2 FACE_CREW -1 0 Thank God! Please, help us! If they destroy this ship... 6 FACE_CHRIS -1 0 How long do you need? 10 FACE_CREW -1 0 Just a few minutes! 60 FACE_CREW 19 -16 Alright! We've got the weapons working again!!! Okay, now to look at the engines! 80 FACE_CREW 19 16 DAMN!!! The guns are offline again! What you guys doing back there?!!! 100 FACE_CREW 19 2048 Chris, HELP!!! We've lost all system power!! We're a sitting duck out here! 120 FACE_CREW -1 0 Just a little longer... 140 FACE_CREW 19 -2048 Okay! We've fixed that one. We think we've found the problem with the engines too... 177 FACE_CREW -1 0 Engines fixed!!! Let's move!!! 180 -1 19 132 @none@ 0