{ "name" : "Traitor Hunt #1", "description" : "", "requires" : 57, "background" : "gfx/backgrounds/background05.jpg", "planet" : "gfx/planets/bluePlanet.png", "music" : "music/battle/determination.mp3", "manualComplete" : 1, "waypointAutoAdvance" : 1, "player" : { "type" : "Hyena-A", "side" : "SIDE_ALLIES", "pilot" : "Malcolm D'Ath", "squadron" : "Sparrows", "x" : 45, "y" : 25 }, "objectives" : [ { "description" : "Check all waypoints", "targetName" : "Waypoint", "targetValue" : 2, "targetType" : "TT_WAYPOINT" }, { "description" : "Capture traitors", "targetName" : "Traitors", "targetValue" : 8, "targetType" : "TT_DISABLE", "active" : 0 }, { "description" : "Do not allow traitors to be killed", "targetName" : "Traitors", "targetValue" : 1, "targetType" : "TT_DESTROY", "active" : 0, "isCondition" : 1 } ], "fighters" : [ { "types" : "Ray;Hyena-A", "number" : 6, "side" : "SIDE_ALLIES", "x" : 45, "y" : 25, "scatter" : 500, "aiFlags" : "+AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE" }, { "groupName" : "Traitors", "types" : "Nymph", "number" : 8, "side" : "SIDE_MERC", "x" : 25, "y" : -1, "scatter" : 500, "flags" : "+EF_MUST_DISABLE", "aiFlags" : "+AIF_WANDERS+AIF_DEFENSIVE", "active" : 0 } ], "entities" : [ { "type" : "ET_WAYPOINT", "x" : 25, "y" : 25, "number" : 2, "scatter" : 8000 }, { "type" : "ET_JUMPGATE", "side" : "SIDE_ALLIES", "x" : 47, "y" : 25 } ], "script" : [ { "function" : "Waypoint #2", "lines" : [ "WAIT 1", "IMPORTANT_MSG_BOX Control;D'Ath, we've spotted the targets. They're heading for the jumpgate. We're shutting it down now.", "MSG_BOX D'Ath;Got it, we'll mag the fighters and take it from there.", "ACTIVATE_JUMPGATE 0", "ACTIVATE_ENTITY_GROUPS Traitors", "ACTIVATE_OBJECTIVES Capture traitors;Do not allow traitors to be killed" ] }, { "function" : "ALL_OBJECTIVES_COMPLETE", "lines" : [ "WAIT 1", "MSG_BOX D'Ath;Control, this is D'Ath. Targets have been disabled. No casualties.", "MSG_BOX Control;Acknowledged. Didn't look like they put up much of a fight. Seemed they spent most of the time running away.", "MSG_BOX Wingmate;Barely fired back. Maybe they were covering for someone?", "MSG_BOX D'Ath;Definite possibility. We'll bring these guys in and see what we can find out.", "WAIT_MSG_BOX", "COMPLETE_MISSION" ] } ] }