{ "name" : "SK-34", "description" : "The SK-34 is a medium-class starfighter, built and deployed by the Kingdom of Tzac. Though its exterior appearance is very different to the SK-31, it features similar internal specifications. Unlike the SK-31, however, it is equipped with Mag cannons, instead of lasers. As with the SK-34, it is unknown what the SK in the fighter's name stands for, and whether or not the 34 refers to an iteration or other internal identifier.", "affiliation" : "Tzac", "health" : 100, "shield" : 45, "speed" : 1.7, "reloadTime" : 17, "shieldRechargeRate" : 45, "texture" : "gfx/fighters/sk34.png", "guns" : [ { "type" : "BT_PLASMA", "x" : -12, "y" : -12 }, { "type" : "BT_PLASMA", "x" : 12, "y" : -12 }, { "type" : "BT_MAG", "x" : -4, "y" : -12 }, { "type" : "BT_MAG", "x" : 6, "y" : -12 } ], "missiles" : 6, "flags" : "EF_TAKES_DAMAGE+EF_COMMON_FIGHTER" }