/* Copyright (C) 2003 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "bullets.h" void addBullet(object *theWeapon, object *attacker, int y, int dy) { object *bullet; signed char imageIndex; int tempX, tempY, steps; bullet = new object; if (attacker == &player) currentGame.shots++; bullet->next = NULL; bullet->active = 1; bullet->x = attacker->x - ((attacker->image[0]->w / 2) * attacker->face); bullet->y = attacker->y + y; bullet->flags = theWeapon->flags; bullet->shield = 300; // bullets live for (approximately) 5 seconds // Timed explosions live between 1 and 3 seconds if (bullet->flags & WF_TIMEDEXPLOSION) bullet->shield = 60 + ((rand() % 3) * 60); if (attacker->face == 0) { bullet->dx = theWeapon->speed; if ((currentGame.area == 18) || (currentGame.area == 24)) bullet->dx += fabs(engine.ssx); } else { bullet->dx = (0 - theWeapon->speed); } if (bullet->flags & WF_VARIABLE_SPEED) { bullet->dx = Math::rrand(100, 200); bullet->dx /= 10; if (attacker->face == 1) bullet->dx = 0 - bullet->dx; } bullet->dy = dy; if (bullet->flags & WF_SCATTER) { bullet->dy = Math::rrand(-200, 200); if (bullet->dy != 0) bullet->dy /= 200; } if (attacker->flags & FL_WEAPCO) bullet->flags += WF_WEAPCO; else bullet->flags += WF_FRIEND; bullet->owner = attacker->owner; bullet->id = theWeapon->id; bullet->damage = theWeapon->damage; if (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER) { bullet->damage = attacker->ammo[1]; if (bullet->damage < 50) { bullet->damage = 1; bullet->id = WT_PLASMA; } } bullet->target = NULL; if (attacker->flags & FL_FRIEND) imageIndex = 0; else imageIndex = 1; // Use the enemy's images if applicable if (bullet->id != WT_ROCKET) bullet->image[0] = theWeapon->image[imageIndex]; else bullet->image[0] = theWeapon->image[attacker->face]; if (bullet->flags & WF_AIMED) { tempX = (int)fabs(attacker->target->x - attacker->x); tempY = (int)fabs(attacker->target->y - attacker->y); steps = max(tempX, tempY); if (steps < 12) steps = 12; if (!(bullet->flags & WF_TIMEDEXPLOSION)) steps /= 8; else steps /= 6 + (rand() % 6); tempX = (int)(attacker->target->x - attacker->x); tempY = (int)(attacker->target->y - attacker->y); bullet->dx = tempX / steps; bullet->dy = tempY / steps; } if (attacker->classDef == CD_ASTEROID) { bullet->dx = Math::rrand(-20, 20); bullet->dy = Math::rrand(-20, 20); bullet->image[0] = graphics.shape[4]; } engine.bulletTail->next = bullet; engine.bulletTail = bullet; } /* Fill in later... */ void fireBullet(object *attacker, int weaponType) { if (attacker->reload[weaponType] > 0) return; int y = (attacker->image[0]->h) / 5; // Remove some ammo from the player if ((attacker == &player) && (weaponType == 1) && (!engine.cheatAmmo)) player.ammo[1]--; object *theWeapon = &weapon[attacker->weaponType[weaponType]]; switch(theWeapon->id) { case WT_PLASMA: case WT_SPREAD: case WT_DIRECTIONAL: playSound(SFX_PLASMA); break; case WT_ROCKET: playSound(SFX_MISSILE); break; case WT_LASER: playSound(SFX_LASER); break; case WT_CHARGER: playSound(SFX_PLASMA3); break; } if (theWeapon->flags & WF_STRAIGHT) { switch (theWeapon->ammo[0]) { case 1: addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 3, 0); break; case 2: addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 2, 0); addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 4, 0); break; case 3: addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 2, 0); addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 3, 0); addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 4, 0); break; case 4: addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y, 0); addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 2, 0); addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 4, 0); addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 5, 0); break; case 5: for (int i = 1 ; i < 6; i++) addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * i, 0); break; } } else if (theWeapon->flags & WF_THIN_SPREAD) { addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 2, -1); if (theWeapon->ammo[0] == 3) { addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 3, 0); } else { addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 2, 0); addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 4, 0); } addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 4, 1); } else if (theWeapon->flags & WF_WIDE_SPREAD) { addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 1, -2); addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 2, -1); addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 3, 0); addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 4, 1); addBullet(theWeapon, attacker, y * 5, 2); } // Reset the weapon reload time. Double it if it is not friendly or a boss or Kline attacker->reload[weaponType] = theWeapon->reload[0]; if ((attacker->flags & FL_WEAPCO) && (attacker != &enemy[WC_BOSS]) && (attacker != &enemy[WC_KLINE]) && (theWeapon->id != W_LASER)) attacker->reload[weaponType] *= 2; if ((engine.cheatAmmo) || (theWeapon->id == WT_LASER)) return; if ((attacker == &player) && (weaponType == 0)) { if (player.ammo[0] > 0) { player.ammo[0]--; if (player.ammo[0] == 0) { player.weaponType[0] = W_PLAYER_WEAPON; weapon[W_PLAYER_WEAPON2] = weapon[W_PLAYER_WEAPON]; // reset to weapon 1 defaults } } } } /* Used for homing missiles. When a missile is active and it is told to home in on an enemy, it will attempt to randomly grab one every frame if it does not already have a target. If the target it is currently chasing is killed, it will begin to look for a new one (done in doBullets()). The homing missile will make one attempt per call (one call per frame) to find a suitable target. If the target it picks is dead or outside the screen range, then it returns NULL. A suitable target will be returned as the object address. */ object *getRandomEnemy(object *bullet) { int i; if (bullet->owner->flags & FL_WEAPCO) { i = (rand() % 10); if (i < 1) return &player; } i = rand() % MAX_ALIENS; if ((enemy[i].shield < 1) || (!enemy[i].active)) return NULL; if ((bullet->owner->flags & FL_WEAPCO) && (enemy[i].flags & FL_WEAPCO)) return NULL; if ((bullet->owner->flags & FL_FRIEND) && (enemy[i].flags & FL_FRIEND)) return NULL; if (abs((int)bullet->x - (int)enemy[i].target->x) > 800) return NULL; if (abs((int)bullet->y - (int)enemy[i].target->y) > 200) return NULL; return &enemy[i]; } /* Fill in later... */ void destroyAlien(object *bullet, object *theEnemy) { playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION); // Chain reaction destruction if needed if (theEnemy->flags & FL_DAMAGEOWNER) { theEnemy->owner->shield -= theEnemy->maxShield; if (theEnemy->owner->shield < 1) destroyAlien(bullet, theEnemy->owner); } if (theEnemy->flags & FL_FRIEND) { if (theEnemy->classDef == CD_PHOEBE) currentGame.wingMate1Ejects++; else if (theEnemy->classDef == CD_URSULA) currentGame.wingMate2Ejects++; // Phoebe cannot eject on the rescue mission if (currentGame.area != 7) { if ((theEnemy->classDef == CD_PHOEBE) || (theEnemy->classDef == CD_URSULA)) setInfoLine(">> Ally has ejected! <<\n", FONT_RED); else setInfoLine(">> Friendly craft has been destroy!! <<\n", FONT_RED); } } if (bullet->owner == &player) { // Once again, stop point leeching if (currentGame.area != MAX_MISSIONS - 1) currentGame.cash += theEnemy->score; currentGame.cashEarned += theEnemy->score; currentGame.totalKills++; } else if (bullet->owner->classDef == CD_PHOEBE) { currentGame.wingMate1Kills++; } else if (bullet->owner->classDef == CD_URSULA) { currentGame.wingMate2Kills++; } else { currentGame.totalOtherKills++; } if ((bullet->owner->classDef == CD_PHOEBE) || (bullet->owner->classDef == CD_URSULA)) { if ((rand() % 8) == 0) { getKillMessage(bullet->owner); } } updateMissionRequirements(M_DESTROY_TARGET_TYPE, theEnemy->classDef, 1); updateMissionRequirements(M_PROTECT_TARGET, theEnemy->classDef, 1); if (rand() % 100 <= theEnemy->collectChance) { unsigned char value; if ((rand() % 10) == 0) theEnemy->collectValue *= 2; while (theEnemy->collectValue > 0) { value = (10 + (rand() % theEnemy->collectValue)); if (value > theEnemy->collectValue) value =theEnemy->collectValue; addCollectable(theEnemy->x, theEnemy->y, theEnemy->collectType, value, 600); theEnemy->collectValue -= value; } } // Make it explode immediately if (theEnemy->classDef == CD_ASTEROID) { theEnemy->shield = -999; if ((currentGame.area == 10) && (theEnemy != &enemy[0]) && (currentMission.completed1[0] == 0) && (currentMission.targetValue1[1] == 1)) engine.targetArrowTimer = 120; } if ((theEnemy->classDef == CD_KRASS) && (bullet->owner == &player)) setRadioMessage(FACE_CHRIS, "My NAME is CHRIS!!!!!!!!", 1); if (theEnemy->classDef == CD_KLINE) { setRadioMessage(FACE_KLINE, "It was an honor... to have fought you...", 1); theEnemy->dx = theEnemy->dy = 0; theEnemy->maxShield = 1500; theEnemy->shield = -200; } } char checkPlayerShockDamage(float x, float y) { // Don't let the player be hurt by an explosion after they have completed // all the mission objectives. That would be *really* annoying! if ((engine.cheatShield) || (engine.missionCompleteTimer != 0)) return 0; float distX = fabs(x - player.x); float distY = fabs(y - player.y); if ((distX <= 50) && (distY <= 50)) { if (distX >= 1) distX /= 5; if (distY >= 1) distY /= 5; player.shield -= (int)(10 - distX); player.shield -= (int)(10 - distY); Math::limitInt(&player.shield, 0, player.maxShield); player.hit = 10; return 1; } return 0; } /* Fill in later... */ void fireRay(object *attacker) { SDL_Rect ray; if (attacker->face == 0) { ray.x = (int)(attacker->x + attacker->image[0]->w); } else { ray.x = (int)(attacker->x - 800); } ray.y = (int)(attacker->y + attacker->engineY - 1); ray.h = 3; ray.w = 800; int red = SDL_MapRGB(graphics.screen->format, rand() % 256, 0x00, 0x00); SDL_FillRect(graphics.screen, &ray, red); graphics.addBuffer(ray.x, ray.y, ray.w, ray.h); if (attacker != &player) { if (player.shield > 0) { if (Collision::collision(player.x, player.y, player.image[0]->w, player.image[0]->h, ray.x, ray.y, ray.w, ray.h) && (!engine.cheatShield)) { if (player.shield > engine.lowShield) { if (player.shield - 1 <= engine.lowShield) { setInfoLine("!!! WARNING: SHIELD LOW !!!", FONT_RED); } } player.shield--; addExplosion(player.x, player.y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION); playSound(SFX_HIT); if (player.shield < 1) { playSound(SFX_DEATH); playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION); } } } } object *anEnemy = enemy; for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_ALIENS ; i++) { if (anEnemy->flags & FL_IMMORTAL) continue; if ((anEnemy->shield > 0) && (attacker != anEnemy) && (attacker->classDef != anEnemy->classDef)) { if (Collision::collision(anEnemy->x, anEnemy->y, anEnemy->image[0]->w, anEnemy->image[0]->h, ray.x, ray.y, ray.w, ray.h)) { anEnemy->shield--; addExplosion(anEnemy->x, anEnemy->y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION); playSound(SFX_HIT); if (anEnemy->shield < 1) { destroyAlien(attacker, anEnemy); } } } anEnemy++; } attacker->ammo[0]--; if (attacker->ammo[0] < 1) attacker->flags -= FL_FIRERAY; } /* This handles active bullets in a linked list. The current bullet and previous bullet pointers are first assigned to the main header bullet and each successive bullet is pulled out. Bullets are moved in their delta coordinates, with rockets having fire trails added to them. Seperate collision checks are done for a bullet that belongs to the enemy and one that belongs to a player. However rockets can hit anyone. Upon an enemy being killed, mission requirements are checked and collectables are randomly spawned. */ void doBullets() { object *bullet = engine.bulletHead; object *prevBullet = engine.bulletHead; engine.bulletTail = engine.bulletHead; object *theEnemy, *theCargo; signed char okayToHit = 0; float homingMissileSpeed = 0; while (bullet->next != NULL) { bullet = bullet->next; if (bullet->active == 1) { if (bullet->flags & WF_HOMING) { if (bullet->target == NULL) bullet->target = getRandomEnemy(bullet); if (bullet->owner->flags & FL_FRIEND) homingMissileSpeed = 0.25; else homingMissileSpeed = 0.05; } if (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET) { addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION); } else if (bullet->id == WT_MICROROCKET) { addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_TINY_EXPLOSION); } if ((bullet->flags & WF_AIMED) || (bullet->flags & WF_THIN_SPREAD)) { graphics.blit(bullet->image[0], (int)(bullet->x - bullet->dx), (int)(bullet->y - bullet->dy)); } if (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER) { for (int i = 0 ; i < bullet->damage ; i++) graphics.blit(bullet->image[0], (int)(bullet->x - Math::rrand(-(bullet->damage / 3), 0)), (int)(bullet->y + Math::rrand(-3, 3))); } graphics.blit(bullet->image[0], (int)bullet->x, (int)bullet->y); bullet->x += bullet->dx; bullet->y += bullet->dy; if (bullet->target != NULL) { if (bullet->x < bullet->target->x) Math::limitFloat(&(bullet->dx += homingMissileSpeed), -15, 15); if (bullet->x > bullet->target->x) Math::limitFloat(&(bullet->dx -= homingMissileSpeed), -15, 15); //Rocket is (more or less) inline with target. Fly straight if ((bullet->x > bullet->target->x - 1) && (bullet->x < bullet->target->x + 5)) bullet->dx = 0; if (bullet->y < bullet->target->y) Math::limitFloat(&(bullet->dy += homingMissileSpeed), -15, 15); if (bullet->y > bullet->target->y) Math::limitFloat(&(bullet->dy -= homingMissileSpeed), -15, 15); //Rocket is (more or less) inline with target. Fly straight if ((bullet->y > bullet->target->y - 1) && (bullet->y < bullet->target->y + 5)) bullet->dy = 0; if ((bullet->target->shield < 1) || (bullet->target->flags & FL_ISCLOAKED)) bullet->target = NULL; } bullet->x += engine.ssx; bullet->y += engine.ssy; for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_ALIENS ; i++) { theEnemy = &enemy[i]; if ((theEnemy->shield < 1) || (!theEnemy->active)) continue; okayToHit = 0; if ((bullet->flags & WF_FRIEND) && (theEnemy->flags & FL_WEAPCO)) okayToHit = 1; if ((bullet->flags & WF_WEAPCO) && (theEnemy->flags & FL_FRIEND)) okayToHit = 1; if ((bullet->id == WT_ROCKET) || (bullet->id == WT_LASER) || (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER)) okayToHit = 1; if (bullet->owner == theEnemy->owner) okayToHit = 0; if (okayToHit) { if ((bullet->active == 1) && (Collision::collision(bullet, theEnemy))) { if (bullet->owner == &player) { currentGame.hits++; if ((theEnemy->classDef == CD_PHOEBE) || (theEnemy->classDef == CD_URSULA)) getMissFireMessage(theEnemy); } if (!(theEnemy->flags & FL_IMMORTAL)) { if (!(bullet->flags & WF_DISABLE)) theEnemy->shield -= bullet->damage; else theEnemy->systemPower -= bullet->damage; theEnemy->hit = 5; } if (theEnemy->flags & FL_CANNOTDIE) { Math::limitInt(&theEnemy->shield, 1, theEnemy->maxShield); if (theEnemy->shield == 1) { if (currentGame.area != 26) { if (!(theEnemy->flags & FL_LEAVESECTOR)) { theEnemy->flags += FL_LEAVESECTOR; if (theEnemy->flags & FL_CIRCLES) theEnemy->flags -= FL_CIRCLES; if (currentGame.area == 11) setRadioMessage(FACE_KLINE, "Seems I underestimated you, Bainfield! We'll meet again!", 1); else if (currentGame.area == 25) setRadioMessage(FACE_SID, "Chris, Kethlan is getting away!", 1); } } else { setKlineAttackMethod(theEnemy); } } } if ((theEnemy->flags & FL_RUNSAWAY) && ((rand() % 50) == 0)) { if (!(theEnemy->flags & FL_LEAVESECTOR)) theEnemy->flags += FL_LEAVESECTOR; } if (bullet->id != WT_CHARGER) { bullet->active = 0; bullet->shield = 0; } else if (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER) { bullet->shield -= theEnemy->shield; if (bullet->shield < 0) bullet->active = 0; } playSound(SFX_HIT); if (theEnemy->AIType == AI_EVASIVE) theEnemy->thinktime = 0; if (theEnemy->shield < 1) destroyAlien(bullet, theEnemy); if (theEnemy->systemPower < 1) { if (!(theEnemy->flags & FL_DISABLED)) { theEnemy->flags += FL_DISABLED; updateMissionRequirements(M_DISABLE_TARGET, theEnemy->classDef, 1); } theEnemy->systemPower = 0; if (theEnemy->classDef == CD_KLINE) theEnemy->systemPower = theEnemy->maxShield; } if (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET) addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_BIG_EXPLOSION); else addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION); } } } // Check for bullets hitting player if ((bullet->flags & WF_WEAPCO) || (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET) || (bullet->id == WT_LASER) || (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER)) { if ((bullet->active == 1) && (player.shield > 0) && (Collision::collision(bullet, &player)) && (bullet->owner != &player)) { if ((!engine.cheatShield) || (engine.missionCompleteTimer != 0)) { if (player.shield > engine.lowShield) { if (player.shield - bullet->damage <= engine.lowShield) { setInfoLine("!!! WARNING: SHIELD LOW !!!", FONT_RED); } } player.shield -= bullet->damage; Math::limitInt(&player.shield, 0, player.maxShield); player.hit = 5; } if ((bullet->owner->classDef == CD_PHOEBE) || (bullet->owner->classDef == CD_URSULA)) getPlayerHitMessage(bullet->owner); if (bullet->id != WT_CHARGER) { bullet->active = 0; bullet->shield = 0; } else if (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER) { bullet->shield -= theEnemy->shield; if (bullet->shield < 0) bullet->active = 0; } playSound(SFX_HIT); if (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET) addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_BIG_EXPLOSION); else addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION); } } } if (((bullet->owner == &player)) || (bullet->id == WT_ROCKET)) { for (int j = 0 ; j < 20 ; j++) { theCargo = &cargo[j]; if (theCargo->active) { if (Collision::collision(bullet, theCargo)) { bullet->active = 0; addExplosion(bullet->x, bullet->y, E_SMALL_EXPLOSION); playSound(SFX_HIT); if (theCargo->collectType != P_PHOEBE) { theCargo->active = 0; playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION); for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) addExplosion(theCargo->x + Math::rrand(-15, 15), theCargo->y + Math::rrand(-15, 15), E_BIG_EXPLOSION); updateMissionRequirements(M_PROTECT_PICKUP, P_CARGO, 1); } } } } } // check to see if a bullet (on any side) hits a mine checkMineBulletCollisions(bullet); bullet->shield--; if (bullet->shield < 1) { if ((bullet->flags & WF_TIMEDEXPLOSION) || (bullet->id == WT_CHARGER)) { playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION); for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) addExplosion(bullet->x + Math::rrand(-35, 35), bullet->y + Math::rrand(-35, 35), E_BIG_EXPLOSION); if (bullet->flags & WF_TIMEDEXPLOSION) if (checkPlayerShockDamage(bullet->x, bullet->y)) setInfoLine("Warning: Missile Shockwave Damage!!", FONT_RED); } bullet->active = 0; } if (bullet->active == 1) { prevBullet = bullet; engine.bulletTail = bullet; } else { prevBullet->next = bullet->next; delete bullet; bullet = prevBullet; } } }