/* Copyright (C) 2003 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "aliens.h" signed char placeAlien(object *theEnemy) { if (rand() % 2 == 0) theEnemy->x = Math::rrand(800, 1600); else theEnemy->x = Math::rrand(-800, 0); if (rand() % 2 == 0) theEnemy->y = Math::rrand(600, 1200); else theEnemy->y = Math::rrand(-600, 0); if (currentGame.area == 24) { theEnemy->x = 800; theEnemy->y = Math::rrand(200, 400); } for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_ALIENS ; i++) { if ((enemy[i].owner != theEnemy) && (enemy[i].shield > 0)) { if (Collision::collision(theEnemy->x, theEnemy->y, theEnemy->image[0]->w, theEnemy->image[0]->h, enemy[i].x, enemy[i].y, enemy[i].image[0]->w, enemy[i].image[0]->h)) return 0; } } return 1; } /* This simply pulls back an alien from the array that is "dead" (no shield) and returns the index number so we can have a new one. */ int getAlien() { for (int i = 0 ; i < engine.maxAliens ; i++) { if (!enemy[i].active) { return i; } } return -1; } void addDrone(object *host) { int index = getAlien(); if (index == -1) return; enemy[index] = defEnemy[CD_DRONE]; enemy[index].active = 1; enemy[index].face = rand() % 2; enemy[index].owner = &enemy[index]; // Most enemies will own themselves enemy[index].target = &enemy[index]; enemy[index].thinktime = (50 + rand() % 50); enemy[index].systemPower = enemy[index].maxShield; enemy[index].deathCounter = 0 - (enemy[index].maxShield * 3); enemy[index].hit = 0; enemy[index].x = host->x + rand() % 50; enemy[index].y = host->y + rand() % 50; } void addSmallAsteroid(object *host) { if (engine.missionCompleteTimer != 0) return; int index = -1; int debris = 1 + rand() % 10; for (int i = 0 ; i < debris ; i++) addBullet(&weapon[W_ROCKETS], host, 0, 0); for (int i = 10 ; i < 20 ; i++) if (enemy[i].active == 0) index = i; if (index == -1) return; if ((rand() % 10) > 3) { enemy[index] = defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2]; enemy[index].imageIndex[0] = enemy[index].imageIndex[1] = 39 + rand() % 2; enemy[index].image[0] = graphics.shipShape[enemy[index].imageIndex[0]]; enemy[index].image[1] = graphics.shipShape[enemy[index].imageIndex[1]]; } else { enemy[index] = defEnemy[CD_DRONE]; } enemy[index].owner = &enemy[index]; // Most enemies will own themselves enemy[index].target = &enemy[index]; enemy[index].thinktime = 1; enemy[index].systemPower = enemy[index].maxShield; enemy[index].deathCounter = 0 - (enemy[index].maxShield * 3); enemy[index].hit = 0; enemy[index].x = host->x; enemy[index].y = host->y; enemy[index].active = 1; } signed char addAlien() { int index = getAlien(); if ((index == -1) || (currentGame.area == 23) || (currentGame.area == 26)) return 0; signed char *alienArray; signed char numberOfAliens = 1; alienArray = new signed char[5]; switch(currentGame.area) { case 0: case 3: case 11: numberOfAliens = 1; alienArray[0] = CD_DUALFIGHTER; break; case 1: case 2: case 4: case 5: numberOfAliens = 2; alienArray[0] = CD_DUALFIGHTER; alienArray[1] = CD_PROTOFIGHTER; break; case 9: case 13: case 14: case 16: numberOfAliens = 4; alienArray[0] = CD_DUALFIGHTER; alienArray[1] = CD_PROTOFIGHTER; alienArray[2] = CD_MISSILEBOAT; alienArray[3] = CD_AIMFIGHTER; break; case 25: numberOfAliens = 6; alienArray[0] = CD_DUALFIGHTER; alienArray[1] = CD_PROTOFIGHTER; alienArray[2] = CD_MISSILEBOAT; alienArray[3] = CD_AIMFIGHTER; alienArray[4] = CD_ESCORT; alienArray[5] = CD_MOBILE_RAY; break; case 22: numberOfAliens = 2; alienArray[0] = CD_AIMFIGHTER; alienArray[1] = CD_DUALFIGHTER; break; case 7: case 8: numberOfAliens = 3; alienArray[0] = CD_DUALFIGHTER; alienArray[1] = CD_PROTOFIGHTER; alienArray[2] = CD_AIMFIGHTER; break; case 18: numberOfAliens = 2; alienArray[0] = CD_DUALFIGHTER; alienArray[1] = CD_MINER; break; case 10: case 15: numberOfAliens = 1; alienArray[0] = CD_ASTEROID; break; case 24: numberOfAliens = 2; alienArray[0] = CD_ASTEROID; alienArray[1] = CD_ASTEROID2; break; case MAX_MISSIONS - 1: numberOfAliens = 3; alienArray[0] = CD_DUALFIGHTER; alienArray[1] = CD_MISSILEBOAT; alienArray[2] = CD_AIMFIGHTER; if (currentGame.system == 2) { numberOfAliens = 4; alienArray[3] = CD_PROTOFIGHTER; } break; default: numberOfAliens = 1; alienArray[0] = CD_DUALFIGHTER; break; } signed char randEnemy = alienArray[rand() % numberOfAliens]; if ((currentGame.area != 10) && (currentGame.area != 15) && (currentGame.area != 24)) { if ((currentGame.system == 1) && (currentGame.area == MAX_MISSIONS - 1)) { if ((rand() % 5) == 0) randEnemy = CD_SLAVETRANSPORT; } if ((rand() % 6) == 0) randEnemy = CD_TRANSPORTSHIP; } delete[] alienArray; enemy[index] = defEnemy[randEnemy]; enemy[index].active = 1; enemy[index].face = rand() % 2; enemy[index].owner = &enemy[index]; // Most enemies will own themselves enemy[index].target = &enemy[index]; enemy[index].thinktime = (50 + rand() % 50); enemy[index].systemPower = enemy[index].maxShield; enemy[index].deathCounter = 0 - (enemy[index].maxShield * 3); enemy[index].hit = 0; Math::limitInt(&enemy[index].deathCounter, -250, 0); // Attempts to place an alien. If it fails, the alien is deactivated. for (int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++) { if (placeAlien(&enemy[index])) break; enemy[index].active = 0; return 0; } if (enemy[index].classDef == CD_CARGOSHIP) addCargo(&enemy[index], P_CARGO); if (enemy[index].classDef == CD_MOBILE_RAY) enemy[index].shield = 25; if (enemy[index].classDef == CD_ESCORT) enemy[index].shield = 50; enemy[index].dx = Math::rrand(-2, 2); enemy[index].dy = Math::rrand(-2, 2); enemy[index].ammo[0] = 0; if (currentGame.area == 18) enemy[index].flags += FL_HASMINIMUMSPEED; return 1; } void getPreDefinedAliens() { FILE *fp; char string[255]; strcpy(string, ""); int index, alienType, placeAttempt; int barrierSpeed = 1; sprintf(string, "data/aliens%d.dat", currentGame.area); #if USEPACK int dataLocation = locateDataInPak(string, 0); if (dataLocation == -1) return; fp = fopen(PACKLOCATION, "rb"); fseek(fp, dataLocation, SEEK_SET); #else fp = fopen(string, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) return; #endif fscanf(fp, "%d ", &index); while (index != -1) { placeAttempt = 0; fscanf(fp, "%d ", &alienType); enemy[index] = defEnemy[alienType]; enemy[index].owner = &enemy[index]; enemy[index].target = &enemy[index]; enemy[index].face = rand() % 2; enemy[index].active = 1; /* we make 1000 attempts to place this enemy since it is required. If after 1000 attempts we still have managed to place the alien, then it simple isn't going to happen and we will just exit the same. The chances of this happening are very very low! */ while (true) { placeAttempt++; if (placeAlien(&enemy[index])) break; if (placeAttempt > 1000) showErrorAndExit(2, ""); } if (currentGame.area == 2) addCargo(&enemy[index], P_CARGO); else if (currentGame.area == 7) addCargo(&enemy[index], P_PHOEBE); if (index == WC_KLINE) { enemy[WC_KLINE].target = &player; if (currentGame.area == 25) enemy[WC_KLINE].shield = 500; } if (enemy[index].classDef == CD_CLOAKFIGHTER) { enemy[index].active = 0; enemy[index].maxShield = enemy[index].shield = 400; enemy[index].flags -= FL_RUNSAWAY; enemy[index].speed = 3; } if ((enemy[index].classDef == CD_MOBILE_RAY) && (index >= 11)) { enemy[index].active = 0; } if (enemy[index].classDef == CD_FIREFLY) { enemy[index].active = 0; } if (enemy[index].classDef == CD_BARRIER) { enemy[index].owner = &enemy[WC_BOSS]; enemy[index].speed = barrierSpeed; barrierSpeed++; } if ((currentGame.area == 17) && (enemy[index].classDef == CD_BOSS)) { enemy[index].imageIndex[1] = 29; enemy[index].flags += FL_IMMORTAL; } if (currentGame.area == 18) enemy[index].flags += FL_HASMINIMUMSPEED; if (currentGame.area == 23) { enemy[index].flags = FL_WEAPCO; if (index == WC_BOSS) enemy[index].chance[1] = 5; } fscanf(fp, "%d ", &index); } fclose(fp); if (currentGame.area == 5) { enemy[WC_BOSS].target = &player; enemy[WC_BOSS].x = -400; enemy[WC_BOSS].y = 300; enemy[13].owner = &enemy[WC_BOSS]; enemy[13].target = &player; enemy[13].dx = -25; enemy[13].dy = -21; enemy[12].owner = &enemy[WC_BOSS]; enemy[12].target = &player; enemy[12].dx = -20; enemy[12].dy = 37; } else if ((currentGame.area == 11) || (currentGame.area == 14)) { enemy[WC_BOSS].target = &player; enemy[WC_BOSS].x = -400; enemy[WC_BOSS].y = 300; enemy[13].owner = &enemy[WC_BOSS]; enemy[13].target = &player; enemy[13].dx = 15; enemy[13].dy = -22; enemy[12].owner = &enemy[WC_BOSS]; enemy[12].target = &player; enemy[12].dx = 15; enemy[12].dy = 22; enemy[11].owner = &enemy[13]; enemy[11].target = &player; enemy[11].dx = -35; enemy[11].dy = -12; enemy[10].owner = &enemy[12]; enemy[10].target = &player; enemy[10].dx = -35; enemy[10].dy = 20; if (currentGame.area == 14) { enemy[WC_BOSS].AIType = AI_EVASIVE; for (int i = 10 ; i < 15 ; i++) { enemy[i].imageIndex[0] += 15; enemy[i].imageIndex[1] += 15; enemy[i].image[0] = graphics.shipShape[enemy[i].imageIndex[0]]; enemy[i].image[1] = graphics.shipShape[enemy[i].imageIndex[1]]; } } } else if (currentGame.area == 21) { enemy[WC_BOSS].target = &player; enemy[WC_BOSS].x = 400; enemy[WC_BOSS].y = 300; enemy[13].owner = &enemy[WC_BOSS]; enemy[13].dy = 20; enemy[12].owner = &enemy[WC_BOSS]; enemy[12].dy = -16; } } void addFriendly(int type) { if (type != FR_SID) enemy[type] = defEnemy[CD_FRIEND]; else enemy[type] = defEnemy[CD_SID]; enemy[type].owner = &enemy[type]; enemy[type].target = &enemy[type]; enemy[type].active = 1; if (rand() % 2 == 0) enemy[type].x = Math::rrand(400, 550); else enemy[type].x = Math::rrand(250, 400); if (rand() % 2 == 0) enemy[type].y = Math::rrand(300, 450); else enemy[type].y = Math::rrand(150, 300); if (type == FR_PHOEBE) enemy[type].classDef = CD_PHOEBE; if (type == FR_URSULA) enemy[type].classDef = CD_URSULA; // For the sake of it being the final battle :) if (currentGame.area == 25) enemy[type].flags += FL_IMMORTAL; } void setTarget(int index) { engine.targetIndex = index; engine.targetShield = 85; engine.targetShield /= enemy[index].shield; engine.targetArrowTimer = -1; if (currentGame.area == 10) engine.targetArrowTimer = 0; } void initAliens() { for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_ALIENS ; i++) { enemy[i].active = 0; enemy[i].shield = -1; enemy[i].flags = 0; } engine.targetIndex = -1; getPreDefinedAliens(); // specific for Phoebe being captured! if (currentGame.area == 7) currentGame.hasWingMate1 = 1; if (currentGame.area == 11) enemy[WC_KLINE].active = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < engine.maxAliens ; i++) addAlien(); if (currentGame.hasWingMate1) addFriendly(FR_PHOEBE); if (currentGame.hasWingMate2) addFriendly(FR_URSULA); if ((currentGame.area == 9) || (currentGame.area == 17) || (currentGame.area == 25)) addFriendly(FR_SID); // Disable Wingmates for certain missions switch (currentGame.area) { case 7: case 9: case 10: case 15: case 16: case 18: case 24: case 26: enemy[FR_PHOEBE].active = 0; enemy[FR_URSULA].active = 0; break; } if (currentGame.area == 10) { enemy[0].collectChance = 100; enemy[0].collectType = P_ESCAPEPOD; } // Some specifics for interception missions if (currentGame.area == MAX_MISSIONS - 1) { if ((currentGame.system > 1) && ((rand() % 5) == 0)) { enemy[WC_KLINE] = defEnemy[CD_KLINE]; enemy[WC_KLINE].owner = &enemy[WC_KLINE]; enemy[WC_KLINE].target = &player; enemy[WC_KLINE].shield = 100; enemy[WC_KLINE].active = 1; enemy[WC_KLINE].x = player.x + 1000; enemy[WC_KLINE].y = player.y; setTarget(WC_KLINE); } if ((currentGame.system == 2) && (currentGame.experimentalShield > 0)) { if ((rand() % 2) == 0) { enemy[10] = defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER]; enemy[10].owner = &enemy[10]; enemy[10].target = &enemy[10]; enemy[10].shield = 1000; enemy[10].active = 1; enemy[10].x = player.x - 1000; enemy[10].y = player.y; setTarget(10); enemy[10].shield = currentGame.experimentalShield; } } } if (currentGame.area == 26) { enemy[WC_KLINE].flags += FL_IMMORTAL; enemy[WC_KLINE].flags += FL_NOFIRE; enemy[WC_KLINE].flags += FL_NOMOVE; enemy[WC_KLINE].x = 600; enemy[WC_KLINE].y = 300; enemy[WC_KLINE].deathCounter = -250; enemy[WC_KLINE].maxShield = 1500; enemy[WC_KLINE].shield = 500; } for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_ALIENS ; i++) { enemy[i].systemPower = enemy[i].maxShield; enemy[i].deathCounter = 0 - (enemy[i].maxShield * 3); Math::limitInt(&enemy[i].deathCounter, -350, 0); } // Set target energy meter switch (currentGame.area) { case 5: case 11: case 13: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 23: setTarget(WC_BOSS); break; case 7: setTarget(FR_PHOEBE); break; case 8: setTarget(19); break; case 9: setTarget(FR_SID); break; case 10: setTarget(0); break; case 25: case 26: setTarget(WC_KLINE); break; default: break; } } /* "Looks" for an enemy by picking a randomly active enemy and using them as a target. If the target is too far away, it will be ignored. */ void searchForTarget(object *theEnemy) { int i; if (theEnemy->flags & FL_WEAPCO) { i = (rand() % 10); if (i == 0) { theEnemy->target = &player; return; } } i = rand() % MAX_ALIENS; object *targetEnemy = &enemy[i]; // Tell Sid not to attack craft that are already disabled or can // return fire. This will save him from messing about (unless we're on the last mission) if ((theEnemy->classDef == CD_SID) && (currentGame.area != 25)) { if ((targetEnemy->flags & FL_DISABLED) || (!(targetEnemy->flags & FL_NOFIRE))) return; } // Tell Phoebe and Ursula not to attack ships that cannot fire or are disabled (unless we're on the last mission) if (currentGame.area != 25) { if ((theEnemy->classDef == CD_PHOEBE) || (theEnemy->classDef == CD_URSULA)) { // Don't attack the boss or we could be here all day(!) if (targetEnemy->classDef == CD_BOSS) return; if ((targetEnemy->flags & FL_DISABLED) || (targetEnemy->flags & FL_NOFIRE)) return; } } if ((targetEnemy->shield < 1) || (!targetEnemy->active)) return; if ((targetEnemy->flags & FL_WEAPCO) && (theEnemy->flags & FL_WEAPCO)) return; if ((targetEnemy->flags & FL_FRIEND) && (theEnemy->flags & FL_FRIEND)) return; if (abs((int)theEnemy->x - (int)theEnemy->target->x) > 550) return; if (abs((int)theEnemy->y - (int)theEnemy->target->y) > 400) return; theEnemy->target = targetEnemy; } int traceTarget(object *theEnemy) { // Do various checks to see if the alien can fire at // the target. Start with the most obvious checks. // No target if (theEnemy->target == theEnemy) return 0; // Whilst firing a Ray, no other weapons can be fired! if (theEnemy->flags & FL_FIRERAY) return 0; // The target is on the same side as you! if ((theEnemy->flags & FL_WEAPCO) && (theEnemy->target->flags & FL_WEAPCO)) return 0; if ((theEnemy->flags & FL_FRIEND) && (theEnemy->target->flags & FL_FRIEND)) return 0; // You're facing the wrong way if ((theEnemy->face == 0) && (theEnemy->target->x < theEnemy->x)) return 0; if ((theEnemy->face == 1) && (theEnemy->target->x > theEnemy->x)) return 0; // Slightly more than half a screen away from you if (abs((int)theEnemy->x - (int)theEnemy->target->x) > 550) return 0; if ((theEnemy->flags & FL_AIMS) || (theEnemy->flags & FL_CONTINUOUS_FIRE)) return 1; // Not at the correct vertical height if ((theEnemy->y < theEnemy->target->y - 15) || (theEnemy->y > theEnemy->target->y + theEnemy->target->image[0]->h + 15)) return 0; return 1; } /* Currently only used for the allies. Whilst flying around, the allies will fire on any enemy craft that enter their line of sight. */ int traceView(object *theEnemy) { object *anEnemy = enemy; for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_ALIENS ; i++) { if ((theEnemy != anEnemy) && (anEnemy->flags & FL_WEAPCO) && (anEnemy->shield > 0)) { if ((theEnemy->y > anEnemy->y - 15) && (theEnemy->y < anEnemy->y + anEnemy->image[0]->h + 15)) { if ((theEnemy->face == 1) && (anEnemy->x < theEnemy->x)) return 1; if ((theEnemy->face == 0) && (anEnemy->x > theEnemy->x)) return 1; } } anEnemy++; } return 0; } void moveAndSeparate(object *theEnemy) { signed char checkCollisions = 1; signed char hasCollided = 0; // don't worry about bumping into other craft if ((theEnemy->flags & FL_LEAVESECTOR) || (theEnemy->classDef == CD_DRONE) || (currentGame.area == 18)) checkCollisions = 0; if (theEnemy->shield < 1) checkCollisions = 0; if (theEnemy->owner == theEnemy) { if (theEnemy->flags & FL_CIRCLES) { if (theEnemy->face == 0) { theEnemy->dx += 0.02; theEnemy->dy += 0.02; } else { theEnemy->dx -= 0.02; theEnemy->dy -= 0.02; } theEnemy->x -= (sinf(theEnemy->dx) * 4); theEnemy->y -= (cosf(theEnemy->dy) * 4); } else { theEnemy->x -= theEnemy->dx; theEnemy->y -= theEnemy->dy; } } object *anEnemy = enemy; if (checkCollisions) { for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_ALIENS ; i++) { if ((theEnemy->flags & FL_LEAVESECTOR) || (theEnemy->classDef == CD_DRONE) || (theEnemy->classDef == CD_ASTEROID2) || (theEnemy->owner == anEnemy->owner) || (theEnemy->owner->owner == anEnemy->owner) || (anEnemy->shield < 1)) { anEnemy++; continue; } if (Collision::collision(theEnemy, anEnemy)) { if ((anEnemy->classDef == CD_BARRIER) && (anEnemy->owner != theEnemy)) { theEnemy->shield--; theEnemy->hit = 3; theEnemy->dx *= -1; theEnemy->dy *= -1; playSound(SFX_HIT); } if (anEnemy->owner == anEnemy) hasCollided = 1; } anEnemy++; } } // Handle a collision with the player if ((player.shield > 0) && (theEnemy->shield > 0) && (checkCollisions)) { if (Collision::collision(theEnemy, &player)) { hasCollided = 1; if (theEnemy->classDef == CD_ASTEROID) { if (!engine.cheatShield) player.shield -= theEnemy->shield; theEnemy->shield = 0; playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION); setInfoLine("Warning: Asteroid Collision Damage!!", FONT_RED); player.hit = 5; playSound(SFX_HIT); } if (theEnemy->classDef == CD_ASTEROID2) { if (!engine.cheatShield) player.shield -= theEnemy->shield; theEnemy->shield = 0; playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION); setInfoLine("Warning: Asteroid Collision Damage!!", FONT_RED); player.hit = 5; playSound(SFX_HIT); } if (theEnemy->classDef == CD_BARRIER) { if (!engine.cheatShield) player.shield--; player.hit = 5; playSound(SFX_HIT); } } } // Got back to where you originally were... if (theEnemy->owner == theEnemy) { if (hasCollided) { if (theEnemy->flags & FL_CIRCLES) { if (theEnemy->face == 0) { theEnemy->dx -= 0.02; theEnemy->dy -= 0.02; } else { theEnemy->dx += 0.02; theEnemy->dy += 0.02; } theEnemy->x += (sinf(theEnemy->dx) * 4); theEnemy->y += (cosf(theEnemy->dy) * 4); theEnemy->thinktime = 0; } else { theEnemy->x += theEnemy->dx; theEnemy->y += theEnemy->dy; theEnemy->dx *= -1; theEnemy->dy *= -1; theEnemy->dx *= 0.2; theEnemy->dy *= 0.2; Math::limitInt(&theEnemy->thinktime, 0, 15); } } } } /* Call this whenever a mission requires all the remaining aliens to automatically die */ void killAllAliens() { for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_ALIENS ; i++) { if ((enemy[i].flags & FL_WEAPCO) && (enemy[i].active) && (enemy[i].shield > 0)) enemy[i].shield = 0; } } void doAliens() { static float barrierLoop = 0; barrierLoop += 0.2; // A global variable for checking if all the aliens are dead engine.allAliensDead = 1; signed char canFire; int shapeToUse; object *theEnemy = enemy; for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_ALIENS ; i++) { if (theEnemy->active) { if (theEnemy->shield > 0) { if ((theEnemy->flags & FL_WEAPCO) && (!(theEnemy->flags & FL_DISABLED))) engine.allAliensDead = 0; // Set part attributes if (theEnemy->owner != theEnemy) { theEnemy->face = theEnemy->owner->face; if (theEnemy->face == 0) theEnemy->x = theEnemy->owner->x - theEnemy->dx; else theEnemy->x = theEnemy->owner->x + theEnemy->owner->image[0]->w + theEnemy->dx - theEnemy->image[0]->w; theEnemy->y = (theEnemy->owner->y + theEnemy->dy); if (theEnemy->owner->shield < 1) { if ((theEnemy->classDef != CD_URANUSBOSSWING1) && (theEnemy->classDef != CD_URANUSBOSSWING2)) { theEnemy->shield = 0; } else { theEnemy->flags -= FL_IMMORTAL; theEnemy->owner = theEnemy; theEnemy->chance[0] = 25; } } } canFire = 1; // The alien is allowed to fire Math::limitInt(&--theEnemy->thinktime, 0, 250); if (theEnemy->target->shield < 1) theEnemy->target = theEnemy; // Specific to Sid to stop him pissing about(!) if ((theEnemy->classDef == CD_SID) && (theEnemy->target->flags & FL_DISABLED)) theEnemy->target = theEnemy; if (theEnemy->target == theEnemy) { if (engine.missionCompleteTimer == 0) { searchForTarget(theEnemy); } else { if (theEnemy->flags & FL_FRIEND) { theEnemy->target = &player; theEnemy->thinktime = 1; } } } if ((!(theEnemy->flags & FL_DISABLED)) && (theEnemy->thinktime == 0) && (theEnemy->target != theEnemy) && (theEnemy->owner == theEnemy)) { if (theEnemy->classDef != CD_KLINE) setEnemyAI(theEnemy); else setKlineAI(theEnemy); theEnemy->thinktime = (rand() % 25) * 10; // Face direction of movement unless you always face your target(!) if (!(theEnemy->flags & FL_ALWAYSFACE)) { theEnemy->face = 0; if (theEnemy->dx > 0) theEnemy->face = 1; } Math::limitFloat(&theEnemy->dx, 0 - theEnemy->speed, theEnemy->speed); Math::limitFloat(&theEnemy->dy, 0 - theEnemy->speed, theEnemy->speed); } if (theEnemy->flags & FL_ALWAYSFACE) { theEnemy->face = 0; if (theEnemy->x > theEnemy->target->x) theEnemy->face = 1; } if ((currentGame.area == 18) && (theEnemy->classDef == CD_BOSS)) theEnemy->face = 0; if ((theEnemy->flags & FL_DEPLOYDRONES) && ((rand() % 300) == 0)) addDrone(theEnemy); if (theEnemy->flags & FL_LEAVESECTOR) { Math::limitFloat(&(theEnemy->dx -= 0.5), 0, -15); theEnemy->dy = 0; theEnemy->thinktime = 999; theEnemy->face = 0; if (theEnemy->x >= 5000) { theEnemy->flags -= FL_LEAVESECTOR; theEnemy->flags += FL_ESCAPED; theEnemy->active = 0; if (theEnemy->classDef == CD_CLOAKFIGHTER) { currentGame.experimentalShield = theEnemy->shield; setInfoLine("Experimental Fighter has fled", FONT_CYAN); } theEnemy->shield = 0; updateMissionRequirements(M_ESCAPE_TARGET, theEnemy->classDef, 1); if (theEnemy->classDef != CD_CLOAKFIGHTER) updateMissionRequirements(M_DESTROY_TARGET_TYPE, theEnemy->classDef, 1); } } /* This deals with the Experimental Fighter in Mordor (and Kline on the final mission) It can cloak and uncloak at random. When cloaked, it's sprite is not displayed. However the engine trail is still visible! */ if ((theEnemy->flags & FL_CANCLOAK) && ((rand() % 500) == 0)) { if (theEnemy->flags & FL_ISCLOAKED) theEnemy->flags -= FL_ISCLOAKED; else theEnemy->flags += FL_ISCLOAKED; playSound(SFX_CLOAK); } // ------------ Barriers ------------------ if (theEnemy->classDef == CD_BARRIER) { theEnemy->dx = -10 + (sinf(barrierLoop + theEnemy->speed) * 60); theEnemy->dy = 20 + (cosf(barrierLoop + theEnemy->speed) * 40); } // ---------------------------------------- // ------------ Mobile Shields ------------ if (theEnemy->classDef == CD_MOBILESHIELD) { Math::limitInt(&(++enemy[WC_BOSS].shield), 0, enemy[WC_BOSS].maxShield); } // ---------------------------------------- Math::limitCharAdd(&theEnemy->reload[0], -1, 0, 999); Math::limitCharAdd(&theEnemy->reload[1], -1, 0, 999); if ((!(theEnemy->flags & FL_DISABLED)) && (!(theEnemy->flags & FL_NOFIRE))) { if ((theEnemy->target->shield > 0)) canFire = traceTarget(theEnemy); if (((theEnemy->thinktime % 2) == 0) && (theEnemy->flags & FL_FRIEND)) canFire = traceView(theEnemy); } else { canFire = 0; } if ((canFire == 1) && (dev.fireAliens)) { if ((theEnemy->reload[0] == 0) && ((rand() % 1000 < theEnemy->chance[0]) || (theEnemy->flags & FL_CONTINUOUS_FIRE))) { fireBullet(theEnemy, 0); } if ((theEnemy->reload[1] == 0) && ((rand() % 1000 < theEnemy->chance[1]) || (theEnemy->flags & FL_CONTINUOUS_FIRE))) { if ((theEnemy->weaponType[1] != W_ENERGYRAY) && (theEnemy->weaponType[1] != W_LASER)) { if (theEnemy->weaponType[1] == W_CHARGER) theEnemy->ammo[1] = 50 + rand() % 150; fireBullet(theEnemy, 1); } else if (theEnemy->weaponType[1] == W_LASER) { theEnemy->flags += FL_FIRELASER; } else if ((theEnemy->weaponType[1] == W_ENERGYRAY) && (theEnemy->ammo[0] == 250)) { theEnemy->flags += FL_FIRERAY; playSound(SFX_ENERGYRAY); } } } // --------------- Ray specific stuff ------------------ if (theEnemy->flags & FL_FIRERAY) { fireRay(theEnemy); } else { Math::limitCharAdd(&theEnemy->ammo[0], 1, 0, 250); } // ------------------------------------------------------- // --------------- Laser specific stuff ------------------ if (theEnemy->flags & FL_FIRELASER) { fireBullet(theEnemy, 1); if ((rand() % 25) == 0) theEnemy->flags -= FL_FIRELASER; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------- Mine specific stuff ------------------ if (theEnemy->flags & FL_DROPMINES) if ((rand() % 150) == 0) addCollectable(theEnemy->x, theEnemy->y, P_MINE, 25, 600 + rand() % 2400); // Kline drops mines a lot more often if ((theEnemy->flags & FL_DROPMINES) && (theEnemy == &enemy[WC_KLINE])) if ((rand() % 10) == 0) addCollectable(theEnemy->x, theEnemy->y, P_MINE, 25, 600 + rand() % 2400); // ------------------------------------------------------- shapeToUse = theEnemy->imageIndex[theEnemy->face]; if (theEnemy->hit) shapeToUse += SHIP_HIT_INDEX; Math::limitCharAdd(&theEnemy->hit, -1, 0, 100); if ((theEnemy->x + theEnemy->image[0]->w > 0) && (theEnemy->x < 800) && (theEnemy->y + theEnemy->image[0]->h > 0) && (theEnemy->y < 600)) { if ((!(theEnemy->flags & FL_DISABLED)) && (theEnemy->classDef != CD_ASTEROID) && (theEnemy->classDef != CD_ASTEROID2)) addEngine(theEnemy); if ((!(theEnemy->flags & FL_ISCLOAKED)) || (theEnemy->hit > 0)) graphics.blit(graphics.shipShape[shapeToUse], (int)theEnemy->x, (int)theEnemy->y); if (theEnemy->flags & FL_DISABLED) { if ((rand() % 10) == 0) addExplosion(theEnemy->x + (rand() % theEnemy->image[0]->w), theEnemy->y + (rand() % theEnemy->image[0]->h), E_ELECTRICAL); } } if ((currentGame.area == 24) && (theEnemy->x < -300)) theEnemy->active = 0; } else { theEnemy->shield--; if ((theEnemy->x > 0) && (theEnemy->x < 800) && (theEnemy->y > 0) && (theEnemy->y < 600)) { graphics.blit(theEnemy->image[theEnemy->face], (int)theEnemy->x, (int)theEnemy->y); addExplosion(theEnemy->x + (rand() % theEnemy->image[0]->w), theEnemy->y + (rand() % theEnemy->image[0]->h), E_BIG_EXPLOSION); } if (theEnemy->shield < theEnemy->deathCounter) { theEnemy->active = 0; if ((theEnemy->classDef == CD_BOSS) || (theEnemy->owner == &enemy[WC_BOSS]) || (theEnemy->flags & FL_FRIEND) || (theEnemy->classDef == CD_ASTEROID) || (theEnemy->classDef == CD_KLINE)) addDebris((int)theEnemy->x, (int)theEnemy->y, theEnemy->maxShield); if (theEnemy->classDef == CD_ASTEROID) { int i = 1 + (rand() % 3); for (int j = 0 ; j < i ; j++) addSmallAsteroid(theEnemy); } } } // Adjust the movement even whilst exploding if ((dev.moveAliens) && (!(theEnemy->flags & FL_NOMOVE)) && (!(theEnemy->flags & FL_DISABLED))) { moveAndSeparate(theEnemy); } if ((currentGame.area != 18) || (theEnemy->shield < 0)) theEnemy->x += engine.ssx; theEnemy->y += engine.ssy; } theEnemy++; } } void setAlienShapes() { for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_DEFALIENS ; i++) { if (graphics.shipShape[defEnemy[i].imageIndex[0]] != NULL) { defEnemy[i].image[0] = graphics.shipShape[defEnemy[i].imageIndex[0]]; defEnemy[i].image[1] = graphics.shipShape[defEnemy[i].imageIndex[1]]; defEnemy[i].engineX = defEnemy[i].image[0]->w; defEnemy[i].engineY = (defEnemy[i].image[0]->h / 2); } } } #if USEPACK void loadAliens() { int dataLocation = locateDataInPak("data/aliens.dat", 1); int def, ai, speed, shield, max, image1, image2, weapon1, weapon2, chance1, chance2, score; int collectChance, collectType, collectVal, flags; FILE *fp; fp = fopen(PACKLOCATION, "rb"); fseek(fp, dataLocation, SEEK_SET); for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_DEFALIENS ; i++) { fscanf(fp, "%d", &def); fscanf(fp, "%d", &ai); fscanf(fp, "%d", &speed); fscanf(fp, "%d", &shield); fscanf(fp, "%d", &max); fscanf(fp, "%d", &image1); fscanf(fp, "%d", &image2); fscanf(fp, "%d", &weapon1); fscanf(fp, "%d", &weapon2); fscanf(fp, "%d", &chance1); fscanf(fp, "%d", &chance2); fscanf(fp, "%d", &score); fscanf(fp, "%d", &collectChance); fscanf(fp, "%d", &collectType); fscanf(fp, "%d", &collectVal); fscanf(fp, "%d", &flags); defEnemy[i].classDef = def; defEnemy[i].AIType = ai; defEnemy[i].speed = speed; defEnemy[i].shield = shield; defEnemy[i].maxShield = max; defEnemy[i].imageIndex[0] = image1; defEnemy[i].imageIndex[1] = image2; defEnemy[i].weaponType[0] = weapon1; defEnemy[i].weaponType[1] = weapon2; defEnemy[i].chance[0] = chance1; defEnemy[i].chance[1] = chance2; defEnemy[i].score = score; defEnemy[i].collectChance = collectChance; defEnemy[i].collectType = collectType; defEnemy[i].collectValue = collectVal; defEnemy[i].flags = flags; } fclose(fp); } void defineAliens(){loadAliens();} #else void saveAliens() { FILE *fp; fp = fopen("data/aliens.dat", "wb"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Unable to write Alien Data File\n"); exit(1); } for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_DEFALIENS ; i++) { fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].classDef); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].AIType); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].speed); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].shield); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].maxShield); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].imageIndex[0]); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].imageIndex[1]); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].weaponType[0]); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].weaponType[1]); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].chance[0]); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].chance[1]); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].score); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].collectChance); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].collectType); fprintf(fp, "%d ", defEnemy[i].collectValue); fprintf(fp, "%d\n", defEnemy[i].flags); } // Put an extra line for the PAK file "just in case" fprintf(fp, "\n"); fclose(fp); } /* Will be dumped into a data file at the end of the project */ void defineAliens() { // Dual Plasma Fighter. defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].classDef = CD_DUALFIGHTER; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].AIType = AI_NORMAL; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].speed = 4; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].maxShield = 5; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].shield = 5; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].imageIndex[0] = 2; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].imageIndex[1] = 3; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].weaponType[1] = W_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].chance[1] = 1; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].score = 25; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].collectChance = 50; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].collectValue = 50; defEnemy[CD_DUALFIGHTER].flags = FL_WEAPCO; // Missile Boat defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].classDef = CD_MISSILEBOAT; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].AIType = AI_DEFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].speed = 2; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].maxShield = 50; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].shield = 50; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].imageIndex[0] = 4; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].imageIndex[1] = 5; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].weaponType[0] = W_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].weaponType[1] = W_DOUBLE_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].chance[0] = 25; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].chance[1] = 4; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].score = 250; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].collectChance = 25; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].collectValue = 75; defEnemy[CD_MISSILEBOAT].flags = FL_WEAPCO; //Prototype fighter defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].classDef = CD_PROTOFIGHTER; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].AIType = AI_DEFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].speed = 5; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].maxShield = 15; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].shield = 15; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].imageIndex[0] = 6; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].imageIndex[1] = 7; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].weaponType[0] = W_TRIPLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].weaponType[1] = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].chance[1] = 1; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].score = 50; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].collectChance = 50; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].collectValue = 50; defEnemy[CD_PROTOFIGHTER].flags = FL_WEAPCO; // Phoebe and Ursula defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].classDef = CD_FRIEND; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].speed = 3; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].maxShield = 50; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].shield = 50; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].imageIndex[0] = 20; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].imageIndex[1] = 21; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].weaponType[1] = W_HOMING_MISSILE; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].chance[1] = 5; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].score = 0; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].collectChance = 0; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].collectType = P_CASH; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].collectValue = 0; defEnemy[CD_FRIEND].flags = FL_FRIEND; // Boss 1 defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].classDef = CD_BOSS; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].AIType = AI_NORMAL; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].speed = 2; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].maxShield = 550; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].shield = 550; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].imageIndex[0] = 8; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].imageIndex[1] = 9; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].weaponType[0] = W_MICRO_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].weaponType[1] = W_ENERGYRAY; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].chance[1] = 85; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].score = 500; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].collectType = P_CASH; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].collectValue = 250; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE].flags = FL_WEAPCO; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].classDef = CD_FRIGATE_WING1; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].AIType = AI_NORMAL; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].speed = 2; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].maxShield = 100; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].shield = 100; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].imageIndex[0] = 10; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].imageIndex[1] = 11; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].weaponType[0] = W_TRIPLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].weaponType[1] = W_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].chance[1] = 10; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].score = 500; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].collectValue = 250; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING1].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_DAMAGEOWNER; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].classDef = CD_FRIGATE_WING2; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].AIType = AI_NORMAL; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].speed = 2; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].maxShield = 100; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].shield = 100; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].imageIndex[0] = 12; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].imageIndex[1] = 13; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].weaponType[0] = W_TRIPLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].weaponType[1] = W_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].chance[1] = 10; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].score = 500; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].collectValue = 250; defEnemy[CD_FRIGATE_WING2].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_DAMAGEOWNER; // Transport ship defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].classDef = CD_TRANSPORTSHIP; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].AIType = AI_EVASIVE; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].speed = 4; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].maxShield = 10; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].shield = 10; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].imageIndex[0] = 14; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].imageIndex[1] = 15; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].weaponType[1] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].score = 25; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].collectType = P_WEAPONS; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].collectValue = 30; defEnemy[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_NOFIRE; // Cargo ship defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].classDef = CD_CARGOSHIP; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].AIType = AI_EVASIVE; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].speed = 4; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].maxShield = 10; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].shield = 10; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].imageIndex[0] = 22; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].imageIndex[1] = 23; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].weaponType[1] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].score = 25; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].collectChance = 50; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].collectValue = 100; defEnemy[CD_CARGOSHIP].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_NOFIRE; // Weapco Miner defEnemy[CD_MINER].classDef = CD_MINER; defEnemy[CD_MINER].AIType = AI_EVASIVE; defEnemy[CD_MINER].speed = 4; defEnemy[CD_MINER].maxShield = 25; defEnemy[CD_MINER].shield = 25; defEnemy[CD_MINER].imageIndex[0] = 16; defEnemy[CD_MINER].imageIndex[1] = 17; defEnemy[CD_MINER].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_MINER].weaponType[1] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_MINER].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_MINER].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_MINER].score = 100; defEnemy[CD_MINER].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_MINER].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_MINER].collectValue = 30; defEnemy[CD_MINER].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_NOFIRE + FL_DROPMINES; // Kline defEnemy[CD_KLINE].classDef = CD_KLINE; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].speed = 5; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].maxShield = 750; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].shield = 750; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].imageIndex[0] = 18; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].imageIndex[1] = 19; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].weaponType[0] = W_TRIPLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].weaponType[1] = W_MICRO_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].chance[1] = 2; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].score = 0; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].collectChance = 0; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].collectValue = 0; defEnemy[CD_KLINE].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_CANNOTDIE + FL_ALWAYSFACE + FL_CIRCLES; // Aim Fighter defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].classDef = CD_AIMFIGHTER; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].AIType = AI_NORMAL; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].speed = 3; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].maxShield = 15; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].shield = 15; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].imageIndex[0] = 8; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].imageIndex[1] = 9; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].weaponType[0] = W_AIMED_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].weaponType[1] = W_AIMED_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].chance[0] = 7; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].chance[1] = 1; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].score = 50; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].collectChance = 75; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].collectValue = 100; defEnemy[CD_AIMFIGHTER].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_AIMS; // Slave ship defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].classDef = CD_SLAVETRANSPORT; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].AIType = AI_EVASIVE; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].speed = 2; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].maxShield = 10; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].shield = 20; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].imageIndex[0] = 10; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].imageIndex[1] = 11; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].weaponType[1] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].score = 25; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].collectType = P_SLAVES; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].collectValue = 25; defEnemy[CD_SLAVETRANSPORT].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_NOFIRE; // Good Transport defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].classDef = CD_GOODTRANSPORT; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].AIType = AI_EVASIVE; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].speed = 3; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].maxShield = 75; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].shield = 75; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].imageIndex[0] = 12; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].imageIndex[1] = 13; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].weaponType[0] = W_AIMED_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].weaponType[1] = W_AIMED_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].chance[1] = 100; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].score = 0; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].collectChance = 0; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].collectValue = 0; defEnemy[CD_GOODTRANSPORT].flags = FL_FRIEND + FL_NOFIRE + FL_AIMS; // Sid Wilson defEnemy[CD_SID].classDef = CD_SID; defEnemy[CD_SID].AIType = AI_NORMAL; defEnemy[CD_SID].speed = 3; defEnemy[CD_SID].maxShield = 50; defEnemy[CD_SID].shield = 50; defEnemy[CD_SID].imageIndex[0] = 24; defEnemy[CD_SID].imageIndex[1] = 25; defEnemy[CD_SID].weaponType[0] = W_IONCANNON; defEnemy[CD_SID].weaponType[1] = W_IONCANNON; defEnemy[CD_SID].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_SID].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_SID].score = 0; defEnemy[CD_SID].collectChance = 0; defEnemy[CD_SID].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_SID].collectValue = 0; defEnemy[CD_SID].flags = FL_FRIEND + FL_AIMS; // Mining Vessel Boss defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].classDef = CD_BOSS; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].AIType = AI_NORMAL; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].speed = 3; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].maxShield = 1000; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].shield = 1000; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].imageIndex[0] = 26; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].imageIndex[1] = 27; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].weaponType[0] = W_TRIPLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].weaponType[1] = W_SPREADSHOT; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].score = 1000; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].collectValue = 255; defEnemy[CD_MINEBOSS].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_IMMORTAL; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].classDef = CD_BOSS2_WING1; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].AIType = AI_NORMAL; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].speed = 1; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].maxShield = 250; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].shield = 250; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].imageIndex[0] = 28; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].imageIndex[1] = 29; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].weaponType[0] = W_TRIPLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].weaponType[1] = W_SPREADSHOT; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].score = 1000; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].collectValue = 255; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING1].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_DAMAGEOWNER; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].classDef = CD_BOSS2_WING2; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].AIType = AI_NORMAL; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].speed = 1; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].maxShield = 500; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].shield = 500; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].imageIndex[0] = 30; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].imageIndex[1] = 31; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].weaponType[0] = W_TRIPLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].weaponType[1] = W_SPREADSHOT; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].score = 1000; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].collectValue = 255; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING2].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_DEPLOYDRONES + FL_DAMAGEOWNER; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].classDef = CD_BOSS2_WING3; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].AIType = AI_NORMAL; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].speed = 1; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].maxShield = 500; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].shield = 500; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].imageIndex[0] = 32; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].imageIndex[1] = 33; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].weaponType[0] = W_TRIPLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].weaponType[1] = W_SPREADSHOT; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].score = 1000; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].collectValue = 255; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING3].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_DEPLOYDRONES + FL_DAMAGEOWNER; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].classDef = CD_BOSS2_WING4; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].AIType = AI_NORMAL; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].speed = 1; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].maxShield = 250; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].shield = 250; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].imageIndex[0] = 34; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].imageIndex[1] = 35; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].weaponType[0] = W_TRIPLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].weaponType[1] = W_SPREADSHOT; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].score = 1000; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].collectValue = 255; defEnemy[CD_BOSS2_WING4].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_DAMAGEOWNER; // Drone defEnemy[CD_DRONE].classDef = CD_DRONE; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].speed = 8; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].maxShield = 5; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].shield = 5; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].imageIndex[0] = 36; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].imageIndex[1] = 37; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].weaponType[1] = W_LASER; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].score = 0; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].collectChance = 10; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].collectType = P_SHIELD; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].collectValue = 1; defEnemy[CD_DRONE].flags = FL_WEAPCO; // Experimental Fighter defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].classDef = CD_CLOAKFIGHTER; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].speed = 6; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].maxShield = 1000; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].shield = 1000; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].imageIndex[0] = 10; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].imageIndex[1] = 11; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].weaponType[0] = W_SPREADSHOT; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].weaponType[1] = W_DOUBLE_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].chance[1] = 5; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].score = 550; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].collectType = P_CASH; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].collectValue = 255; defEnemy[CD_CLOAKFIGHTER].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_CANCLOAK + FL_RUNSAWAY; // Evil Ursula defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].classDef = CD_EVILURSULA; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].speed = 5; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].maxShield = 500; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].shield = 500; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].imageIndex[0] = 12; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].imageIndex[1] = 13; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].weaponType[0] = W_TRIPLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].weaponType[1] = W_HOMING_MISSILE; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].chance[1] = 100; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].score = 500; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].collectType = P_ESCAPEPOD; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].collectValue = 1; defEnemy[CD_EVILURSULA].flags = FL_WEAPCO; // Mercenary defEnemy[CD_KRASS].classDef = CD_KRASS; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].speed = 5; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].maxShield = 1000; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].shield = 1000; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].imageIndex[0] = 26; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].imageIndex[1] = 27; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].weaponType[0] = W_SPREADSHOT; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].weaponType[1] = W_CHARGER; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].score = 2000; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].collectValue = 255; defEnemy[CD_KRASS].flags = FL_FRIEND + FL_IMMORTAL; // Executive Transport defEnemy[CD_EXEC].classDef = CD_BOSS; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].AIType = AI_NORMAL; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].speed = 5; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].maxShield = 1000; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].shield = 1000; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].imageIndex[0] = 28; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].imageIndex[1] = 28; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].weaponType[0] = W_SPREADSHOT; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].weaponType[1] = W_HOMING_MISSILE; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].score = 2000; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].collectChance = 0; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].collectValue = 0; defEnemy[CD_EXEC].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_NOFIRE; // Asteroid defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].classDef = CD_ASTEROID; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].AIType = AI_WANDER; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].speed = 1; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].maxShield = 50; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].shield = 50; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].imageIndex[0] = 38; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].imageIndex[1] = 38; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].weaponType[0] = W_SPREADSHOT; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].weaponType[1] = W_HOMING_MISSILE; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].score = 0; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].collectChance = 25; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].collectType = P_ORE; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].collectValue = 1; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID].flags = FL_WEAPCO; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].classDef = CD_ASTEROID2; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].AIType = AI_WANDER; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].speed = 1; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].maxShield = 10; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].shield = 10; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].imageIndex[0] = 39; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].imageIndex[1] = 40; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].weaponType[0] = W_SPREADSHOT; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].weaponType[1] = W_HOMING_MISSILE; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].score = 0; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].collectChance = 25; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].collectType = P_ORE; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].collectValue = 1; defEnemy[CD_ASTEROID2].flags = FL_WEAPCO; // Escort defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].classDef = CD_ESCORT; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].AIType = AI_NORMAL; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].speed = 3; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].maxShield = 200; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].shield = 200; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].imageIndex[0] = 30; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].imageIndex[1] = 31; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].weaponType[0] = W_LASER; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].weaponType[1] = W_LASER; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].chance[0] = 25; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].chance[1] = 25; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].score = 450; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].collectValue = 100; defEnemy[CD_ESCORT].flags = FL_WEAPCO; // Mobile Ray Cannon defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].classDef = CD_MOBILE_RAY; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].speed = 5; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].maxShield = 250; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].shield = 250; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].imageIndex[0] = 10; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].imageIndex[1] = 11; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].weaponType[0] = W_ENERGYRAY; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].weaponType[1] = W_ENERGYRAY; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].chance[0] = 50; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].chance[1] = 50; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].score = 1000; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].collectChance = 75; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].collectType = P_SHIELD; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].collectValue = 2; defEnemy[CD_MOBILE_RAY].flags = FL_WEAPCO; // Rebel Carrier defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].classDef = CD_REBELCARRIER; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].speed = 2; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].maxShield = 100; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].shield = 100; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].imageIndex[0] = 32; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].imageIndex[1] = 33; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].weaponType[1] = W_MICRO_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].chance[0] = 50; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].chance[1] = 2; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].score = 0; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].collectChance = 0; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].collectType = P_SHIELD; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].collectValue = 0; defEnemy[CD_REBELCARRIER].flags = FL_FRIEND; // Pluto Boss defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].classDef = CD_PLUTOBOSS; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].speed = 4; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].maxShield = 500; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].shield = 500; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].imageIndex[0] = 12; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].imageIndex[1] = 13; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].weaponType[1] = W_MICRO_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].chance[0] = 50; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].chance[1] = 2; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].score = 1000; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].collectChance = 0; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].collectType = P_SHIELD; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].collectValue = 0; defEnemy[CD_PLUTOBOSS].flags = FL_WEAPCO; // Pluto Boss Barrier defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].classDef = CD_BARRIER; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].speed = 1; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].maxShield = 250; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].shield = 250; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].imageIndex[0] = 32; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].imageIndex[1] = 33; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].weaponType[1] = W_MICRO_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].score = 1000; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].collectValue = 25; defEnemy[CD_BARRIER].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_NOFIRE; // Neptune Boss defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].classDef = CD_NEPTUNEBOSS; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].speed = 4; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].maxShield = 800; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].shield = 800; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].imageIndex[0] = 12; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].imageIndex[1] = 13; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].weaponType[1] = W_MICRO_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].score = 1000; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].collectValue = 25; defEnemy[CD_NEPTUNEBOSS].flags = FL_WEAPCO; // Mobile Shield defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].classDef = CD_MOBILESHIELD; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].AIType = AI_EVASIVE; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].speed = 6; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].maxShield = 150; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].shield = 150; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].imageIndex[0] = 34; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].imageIndex[1] = 35; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].weaponType[1] = W_MICRO_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].chance[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].score = 250; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].collectValue = 25; defEnemy[CD_MOBILESHIELD].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_NOFIRE; // Firefly defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].classDef = CD_FIREFLY; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].speed = 5; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].maxShield = 250; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].shield = 250; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].imageIndex[0] = 0; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].imageIndex[1] = 1; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].weaponType[0] = W_TRIPLE_SHOT; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].weaponType[1] = W_DOUBLE_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].chance[1] = 5; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].score = 500; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].collectValue = 250; defEnemy[CD_FIREFLY].flags = FL_WEAPCO; // Uranus Boss defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].classDef = CD_URANUSBOSS; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].speed = 4; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].maxShield = 750; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].shield = 750; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].imageIndex[0] = 41; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].imageIndex[1] = 42; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].weaponType[0] = W_SPREADSHOT; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].weaponType[1] = W_DOUBLE_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].chance[0] = 100; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].chance[1] = 5; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].score = 500; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].collectValue = 250; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSS].flags = FL_WEAPCO; // Uranus Boss Wing 1 defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].classDef = CD_URANUSBOSSWING1; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].speed = 4; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].maxShield = 250; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].shield = 250; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].imageIndex[0] = 43; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].imageIndex[1] = 44; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].weaponType[1] = W_DOUBLE_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].chance[0] = 5; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].score = 500; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].collectValue = 250; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING1].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_IMMORTAL; // Uranus Boss Wing 2 defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].classDef = CD_URANUSBOSSWING2; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].AIType = AI_OFFENSIVE; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].speed = 4; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].maxShield = 250; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].shield = 250; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].imageIndex[0] = 45; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].imageIndex[1] = 46; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].weaponType[0] = W_DOUBLE_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].weaponType[1] = W_DOUBLE_ROCKETS; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].chance[0] = 5; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].chance[1] = 0; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].score = 500; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].collectChance = 100; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].collectType = P_ANYTHING; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].collectValue = 250; defEnemy[CD_URANUSBOSSWING2].flags = FL_WEAPCO + FL_IMMORTAL; saveAliens(); } #endif