# -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. # # This file has been dedicated to the public domain, to the extent # possible under applicable law, via CC0. See # http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ for more # information. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty. AC_PREREQ([2.69]) AC_INIT([Project: Starfighter], [1.7-dev], [onpon4@riseup.net], [starfighter]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign -Wall -Werror]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/Starfighter.cpp]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_INSTALL STARFIGHTER_CFLAGS="-DVERSION=\\\"$PACKAGE_VERSION\\\"" # Checks for libraries. PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([SDL2_mixer], [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([SDL], [sdl2 SDL2_image SDL2_mixer]) ], [ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([SDL], [sdl2 SDL2_image]) STARFIGHTER_CFLAGS="$STARFIGHTER_CFLAGS -DNOSOUND" echo "Note: SDL_mixer not found; audio will not be supported." ]) AC_ARG_VAR([SF_SCREEN_WIDTH], [The width of the game window in pixels]) AC_ARG_VAR([SF_SCREEN_HEIGHT], [The height of the game window in pixels]) AS_IF([test -n "$SF_SCREEN_WIDTH"], [ STARFIGHTER_CFLAGS="$STARFIGHTER_CFLAGS -DSCREEN_WIDTH=$SF_SCREEN_WIDTH" ]) AS_IF([test -n "$SF_SCREEN_HEIGHT"], [ STARFIGHTER_CFLAGS="$STARFIGHTER_CFLAGS -DSCREEN_HEIGHT=$SF_SCREEN_HEIGHT" ]) AC_SUBST([STARFIGHTER_CFLAGS]) # Checks for header files. AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ctype.h errno.h stdio.h stdlib.h string.h time.h math.h pwd.h sys/stat.h unistd.h]) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. # Checks for library functions. AC_FUNC_MALLOC AC_CHECK_FUNCS([atexit mkdir]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile src/Makefile ]) AC_OUTPUT