/* Copyright (C) 2003 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "Starfighter.h" const char *systemNames[] = {"Spirit", "Eyananth", "Mordor", "Sol"}; const char *systemBackground[] = { "gfx/spirit.jpg", "gfx/eyananth.jpg", "gfx/mordor.jpg", "gfx/sol.jpg" }; /* Drives the cursor. Is used by some other screens too */ static void doCursor() { getPlayerInput(); limitInt(&engine.cursor_x, 10, screen->w - 10 - shape[0]->w); limitInt(&engine.cursor_y, 10, screen->h - 10 - shape[0]->h); blit(shape[0], engine.cursor_x, engine.cursor_y); } /* Sets the player's current status information lines. These are the lines that are scrolled up the screen when the player clicks on Current Status These are set only once. */ static void setStatusLines() { char string[50]; sprintf(string, "System : %s", systemNames[currentGame.system]); textSurface(0, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); signed char total = 0; signed char completed = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) { if (systemPlanet[i].missionNumber > -1) { switch(systemPlanet[i].missionCompleted) { case 0: total++; break; case 1: total++; completed++; break; } } } for (int i = 0 ; i < 30 ; i++) textSurface(i, "", 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Missions Completed : %d/%d", completed, total); textSurface(1, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Shots Fired : %d", currentGame.shots); textSurface(2, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Hits Scored : %d", currentGame.hits); textSurface(3, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Accuracy : %d%%", currentGame.accuracy); textSurface(4, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Enemies Killed by Others : %d", currentGame.totalOtherKills); textSurface(5, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Total Cash Earned : %d", currentGame.cashEarned); textSurface(6, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); textSurface(7, "*** Chris ***", 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Enemies Killed : %d", currentGame.totalKills); textSurface(8, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Shield Restores Picked Up : %d", currentGame.shieldPickups); textSurface(9, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Plasma Cells Picked Up : %d", currentGame.cellPickups); textSurface(10, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Rockets Picked Up : %d", currentGame.rocketPickups); textSurface(11, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Powerups Picked Up : %d", currentGame.rocketPickups); textSurface(12, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Mines Destroyed : %d", currentGame.minesKilled); textSurface(13, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Slaves Rescued : %d", currentGame.slavesRescued); textSurface(14, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Cargo Picked Up : %d", currentGame.cargoPickups); textSurface(15, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); if (currentGame.hasWingMate1) { textSurface(16, "*** Phoebe ***", 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Enemies Killed : %d", currentGame.wingMate1Kills); textSurface(17, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Ejections : %d", currentGame.wingMate1Ejects); textSurface(18, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); } if (currentGame.hasWingMate2) { textSurface(19, "*** Ursula ***", 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Enemies Killed : %d", currentGame.wingMate2Kills); textSurface(20, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Ejections : %d", currentGame.wingMate2Ejects); textSurface(21, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); } signed char percentage = 0; if ((currentGame.secondaryMissions > 0) && (currentGame.secondaryMissionsCompleted > 0)) percentage = (currentGame.secondaryMissionsCompleted / currentGame.secondaryMissions) * 100; sprintf(string, "Seconday Missions Completed : %d / %d (%d%%)", currentGame.secondaryMissionsCompleted, currentGame.secondaryMissions, percentage); textSurface(24, string, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); int timeTaken = currentGame.timeTaken; snprintf(string, sizeof string, "Total Time : %2d:%02d:%02d", timeTaken / 3600, (timeTaken / 60) % 60, timeTaken % 60); textSurface(26, string, -1, 0, FONT_WHITE); textSurface(27, "Current Status", -1, 0, FONT_WHITE); textShape[0].y = 400; textShape[0].x = 150; for (int i = 1 ; i < 25 ; i++) { textShape[i].y = textShape[i - 1].y + 20; if ((i == 7) || (i == 16) || (i == 19)) textShape[i].y += 25; textShape[i].x = 150; } textShape[26].y = 404; textShape[27].y = 83; } /* Sets the names and stats of the planets within the current system. This will later be placed into a data file. */ static void setSystemPlanets() { FILE *fp; char string[100]; strcpy(string, ""); switch (currentGame.system) { case 0: strcpy(string, "data/planets_spirit.dat"); break; case 1: strcpy(string, "data/planets_eyananth.dat"); break; case 2: strcpy(string, "data/planets_mordor.dat"); break; case 3: strcpy(string, "data/planets_sol.dat"); break; } fp = fopen(string, "rb"); int distance; char name[50]; int image; for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) { fscanf(fp, "%d %s %d", &distance, name, &image); systemPlanet[i].y = distance; strcpy(systemPlanet[i].name, name); systemPlanet[i].image = shape[image]; } int messageMission; int messageSlot; char face[50]; char from[100]; char subject[100]; for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) { fscanf(fp, "%d %d %s%*c", &messageMission, &messageSlot, face); fscanf(fp, "%[^\n]%*c", from); fscanf(fp, "%[^\n]%*c", subject); systemPlanet[i].messageMission = messageMission; systemPlanet[i].messageSlot = messageSlot; systemPlanet[i].faceImage = getFace(face); strcpy(systemPlanet[i].from, from); strcpy(systemPlanet[i].subject, subject); } fclose(fp); } /* Spins the planets around the sun, spaced according to their Y value as defined in setSystemPlanets(). Moving the cursor over the planet will show their name and their current status */ static bool showSystem(float x, float y, bool selectable) { SDL_Rect r; signed char planet = 0; int planetSpace = systemPlanet[planet].y; bool rtn = false; // Blit the sun blit(shape[30], 370, 220); for (int i = 50 ; i < 300 ; i+= planetSpace) { x *= 0.75; y *= 0.75; circle(400, 250, i, screen, darkGrey); r.x = int(400 + (sinf(x) * i)); r.y = int(250 + (cosf(y) * i)); r.w = 10; r.h = 10; r.x -= (systemPlanet[planet].image->w / 2); r.y -= (systemPlanet[planet].image->h / 2); blit(systemPlanet[planet].image, r.x, r.y); if (selectable && collision(engine.cursor_x + 13, engine.cursor_y + 13, 6, 6, r.x, r.y, systemPlanet[planet].image->w, systemPlanet[planet].image->h)) { drawString(systemPlanet[planet].name, -1, 545, FONT_WHITE); if ((engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE])) { if (currentGame.system == 0) { currentGame.stationedPlanet = planet; currentGame.destinationPlanet = planet; currentGame.area = systemPlanet[currentGame.stationedPlanet].missionNumber; strcpy(currentGame.stationedName, systemPlanet[currentGame.stationedPlanet].name); } else { currentGame.destinationPlanet = planet; strcpy(currentGame.destinationName, systemPlanet[currentGame.destinationPlanet].name); } rtn = true; engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE] = 0; } } planet++; if (systemPlanet[planet].y == -1) break; planetSpace = systemPlanet[planet].y; } return rtn; } /* Scrolls the player's current information up the screen. When the specified status line reaches a certain Y value, the entire list is reset and the information lines begin again from the bottom (in other words, they loop around). */ static void showStatus(SDL_Surface *infoSurface) { float speed = 0.25; if(engine.keyState[KEY_DOWN]) speed = 1; else if(engine.keyState[KEY_UP]) speed = -1; blit(infoSurface, 100, 80); for (int i = 0 ; i < 22 ; i++) { textShape[i].y -= speed; if ((textShape[i].y > 80) && (textShape[i].y < 400)) blitText(i); } if (textShape[21].y < 65) { textShape[0].y = 400; for (int i = 1 ; i < 25 ; i++) { textShape[i].y = textShape[i - 1].y + 20; if ((i == 7) || (i == 16) || (i == 19)) textShape[i].y += 25; } } blevelRect(100, 80, 600, 20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x99); blevelRect(100, 400, 600, 20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x99); blitText(26); blitText(27); } static void createOptions(SDL_Surface *optionsSurface) { SDL_FillRect(optionsSurface, NULL, black); blevelRect(optionsSurface, 0, 0, optionsSurface->w - 2, optionsSurface->h - 2, 0x00, 0x00, 0x44); drawString("++ OPTIONS ++", 105, 8, FONT_WHITE, optionsSurface); blevelRect(optionsSurface, 190, 45, 50, 22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); blevelRect(optionsSurface, 250, 45, 50, 22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); blevelRect(optionsSurface, 20, 45, 150, 22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); if (engine.useSound) blevelRect(optionsSurface, 190, 45, 50, 22, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00); else blevelRect(optionsSurface, 250, 45, 50, 22, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00); drawString("ON", 207, 50, FONT_WHITE, optionsSurface); drawString("OFF", 263, 50, FONT_WHITE, optionsSurface); drawString("SOUND", 30, 50, FONT_WHITE, optionsSurface); blevelRect(optionsSurface, 190, 95, 50, 22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); blevelRect(optionsSurface, 250, 95, 50, 22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); blevelRect(optionsSurface, 20, 95, 150, 22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); if (engine.useMusic) blevelRect(optionsSurface, 190, 95, 50, 22, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00); else blevelRect(optionsSurface, 250, 95, 50, 22, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00); drawString("ON", 207, 100, FONT_WHITE, optionsSurface); drawString("OFF", 263, 100, FONT_WHITE, optionsSurface); drawString("MUSIC", 30, 100, FONT_WHITE, optionsSurface); blevelRect(optionsSurface, 190, 145, 50, 22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); blevelRect(optionsSurface, 250, 145, 50, 22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); blevelRect(optionsSurface, 20, 145, 150, 22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); if (engine.fullScreen) blevelRect(optionsSurface, 190, 145, 50, 22, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00); else blevelRect(optionsSurface, 250, 145, 50, 22, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00); drawString("ON", 207, 150, FONT_WHITE, optionsSurface); drawString("OFF", 263, 150, FONT_WHITE, optionsSurface); drawString("FULLSCREEN", 30, 150, FONT_WHITE, optionsSurface); blevelRect(optionsSurface, 20, 195, 150, 22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); blevelRect(optionsSurface, 190, 195, 110, 22, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); if (currentGame.autoSaveSlot == -1) { drawString("NONE", 225, 200, FONT_WHITE, optionsSurface); } else { char string[] = "Slot %d"; sprintf(string, "Slot %d", currentGame.autoSaveSlot + 1); blevelRect(optionsSurface, 190, 195, 110, 22, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00); drawString(string, 225, 200, FONT_WHITE, optionsSurface); } drawString("AUTOSAVE SLOT", 30, 200, FONT_WHITE, optionsSurface); } static void showOptions(SDL_Surface *optionsSurface) { if ((engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE])) { if (collision(engine.cursor_x + 13, engine.cursor_y + 13, 6, 6, 417, 172, 45, 22)) engine.useSound = true; if (collision(engine.cursor_x + 13, engine.cursor_y + 13, 6, 6, 478, 172, 45, 22)) engine.useSound = false; if (collision(engine.cursor_x + 13, engine.cursor_y + 13, 6, 6, 417, 222, 45, 22)) { engine.useMusic = true; if (engine.useAudio) { if (Mix_PausedMusic() == 1) Mix_ResumeMusic(); else Mix_PlayMusic(engine.music, -1); } } if (collision(engine.cursor_x + 13, engine.cursor_y + 13, 6, 6, 478, 222, 45, 22)) { engine.useMusic = false; if (engine.useAudio) Mix_PauseMusic(); } if (collision(engine.cursor_x + 13, engine.cursor_y + 13, 6, 6, 417, 272, 45, 22)) { if (!engine.fullScreen) { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); engine.fullScreen = true; } } if (collision(engine.cursor_x + 13, engine.cursor_y + 13, 6, 6, 478, 272, 45, 22)) { if (engine.fullScreen) { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, 0); engine.fullScreen = false; } } if (collision(engine.cursor_x + 13, engine.cursor_y + 13, 6, 6, 417, 322, 100, 22)) { wrapChar(&(++currentGame.autoSaveSlot), -1, 4); engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE] = 0; } createOptions(optionsSurface); } } /* Oddly named function that controls the entire intermission screen. This simply draws a background, stars, gridlines and the icons at the bottom of the screen. Will call (and continue to call) the specified functions when the player has selected an icon. */ int galaxyMap() { freeGraphics(); checkForBossMission(); // double check just to make sure! // Tell the game we are not in a mission so // do not perform certain keyboard actions engine.gameSection = SECTION_INTERMISSION; clearScreen(black); updateScreen(); clearScreen(black); initSaveSlots(); loadMusic("music/3DParadise.mod"); loadBackground(systemBackground[currentGame.system]); char string[25]; engine.cursor_x = screen->w / 2; engine.cursor_y = screen->h / 2; shape[0] = loadImage("gfx/cursor.png"); // Icons 1 - 29 for (int i = 0 ; i < 26 ; i++) { sprintf(string, "gfx/icon%d.png", (i + 1)); shape[i + 1] = loadImage(string); } shape[27] = loadImage("gfx/buyIcon.png"); shape[28] = loadImage("gfx/sellIcon.png"); shape[29] = loadImage("gfx/firefly1.png"); // Planets 30 - 39 shape[30] = loadImage("gfx/planet_sun.png"); shape[31] = loadImage("gfx/planet_green.png"); shape[32] = loadImage("gfx/planet_blue.png"); shape[33] = loadImage("gfx/planet_red.png"); shape[34] = loadImage("gfx/planet_orange.png"); // Faces (as defines) shape[FACE_CHRIS] = loadImage("gfx/face_chris.png"); shape[FACE_SID] = loadImage("gfx/face_sid.png"); shape[FACE_KRASS] = loadImage("gfx/face_krass.png"); shape[FACE_PHOEBE] = loadImage("gfx/face_phoebe.png"); shape[FACE_URSULA] = loadImage("gfx/face_ursula.png"); shape[FACE_KLINE] = loadImage("gfx/face_kline.png"); engine.done = 0; engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE] = 0; engine.ssx = engine.ssy = 0; SDL_Rect r; SDL_Rect destRect; int distance = 0; int interceptionChance = 0; setStatusLines(); initShop(); setSystemPlanets(); SDL_Surface *statsSurface = alphaRect(600, 330, 0x00, 0x00, 0x99); SDL_Surface *savesSurface = createSurface(350, 300); SDL_Surface *optionsSurface = createSurface(320, 240); SDL_Surface *commsSurface = createSurface(450, 400); createSavesSurface(savesSurface, -1); createOptions(optionsSurface); createCommsSurface(commsSurface); signed char section = 1; float sinX = 300; float cosY = 300; bool movePlanets = true; signed char saveSlot = -1; if (currentGame.system > 0) interceptionChance = (300 / currentGame.system); // There is no chance of being interceptted after the final attack on Earth if ((currentGame.system == 3) && (systemPlanet[2].missionCompleted)) interceptionChance = 0; int rtn = 0; if ((engine.useAudio) && (engine.useMusic)) Mix_PlayMusic(engine.music, -1); textObject iconInfo[12]; iconInfo[0].image = textSurface("Start Next Mission", FONT_WHITE); iconInfo[1].image = textSurface("View System Map", FONT_WHITE); iconInfo[2].image = textSurface("Current Status", FONT_WHITE); iconInfo[3].image = textSurface("Save Game", FONT_WHITE); iconInfo[4].image = textSurface("Upgrade FIREFLY", FONT_WHITE); iconInfo[5].image = textSurface("Comms", FONT_WHITE); iconInfo[6].image = textSurface("Options", FONT_WHITE); iconInfo[7].image = textSurface("Exit to Title Screen", FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "System : %s", systemNames[currentGame.system]); iconInfo[8].image = textSurface(string, FONT_WHITE); sprintf(string, "Stationed At: %s", systemPlanet[currentGame.stationedPlanet].name); iconInfo[9].image = textSurface(string, FONT_WHITE); if (currentGame.destinationPlanet > -1) sprintf(string, "Destination: %s", systemPlanet[currentGame.destinationPlanet].name); else strcpy(string, "Destination: None"); iconInfo[10].image = textSurface(string, FONT_WHITE); for (int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++) iconInfo[i].x = (800 - iconInfo[i].image->w) / 2; iconInfo[11].image = textSurface("Go to Destination Planet", FONT_WHITE); bool redrawBackGround = true; player.maxShield = (25 * currentGame.shieldUnits); if (currentGame.distanceCovered > 0) section = 0; else player.shield = player.maxShield; flushInput(); engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE] = engine.keyState[KEY_ALTFIRE] = 0; engine.done = 0; while (!engine.done) { updateScreen(); if (redrawBackGround) { drawBackGround(); redrawBackGround = false; } else { unBuffer(); } doStarfield(); r.x = 0; r.y = 0; r.h = screen->h; r.w = 1; for (int i = 40 ; i < screen->w ; i+= 40) { r.x = i; SDL_FillRect(screen, &r, darkerBlue); } r.x = 0; r.y = 0; r.h = 1; r.w = screen->w; for (int i = 40 ; i < screen->h ; i+= 40) { r.y = i; SDL_FillRect(screen, &r, darkerBlue); } if (rand() % 1000 < 2) { engine.ssx = rrand(100, 100); engine.ssy = rrand(100, 100); engine.ssx /= 100; engine.ssy /= 100; } blit(iconInfo[8].image, (int)iconInfo[8].x, 15); switch(section) { case 0: if (currentGame.stationedPlanet == currentGame.destinationPlanet) { currentGame.area = systemPlanet[currentGame.stationedPlanet].missionNumber; rtn = 2; engine.done = 1; } else { distance = abs(currentGame.stationedPlanet - currentGame.destinationPlanet); distance = (5 / distance); if (distance < 1) distance = 1; SDL_FreeSurface(iconInfo[9].image); iconInfo[9].image = textSurface(systemPlanet[currentGame.stationedPlanet].name, FONT_WHITE); SDL_FreeSurface(iconInfo[10].image); iconInfo[10].image = textSurface(systemPlanet[currentGame.destinationPlanet].name, FONT_WHITE); section = 8; destRect.x = 180; destRect.y = 450; destRect.w = 1; if (currentGame.distanceCovered > 0) destRect.w = currentGame.distanceCovered; destRect.h = 20; } break; case 1: if (engine.keyState[KEY_ALTFIRE]) { movePlanets = !movePlanets; engine.keyState[KEY_ALTFIRE] = 0; } if (movePlanets) { sinX += 0.01; cosY += 0.01; } if (showSystem(sinX, cosY, true)) { if (currentGame.system == 0) { sprintf(string, "Stationed At: %s", systemPlanet[currentGame.stationedPlanet].name); SDL_FreeSurface(iconInfo[9].image); iconInfo[9].image = textSurface(string, FONT_WHITE); updateCommsSurface(commsSurface); } else { sprintf(string, "Destination: %s", systemPlanet[currentGame.destinationPlanet].name); SDL_FreeSurface(iconInfo[10].image); iconInfo[10].image = textSurface(string, FONT_WHITE); } } blit(iconInfo[9].image, 90, 450); if ((currentGame.system > 0) && (currentGame.stationedPlanet != currentGame.destinationPlanet)) blit(iconInfo[10].image, 550, 450); break; case 2: showStatus(statsSurface); break; case 3: blit(savesSurface, 200, 100); saveSlot = showSaveSlots(savesSurface, saveSlot); break; case 4: showShop(); break; case 5: blit(commsSurface, 170, 70); doComms(commsSurface); break; case 6: blit(optionsSurface, 230, 130); showOptions(optionsSurface); break; case 7: rtn = 0; engine.done = 1; break; case 8: showSystem(sinX, cosY, false); blit(systemPlanet[currentGame.stationedPlanet].image, 150, 450); blit(iconInfo[9].image, 135, 480); blit(systemPlanet[currentGame.destinationPlanet].image, 650, 450); blit(iconInfo[10].image, 635, 480); destRect.w += distance; SDL_FillRect(screen, &destRect, red); if (destRect.w >= 450) { currentGame.stationedPlanet = currentGame.destinationPlanet; currentGame.distanceCovered = 0; player.shield = player.maxShield; sprintf(string, "Stationed At: %s", systemPlanet[currentGame.stationedPlanet].name); strcpy(currentGame.stationedName, systemPlanet[currentGame.stationedPlanet].name); SDL_FreeSurface(iconInfo[9].image); iconInfo[9].image = textSurface(string, FONT_WHITE); updateCommsSurface(commsSurface); section = 1; redrawBackGround = true; } else if (interceptionChance > 0) { if ((rand() % interceptionChance) == 0) { currentGame.area = MAX_MISSIONS - 1; rtn = 2; engine.done = 1; currentGame.distanceCovered = destRect.w; } } break; } addBuffer(300, 545, 200, 15); if (section != 8) { for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) { // if the mission has been completed, there is no "Start Next Mission" icon if (i == 0) { if ((currentGame.stationedPlanet == currentGame.destinationPlanet) && (systemPlanet[currentGame.stationedPlanet].missionCompleted != 0)) continue; else if (currentGame.stationedPlanet == currentGame.destinationPlanet) blit(shape[1], 80 + (i * 90), 500); else if (currentGame.stationedPlanet != currentGame.destinationPlanet) blit(shape[26], 80 + (i * 90), 500); } else { blit(shape[i + 1], 80 + (i * 90), 500); } if (collision(engine.cursor_x + 13, engine.cursor_y + 13, 6, 6, 80 + (i * 90), 500, 32, 32)) { if (i != 0) { blit(iconInfo[i].image, (int)iconInfo[i].x, 545); } else { if (currentGame.stationedPlanet == currentGame.destinationPlanet) blit(iconInfo[0].image, (int)iconInfo[i].x, 545); else blit(iconInfo[11].image, (int)iconInfo[i].x, 545); } if ((engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE])) { redrawBackGround = true; section = i; engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE] = 0; } } } } engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE] = engine.keyState[KEY_ALTFIRE] = 0; doCursor(); delayFrame(); } Mix_HaltMusic(); SDL_FreeSurface(statsSurface); SDL_FreeSurface(savesSurface); SDL_FreeSurface(optionsSurface); SDL_FreeSurface(commsSurface); for (int i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++) SDL_FreeSurface(iconInfo[i].image); player.maxShield = (25 * currentGame.shieldUnits); if (currentGame.distanceCovered == 0) player.shield = player.maxShield; return rtn; }