/* Copyright (C) 2003 Parallel Realities Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 Guus Sliepen Copyright (C) 2012, 2015-2020 The Diligent Circle This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "SDL.h" #include "colors.h" #include "defs.h" #include "structs.h" #include "alien.h" #include "audio.h" #include "engine.h" #include "explosion.h" #include "game.h" #include "gfx.h" #include "player.h" #include "renderer.h" #include "save.h" #include "screen.h" #include "title.h" #include "window.h" static int showGameMenu(int continueSaveSlot) { screen_blitText(TS_START_NEW_GAME, -1, MENU_Y); screen_blitText(TS_LOAD_GAME, -1, MENU_Y + MENU_SPACING); if (continueSaveSlot != -1) { screen_blitText(TS_CONTINUE_CURRENT_GAME, -1, MENU_Y + 2 * MENU_SPACING); } screen_blitText(TS_OPTIONS, -1, MENU_Y + 3 * MENU_SPACING); screen_blitText(TS_CREDITS, -1, MENU_Y + 4 * MENU_SPACING); if (engine.cheat) { gfx_textSprites[TS_QUIT].y = MENU_SPACING; screen_blitText(TS_CHEAT_OPTIONS, -1, MENU_Y + 5 * MENU_SPACING); } else { gfx_textSprites[TS_QUIT].y = 0; } screen_blitText(TS_QUIT, -1, MENU_Y + 5 * MENU_SPACING); if (engine.cheat) return 7; return 6; } static int showLoadMenu() { int rtn = 1; for (int i = TS_SAVESLOT_0 ; i <= TS_SAVESLOT_5 ; i++) { rtn++; if (gfx_textSprites[i].image != NULL) { screen_blitText(i, -1, MENU_Y); gfx_textSprites[TS_BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU].y = gfx_textSprites[i].y + 2 * MENU_SPACING; } } screen_blitText(TS_BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU, -1, MENU_Y); return rtn; } static void createDifficultyMenu() { char difficulty[STRMAX_SHORT]; char menutext[STRMAX_SHORT]; gfx_createTextObject(TS_START_GAME, _("START GAME"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); game_getDifficultyText(difficulty, game.difficulty); /// Difficulty menu option. /// Retain "%s" as-is. It is replaced with the difficulty chosen. snprintf(menutext, STRMAX_SHORT, _("DIFFICULTY - %s"), difficulty); gfx_createTextObject(TS_DIFFICULTY, menutext, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); } static int showDifficultyMenu() { screen_blitText(TS_START_GAME, -1, MENU_Y); screen_blitText(TS_DIFFICULTY, -1, MENU_Y + MENU_SPACING); gfx_textSprites[TS_BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU].y = 0; screen_blitText(TS_BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU, -1, MENU_Y + 3 * MENU_SPACING); return 3; } static void createOptionsMenu() { if (engine.useSound) gfx_createTextObject(TS_SOUND, _("SOUND - ON"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); else gfx_createTextObject(TS_SOUND, _("SOUND - OFF"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); if (engine.useMusic) gfx_createTextObject(TS_MUSIC, _("MUSIC - ON"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); else gfx_createTextObject(TS_MUSIC, _("MUSIC - OFF"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); if (engine.fullScreen) gfx_createTextObject(TS_FULLSCREEN, _("FULLSCREEN - ON"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); else gfx_createTextObject(TS_FULLSCREEN, _("FULLSCREEN - OFF"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); if (engine.autoPause) gfx_createTextObject(TS_AUTOPAUSE, _("AUTOPAUSE - ON"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); else gfx_createTextObject(TS_AUTOPAUSE, _("AUTOPAUSE - OFF"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); if (engine.radioLife == RADIO_LIFE_INSTANT) gfx_createTextObject(TS_RADIO_SPEED, _("MESSAGE SPEED - INSTANT"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); else if (engine.radioLife == RADIO_LIFE_FAST) gfx_createTextObject(TS_RADIO_SPEED, _("MESSAGE SPEED - FAST"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); else if (engine.radioLife == RADIO_LIFE_NORMAL) gfx_createTextObject(TS_RADIO_SPEED, _("MESSAGE SPEED - NORMAL"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); else if (engine.radioLife == RADIO_LIFE_SLOW) gfx_createTextObject(TS_RADIO_SPEED, _("MESSAGE SPEED - SLOW"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); else if (engine.radioLife == RADIO_LIFE_SLOTH) gfx_createTextObject(TS_RADIO_SPEED, _("MESSAGE SPEED - SLOTH"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); else // Shouldn't happen, but adding this just in case gfx_createTextObject(TS_RADIO_SPEED, _("MESSAGE SPEED - ERROR"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); } static int showOptionsMenu() { screen_blitText(TS_SOUND, -1, MENU_Y); screen_blitText(TS_MUSIC, -1, MENU_Y + MENU_SPACING); screen_blitText(TS_FULLSCREEN, -1, MENU_Y + 2 * MENU_SPACING); screen_blitText(TS_AUTOPAUSE, -1, MENU_Y + 3 * MENU_SPACING); screen_blitText(TS_RADIO_SPEED, -1, MENU_Y + 4 * MENU_SPACING); gfx_textSprites[TS_BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU].y = 0; screen_blitText(TS_BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU, -1, MENU_Y + 6 * MENU_SPACING); return 6; } static void createCheatMenu() { if (engine.cheatShield) gfx_createTextObject(TS_UNLIMITED_SHIELD, _("UNLIMITED SHIELD - ON"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); else gfx_createTextObject(TS_UNLIMITED_SHIELD, _("UNLIMITED SHIELD - OFF"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); if (engine.cheatAmmo) gfx_createTextObject(TS_UNLIMITED_AMMO, _("UNLIMITED AMMO - ON"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); else gfx_createTextObject(TS_UNLIMITED_AMMO, _("UNLIMITED AMMO - OFF"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); if (engine.cheatCash) gfx_createTextObject(TS_UNLIMITED_CASH, _("UNLIMITED CASH - ON"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); else gfx_createTextObject(TS_UNLIMITED_CASH, _("UNLIMITED CASH - OFF"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); if (engine.cheatTime) gfx_createTextObject(TS_UNLIMITED_TIME, _("UNLIMITED TIME - ON"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); else gfx_createTextObject(TS_UNLIMITED_TIME, _("UNLIMITED TIME - OFF"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); } static int showCheatMenu() { screen_blitText(TS_UNLIMITED_SHIELD, -1, MENU_Y); screen_blitText(TS_UNLIMITED_AMMO, -1, MENU_Y + MENU_SPACING); screen_blitText(TS_UNLIMITED_CASH, -1, MENU_Y + 2 * MENU_SPACING); screen_blitText(TS_UNLIMITED_TIME, -1, MENU_Y + 3 * MENU_SPACING); gfx_textSprites[TS_BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU].y = 0; screen_blitText(TS_BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU, -1, MENU_Y + 5 * MENU_SPACING); return 5; } /* This is the main title screen, with the stars whirling past and the "Parallel Realities, Present..." text. Nothing too special. */ int title_show() { int continueSaveSlot; int then; int now; int x; int y; int redGlow = 255; int redDir = -2; char buildVersion[STRMAX_SHORT]; int selectedOption = 1; int skip = 0; int listLength = 6; // menu list length int menuType = MENU_MAIN; SDL_Surface *copyrightText; SDL_Surface *infoText; game_init(); engine.gameSection = SECTION_TITLE; screen_flushBuffer(); gfx_free(); engine_resetLists(); // required to stop the title screen crashing game.system = 0; game.area = MISN_START; gfx_loadSprites(); screen_clear(black); renderer_update(); screen_clear(black); continueSaveSlot = save_initSlots(); gfx_loadBackground("gfx/spirit.jpg"); SDL_Surface *prlogo, *sflogo; prlogo = gfx_loadImage("gfx/prlogo.png"); sflogo = gfx_loadImage("gfx/sflogo.png"); gfx_createTextObject(TS_PRESENTS, "PRESENTS", 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); gfx_createTextObject(TS_AN_SDL_GAME, "AN SDL GAME", 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); gfx_createTextObject(TS_START_NEW_GAME, _("START NEW GAME"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); gfx_createTextObject(TS_LOAD_GAME, _("LOAD GAME"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); gfx_createTextObject(TS_CONTINUE_CURRENT_GAME, _("CONTINUE CURRENT GAME"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); gfx_createTextObject(TS_OPTIONS, _("OPTIONS"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); gfx_createTextObject(TS_CREDITS, _("CREDITS"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); gfx_createTextObject(TS_CHEAT_OPTIONS, _("CHEAT OPTIONS"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); gfx_createTextObject(TS_QUIT, _("QUIT"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); createOptionsMenu(); createDifficultyMenu(); gfx_createTextObject(TS_BACK_TO_MAIN_MENU, _("BACK TO MAIN MENU"), 0, 0, FONT_WHITE); createCheatMenu(); copyrightText = gfx_createSurface(screen->w, 3 * MENU_SPACING); gfx_renderString("Copyright Parallel Realities 2003", 5, 0, FONT_WHITE, 0, copyrightText); gfx_renderString("Copyright Guus Sliepen, Astrid S. de Wijn and others 2012", 5, MENU_SPACING, FONT_WHITE, 0, copyrightText); gfx_renderString("Copyright 2015-2020 The Diligent Circle", 5, 2 * MENU_SPACING, FONT_WHITE, 0, copyrightText); snprintf(buildVersion, STRMAX_SHORT, "Version %s", VERSION ); infoText = gfx_createSurface(strlen(buildVersion) * (PIXFONT_W + 1) + 6, MENU_SPACING); gfx_renderString(buildVersion, 0, 0, FONT_WHITE, 0, infoText); // Set the star motion engine.ssx = -0.5; engine.ssy = 0; engine.smx = 0; engine.smy = 0; then = SDL_GetTicks(); for (int i = 0 ; i < 15 ; i++) { aliens[i] = alien_defs[rand() % 3]; if ((rand() % 5) == 0) aliens[i] = alien_defs[CD_TRANSPORTSHIP]; if ((rand() % 5) == 0) aliens[i] = alien_defs[CD_MINER]; aliens[i].x = rand() % screen->w; aliens[i].y = rand() % (screen->h - 40); aliens[i].dx = 1 + rand() % 3; aliens[i].face = 0; } SDL_Rect optionRec; optionRec.x = screen->w / 2 - MENU_W / 2; optionRec.y = MENU_Y - 5; optionRec.h = MENU_SPACING + 2; optionRec.w = MENU_W; if (continueSaveSlot != -1) { selectedOption = 3; optionRec.y += 40; } screen_drawBackground(); engine.done = ENGINE_RUNNING; player_flushInput(); engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE] = engine.keyState[KEY_ALTFIRE] = 0; #ifdef OLD_MUSIC audio_playMusic("music/Platinum.mod", 1); #else audio_playMusic("music/walking_among_androids.ogg", 1); #endif while (!engine.done) { renderer_update(); screen_unBuffer(); now = SDL_GetTicks(); game_doStars(); game_doExplosions(); for (int i = 0 ; i < 15 ; i++) { explosion_addEngine(&aliens[i]); aliens[i].x += aliens[i].dx; screen_blit(aliens[i].image[0], (int)aliens[i].x, (int)aliens[i].y); if (aliens[i].x > screen->w + 30) { aliens[i].x = -40; aliens[i].y = rand() % (screen->h - 20); aliens[i].dx = 1 + rand() % 3; } } if ((now - then > 2000) && (now - then < 8000) && (!skip)) { screen_blit(prlogo, ((screen->w - prlogo->w) / 2), ((screen->h - prlogo->h) / 2)); } else if ((now - then > 9000) && (now - then < 15000) && (!skip)) { screen_blitText(TS_PRESENTS, -1, screen->h / 2); } else if ((now - then > 16000) && (now - then < 21000) && (!skip)) { screen_blitText(TS_AN_SDL_GAME, -1, screen->h / 2); } else if ((now - then > 25500) || (skip)) { screen_blit(sflogo, ((screen->w - sflogo->w) / 2), ((screen->h - sflogo->h) / 3)); if ((now - then >= 27500) || (skip)) { optionRec.x = screen->w / 2 - optionRec.w / 2; optionRec.y = (MENU_Y - 4 - MENU_SPACING) + MENU_SPACING * selectedOption; if (menuType > MENU_MAIN) if (selectedOption == listLength) optionRec.y += MENU_SPACING; screen_drawRect(optionRec.x, optionRec.y, optionRec.w, optionRec.h, redGlow, 0x00, 0x00); screen_addBuffer(optionRec.x, optionRec.y, optionRec.w + 1, optionRec.h + 1); switch(menuType) { case MENU_MAIN: listLength = showGameMenu(continueSaveSlot); break; case MENU_DIFFICULTY: listLength = showDifficultyMenu(); break; case MENU_LOAD: listLength = showLoadMenu(); break; case MENU_OPTIONS: listLength = showOptionsMenu(); break; case MENU_CHEAT: listLength = showCheatMenu(); break; } screen_addBuffer(optionRec.x - 1, MENU_Y, optionRec.w + 2, listLength * MENU_SPACING); redGlow += redDir; if (redGlow <= 0) {redDir = 2; redGlow = 0;} if (redGlow >= 255) {redDir = -2; redGlow = 255;} if (engine.keyState[KEY_UP]) { engine.keyState[KEY_UP] = 0; WRAP_ADD(selectedOption, -1, 1, listLength + 1); if (menuType == MENU_MAIN) if (selectedOption == 3) if (continueSaveSlot == -1) selectedOption = 2; } if (engine.keyState[KEY_DOWN]) { engine.keyState[KEY_DOWN] = 0; WRAP_ADD(selectedOption, 1, 0, listLength); if (menuType == MENU_MAIN) if (selectedOption == 3) if (continueSaveSlot == -1) selectedOption = 4; } x = 0; y = screen->h - copyrightText->h; screen_blit(copyrightText, x, y); screen_addBuffer(x, y, copyrightText->w, copyrightText->h); x = screen->w - infoText->w; y = screen->h - infoText->h; screen_blit(infoText, x, y); screen_addBuffer(x, y, infoText->w, infoText->h); } } player_getInput(); if ((engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE] || engine.keyState[KEY_ALTFIRE])) { if ((now - then <= 27500) && (!skip)) { skip = 1; } else { switch (menuType) { case MENU_MAIN: if (selectedOption == 1) { menuType = MENU_DIFFICULTY; selectedOption = 1; } else if (selectedOption == 2) { menuType = MENU_LOAD; selectedOption = 1; } else if (selectedOption == 3) engine.done = ENGINE_CLOSING; else if (selectedOption == 4) { menuType = MENU_OPTIONS; selectedOption = 6; } else if (selectedOption == 5) { engine.done = ENGINE_CLOSING; } else if (selectedOption == 6) { if (engine.cheat) { menuType = MENU_CHEAT; selectedOption = 1; } else engine.done = ENGINE_CLOSING; } else if (selectedOption == 7) engine.done = ENGINE_CLOSING; break; case MENU_DIFFICULTY: if (selectedOption == 1) engine.done = ENGINE_CLOSING; else if (selectedOption == 2) { game.difficulty++; game.difficulty %= DIFFICULTY_MAX; } else if (selectedOption == listLength) { menuType = MENU_MAIN; selectedOption = 1; } createDifficultyMenu(); break; case MENU_LOAD: if (selectedOption != listLength) { engine.done = ENGINE_CLOSING; continueSaveSlot = selectedOption - 1; selectedOption = 3; } else { menuType = MENU_MAIN; selectedOption = 1; } break; case MENU_OPTIONS: if ((selectedOption == 1) && (engine.useAudio)) { engine.useSound = !engine.useSound; } else if ((selectedOption == 2) && (engine.useAudio)) { engine.useMusic = !engine.useMusic; if (engine.useMusic) { #ifdef OLD_MUSIC audio_playMusic("music/Platinum.mod", 1); #else audio_playMusic("music/walking_among_androids.ogg", 1); #endif } else { audio_haltMusic(); } } else if (selectedOption == 3) { engine.fullScreen = !engine.fullScreen; SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, (engine.fullScreen ? FULLSCREEN : 0)); } else if (selectedOption == 4) { engine.autoPause = !engine.autoPause; } else if (selectedOption == 5) { if (engine.radioLife == RADIO_LIFE_INSTANT) engine.radioLife = RADIO_LIFE_FAST; else if (engine.radioLife == RADIO_LIFE_FAST) engine.radioLife = RADIO_LIFE_NORMAL; else if (engine.radioLife == RADIO_LIFE_NORMAL) engine.radioLife = RADIO_LIFE_SLOW; else if (engine.radioLife == RADIO_LIFE_SLOW) engine.radioLife = RADIO_LIFE_SLOTH; else if (engine.radioLife == RADIO_LIFE_SLOTH) engine.radioLife = RADIO_LIFE_INSTANT; else // Just in case engine.radioLife = RADIO_LIFE_NORMAL; } else if (selectedOption == listLength) { menuType = MENU_MAIN; selectedOption = 4; } createOptionsMenu(); break; case MENU_CHEAT: if (selectedOption == 1) engine.cheatShield = !engine.cheatShield; else if (selectedOption == 2) engine.cheatAmmo = !engine.cheatAmmo; else if (selectedOption == 3) engine.cheatCash = !engine.cheatCash; else if (selectedOption == 4) engine.cheatTime = !engine.cheatTime; else if (selectedOption == listLength) { menuType = MENU_MAIN; selectedOption = 1; } createCheatMenu(); break; default: menuType = MENU_MAIN; selectedOption = 1; break; } } engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE] = 0; engine.keyState[KEY_ALTFIRE] = 0; } game_delayFrame(); } audio_haltMusic(); SDL_FreeSurface(prlogo); SDL_FreeSurface(sflogo); SDL_FreeSurface(copyrightText); SDL_FreeSurface(infoText); engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE] = 0; engine.keyState[KEY_ALTFIRE] = 0; engine_resetLists(); if (selectedOption == 1) { game_init(); selectedOption = 2; // go straight to mission 0 } if (selectedOption == 3) { game_init(); selectedOption = save_load(continueSaveSlot); } if (selectedOption == 5) { title_showCredits(); selectedOption = 0; } // Send back a negative number... if (selectedOption > 5) { selectedOption = -1; exit(0); } return selectedOption; } void title_showCredits() { gfx_loadBackground("gfx/credits.jpg"); screen_flushBuffer(); gfx_free(); FILE *fp; int lastCredit; int yPos = 0; int yPos2 = screen->h; char text[STRMAX]; int i; TextObject *credit; int nCredit; screen_clear(black); renderer_update(); screen_clear(black); screen_drawBackground(); #ifdef OLD_MUSIC audio_playMusic("music/Solace.s3m", 1); #else audio_playMusic("music/rise_of_spirit.ogg", 1); #endif fp = fopen("data/credits.txt", "rb"); nCredit = 0; while (fscanf(fp, "%d %[^\n]%*c", &yPos, text) == 2) { nCredit++; } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); credit = malloc(nCredit * sizeof(*credit)); if (credit == NULL) { engine_warn("Failed to allocate memory for credits"); return; } lastCredit = -1; while (fscanf(fp, "%d %[^\n]%*c", &yPos, text) == 2) { lastCredit++; if (lastCredit < nCredit) { credit[lastCredit].image = gfx_createTextSurface(text, FONT_WHITE); credit[lastCredit].x = (screen->w - credit[lastCredit].image->w) / 2; yPos2 += yPos; credit[lastCredit].y = yPos2; } else { engine_warn("Credit size reached, but still scanning the file!"); lastCredit--; break; } } fclose(fp); engine.done = ENGINE_RUNNING; engine.keyState[KEY_ESCAPE] = 0; engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE] = 0; engine.keyState[KEY_ALTFIRE] = 0; player_flushInput(); while (1) { renderer_update(); screen_unBuffer(); player_getInput(); if (engine.keyState[KEY_ESCAPE] || engine.keyState[KEY_FIRE] || engine.keyState[KEY_ALTFIRE]) break; // Check to see if we need to reposition credits if (credit[0].x != (screen->w - credit[0].image->w) / 2) { for (i=0; i< nCredit; i++) { credit[i].x = (screen->w - credit[i].image->w) / 2; } } float speed = 0.5; if (engine.keyState[KEY_DOWN]) speed = 2; else if (engine.keyState[KEY_UP]) speed = -2; for (i = 0 ; i <= lastCredit ; i++) { if ((credit[i].y > -10) && (credit[i].y < (screen->h + 10))) screen_blit(credit[i].image, (int)credit[i].x, (int)credit[i].y); if (speed > 0 && credit[lastCredit].y > ((screen->h / 2) + 100)) credit[i].y -= speed; else if(speed < 0 && credit[0].y < screen->h) credit[i].y -= speed; } game_delayFrame(); } for (i = 0 ; i <= lastCredit ; i++) { SDL_FreeSurface(credit[i].image); } free(credit); }