sr = 48000 ksmps = 32 nchnls = 1 0dbfs = 1 ; Item sound: ; Four notes mixed together and some reverberation added. ; The notes are sine waves with a very short attack and decay applied, ; necessary to avoid clicking sounds. gisine ftgen 1, 0, 16384, 10, 1 ga1 init 0 instr 1 a1 poscil 0.4, p4, gisine a2 linseg 0, 0.001, 1, p3 - 0.002, 1, 0.001, 0 ga1 = ga1 + a1 * a2 endin instr 99 a1 reverb ga1, 0.7 out ga1 + a1 * 0.15 ga1 = 0 endin i 1 0.00 0.15 300 i 1 0.08 0.15 450 i 1 0.16 0.15 375 i 1 0.24 0.15 600 i 99 0 0.65 e