{ "name" : "Pirate Uprising #5", "description" : "", "background" : "gfx/backgrounds/background03.jpg", "planet" : "gfx/planets/spirit.png", "music" : "music/battleThemeA.mp3", "requires" : "PREVIOUS", "objectives" : [ { "description" : "Destroy all pirate forces", "targetName" : "Dart", "targetValue" : 88, "targetType" : "TT_DESTROY" }, { "description" : "DUMMY", "targetName" : "DUMMY", "targetValue" : 1, "targetType" : "TT_DESTROY", "active" : 0 } ], "player" : { "type" : "TAF", "side" : "SIDE_ALLIES", "pilot" : "Cdr Katherine Strickland", "squadron" : "Steel Bulls", "x" : 20, "y" : 20 }, "fighters" : [ { "name" : "Ally", "types" : "TAF;Ray;Rook;Hammerhead", "number" : 12, "side" : "SIDE_ALLIES", "x" : 18, "y" : 20, "scatter" : 1000 }, { "name" : "Dart", "types" : "Dart", "groupName" : "group1", "number" : 22, "side" : "SIDE_PIRATE", "x" : 30, "y" : 30, "scatter" : 1000, "active" : 0, "aiFlags" : "AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE" }, { "name" : "Dart", "types" : "Dart", "groupName" : "group2", "number" : 22, "side" : "SIDE_PIRATE", "x" : 40, "y" : 20, "scatter" : 1000, "active" : 0, "aiFlags" : "AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE" }, { "name" : "Dart", "types" : "Dart", "groupName" : "group3", "number" : 22, "side" : "SIDE_PIRATE", "x" : 10, "y" : 10, "scatter" : 1000, "active" : 0, "aiFlags" : "AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE" }, { "name" : "Dart", "types" : "Dart", "groupName" : "group4", "number" : 22, "side" : "SIDE_PIRATE", "x" : 40, "y" : 40, "scatter" : 1000, "active" : 0, "aiFlags" : "AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE" } ], "script" : [ { "function" : "TIME 2", "lines" : [ "ACTIVATE_ENTITY_GROUPS group1", "WAIT 1", "MSG_BOX Heywood;Enemy forces sighted.", "MSG_BOX Strickland;This is it, boys and girls, let's stick it to 'em. Break and attack!" ] }, { "function" : "ENEMIES_KILLED 18", "lines" : [ "ACTIVATE_ENTITY_GROUPS group2", "WAIT 3", "MSG_BOX Heywood;Looks like we touched a nerve. We've got more Darts incoming." ] }, { "function" : "ENEMIES_KILLED 36", "lines" : [ "ACTIVATE_ENTITY_GROUPS group3", "WAIT 3", "MSG_BOX Heywood;Another group just arrived.", "MSG_BOX Strickland;They'll keep lining 'em up, and we'll keep knocking them down." ] }, { "function" : "ENEMIES_KILLED 60", "lines" : [ "ACTIVATE_ENTITY_GROUPS group4", "WAIT 3", "MSG_BOX Strickland; Another group. That tallies with the numbers we were expecting." ] }, { "function" : "OBJECTIVES_COMPLETE 1", "lines" : [ "WAIT 2", "MSG_BOX Strickland; Looks like that was the last of 'em.", "MSG_BOX Strickland; Spirit, this is Commander Strickland. Opposing forces have been defeated.", "MSG_BOX Spirit Orbital;Acknowledged. Good work out there, Commander. Thanks to you, Temper will be a safer system, and we can focus on shoring up our defenses against the Pandoran forces. Come on home.", "WAIT_MSG_BOX", "COMPLETE_MISSION" ] } ] }