/* Copyright (C) 2015 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "ai.h" static void faceTarget(Entity *f); static int isInFOV(Entity *f, int fov); static void preAttack(void); static void huntTarget(void); static void huntAndAttackTarget(void); static void evade(void); static void nextAction(void); static void findTarget(void); static int hasClearShot(void); static void fallback(void); static void moveToPlayer(void); static int canAttack(Entity *f); static int selectWeapon(int type); static int nearExtractionPoint(void); static void moveToExtractionPoint(void); static int nearEnemies(void); static int nearItems(void); static void moveToItem(void); static int nearTowableCraft(void); static void moveToTowableCraft(void); static void lookForPlayer(void); static void fleeEnemies(void); static int isRetreating(void); static int getActionChance(int type); static void doFighterAI(void); void doAI(void) { if ((self->aiFlags & AIF_AVOIDS_COMBAT) && nearEnemies()) { return; } if ((self->aiFlags & AIF_DEFENSIVE) && rand() % 50 && nearEnemies()) { return; } if ((self->aiFlags & AIF_GOAL_EXTRACTION) && nearExtractionPoint()) { return; } if ((self->aiFlags & AIF_COLLECTS_ITEMS) && nearItems()) { return; } if (self->aiFlags & AIF_TOWS) { if (!self->towing && nearTowableCraft()) { return; } } if ((self->aiFlags & AIF_RETREATS) && (battle.stats[STAT_TIME] % 60 == 0) && isRetreating()) { return; } if (!(self->aiFlags & AIF_AVOIDS_COMBAT)) { doFighterAI(); return; } if (self->aiFlags & (AIF_FOLLOWS_PLAYER|AIF_MOVES_TO_PLAYER)) { lookForPlayer(); return; } /* no idea - just stay where you are */ applyFighterBrakes(); } static void doFighterAI(void) { int r; /* don't hold a grudge against current target */ if ((self->target != NULL && self->target->health <= 0) || rand() % 5 == 0) { self->action = doAI; self->target = NULL; } if (!self->target || self->target->systemPower <= 0) { findTarget(); if (self->target == NULL) { if (self->aiFlags & AIF_MOVES_TO_PLAYER && player != NULL) { moveToPlayer(); } else { applyFighterBrakes(); } return; } } /* don't start dodging, etc., if you're far from your target */ if (getDistance(self->x, self->y, self->target->x, self->target->y) > SCREEN_WIDTH) { self->action = huntTarget; self->aiActionTime = FPS * 2; return; } r = rand() % 100; if (r <= getActionChance(AI_EVADE)) { self->targetLocation.x = self->target->x + (rand() % 250 - rand() % 250); self->targetLocation.y = self->target->y + (rand() % 250 - rand() % 250); self->action = evade; self->aiActionTime = FPS; } else if (r <= getActionChance(AI_FALLBACK)) { self->action = fallback; self->aiActionTime = FPS * 2; } else if (r <= getActionChance(AI_HUNT)) { self->action = huntTarget; self->aiActionTime = FPS * 2; } else { self->action = huntAndAttackTarget; self->aiActionTime = FPS * 3; } } static int getActionChance(int type) { switch (type) { case AI_EVADE: return 25 - (self->aiAggression * 4); case AI_FALLBACK: return 55 - (self->aiAggression * 4); case AI_HUNT: return 85 - (self->aiAggression * 4); } return 100; } static void huntTarget(void) { faceTarget(self->target); applyFighterThrust(); nextAction(); } static void huntAndAttackTarget(void) { int dist = getDistance(self->x, self->y, self->target->x, self->target->y); faceTarget(self->target); if (dist <= 500 && hasClearShot()) { preAttack(); } if (dist <= 250) { applyFighterBrakes(); } else { applyFighterThrust(); } nextAction(); } static void findTarget(void) { int i; Entity *e, **candidates; unsigned int dist, closest; dist = closest = (battle.epic || (self->aiFlags & AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE)) ? MAX_TARGET_RANGE : 2000; candidates = getAllEntsWithin(self->x - (self->w / 2) - (dist / 2), self->y - (self->h / 2) - (dist / 2), self->w + dist, self->h + dist, self); self->target = NULL; for (i = 0, e = candidates[i] ; e != NULL ; e = candidates[++i]) { if (e->active && e->type == ET_FIGHTER && (!(e->flags & EF_DISABLED)) && e->side != self->side && e->health > 0 && canAttack(e)) { dist = getDistance(self->x, self->y, e->x, e->y); if (dist < closest) { if (self->target == NULL || ((self->target->aiFlags & AIF_AVOIDS_COMBAT) == 0) || ((self->target->aiFlags & AIF_AVOIDS_COMBAT) && rand() % 10) == 0) { self->target = e; closest = dist; } } } } } static int canAttack(Entity *f) { self->selectedGunType = self->guns[0].type; if (f->flags & EF_MUST_DISABLE) { if (f->systemPower > 0) { return selectWeapon(BT_MAG); } return 0; } if (f->flags & EF_NO_KILL) { return selectWeapon(BT_LASER) || selectWeapon(BT_MAG); } if (f->shield > 0) { selectWeapon(BT_LASER); } return 1; } static int selectWeapon(int type) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_FIGHTER_GUNS ; i++) { if (self->guns[i].type == type) { self->selectedGunType = type; return 1; } } return 0; } static void faceTarget(Entity *f) { int dir; int wantedAngle = getAngle(self->x, self->y, f->x, f->y); wantedAngle %= 360; if (fabs(wantedAngle - self->angle) > TURN_THRESHOLD) { dir = ((int)(wantedAngle - self->angle + 360)) % 360 > 180 ? -1 : 1; self->angle += dir * TURN_SPEED; self->angle = mod(self->angle, 360); applyFighterBrakes(); } } static int isInFOV(Entity *f, int fov) { int angle, a, b; a = mod(self->angle - fov, 360); b = mod(self->angle + fov, 360); angle = getAngle(self->x, self->y, f->x, f->y); return (a < b) ? (a <= angle && angle <= b) : (a <= angle || angle <= b); } static int hasClearShot(void) { int dist; Entity *f; if (isInFOV(self->target, 4)) { dist = getDistance(self->x, self->y, self->target->x, self->target->y); for (f = battle.entityHead.next ; f != NULL ; f = f->next) { if (f->active && f != self && f != self->target && (getDistance(self->x, self->y, f->x, f->y) < dist)) { if (isInFOV(f, 8)) { return 0; } } } return 1; } return 0; } static void preAttack(void) { if (!self->reload) { if (!(self->aiFlags & AIF_MISSILE_BOAT)) { /* force weapon selection, otherwise we'll keep using lasers / mag */ canAttack(self->target); if (self->guns[0].type && (self->missiles == 0 || rand() % 50 > 0)) { fireGuns(self); } else if (self->missiles && getDistance(self->x, self->y, self->target->x, self->target->y) >= 350) { fireMissile(self); self->action = doAI; } } else { fireRocket(self); self->reload = FPS; /* don't constantly fire rockets like normal guns */ if (rand() % 3) { self->action = doAI; } } } } static void turnAndFly(int wantedAngle) { int dir; wantedAngle %= 360; if (fabs(wantedAngle - self->angle) > TURN_THRESHOLD) { dir = ((int)(wantedAngle - self->angle + 360)) % 360 > 180 ? -1 : 1; self->angle += dir * TURN_SPEED; self->angle = mod(self->angle, 360); } applyFighterThrust(); nextAction(); } static void evade(void) { int wantedAngle = getAngle(self->x, self->y, self->targetLocation.x, self->targetLocation.y); turnAndFly(wantedAngle); } static void fallback(void) { int wantedAngle = 180 + getAngle(self->x, self->y, self->target->x, self->target->y); turnAndFly(wantedAngle); } static void nextAction(void) { if (--self->aiActionTime <= 0) { self->action = doAI; } } static int isRetreating(void) { float chance; if (!(self->flags & EF_RETREATING)) { if (battle.numInitialEnemies > 0) { chance = battle.numEnemies; chance /= battle.numInitialEnemies; chance *= 256; if (battle.numEnemies > 0 && rand() % 100 > chance) { self->flags |= EF_RETREATING; self->aiFlags |= AIF_AVOIDS_COMBAT; self->aiFlags |= AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE; self->aiFlags |= AIF_GOAL_EXTRACTION; addHudMessage(colors.red, "%s is retreating!", self->name); return 1; } } } return self->flags & EF_RETREATING; } static int nearEnemies(void) { int i, numEnemies; Entity *e, **candidates; candidates = getAllEntsWithin(self->x - (self->w / 2) - 500, self->y - (self->h / 2) - 500, 1000, 1000, self); self->target = NULL; self->targetLocation.x = self->targetLocation.y = 0; numEnemies = 0; for (i = 0, e = candidates[i] ; e != NULL ; e = candidates[++i]) { if (e->type == ET_FIGHTER && e->side != self->side && !(e->flags & EF_DISABLED)) { self->targetLocation.x += e->x; self->targetLocation.y += e->y; numEnemies++; } } if (numEnemies) { self->targetLocation.x /= numEnemies; self->targetLocation.y /= numEnemies; self->action = fleeEnemies; self->aiActionTime = FPS / 2; return 1; } return 0; } static void fleeEnemies(void) { int wantedAngle = 180 + getAngle(self->x, self->y, self->targetLocation.x, self->targetLocation.y); turnAndFly(wantedAngle); nextAction(); } static void moveToPlayer(void) { int dist = getDistance(self->x, self->y, player->x, player->y); if (dist <= 250) { applyFighterBrakes(); self->aiActionTime = MIN(FPS, self->aiActionTime); } else { faceTarget(player); applyFighterThrust(); } } static int nearExtractionPoint(void) { int dist; self->target = NULL; if (battle.extractionPoint) { dist = getDistance(self->x, self->y, battle.extractionPoint->x, battle.extractionPoint->y); if (dist <= 2000 || self->aiFlags & AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE) { self->target = battle.extractionPoint; self->action = moveToExtractionPoint; self->aiActionTime = (!self->towing) ? FPS / 2 : FPS * 2; } } return self->target != NULL; } static void moveToExtractionPoint(void) { faceTarget(self->target); applyFighterThrust(); nextAction(); } static int nearItems(void) { int i; long closest, distance; Entity *e, **candidates; closest = MAX_TARGET_RANGE; candidates = getAllEntsWithin(self->x - (self->w / 2) - (GRID_CELL_WIDTH / 2), self->y - (self->h / 2) - (GRID_CELL_HEIGHT / 2), GRID_CELL_WIDTH, GRID_CELL_HEIGHT, self); self->target = NULL; for (i = 0, e = candidates[i] ; e != NULL ; e = candidates[++i]) { if (e->type == ET_ITEM) { distance = getDistance(self->x, self->y, e->x, e->y); if (distance < closest) { self->target = e; closest = distance; } } } if (self->target != NULL) { self->action = moveToItem; self->aiActionTime = FPS / 2; } return self->target != NULL; } static void moveToItem(void) { if (self->target->alive == ALIVE_ALIVE) { faceTarget(self->target); applyFighterThrust(); return; } self->target = NULL; self->action = doAI; } static int nearTowableCraft(void) { int i; long closest, distance; Entity *e, **candidates; candidates = getAllEntsWithin(self->x - (self->w / 2) - (GRID_CELL_WIDTH / 2), self->y - (self->h / 2) - (GRID_CELL_HEIGHT / 2), GRID_CELL_WIDTH, GRID_CELL_HEIGHT, self); self->target = NULL; for (i = 0, e = candidates[i] ; e != NULL ; e = candidates[++i]) { if (e->type == ET_FIGHTER && (e->flags & (EF_DISABLED|EF_MISSION_TARGET)) == (EF_DISABLED|EF_MISSION_TARGET)) { distance = getDistance(self->x, self->y, e->x, e->y); if (distance < closest) { self->target = e; closest = distance; } } } if (self->target != NULL) { self->action = moveToTowableCraft; self->aiActionTime = FPS / 2; } return self->target != NULL; } static void moveToTowableCraft(void) { faceTarget(self->target); applyFighterThrust(); nextAction(); } static void lookForPlayer(void) { int range = (self->aiFlags & AIF_MOVES_TO_PLAYER) ? MAX_TARGET_RANGE : 2000; if (player != NULL && getDistance(self->x, self->y, player->x, player->y) < range) { moveToPlayer(); return; } applyFighterBrakes(); }