In order to create the final soundtrack, you need the following packages installed: - csound - abcmidi - fluid-soundfont-gm - vorbis-tools The .abc files contain the music scores in ABC notation. These are converted to MIDI format with abc2midi. For each .abc file there is a .csd file which sets up the instruments so csound can render the MIDI file. At the moment we are using only the fluid opcodes. These render notes using a General Midi soundfont. After csound has rendered everything to a .wav file, oggenc is used to create the final .ogg file. If the abcm2ps package is installed, you can create sheet music from the .abc files. This can be helpful to spot mistakes. TODO: - Use ABC part notation to simulate module tracker patterns. - Use csound to add effects that cannot be represented by ABC (for example, filter sweeps).