{ "comment" : "This mission intentionally has no music", "name" : "Infiltration #5", "description" : "", "requires" : 65, "requiresOptional" : 4, "isOptional" : 1, "hasSuspicionLevel" : 1, "background" : "gfx/backgrounds/background01.jpg", "planet" : "gfx/planets/hyanik.png", "music" : "", "player" : { "type" : "Angel", "pilot" : "Cdr. Kyle Hicks", "squadron" : "???", "side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN", "x" : 45, "y" : 30 }, "objectives" : [ { "description" : "Search for Admiral Zackaria", "targetName" : "Waypoint", "targetValue" : 5, "targetType" : "TT_WAYPOINT" }, { "description" : "Investigate unique Sphinx", "targetName" : "Unique Sphinx", "targetValue" : 1, "targetType" : "TT_MISC", "active" : 0 }, { "description" : "Retreat to jumpgate", "targetName" : "Player", "targetValue" : 1, "targetType" : "TT_ESCAPED", "active" : 0 } ], "fighters" : [ { "types" : "Thunderhead", "side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN", "x" : 45, "y" : 30, "scatter" : 500, "flags" : "+EF_AI_LEADER+EF_IMMORTAL", "aiFlags" : "+AIF_WANDERS+AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE" }, { "types" : "Jackal;Mantis;Sphinx;Scarab", "side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN", "x" : 45, "y" : 30, "scatter" : 500, "number" : 12, "flags" : "+EF_IMMORTAL", "aiFlags" : "+AIF_MOVES_TO_LEADER+AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE" }, { "types" : "Sphinx;Thunderhead", "side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN", "x" : 25, "y" : 25, "scatter" : 12000, "number" : 16, "flags" : "+EF_AI_LEADER+EF_IMMORTAL", "aiFlags" : "+AIF_WANDERS+AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE" }, { "types" : "Jackal;Mantis;Sphinx;Scarab;Shale;Razor;SK-31;SK-34;Blizzard;Khepri", "side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN", "x" : 25, "y" : 25, "scatter" : 12000, "number" : 160, "flags" : "+EF_IMMORTAL", "aiFlags" : "+AIF_MOVES_TO_LEADER+AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE" }, { "groupName" : "ZakGroup", "types" : "Unique Sphinx", "side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN", "x" : 25, "y" : -5, "scatter" : 500, "active" : 0 }, { "groupName" : "ZakGroup", "types" : "Jackal", "side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN", "x" : 25, "y" : -5, "scatter" : 500, "number" : 16, "flags" : "+EF_IMMORTAL", "aiFlags" : "+AIF_MOVES_TO_LEADER+AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE", "active" : 0 } ], "capitalShips" : [ { "name" : "INF Shiv", "types" : "INF Corvette 01", "side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN", "x" : 44, "y" : 29 }, { "name" : "Corvette", "types" : "INF Corvette 01;INF Corvette 02;HMS Corvette 01;HMS Corvette 02", "side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN", "x" : 25, "y" : 25, "scatter" : 12000, "number" : 32 } ], "entities" : [ { "type" : "ET_WAYPOINT", "number" : 5, "x" : 25, "y" : 25, "scatter" : 9000, "active" : 0 }, { "type" : "ET_JUMPGATE", "side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN", "x" : 45, "y" : 30 } ], "locations" : [ { "name" : "JumpgateLocation", "x" : 45, "y" : 30, "size" : 2500, "active" : 0 } ], "script" : [ { "function" : "TIME 2", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Hicks;So, this is Krasst. Never thought I'd ever find myself here.", "WAIT_MSG_BOX", "WAIT 10", "MSG_BOX Hicks;Doesn't appear as if the wing commander is tracking my movements any more. Lot of ships around here. I could probably move freely amoung them, and no raise suspicion.", "WAIT_MSG_BOX", "MSG_BOX Hicks;Time to start my search for the admiral.", "ACTIVATE_OBJECTIVES Check all waypoints;Search for Admiral Zackaria", "ACTIVATE_NEXT_WAYPOINT" ] }, { "function" : "Waypoint #1", "lines" : [ "WAIT 1", "MSG_BOX Hicks;This isn't going to be easy. There are a lot of ships here.", "WAIT_MSG_BOX", "ACTIVATE_NEXT_WAYPOINT" ] }, { "function" : "Waypoint #2", "lines" : [ "WAIT 1", "MSG_BOX Hicks;Still nothing. I don't even know what I'm looking for. No carriers in sight, and none of the more recognizable capital ships, either.", "WAIT_MSG_BOX", "ACTIVATE_NEXT_WAYPOINT" ] }, { "function" : "Waypoint #3", "lines" : [ "WAIT 1", "MSG_BOX Hicks;I have a feeling I'm ultimately going to have to find a way to get aboard Dragon. But as soon as I'm out of this fighter they'll know I'm an imposter.", "MSG_BOX Hicks;I've been lucky so far, but I've got a horrible feeling my luck is starting to run out.", "WAIT_MSG_BOX", "ACTIVATE_NEXT_WAYPOINT" ] }, { "function" : "Waypoint #4", "lines" : [ "WAIT 1", "MSG_BOX Hicks;Wait ... what's that? That Sphinx. It's different from the rest. I've never seen one like it before.", "MSG_BOX Hicks;I should follow it, and see where it goes.", "ACTIVATE_ENTITY_GROUPS ZakGroup", "ACTIVATE_OBJECTIVES Investigate unique Sphinx" ] }, { "function" : "Zackaria", "lines" : [ "ACTIVATE_LOCATION JumpgateLocation", "MSG_BOX Unique Sphinx;I've been watching you. Who are you? What are you doing here?", "MSG_BOX Hicks;Ah, crap!", "MSG_BOX Unique Sphinx;You are not Dodds.", "MSG_BOX Unique Sphinx;You were brave for coming this far on your own, but that was ultimately a foolish decision.", "MSG_BOX Hicks;Hell! That's Zackaria for sure, but he's on to me. I need to get out of here, quickly!", "WAIT_MSG_BOX", "WAIT 10", "PANDORAN_MSG_BOX Unique Sphinx;We have an intruder, flying the Angel. Kill him.", "UPDATE_ENTITY_SIDE SIDE_ALLIES Hicks" ] }, { "function" : "JumpgateLocation", "lines" : [ "ACTIVATE_JUMPGATE 0", "MSG_BOX Hicks;They've shutdown the jumpgate ..." ] } ] }