anyone hear me?!" msgstr "HELPU! Ĉi tio estas SOS! Ĉu iu povas aŭdi min?!" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Nerod (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:943 msgid "I'm hearing you loud and clear! What's up?" msgstr "Mi forte kaj laŭte aŭdas vin! Kio okazas?" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Nerod (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:947 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Oh, thank God! I was intercepted by a large WEAPCO force near Nerod! I'm in " "need of assistance!" msgstr "Ho, danke al Dio! Mi estas interkaptita de granda ARMKORP" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Nerod (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:951 msgid "I'm on my way!" msgstr "Mi nun iras!" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Allez (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:958 msgid "" "I've just received another SOS. This one is coming from a supply craft " "carrying essential medical supplies." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Allez (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:962 msgid "Alright, tell 'em I'm on my way." msgstr "Bone, diru ilin, ke mi nun venas." #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Urusor (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:969 msgid "" "I need some resources before we leave. It'll make life a lot easier in " "Mordor. Problem is that WEAPCO hoards these parts." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Urusor (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:973 msgid "Where can we get them, then?" msgstr "Nu, kie ni povas akiri ilin?" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Urusor (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:977 msgid "" "There's a big shipment of them nearby. I can disable the supply craft " "carrying them; I just need you to give me some cover while I do it." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Urusor (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:981 msgid "You got it!" msgstr "Vi havas ĝin!" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Dorim (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:988 msgid "" "A WEAPCO scientist just ran off in an escape pod and hid in the asteroid " "belt. If we capture him, we may be able to get some information about Mordor." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Dorim (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:992 msgid "" "Alright, I'll go look for him. I guess I'll grab some ore along the way." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Elamale (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:999 msgid "" "I've received word that the slaves we rescued have started a rebellion. " "Looks like the plan worked." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Elamale (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:1003 msgid "" "WEAPCO has an automated mining ship in orbit around Elamale. How about we " "take it out and cause some confusion?" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Elamale (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1007 msgid "I like that idea!" msgstr "Mi ŝatas tiun ideon!" #. / Mission dialog: Eyananth, Elamale (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1011 msgid "It'll work, but be careful." msgstr "Ĝi funkcios, sed estu zorga." #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, interceptions (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1018 msgid "What have you found out about that experimental fighter?" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, interceptions (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1022 msgid "" "It's got some kind of cloaking device that makes it invisible to radar. " "Could prove hard to track down." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, interceptions (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1026 msgid "I'll just have to run around the system until I find it." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, interceptions (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1030 msgid "" "It's likely to run away if you engage it in battle, so try and do as much " "damage to it as possible." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Odeon (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:1037 msgid "" "I've located my sister's ship currently in orbit around Odeon. She's " "ignoring my hails though." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Odeon (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1041 msgid "" "Something's off here. She seems to be travelling freely with a WEAPCO group." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Odeon (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1045 msgid "Do you think she's turned traitor?" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Odeon (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:1049 msgid "No way. She hates WEAPCO with a passion." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Odeon (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1053 msgid "" "She must be under some kind of mind control. I've heard of WEAPCO developing " "a new \"AI training program\" recently. We'd better rescue her!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Fellon (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1060 msgid "" "A rebel group has organized a counter strike. If we can help them secure a " "victory it will be a real boost to morale." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Fellon (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1064 msgid "Awesome! Let's do it!" msgstr "Mojose! Ni faru tion!" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Fellon (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1068 msgid "Just make sure the rebel ships don't all get destroyed." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Sivedi (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1075 msgid "" "Seems like taking out that WEAPCO mining ship wasn't such a good idea. The " "ore it collected is needed in weapons production." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Sivedi (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1079 msgid "Damn! I guess that means I'll have to mine some myself, then, huh?" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Sivedi (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1083 msgid "" "Yes. Be careful, Chris. Your weapons weren't designed for that sort of work, " "after all." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Almartha (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1090 msgid "" "Hey, Krass! I need you to help us out with something. Phoebe and Ursula are " "taking out key WEAPCO plants. Can you help me create a diversion by wreaking " "havoc a little bit away from that?" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Almartha (Krass Tyler) #: ../src/intermission.c:1094 msgid "Sure, I can help you out, boy. But I'll be needing my fee..." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Poswic (Ursula Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:1101 msgid "" "My memory is finally back. Here's something interesting: just before I was " "captured, I found out that WEAPCO is transporting several important " "executives to Poswic." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Poswic (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1105 msgid "" "We can't let a rare opportunity like this slip through our fingers! I'll " "need some cover so I can disable that ship." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Poswic (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1109 msgid "I've got you covered, Sid!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Ellesh (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1116 msgid "" "Phoebe, I need you to keep an eye on things here. I'm going after that ship!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Ellesh (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:1120 msgid "Are you sure you can catch up to it?" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Mordor, Ellesh (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1124 msgid "" "Absolutely. One thing that's really nice about the Firefly is its speed. " "I'll see you in a bit!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Pluto/Neptune/Uranus (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1133 msgid "" "We've got to start from the outside and work our way in. That will give us " "less chance of being flanked during the final operation." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Pluto/Neptune/Uranus (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:1137 msgid "Sounds like a plan, Sid!" msgstr "Sonas kiel plano, Sid!" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Pluto/Neptune/Uranus (Ursula Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:1141 msgid "Better safe than sorry, I guess." msgstr "Pli bone sekura ol bedaŭra, mi supozas." #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Pluto/Neptune/Uranus (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1145 msgid "Boring, but I guess you're right, Sid, as usual." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Saturn (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1152 msgid "" "WEAPCO has set up a highly dangerous defense line between Saturn and Uranus. " "We'll need to take it out." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Saturn (Ursula Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:1156 msgid "What kind of defense system?" msgstr "Kia defenda sistemo?" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Saturn (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1160 msgid "" "Several mobile Energy Ray cannons, not unlike the weapon used by the Star " "Killer back in Spirit." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Saturn (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:1164 msgid "Best check my ejection system, then!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Jupiter (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1171 msgid "" "While you were gone I picked up a distress call coming from around Jupiter." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Jupiter (Ursula Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:1175 msgid "Who would be sending out a distress call within Sol?" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Jupiter (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1179 msgid "Let's check it out. Even if it's a trap, I think we can handle it." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Mars (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1186 msgid "" "Chris, we've got a small problem. WEAPCO has deployed a minefield in the " "asteroid belt. We'll need you to clear a way through." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Mars (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1190 msgid "Alright. I'll radio in once I've cleared a safe path." msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Earth (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1197 msgid "" "Okay people, this is the big one. We go in fast and we go in hard. Don't " "hold back and hit them with everything we've got!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Earth (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1201 msgid "We've come too far to turn back now. None of us better die out there!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Earth (Phoebe Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:1205 msgid "Right with you, Chris!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Earth (Ursula Lexx) #: ../src/intermission.c:1209 msgid "WEAPCO'll regret sticking probes into my head!" msgstr "" #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Venus (Chris Bainfield) #: ../src/intermission.c:1216 msgid "Kethlan has run off to Venus. I'm going after him." msgstr "Kethlan fuĝis al Venuso, mi sekvas ĝin." #. / Mission dialog: Sol, Venus (Sid Wilson) #: ../src/intermission.c:1220 msgid "" "Be careful, Chris. We've won the war, but it would be a real shame if you " "died now!" msgstr "" #: ../src/intermission.c:1271 msgid "++ OPTIONS ++" msgstr "++ AGORDOJ ++" #: ../src/intermission.c:1280 ../src/intermission.c:1291 #: ../src/intermission.c:1302 msgid "ON" msgstr "EN" #: ../src/intermission.c:1281 ../src/intermission.c:1292 #: ../src/intermission.c:1303 msgid "OFF" msgstr "FOR" #: ../src/intermission.c:1282 msgid "SOUND" msgstr "SONO" #: ../src/intermission.c:1293 msgid "MUSIC" msgstr "MUSIKO" #: ../src/intermission.c:1304 msgid "FULLSCREEN" msgstr "PLENA EKRANO" #. / Retain "%s" as-is. It is replaced with the current system name. #: ../src/intermission.c:1506 #, c-format msgid "System : %s" msgstr "Sistemo : %s" #: ../src/intermission.c:1509 msgid "Start Next Mission" msgstr "Komenci Novan Mision" #: ../src/intermission.c:1510 msgid "Go to Destination Planet" msgstr "Iri al Celloka Planedo" #: ../src/intermission.c:1511 msgid "View System Map" msgstr "Vidi Sisteman Mapo" #: ../src/intermission.c:1513 msgid "Save Game" msgstr "Konservi Ludon" #: ../src/intermission.c:1514 msgid "Upgrade FIREFLY" msgstr "Altgradigi FAJRFLUGILO" #: ../src/intermission.c:1515 msgid "Missions" msgstr "Misioj" #: ../src/intermission.c:1516 msgid "Options" msgstr "Agordoj" #: ../src/intermission.c:1517 msgid "Exit to Title Screen" msgstr "Eliri al Titola Ekrano" #. / Retain "%s" as-is. It is replaced with the name of the planet #. / the player is currently stationed on. #. / Retain "%s" as-is. It is replaced with the name of the planet #. / the player's destination is currently set to. #: ../src/intermission.c:1521 ../src/intermission.c:1705 #, c-format msgid "Stationed At: %s" msgstr "Staciita En: %s" #. / Retain "%s" as-is. It is replaced with the name of the planet #. / the player's destination is currently set to. #: ../src/intermission.c:1528 ../src/intermission.c:1643 #, c-format msgid "Destination: %s" msgstr "Celloko: %s" #: ../src/intermission.c:1532 msgid "Destination: None" msgstr "Celloko: Neniu" #. / Mission objective #: ../src/mission.c:96 msgid "Destroy all remaining WEAPCO fighters" msgstr "Detruu ĉiujn restantajn batalantojn de ARMKORP" #. / Mission objective (start) #: ../src/mission.c:101 msgid "Escape from WEAPCO Pursuit" msgstr "Forkuri de WEAPCO persekutado" #. / Mission objective (Hail) #: ../src/mission.c:107 msgid "Collect $500 to pay Mercenary for FIREFLY" msgstr "Kolektu $500 por pagi ilin al Soldulo kontraŭ FAJRFLUGILO" #. / Mission objective (Ceradse) #: ../src/mission.c:121 msgid "Collect 6 Cargo Pods" msgstr "Kolektu 6 Kargajn Ŝelojn" #. / Mission objective (Ceradse) #: ../src/mission.c:128 msgid "Do not destroy *ANY* Cargo Pods" msgstr "Detruu *NENIUN* Kargan Ŝelon" #. / Mission objective (Hinstag) #: ../src/mission.c:142 msgid "Destroy 5 WEAPCO Missile Boats" msgstr "Detruu 5 Misilo-veturilojn de ARMKORP" #. / Mission objective (Joldar) #: ../src/mission.c:156 msgid "Destroy 9 WEAPCO Mine-droppers" msgstr "Detruu 9 Mino-Faligilojn" #. / Mission objective (Moebo) #: ../src/mission.c:170 msgid "Destroy WEAPCO Frigate" msgstr "Detruu la Veturilon de ARMKORP" #. / Mission objective (Nerod) #: ../src/mission.c:182 msgid "Rescue Phoebe Lexx" msgstr "" #. / Mission objective (Nerod) #: ../src/mission.c:189 msgid "Do not allow Phoebe to be killed" msgstr "" #. / Mission objective (Allez) #: ../src/mission.c:212 msgid "Do not allow supply craft to be destroyed" msgstr "" #. / Mission objective (Urusor) #: ../src/mission.c:226 msgid "Disable five WEAPCO supply craft" msgstr "" #. / Mission objective (Urusor) #: ../src/mission.c:237 msgid "Protect supply craft AND Sid Wilson" msgstr "" #. / Mission objective (Dorim) #: ../src/mission.c:247 msgid "Locate doctor's escape pod" msgstr "Loki fuĝan ŝelon de doktoro" #. / Mission objective (Dorim) #: ../src/mission.c:254 msgid "Do not destroy doctor's escape pod" msgstr "Ne detruu fuĝan ŝelon de doktoro" #. / Mission objective (Dorim) #: ../src/mission.c:261 msgid "Collect 10 pieces of Ore" msgstr "Kolektu 10 ercajn erojn" #. / Mission objective (Elamale) #: ../src/mission.c:274 msgid "Destroy WEAPCO ore mining craft" msgstr "Detruu la ercan veturilon de ARMKORP" #. / Mission objective (Elamale) #: ../src/mission.c:281 msgid "Save present slaves" msgstr "" #. / Mission objective (Elamale) #: ../src/mission.c:287 msgid "Battle Kline" msgstr "Batalu kontraŭ Klino" #. / Mission objective (Odeon) #: ../src/mission.c:297 msgid "Destroy Ursula's ship" msgstr "Detruu la veturilon de Ursula" #. / Mission objective (Odeon) #: ../src/mission.c:304 msgid "Capture Ursula's escape pod" msgstr "" #. / Mission objective (Odeon) #: ../src/mission.c:311 msgid "Do not kill Ursula" msgstr "Ne mortigu Ursulan" #. / Mission objective (Fellon) #: ../src/mission.c:325 msgid "Assist attack on WEAPCO ore mining craft" msgstr "" #. / Mission objective (Fellon) #: ../src/mission.c:332 msgid "At least 1 rebel craft must survive" msgstr "Almenaŭ 1 ribela veturilo devas postvivi" #. / Mission objective (Sivedi) #: ../src/mission.c:346 msgid "Collect 25 pieces of Ore" msgstr "Kolektu 25 ercajn erojn" #. / Mission objective (Sivedi) #: ../src/mission.c:353 msgid "Collect 50 pieces of Ore" msgstr "Kolektu 50 ercajn erojn" #. / Mission objective (Almartha) #: ../src/mission.c:363 msgid "Collect $2000 to pay mercenary" msgstr "Akiru $2000 por pagi al soldulo" #. / Mission objective (Poswic) #: ../src/mission.c:377 msgid "Destroy escorts" msgstr "Detruu eskortantojn" #. / Mission objective (Poswic) #: ../src/mission.c:384 msgid "Disable executive transport" msgstr "" #. / Mission objective (Ellesh) #: ../src/mission.c:398 msgid "Destroy executive transport" msgstr "Detruu estraran transportilon" #. / Mission objective (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus) #: ../src/mission.c:408 msgid "Destroy planetary guardian" msgstr "Detruu planedan gardanton" #. / Mission objective (Saturn) #: ../src/mission.c:457 msgid "Destroy outer defence systems" msgstr "Detruu eksterajn defendajn sistemojn" #. / Mission objective (Jupiter) #: ../src/mission.c:476 msgid "Defeat Krass Tyler" msgstr "" #. / Mission objective (Jupiter) #: ../src/mission.c:483 msgid "Destroy Krass' support group" msgstr "" #. / Mission objective (Earth) #: ../src/mission.c:505 msgid "Destroy WEAPCO frontline forces" msgstr "Detruu la frontoliniajn malamikojn ARMKORP" #: ../src/mission.c:610 ../src/mission.c:984 msgid "*** All Primary Objectives Completed ***" msgstr "*** Ĉiuj Ĉefaj Celoj Atingitaj ***" #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #. / Used when Sid disables the last target in the Urusor mission. #: ../src/mission.c:628 msgid "All vessels disabled!" msgstr "" #. / Info line messages for remaining cash to collect #. / This is a "\n"-separated list of possible choices to make. Please feel free #. / to add as many as you like. Each entry must have one instance of "%d", which #. / is replaced with the number remaining. #: ../src/mission.c:645 #, c-format msgid "" "Collect $%d more...\n" "$%d more to collect...\n" "Just $%d more needed...\n" "Collect just $%d more..." msgid_plural "" "Collect $%d more...\n" "$%d more to collect...\n" "$%d more needed..." msgstr[0] "" "Collect $%d more...\n" "$%d more to collect...\n" "Just $%d more needed...\n" "Collect just $%d more..." msgstr[1] "" "Akiru $%d pli...\n" "$%d por akiri...\n" "Nur $%d bezonataj..." #. / Info line messages for remaining cargo pods to collect #. / This is a "\n"-separated list of possible choices to make. Please feel free #. / to add as many as you like. Each entry must have one instance of "%d", which #. / is replaced with the number remaining. #: ../src/mission.c:662 #, c-format msgid "" "Collect %d more cargo pod...\n" "%d more cargo pod to collect...\n" "%d more cargo pod needed...\n" "Collect just %d more cargo pod...\n" "Only %d cargo pod left to collect..." msgid_plural "" "Collect %d more cargo pods...\n" "%d more cargo pods to collect...\n" "%d more cargo pods needed...\n" "Collect %d remaining cargo pods..." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. / Info line messages for remaining ore to collect #. / This is a "\n"-separated list of possible choices to make. Please feel free #. / to add as many as you like. Each entry must have one instance of "%d", which #. / is replaced with the number remaining. #: ../src/mission.c:681 #, c-format msgid "" "Collect %d more piece of ore...\n" "%d more piece of ore to collect...\n" "%d more piece of ore needed...\n" "Collect just %d more piece..." msgid_plural "" "Collect %d more pieces of ore...\n" "%d more pieces of ore to collect...\n" "%d more pieces of ore needed..." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../src/mission.c:699 msgid "Cargo pod destroyed!" msgstr "" #. Get lectured by Sid #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #. / Used when a cargo pod is destroyed in the Ceradse mission. #: ../src/mission.c:703 msgid "" "Chris, we needed that pod! I told you that we couldn't afford to lose a " "single one!" msgstr "" #: ../src/mission.c:706 msgid "Escape Pod lost!" msgstr "" #. / Dialog (Phoebe Lexx) #. / Used when Ursula is lost in the Odeon mission. #: ../src/mission.c:711 msgid "No... Ursula..." msgstr "Ne... Ursula..." #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #. / Used when Phoebe is killed in the Nerod mission. #: ../src/mission.c:725 msgid "Dammit, Chris! We just lost her!" msgstr "Damne, Kriso! Ni ĵus perdis ŝin!" #. / Dialog (friendly transport from Eyananth, Allez mission) #. / Used when the friendly transport in the Allez mission is destroyed. #: ../src/mission.c:730 #, fuzzy msgid "No no no no no! Hull bre-..." msgstr "Ne ne ne ne ne!" #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #. / Used when a target transport is destroyed in the Urusor mission. #: ../src/mission.c:735 msgid "Chris, we've got to disable them, not destroy them!!" msgstr "" #. / Info line messages for remaining enemies to destroy #. / This is a "\n"-separated list of possible choices to make. Please feel free #. / to add as many as you like. Each entry must have one instance of "%d", which #. / is replaced with the number remaining. #: ../src/mission.c:748 #, c-format msgid "" "Destroy %d more target...\n" "%d more target to destroy...\n" "%d target remains...\n" "Destroy just %d more...\n" "Only %d target left...\n" "Destroy %d last target..." msgid_plural "" "Destroy %d more targets...\n" "%d more targets to destroy...\n" "%d targets remain...\n" "Destroy %d remaining targets..." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. / Info line messages for remaining enemies to disable #. / This is a "\n"-separated list of possible choices to make. Please feel free #. / to add as many as you like. Each entry must have one instance of "%d", which #. / is replaced with the number remaining. #: ../src/mission.c:769 #, c-format msgid "" "Disable %d more target...\n" "%d more target to disable...\n" "Disable just %d more...\n" "Disable %d last target..." msgid_plural "" "Disable %d more targets...\n" "%d more targets to disable...\n" "Disable %d remaining targets..." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../src/mission.c:802 msgid "Sid has been killed!" msgstr "Sid estis mortigita!" #. / Dialog (Sid Wilson) #. / Used when Sid is killed. #. / Translation note: the end is Sid trying to say "FUCK" and getting cut #. / out because of the failure of his communication system, so please #. / translate that to the start of a similar curse word in the target #. / language being similarly cut out. #: ../src/mission.c:810 msgid "HULL BREACHED! SYSTEMS FAILING! F-..." msgstr "" #: ../src/mission.c:856 msgid "*** Slaves Rescued - Mission Completed ***" msgstr "*** Sklavoj Savitaj - Misio Finita ***" #. / Dialog (Chris Bainfield) #. / Used when you rescue enough slaves for the Eyananth slave rescue mission. #: ../src/mission.c:860 msgid "" "Alright, I think I've rescued enough slaves to stir up some trouble for " "WEAPCO!" msgstr "" #. / Info line messages for remaining slaves to rescue #. / This is a "\n"-separated list of possible choices to make. Please feel free #. / to add as many as you like. Each entry must have one instance of "%d", which #. / is replaced with the number remaining. #: ../src/mission.c:870 #, c-format msgid "" "Rescue %d more slave...\n" "Rescue at least %d more slave...\n" "At least %d more slave to rescue...\n" "At least %d more rescued slave needed..." msgid_plural "" "Rescue %d more slaves...\n" "Rescue at least %d more slaves...\n" "At least %d more slaves to rescue...\n" "At least %d more rescued slaves needed..." msgstr[0] "" "Savu %d sklavon pli...\n" "Savu almenaŭ %d sklavon pli...\n" "Almenaŭ %d sklavo restas por savi...\n" "Almenaŭ %d pli savita sklavo bezonata..." msgstr[1] "" "Savu %d sklavojn pli...\n" "Savu almenaŭ %d sklavojn pli...\n" "Almenaŭ %d sklavoj restas por savi...\n" "Almenaŭ %d pli savitaj sklavoj bezonataj..." #: ../src/mission.c:888 msgid "*** Experimental Fighter Destroyed - Mission Completed ***" msgstr "*** Eksperimenta Batalilo Detruita - Misio Finita ***" #. / Dialog (Chris Bainfield) #. / Used when the Mordor cloak ship is destroyed. #: ../src/mission.c:892 msgid "That's one less surprise that WEAPCO can spring on us!" msgstr "Tio estas unu surprizo malpli, kiun ARMKORP povas ĵeti al ni!" #: ../src/mission.c:971 msgid "*** Primary Objective Completed ***" msgstr "*** Ĉefa Celo Finita ***" #: ../src/mission.c:973 msgid ">>> Primary Objective Failed <<<" msgstr ">>> Ĉefa Celo Fiaskita <<<" #: ../src/mission.c:980 msgid "Emergency warp drive activated. Press button to engage." msgstr "" #: ../src/mission.c:986 msgid "*** Interception Destroyed ***" msgstr "*** Interkapto Detruita ***" #. / Dialog (Chris Bainfield) #. / Used when the Earth mission is completed. #: ../src/mission.c:1006 msgid "" "You guys stay here and keep things under control. I'm going after Kethlan!" msgstr "" "Vi restu ĉi tie kaj tenu la aferojn sub viaj regadoj. Mi sekvos Kethlan-on!" #: ../src/mission.c:1015 msgid "*** Secondary Objective Completed ***" msgstr "*** Akcesora Celo Atingita ***" #: ../src/mission.c:1020 msgid "*** All Secondary Objectives Completed ***" msgstr "*** Ĉiuj Akcesoraj Celoj Atingitaj ***" #: ../src/mission.c:1035 msgid ">>> MISSION FAILED <<<" msgstr ">>> MISIO FIASKITA <<<" #: ../src/mission.c:1041 msgid ">>> Secondary Objective Failed <<<" msgstr ">>> Akcesora Celo Fiaskita <<<" #: ../src/mission.c:1120 msgid "Primary Objectives" msgstr "Ĉefaj Celoj" #: ../src/mission.c:1134 msgid "Secondary Objectives" msgstr "Akcesoraj Celoj" #: ../src/mission.c:1148 msgid "Additional Information" msgstr "Kroma Informo" #. / Used to indicate the player's shield meter in the HUD. #: ../src/mission.c:1165 msgid "Shield" msgstr "Ŝildo" #: ../src/mission.c:1167 msgid "Target" msgstr "Celo" #: ../src/mission.c:1168 msgid "Sid" msgstr "Sid" #: ../src/mission.c:1169 msgid "Phoebe" msgstr "" #: ../src/mission.c:1170 msgid "Kline" msgstr "Klino" #. / "%d" must be retained. It is replaced with the mission required #. / survival time in minutes. #: ../src/mission.c:1198 #, c-format msgid "SURVIVAL FOR %d minute" msgid_plural "SURVIVAL FOR %d minutes" msgstr[0] "POSTVIVI DUM %d minuto" msgstr[1] "POSTVIVI DUM %d minutoj" #. / "%d" must be retained. It is replaced with the mission time #. / limit in minutes. #: ../src/mission.c:1207 #, c-format msgid "TIME LIMIT: %d minute" msgid_plural "TIME LIMIT: %d minutes" msgstr[0] "TEMPA LIMO: %d minuto" msgstr[1] "TEMPA LIMO: %d minutoj" #: ../src/mission.c:1223 msgid "Phoebe Lexx will not be present" msgstr "" #: ../src/mission.c:1225 msgid "Ursula Lexx will not be present" msgstr "" #: ../src/mission.c:1232 msgid "Sid Wilson will join you on this mission" msgstr "Sid Vilson akompanos vin en ĉi tiu misio" #: ../src/mission.c:1320 ../src/mission.c:1340 msgid "COMPLETED" msgstr "FINITA" #: ../src/mission.c:1325 ../src/mission.c:1345 msgid "FAILED" msgstr "FIASKIS" #. / "%d" must be retained. It is replaced with the money earned #. / from the shield bonus. #: ../src/mission.c:1356 #, c-format msgid "Shield Bonus: $%d" msgstr "Ŝilda Bonuso: $%d" #. / "%02ld" sequences (which represent minutes and seconds, #. / respectively) must remain and stay in the same order relative #. / to each other. The ":"s between them can be changed to other #. / characters if desired, e.g. this would be acceptable: #. / #. / "Mission time: %02ldm %02lds" #. / #. / If you are familiar with printf formatting, you may also change #. / the formatting as long as the "ld" type remains. For example, #. / the "%02ld" sequences may be changed to "%ld" if you wish to #. / not force two digits to be filled in (e.g. to render the number #. / 3 as "3" instead of "03"). #: ../src/mission.c:1372 #, c-format msgid "Mission Time: %02ld:%02ld" msgstr "Misia Tempo: %02ld:%02ld" #: ../src/save.c:77 msgid "AUTOSAVE" msgstr "AŬTOMATA KONSERVADO" #: ../src/save.c:94 ../src/save.c:108 msgid "Corrupt Game Data" msgstr "" #. / Used for empty save slots. #: ../src/save.c:127 #, fuzzy msgid "AUTOSAVE (Empty)" msgstr "AŬTOMATA KONSERVO (Malplena)" #: ../src/save.c:127 msgid "Empty" msgstr "Malplena" #: ../src/save.c:343 msgid "*** HELP ***" msgstr "*** HELPO ***" #: ../src/save.c:355 msgid "SAVE" msgstr "KONSERVI" #: ../src/save.c:356 msgid "CANCEL" msgstr "NULIGI" #: ../src/save.c:357 msgid "DELETE" msgstr "FORIGI" #: ../src/save.c:358 msgid "SAVE will save the game" msgstr "SAVI savos la ludon" #: ../src/save.c:359 msgid "CANCEL will unselect that slot" msgstr "" #: ../src/save.c:360 msgid "DELETE will remove the save" msgstr "" #: ../src/save.c:363 msgid "First click a Save game slot to use" msgstr "" #: ../src/save.c:366 msgid "Game Saved" msgstr "Konservita Ludo" #: ../src/save.c:369 msgid "Save Deleted" msgstr "Savaĵo Forigita" #: ../src/shop.c:57 msgid "Secondary Weapon" msgstr "Akcesora Armilo" #. / Shop info: current secondary: none #: ../src/shop.c:63 msgid "Uninstalled" msgstr "Malinstalita" #. / Shop info: current secondary: rockets #: ../src/shop.c:67 msgid "Rockets" msgstr "Raketoj" #. / Shop info: current secondary: double rockets #: ../src/shop.c:71 msgid "Dbl Rockets" msgstr "Dbl Raketoj" #. / Shop info: current secondary: micro rockets #: ../src/shop.c:75 msgid "Micro Rockets" msgstr "Etaj Raketoj" #. / Shop info: current secondary: laser #: ../src/shop.c:79 msgid "Laser" msgstr "Lasero" #. / Shop info: current secondary: charger #: ../src/shop.c:83 msgid "Charger" msgstr "" #. / Shop info: current secondary: homing missile #: ../src/shop.c:87 msgid "Homing Missile" msgstr "Gvidata Raketo" #. / Shop info: current secondary: double homing missiles #: ../src/shop.c:91 msgid "Dbl Homing Missiles" msgstr "Dbl Gvidataj Raketoj" #. / Shop info: current secondary: micro homing missiles #: ../src/shop.c:95 msgid "Mcr Homing Missiles" msgstr "Etaj Gvidataj Raketoj" #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the rocket capacity of the Firefly. #: ../src/shop.c:105 #, c-format msgid "Capacity : %d" msgstr "Enhaveco : %d" #: ../src/shop.c:286 msgid "Primary Weapon" msgstr "Ĉefa Armilo" #. / Shop info: min plasma output #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the min plasma output. #: ../src/shop.c:289 #, c-format msgid "Cannons: %d" msgstr "Pafilegoj: %d" #. / Shop info: min plasma damage #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the min plasma damage. #: ../src/shop.c:293 #, c-format msgid "Power: Stage %d" msgstr "" #. / Shop info: min plasma rate #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the min plasma cooling. #: ../src/shop.c:298 #, c-format msgid "Cooling: Stage %d" msgstr "" #: ../src/shop.c:302 msgid "Powerup Weapon" msgstr "" #. / Shop info: max plasma output #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the max plasma output. #: ../src/shop.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Splitter: Stage %d" msgstr "" #. / Shop info: max plasma damage #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the max plasma damage. #: ../src/shop.c:310 #, c-format msgid "Condensor: Stage %d" msgstr "" #. / Shop info: max plasma rate #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the max plasma cooling. #: ../src/shop.c:315 #, c-format msgid "L.Nitrogen: Stage %d" msgstr "" #. / Shop info: max plasma ammo #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the Firefly's plasma ammo capacity. #: ../src/shop.c:320 #, c-format msgid "Capacity: %d" msgstr "Enhaveco: %d" #: ../src/shop.c:329 msgid "Temporary Weapons" msgstr "Nedaŭraj Armoj" #: ../src/shop.c:330 msgid "Ammo and Storage" msgstr "Municio kaj Armejo" #: ../src/shop.c:332 msgid "Primary Weapons" msgstr "Ĉefaj Armoj" #: ../src/shop.c:334 msgid "Secondary Weapons" msgstr "Akcesoraj Armoj" #. / Retain "%d" as-is. It is replaced with the Firefly's max shield. #: ../src/shop.c:350 #, c-format msgid "Shield: %d" msgstr "Ŝildo: %d" #. / Retain "%.3d". It is replaced with the ship's current number of plasma cells. #. / "%.3d" can be changed to "%d" if you wish to not fill in space with zeroes, #. / e.g. render the number 5 as "5" rather than "005". #: ../src/shop.c:358 #, c-format msgid "Plasma Cells: %.3d" msgstr "Plasmaj Ĉeloj: %.3d" #: ../src/shop.c:369 msgid "Information" msgstr "Informo" #. / For when the player attempts to buy something they can't afford. #: ../src/shop.c:377 msgid "You don't have enough money" msgstr "Vi ne havas sufiĉe da mono" #. / For when the player attempts an upgrade beyond the maximum (line 1 of 2). #: ../src/shop.c:381 msgid "Cannot upgrade ship" msgstr "Ne eblas altgradigi veturilon" #. / For when the player attempts an upgrade beyond the maximum (line 2 of 2). #: ../src/shop.c:384 msgid "Hardware capacity has been reached" msgstr "Aparatara enhaveco atingita" #. / For when the player attempts to buy more ammo than the ship can hold. #: ../src/shop.c:388 msgid "Ammunition limit reached" msgstr "Limo de municio atingita" #. / For when the player attempts to sell an item they aren't allowed to sell. #: ../src/shop.c:392 msgid "You cannot sell that item" msgstr "Vi ne povas vendi tiun eron" #. / For when the player attempts to sell an item they don't have any of. #: ../src/shop.c:396 msgid "Nothing to sell" msgstr "Neniu por vendi" #. / For when the player attempts to buy rockets or rocket capacity #. / while secondary weapon is either laser or charge cannon. #: ../src/shop.c:401 msgid "Rockets cannot be bought for Laser or Charger Cannon" msgstr "Ne eblas aĉeti Raketojn por Lasero aŭ Ŝarĝan Pafilegon" #. / For when the player attempts to buy a weapon they already have. #: ../src/shop.c:405 msgid "You already have that weapon" msgstr "Vi jam havas tiun armilon" #. / For when the player attempts to increase rocket capacity beyond #. / what is allowed for the weapon (used for homing missiles). #: ../src/shop.c:410 msgid "This weapon's ammo limit has been reached" msgstr "" #. / Used to put a shop item's name next to its price. #. / "%s" is replaced with the item name, and "%d" is replaced #. / with the item price. #: ../src/shop.c:418 #, c-format msgid "%s ($%d)" msgstr "%s (%d $)" #. / Used for shop items that cannot be bought. #. / "%s" is replaced with the item name. #: ../src/shop.c:426 #, c-format msgid "%s (N/A)" msgstr "%s (N/A)" #. ----------- Temporary Items ----------- #. Overwritten later #: ../src/shop.c:441 msgid "Plasma Channel Splitter" msgstr "" #. / Shop item description: Plasma Channel Splitter (PLASMA_MAX_OUTPUT) #: ../src/shop.c:443 msgid "Improves poweredup plasma output" msgstr "" #. Overwritten later #: ../src/shop.c:447 msgid "Plasma Capacity Condensor" msgstr "" #. / Shop item description: Plasma Capacity Condensor (PLASMA_MAX_DAMAGE) #: ../src/shop.c:449 msgid "Increases poweredup plasma damage" msgstr "" #. Overwritten later #: ../src/shop.c:453 msgid "Liquid Nitrogen Capsules" msgstr "" #. / Shop item description: Liquid Nitrogen Capsules (PLASMA_MAX_RATE) #: ../src/shop.c:455 msgid "Increases plasma firing rate" msgstr "Pliigas plasman pafrapidecon" #: ../src/shop.c:463 msgid "Plasma Cells" msgstr "Plasmaj Ĉeloj" #. / Shop item description: Plasma Cells #: ../src/shop.c:465 msgid "Plasma ammunition (10 cells each)" msgstr "" #: ../src/shop.c:473 msgid "Rocket Ammo" msgstr "Raketaj Municioj" #. / Shop item description: Rocket Ammo #: ../src/shop.c:475 msgid "High velocity dumb fire rocket" msgstr "" #. ----------- Permanent Items ----------- #. Overwritten later #: ../src/shop.c:481 msgid "Additional Plasma Cannon" msgstr "Kroma Plasma Pafilego" #. / Shop item description: Additional Plasma Cannon (PLASMA_MIN_OUTPUT) #: ../src/shop.c:483 msgid "Adds an extra plasma cannon to the Firefly" msgstr "Aldonas kroman plasman pafilegon al la Fajrflugilo" #. Overwritten later #: ../src/shop.c:487 msgid "Plasma Power Booster" msgstr "" #. / Shop item description: Plasma Power Booster (PLASMA_MIN_DAMAGE) #: ../src/shop.c:489 msgid "Increases power of plasma shots" msgstr "" #. Overwritten later #: ../src/shop.c:493 msgid "Plasma Cooling Booster" msgstr "" #. / Shop item description: Plasma Cooling Booster (PLASMA_MIN_RATE) #: ../src/shop.c:495 msgid "Permanently increases firing rate" msgstr "Daŭre pliigas pafrapidecon" #. ----------- Ammo Items -------------- #. Overwritten later #: ../src/shop.c:501 msgid "Plasma Compressor" msgstr "Plasma Kunpremilo" #. / Shop item description: Plasma Compressor (PLASMA_MAX_AMMO) #: ../src/shop.c:503 msgid "Increases plasma ammo capacity" msgstr "Pliigas plasman munician enhavecon" #. Overwritten later #: ../src/shop.c:507 msgid "Rocket Pod" msgstr "Raketa Ŝelo" #. / Shop item description: Rocket Pod (ROCKET_MAX_AMMO) #: ../src/shop.c:509 msgid "Allows for an additional 5 rockets to be carried" msgstr "Ebligas enhavi 5 kromajn raketojn" #: ../src/shop.c:515 msgid "Dual Rocket Launcher" msgstr "Duobla Raketa Pafilo" #. / Shop item description: Dual Rocket Launcher #: ../src/shop.c:517 msgid "Launches two rockets at once" msgstr "Pafas du raketojn samtempe" #: ../src/shop.c:521 msgid "Micro Rocket Launcher" msgstr "Eta Raketa Pafilo" #. / Shop item description: Micro Rocket Launcher #: ../src/shop.c:523 msgid "Launches several less powerful rockets at once" msgstr "Pafas multajn malpli potencajn raketojn samtempe" #: ../src/shop.c:527 msgid "Laser Cannon" msgstr "Lasera Pafilego" #. / Shop item description: Laser Cannon #: ../src/shop.c:529 msgid "Fires a continuous stream of energy particles" msgstr "" #: ../src/shop.c:533 msgid "Homing Missile Launcher" msgstr "" #. / Shop item description: Homing Missile Launcher #. / %i must be retained. It is replaced by the maximum missile #. / capacity of the weapon. #: ../src/shop.c:537 #, c-format msgid "Fires homing missile (max %i missiles)" msgstr "" #: ../src/shop.c:541 msgid "Charge Cannon" msgstr "" #. / Shop item description: Charge Cannon #: ../src/shop.c:543 msgid "Compacts plasma into clusters for greater damage" msgstr "" #: ../src/shop.c:547 msgid "Dual Homing Missile Launcher" msgstr "" #. / Shop item description: Dual Homing Missile Launcher #. / %i must be retained. It is replaced by the maximum missile #. / capacity of the weapon. #: ../src/shop.c:551 #, c-format msgid "Fires two homing missiles (max %i missiles)" msgstr "" #: ../src/shop.c:555 msgid "Micro Homing Missile Launcher" msgstr "" #. / Shop item description: Micro Homing Missile Launcher #. / %i must be retained. It is replaced by the maximum missile #. / capacity of the weapon. #: ../src/shop.c:559 #, c-format msgid "Fires several small homing missiles (max %i missiles)" msgstr "" #: ../src/title.c:93 msgid "START GAME" msgstr "KOMENCI LUDON" #. / Difficulty menu option. #. / Retain "%s" as-is. It is replaced with the difficulty chosen. #: ../src/title.c:99 #, c-format msgid "DIFFICULTY - %s" msgstr "FACILECO - %s" #: ../src/title.c:116 msgid "SOUND - ON" msgstr "SONO - EN" #: ../src/title.c:118 msgid "SOUND - OFF" msgstr "SONO - FOR" #: ../src/title.c:121 msgid "MUSIC - ON" msgstr "MUSIKO - EK" #: ../src/title.c:123 msgid "MUSIC - OFF" msgstr "MUSIKO - FOR" #: ../src/title.c:126 msgid "FULLSCREEN - ON" msgstr "PLENA EKRANO - EN" #: ../src/title.c:128 msgid "FULLSCREEN - OFF" msgstr "PLENA EKRANO - FOR" #: ../src/title.c:131 msgid "AUTOPAUSE - ON" msgstr "AŬTOMATA PAŬZO - EN" #: ../src/title.c:133 msgid "AUTOPAUSE - OFF" msgstr "AŬTOMATA PAŬZO - FOR" #: ../src/title.c:136 msgid "MESSAGE SPEED - INSTANT" msgstr "MESAĜA RAPIDO - TUJA" #: ../src/title.c:138 msgid "MESSAGE SPEED - FAST" msgstr "MESAĜA RAPIDO - RAPIDA" #: ../src/title.c:140 msgid "MESSAGE SPEED - NORMAL" msgstr "MESAĜA RAPIDO - NORMALA" #: ../src/title.c:142 msgid "MESSAGE SPEED - SLOW" msgstr "MESAĜA RAPIDO - MALRAPIDA" #: ../src/title.c:144 msgid "MESSAGE SPEED - SLOTH" msgstr "MESAĜA RAPIDO - AKEA" #. Shouldn't happen, but adding this just in case #: ../src/title.c:146 msgid "MESSAGE SPEED - ERROR" msgstr "MESAĜA RAPIDO - ERARO" #: ../src/title.c:165 msgid "UNLIMITED SHIELD - ON" msgstr "SENLIMA ŜILDO - EN" #: ../src/title.c:167 msgid "UNLIMITED SHIELD - OFF" msgstr "SENLIMA ŜILDO - FOR" #: ../src/title.c:170 msgid "UNLIMITED AMMO - ON" msgstr "SENLIMA MUNICIO - EN" #: ../src/title.c:172 msgid "UNLIMITED AMMO - OFF" msgstr "SENLIMA MUNICIO - FOR" #: ../src/title.c:175 msgid "UNLIMITED CASH - ON" msgstr "SENLIMA MONO - EN" #: ../src/title.c:177 msgid "UNLIMITED CASH - OFF" msgstr "SENLIMA MONO - FOR" #: ../src/title.c:180 msgid "UNLIMITED TIME - ON" msgstr "SENLIMA TEMPO - EN" #: ../src/title.c:182 msgid "UNLIMITED TIME - OFF" msgstr "SENLIMA TEMPO - FOR" #: ../src/title.c:250 msgid "START NEW GAME" msgstr "KOMENCI NOVAN LUDON" #: ../src/title.c:251 msgid "LOAD GAME" msgstr "ŜARĜI LUDON" #: ../src/title.c:252 msgid "CONTINUE CURRENT GAME" msgstr "DAŬRIGI NUNAN LUDON" #: ../src/title.c:253 msgid "OPTIONS" msgstr "AGORDOJ" #: ../src/title.c:254 msgid "CREDITS" msgstr "AGNOSKOJ" #: ../src/title.c:255 msgid "CHEAT OPTIONS" msgstr "TROMPAJ OPCIOJ" #: ../src/title.c:256 msgid "QUIT" msgstr "ELIRI" #: ../src/title.c:260 msgid "BACK TO MAIN MENU" msgstr "REIRI AL ĈEFA MENUO"