{ "name" : "Traitor Hunt #2", "description" : "", "requires" : 57, "background" : "gfx/backgrounds/background03.jpg", "planet" : "gfx/planets/torelli.png", "music" : "music/battle/DST-RailJet-LongSeamlessLoop.ogg", "manualComplete" : 1, "objectives" : [ { "description" : "Eliminate all traitors", "targetName" : "ENEMY", "targetValue" : 1, "targetType" : "TT_DESTROY", "isEliminateAll" : 1 }, { "description" : "Do not kill surrendering targets", "targetName" : "SURRENDERED", "targetValue" : 1, "targetType" : "TT_DESTROY", "isCondition" : 1 } ], "player" : { "type" : "Ray", "side" : "SIDE_ALLIES", "pilot" : "Lt. Cdr. Seth McLeod", "squadron" : "Steel Bulls", "x" : 10, "y" : 10 }, "fighters" : [ { "types" : "TAF", "name" : "Strickland", "side": "SIDE_ALLIES", "x" : 10, "y" : 10, "scatter" : 500, "flags" : "+EF_AI_LEADER+EF_IMMORTAL", "aiFlags" : "+AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE" }, { "types" : "Ray;Kingfisher", "side": "SIDE_ALLIES", "x" : 10, "y" : 10, "scatter" : 500, "number" : 3, "aiFlags" : "+AIF_MOVES_TO_LEADER" }, { "types" : "Simple Dart;Nymph", "side": "SIDE_MERC", "x" : 25, "y" : 10, "scatter" : 500, "number" : 8, "scatter" : 1000, "aiFlags" : "+AIF_SURRENDERS" }, { "types" : "Simple Dart;Nymph", "side": "SIDE_MERC", "x" : 35, "y" : 25, "scatter" : 500, "number" : 8, "scatter" : 1000, "aiFlags" : "+AIF_SURRENDERS" }, { "types" : "Simple Dart;Nymph;Shale", "side": "SIDE_MERC", "x" : 15, "y" : 40, "scatter" : 500, "number" : 8, "scatter" : 1000, "aiFlags" : "+AIF_SURRENDERS" }, { "types" : "Nymph", "side": "SIDE_MERC", "x" : 45, "y" : 45, "scatter" : 500, "number" : 8, "scatter" : 1000, "aiFlags" : "+AIF_SURRENDERS" } ], "script" : [ { "function" : "TIME 1", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Strickland;Our orders are to destroy all opposing fighters, except any who surrender. They're to be magged, instead." ] }, { "function" : "ENEMIES_SURRENDERED 1", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Strickland;One of them has surrendered. Mag him, ASAP." ] }, { "function" : "ENEMIES_SURRENDERED 2", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Strickland;Another has thrown in the towel. Disable that fighter!" ] }, { "function" : "ENEMIES_SURRENDERED 4", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Strickland;Four of them have now surrendered." ] }, { "function" : "ENEMIES_KILLED 16", "lines" : [ "WAIT 1", "MSG_BOX Wingmate;I'd have been expecting more of them to have surrendered than this.", "MSG_BOX Strickland;Some are clearly braver than others.", "MSG_BOX Wingmate;Or perhaps stupider." ] }, { "function" : "ALL_OBJECTIVES_COMPLETE", "lines" : [ "WAIT 1", "MSG_BOX Strickland;Good work, everyone. Control are sending tugs to bring these guys in.", "MSG_BOX Wingmate;Think they'll get a long sentence?", "MSG_BOX Strickland;Depends on how many capable pilots we can afford to keep shoving behind bars ...", "WAIT_MSG_BOX", "COMPLETE_MISSION" ] } ] }