/* Copyright (C) 2003 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "Starfighter.h" object player; /* Initialises the player for a new game. */ void initPlayer() { player.active = true; player.x = 200; player.y = 200; player.speed = 2; player.maxShield = (25 * currentGame.shieldUnits); player.systemPower = player.maxShield; player.face = 0; player.image[0] = shipShape[0]; player.image[1] = shipShape[1]; player.engineX = player.image[0]->w; player.engineY = (player.image[0]->h / 2); player.owner = &player; player.flags = FL_FRIEND; player.weaponType[0] = W_PLAYER_WEAPON; if (player.ammo[0] > 0) { player.weaponType[0] = W_PLAYER_WEAPON2; } else { player.weaponType[0] = W_PLAYER_WEAPON; weapon[1] = weapon[0]; // reset to weapon 1 defaults } player.hit = 0; engine.lowShield = (player.maxShield / 3); engine.averageShield = engine.lowShield + engine.lowShield; if (player.weaponType[1] == W_CHARGER) player.ammo[1] = 0; if (player.weaponType[1] == W_LASER) player.ammo[1] = 1; } void doPlayer() { // This causes the motion to slow engine.ssx *= 0.99; engine.ssy *= 0.99; int shapeToUse; if (player.shield > -100) { if (player.shield > 0) { if ((engine.keyState[SDLK_LCTRL]) || (engine.keyState[SDLK_RCTRL])) fireBullet(&player, 0); if ((engine.keyState[SDLK_SPACE]) && (player.weaponType[1] != W_NONE)) { if ((player.weaponType[1] != W_CHARGER) && (player.weaponType[1] != W_LASER) && (player.ammo[1] > 0)) { fireBullet(&player, 1); } if (player.weaponType[1] == W_LASER) { if (player.ammo[1] < 100) { fireBullet(&player, 1); player.ammo[1] += 2; if (player.ammo[1] >= 100) { player.ammo[1] = 200; setInfoLine("Laser Overheat!!", FONT_WHITE); } } } } if (player.weaponType[1] == W_CHARGER) { if (engine.keyState[SDLK_SPACE]) { limitCharAdd(&player.ammo[1], 1, 0, 200); } else { if (player.ammo[1] > 0) fireBullet(&player, 1); player.ammo[1] = 0; } } if ((engine.keyState[SDLK_LSHIFT]) || (engine.keyState[SDLK_RSHIFT])) { if (player.ammo[0] < 1) { if (weapon[0].ammo[0] == 3) { if (weapon[0].flags & WF_THIN_SPREAD) { weapon[0].flags -= WF_THIN_SPREAD; weapon[0].flags += WF_STRAIGHT; setInfoLine("Weapon set to Concentrate", FONT_WHITE); } else { weapon[0].flags -= WF_STRAIGHT; weapon[0].flags += WF_THIN_SPREAD; setInfoLine("Weapon set to Spread", FONT_WHITE); } } } else { if (weapon[1].ammo[0] == 3) { if (weapon[1].flags & WF_THIN_SPREAD) { weapon[1].flags -= WF_THIN_SPREAD; weapon[1].flags += WF_STRAIGHT; setInfoLine("Weapon set to Concentrate", FONT_WHITE); } else { weapon[1].flags -= WF_STRAIGHT; weapon[1].flags += WF_THIN_SPREAD; setInfoLine("Weapon set to Spread", FONT_WHITE); } } else if (weapon[1].ammo[0] == 4) { if (weapon[1].flags & WF_THIN_SPREAD) { weapon[1].flags -= WF_THIN_SPREAD; weapon[1].flags += WF_STRAIGHT; setInfoLine("Weapon set to Concentrate", FONT_WHITE); } else { weapon[1].flags -= WF_STRAIGHT; weapon[1].flags += WF_THIN_SPREAD; setInfoLine("Weapon set to Spread", FONT_WHITE); } } else if (weapon[1].ammo[0] == 5) { if (weapon[1].flags & WF_WIDE_SPREAD) { if (weapon[1].flags & WF_THIN_SPREAD) weapon[1].flags -= WF_THIN_SPREAD; weapon[1].flags -= WF_WIDE_SPREAD; weapon[1].flags += WF_STRAIGHT; setInfoLine("Weapon set to Concentrate", FONT_WHITE); } else { if (weapon[1].flags & WF_THIN_SPREAD) weapon[1].flags -= WF_THIN_SPREAD; weapon[1].flags -= WF_STRAIGHT; weapon[1].flags += WF_WIDE_SPREAD; setInfoLine("Weapon set to Spread", FONT_WHITE); } } } engine.keyState[SDLK_LSHIFT] = engine.keyState[SDLK_RSHIFT] = 0; } limitCharAdd(&player.reload[0], -1, 0, 999); limitCharAdd(&player.reload[1], -1, 0, 999); if (engine.keyState[SDLK_UP]) { player.y -= player.speed; engine.ssy += 0.1; } if (engine.keyState[SDLK_DOWN]) { player.y += player.speed; engine.ssy -= 0.1; } if (engine.keyState[SDLK_LEFT]) { player.x -= player.speed; engine.ssx += 0.1; player.face = 1; } if (engine.keyState[SDLK_RIGHT]) { player.x += player.speed; engine.ssx -= 0.1; player.face = 0; } if (engine.keyState[SDLK_ESCAPE]) { if ((engine.done == 0) && (engine.gameSection == SECTION_GAME) && (currentMission.remainingObjectives1 == 0)) { playSound(SFX_FLY); engine.done = 2; engine.missionCompleteTimer = (SDL_GetTicks() - 1); } } if (engine.keyState[SDLK_p]) { engine.paused = true; engine.keyState[SDLK_p] = 0; } if ((engine.keyState[SDLK_t]) && (currentGame.area != 10)) { if (engine.targetArrowTimer == -1) engine.targetArrowTimer = 0; else engine.targetArrowTimer = -1; engine.keyState[SDLK_t] = 0; } if ((engine.missionCompleteTimer == 0) && (engine.targetArrowTimer == -1)) { if ((enemy[engine.targetIndex].shield < 1) && (currentGame.area != 10)) { engine.targetIndex = rand() % MAX_ALIENS; if (enemy[engine.targetIndex].flags & FL_FRIEND) engine.targetIndex = 0; else setTarget(engine.targetIndex); } } if (((currentGame.area == 18) && (enemy[WC_BOSS].shield > 0)) || (currentGame.area == 24)) player.face = 0; if (engine.done == 0) { limitFloat(&player.x, 100, 700); limitFloat(&player.y, 100, 500); } if (player.shield > engine.lowShield) addEngine(&player); shapeToUse = player.face; if (player.hit) shapeToUse += SHIP_HIT_INDEX; limitCharAdd(&player.hit, -1, 0, 100); blit(shipShape[shapeToUse], (int)player.x, (int)player.y); if ((player.shield <= engine.lowShield) && (rand() % 5 < 1)) addExplosion(player.x + rrand(-10, 10), player.y + rrand(-10, 20), E_SMOKE); } else { player.active = false; player.shield--; if (player.shield == -1) { if ((currentGame.hasWingMate1) || (enemy[WC_KLINE].active)) getPlayerDeathMessage(); // Make it look like the ships are all still moving... if (currentGame.area == 18) { for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_ALIENS ; i++) enemy[i].flags += FL_LEAVESECTOR; } playSound(SFX_DEATH); playSound(SFX_EXPLOSION); } engine.keyState[SDLK_UP] = engine.keyState[SDLK_DOWN] = engine.keyState[SDLK_LEFT] = engine.keyState[SDLK_RIGHT] = 0; if ((rand() % 3) == 0) addExplosion(player.x + rrand(-10, 10), player.y + rrand(-10, 10), E_BIG_EXPLOSION); if (player.shield == -99) addDebris((int)player.x, (int)player.y, player.maxShield); } } limitFloat(&engine.ssx, -3, 3); limitFloat(&engine.ssy, -3, 3); // Specific for the mission were you have to chase the Executive Transport if ((currentGame.area == 18) && (enemy[WC_BOSS].shield > 0) && (player.shield > 0)) { engine.ssx = -6; engine.ssy = 0; } if (currentGame.area == 24) { engine.ssx = -6; engine.ssy = 0; } player.dx = engine.ssx; player.dy = engine.ssy; } void flushInput() { for (int i = 0 ; i < 350 ; i++) engine.keyState[i] = 0; while (SDL_PollEvent(&engine.event)){} } void getPlayerInput() { if (engine.gameSection == SECTION_INTERMISSION) { // Get the current mouse position int x, y; SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y); engine.cursor_x = x; engine.cursor_y = y; } if (SDL_PollEvent(&engine.event)) { switch (engine.event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: exit(0); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if (engine.gameSection == SECTION_INTERMISSION) { if (engine.event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) engine.keyState[SDLK_LCTRL] = 1; if (engine.event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) engine.keyState[SDLK_SPACE] = 1; } break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: if (engine.gameSection == SECTION_TITLE) addKeyEvent(SDL_GetKeyName(engine.event.key.keysym.sym)); engine.keyState[engine.event.key.keysym.sym] = 1; if (engine.gameSection != SECTION_GAME) engine.paused = false; break; case SDL_KEYUP: if (engine.event.key.keysym.sym != SDLK_p) engine.keyState[engine.event.key.keysym.sym] = 0; break; default: break; } } } void leaveSector() { engine.keyState[SDLK_UP] = engine.keyState[SDLK_DOWN] = engine.keyState[SDLK_LEFT] = engine.keyState[SDLK_RIGHT] = 0; engine.keyState[SDLK_LCTRL] = engine.keyState[SDLK_RCTRL] = engine.keyState[SDLK_SPACE] = 0; if (engine.done == 0) engine.done = 3; if (engine.done == 3) { player.face = 0; if (player.x > -100) { player.x += engine.ssx; engine.ssx -= 1; if (player.y > 300) player.y--; if (player.y < 300) player.y++; } if (player.x <= -100) { engine.done = 2; playSound(SFX_FLY); } } if (engine.done == 2) { player.face = 0; player.x += 12; engine.ssx -= 0.2; if (player.x > 1600) engine.done = 1; } }