/* Copyright (C) 2015-2019,2022 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "../common.h" #include "challenges.h" #include "../json/cJSON.h" #include "../system/lookup.h" #include "../system/util.h" #include "../battle/fighters.h" #include "../system/widgets.h" #include "../galaxy/mission.h" #include "../game/trophies.h" #include "../game/stats.h" #include "../system/io.h" extern Battle battle; extern Dev dev; extern Entity *player; extern Game game; static void updateTimeChallenge(Challenge *c); static void updateSurvivalChallenge(Challenge *c); static void updateAccuracyChallenge(Challenge *c); static void updateArmourChallenge(Challenge *c); static void updateLossesChallenge(Challenge *c); static void updatePlayerKillsChallenge(Challenge *c); static void updateDisabledChallenge(Challenge *c); static void updateItemsChallenge(Challenge *c); static void updateSurrenderChallenge(Challenge *c); static void updateWaypointChallenge(Challenge *c); static void updateRescueChallenge(Challenge *c); static void completeChallenge(void); static void failChallenge(void); static int updateChallenges(void); static char *getFormattedChallengeDescription(const char *format, ...); static int challengeFinished(void); static int alreadyPassed(void); static void printStats(void); static char descriptionBuffer[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; static const char *challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_MAX]; void initChallenges(void) { Mission *mission, *tail; char **filenames; char path[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; int count, i; challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_ARMOUR] = _("Retain at least %d%% armour"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_TIME] = _("Complete challenge in %d seconds or less"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_SURVIVE] = _("Survive for %d seconds"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_SHOT_ACCURACY] = _("Attain a %d%% shot hit accuracy"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_ROCKET_ACCURACY] = _("Attain a %d%% rocket hit accuracy"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_MISSILE_ACCURACY] = _("Attain a %d%% missile hit accuracy"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_NO_LOSSES] = _("Do not lose any team mates"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_1_LOSS] = _("Do not lose more than 1 team mate"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_LOSSES] = _("Do not lose more than %d team mates"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_PLAYER_KILLS] = _("Take down %d enemy targets"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_DISABLE] = _("Disable %d or more enemy fighters"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_ITEMS] = _("Collect %d packages"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_PLAYER_ITEMS] = _("Collect %d packages"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_RESCUE] = _("Rescue %d civilians"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_SURRENDER] = _("Cause %d enemies to surrender"); challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_WAYPOINTS] = _("Reach %d waypoints"); tail = &game.challengeMissionHead; filenames = getFileList("data/challenges", &count); for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { sprintf(path, "data/challenges/%s", filenames[i]); mission = loadMissionMeta(path); if (mission) { tail->next = mission; tail = mission; } free(filenames[i]); } free(filenames); } void loadChallenge(Mission *mission, cJSON *node) { int i; Challenge *challenge; mission->challengeData.isChallenge = 1; /* limits */ mission->challengeData.timeLimit = getJSONValue(node, "timeLimit", 0) * FPS; mission->challengeData.killLimit = getJSONValue(node, "killLimit", 0); mission->challengeData.escapeLimit = getJSONValue(node, "escapeLimit", 0); mission->challengeData.waypointLimit = getJSONValue(node, "waypointLimit", 0); mission->challengeData.itemLimit = getJSONValue(node, "itemLimit", 0); mission->challengeData.playerItemLimit = getJSONValue(node, "playerItemLimit", 0); mission->challengeData.rescueLimit = getJSONValue(node, "rescueLimit", 0); mission->challengeData.disableLimit = getJSONValue(node, "disableLimit", 0); mission->challengeData.surrenderLimit = getJSONValue(node, "surrenderLimit", 0); /* restrictions */ mission->challengeData.noMissiles = getJSONValue(node, "noMissiles", 0); mission->challengeData.noECM = getJSONValue(node, "noECM", 0); mission->challengeData.noBoost = getJSONValue(node, "noBoost", 0); mission->challengeData.noGuns = getJSONValue(node, "noGuns", 0); if (getJSONValue(node, "noWeapons", 0)) { mission->challengeData.noMissiles = mission->challengeData.noGuns = 1; } /* misc */ mission->challengeData.allowPlayerDeath = getJSONValue(node, "allowPlayerDeath", 0); mission->challengeData.clearWaypointEnemies = getJSONValue(node, "clearWaypointEnemies", 0); mission->challengeData.eliminateThreats = getJSONValue(node, "eliminateThreats", 0); mission->challengeData.isDeathMatch = getJSONValue(node, "isDeathMatch", 0); node = cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "challenges"); if (node) { node = node->child; i = 0; while (node && i < MAX_CHALLENGES) { challenge = malloc(sizeof(Challenge)); memset(challenge, 0, sizeof(Challenge)); challenge->type = lookup(cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "type")->valuestring); challenge->value = cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "value")->valueint; mission->challengeData.challenges[i] = challenge; node = node->next; i++; } } } void doChallenges(void) { int passed; if (game.currentMission->challengeData.isChallenge && battle.status == MS_IN_PROGRESS) { if (challengeFinished()) { passed = 0; if (player->health > 0 || (player->health <= 0 && game.currentMission->challengeData.allowPlayerDeath)) { passed = updateChallenges(); } if (passed) { completeChallenge(); } else { failChallenge(); } } } } static int challengeFinished(void) { if (game.currentMission->challengeData.timeLimit > 0 && battle.stats[STAT_TIME] >= game.currentMission->challengeData.timeLimit) { return 1; } /* disabled enemies count as killed during challenges - not player exclusive, but no need to worry about AI contributions here */ if (game.currentMission->challengeData.killLimit > 0 && (battle.stats[STAT_ENEMIES_KILLED_PLAYER] + battle.stats[STAT_CAPITAL_SHIPS_DESTROYED] + battle.stats[STAT_ENEMIES_DISABLED]) >= game.currentMission->challengeData.killLimit) { return 1; } if (game.currentMission->challengeData.escapeLimit > 0 && (battle.stats[STAT_ENEMIES_KILLED_PLAYER] + battle.stats[STAT_ENEMIES_ESCAPED]) >= game.currentMission->challengeData.escapeLimit) { return 1; } if (game.currentMission->challengeData.waypointLimit > 0 && battle.stats[STAT_WAYPOINTS_VISITED] >= game.currentMission->challengeData.waypointLimit) { return 1; } if (game.currentMission->challengeData.itemLimit > 0 && battle.stats[STAT_ITEMS_COLLECTED] + battle.stats[STAT_ITEMS_COLLECTED_PLAYER] >= game.currentMission->challengeData.itemLimit) { return 1; } if (game.currentMission->challengeData.playerItemLimit > 0 && battle.stats[STAT_ITEMS_COLLECTED_PLAYER] >= game.currentMission->challengeData.playerItemLimit) { return 1; } if (game.currentMission->challengeData.rescueLimit > 0 && (battle.stats[STAT_CIVILIANS_RESCUED] + battle.stats[STAT_CIVILIANS_KILLED]) >= game.currentMission->challengeData.rescueLimit) { return 1; } if (game.currentMission->challengeData.surrenderLimit > 0 && battle.stats[STAT_ENEMIES_SURRENDERED] >= game.currentMission->challengeData.surrenderLimit) { return 1; } if (game.currentMission->challengeData.waypointLimit > 0 && (battle.stats[STAT_WAYPOINTS_VISITED]) >= game.currentMission->challengeData.waypointLimit) { return 1; } if (game.currentMission->challengeData.eliminateThreats && !battle.hasThreats) { return 1; } return (player->health <= 0 || player->alive == ALIVE_ESCAPED || battle.scriptedEnd); } static int updateChallenges(void) { int i, numPassed; Challenge *c; updateAccuracyStats(battle.stats); numPassed = 0; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHALLENGES ; i++) { c = game.currentMission->challengeData.challenges[i]; if (c) { if (!c->passed) { switch (c->type) { case CHALLENGE_TIME: updateTimeChallenge(c); break; case CHALLENGE_SURVIVE: updateSurvivalChallenge(c); break; case CHALLENGE_SHOT_ACCURACY: case CHALLENGE_ROCKET_ACCURACY: case CHALLENGE_MISSILE_ACCURACY: updateAccuracyChallenge(c); break; case CHALLENGE_ARMOUR: updateArmourChallenge(c); break; case CHALLENGE_NO_LOSSES: case CHALLENGE_1_LOSS: case CHALLENGE_LOSSES: updateLossesChallenge(c); break; case CHALLENGE_PLAYER_KILLS: updatePlayerKillsChallenge(c); break; case CHALLENGE_DISABLE: updateDisabledChallenge(c); break; case CHALLENGE_ITEMS: case CHALLENGE_PLAYER_ITEMS: updateItemsChallenge(c); break; case CHALLENGE_SURRENDER: updateSurrenderChallenge(c); break; case CHALLENGE_WAYPOINTS: updateWaypointChallenge(c); break; case CHALLENGE_RESCUE: updateRescueChallenge(c); break; } } if (c->passed) { numPassed++; } } } if (dev.debug) { printStats(); } return numPassed; } static void printStats(void) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < STAT_MAX ; i++) { if (battle.stats[i]) { if (i != STAT_TIME) { printf("DEBUG: %s=%d\n", getLookupName("STAT_", i), battle.stats[i]); } else { printf("DEBUG: %s=%s\n", getLookupName("STAT_", i), timeToString(battle.stats[i], 0)); } } } } static void updateTimeChallenge(Challenge *c) { if (battle.stats[STAT_TIME] / FPS < c->value) { c->passed = 1; } } static void updateSurvivalChallenge(Challenge *c) { if (battle.stats[STAT_TIME] / FPS >= c->value) { c->passed = 1; } } static void updateAccuracyChallenge(Challenge *c) { float percent; switch (c->type) { case CHALLENGE_SHOT_ACCURACY: percent = battle.stats[STAT_SHOT_ACCURACY]; break; case CHALLENGE_ROCKET_ACCURACY: percent = battle.stats[STAT_ROCKET_ACCURACY]; break; case CHALLENGE_MISSILE_ACCURACY: percent = battle.stats[STAT_MISSILE_ACCURACY]; break; default: percent = 0; break; } if (percent >= c->value) { c->passed = 1; } } static void updateArmourChallenge(Challenge *c) { float percent; percent = player->health; percent /= player->maxHealth; percent *= 100; if (percent >= c->value) { c->passed = 1; } } static void updateLossesChallenge(Challenge *c) { if (!c->passed) { c->passed = battle.stats[STAT_ALLIES_KILLED] <= c->value; } } static void updatePlayerKillsChallenge(Challenge *c) { if (!c->passed) { c->passed = battle.stats[STAT_ENEMIES_KILLED_PLAYER] >= c->value; } } static void updateDisabledChallenge(Challenge *c) { if (!c->passed) { c->passed = battle.stats[STAT_ENEMIES_DISABLED] >= c->value; } } static void updateItemsChallenge(Challenge *c) { if (!c->passed) { if (c->type == CHALLENGE_ITEMS) { c->passed = battle.stats[STAT_ITEMS_COLLECTED] + battle.stats[STAT_ITEMS_COLLECTED_PLAYER] >= c->value; } else { c->passed = battle.stats[STAT_ITEMS_COLLECTED_PLAYER] >= c->value; } } } static void updateSurrenderChallenge(Challenge *c) { if (!c->passed) { c->passed = battle.stats[STAT_ENEMIES_SURRENDERED] >= c->value; } } static void updateWaypointChallenge(Challenge *c) { if (!c->passed) { c->passed = battle.stats[STAT_WAYPOINTS_VISITED] >= c->value; } } static void updateRescueChallenge(Challenge *c) { if (!c->passed) { c->passed = battle.stats[STAT_CIVILIANS_RESCUED] >= c->value; } } char *getChallengeDescription(Challenge *c) { if (c->type == CHALLENGE_TIME) { if (c->value <= 90) { return getFormattedChallengeDescription(challengeDescription[CHALLENGE_TIME], c->value); } else { return getFormattedChallengeDescription(_("Complete challenge in %s or less"), timeToString(c->value * FPS, 0)); } } return getFormattedChallengeDescription(challengeDescription[c->type], c->value); } Challenge *getChallenge(Mission *mission, int type, int value) { int i; Challenge *c; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHALLENGES ; i++) { c = mission->challengeData.challenges[i]; if (c->type == type && c->value == value) { return c; } } return NULL; } static char *getFormattedChallengeDescription(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; memset(&descriptionBuffer, '\0', sizeof(descriptionBuffer)); va_start(args, format); vsprintf(descriptionBuffer, format, args); va_end(args); return descriptionBuffer; } void updateChallengeMissions(void) { int i; Mission *m; Challenge *c; for (m = game.challengeMissionHead.next ; m != NULL ; m = m->next) { m->totalChallenges = m->completedChallenges = 0; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHALLENGES ; i++) { c = m->challengeData.challenges[i]; if (c) { m->totalChallenges++; if (c->passed) { m->completedChallenges++; } } } } } static void completeChallenge(void) { if (battle.status == MS_IN_PROGRESS) { battle.status = MS_COMPLETE; battle.missionFinishedTimer = FPS; selectWidget("continue", "battleWon"); game.stats[STAT_CHALLENGES_COMPLETED]++; player->flags |= EF_IMMORTAL; retreatAllies(); retreatEnemies(); awardStatsTrophies(); awardCraftTrophy(); } } static void failChallenge(void) { if (battle.status == MS_IN_PROGRESS) { battle.status = MS_FAILED; battle.missionFinishedTimer = FPS; selectWidget("retry", "battleLost"); player->flags |= EF_IMMORTAL; if (alreadyPassed()) { battle.status = MS_TIME_UP; } retreatAllies(); retreatEnemies(); awardStatsTrophies(); } } static int alreadyPassed(void) { int i; Challenge *c; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_CHALLENGES ; i++) { c = game.currentMission->challengeData.challenges[i]; if (c && c->passed) { return 1; } } return 0; }