{ "name" : "Mace Assault #2", "description" : "The initial attack went extremely well, and we're ready to move further into the system. Tzac forces are moving up to meet us, so expect heavy resistance. Your goal is simple: destroy all enemy forces.", "requires" : 50, "background" : "gfx/backgrounds/background05.jpg", "planet" : "gfx/planets/tzac.png", "music" : "music/battle/DST-RailJet-LongSeamlessLoop.ogg", "manualComplete" : 1, "player" : { "type" : "Leopard", "pilot" : "Cdr. Chao Lee", "squadron" : "The Infinites", "side" : "SIDE_ALLIES", "x" : 5, "y" : 45 }, "objectives" : [ { "description" : "Destroy HMS 781-110", "targetName" : "HMS 781-110", "targetValue" : 1, "targetType" : "TT_DESTROY" }, { "description" : "Destroy HMS 781-041", "targetName" : "HMS 781-041", "targetValue" : 1, "targetType" : "TT_DESTROY" }, { "description" : "Eliminate all enemies", "targetName" : "ENEMY", "targetType" : "TT_DESTROY", "targetValue" : 1, "isEliminateAll" : 1 } ], "fighters" : [ { "types" : "Rook", "side" : "SIDE_ALLIES", "x" : 5, "y" : 45, "scatter" : 500, "aiFlags" : "+AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE" }, { "types" : "Hammerhead;Lynx;Firefly;Ray", "number" : 14, "side" : "SIDE_ALLIES", "x" : 5, "y" : 45, "scatter" : 500, "aiFlags" : "+AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE" }, { "types" : "Shale", "number" : 5, "side" : "SIDE_TZAC", "x" : 15, "y" : 35, "scatter" : 600, "aiFlags" : "+AIF_MOVES_TO_LEADER" }, { "groupName" : "Cap02", "types" : "Shale", "number" : 5, "side" : "SIDE_TZAC", "x" : 15, "y" : 35, "scatter" : 600, "aiFlags" : "+AIF_MOVES_TO_LEADER", "active" : 0 }, { "groupName" : "Rebels-2", "types" : "Shale", "number" : 6, "side" : "SIDE_TZAC", "x" : 15, "y" : 51, "scatter" : 600, "aiFlags" : "+AIF_UNLIMITED_RANGE", "active" : 0 } ], "capitalShips" : [ { "name" : "HMS 781-110", "types" : "HMS Corvette 01", "side" : "SIDE_TZAC", "x" : 15, "y" : 35, "flags" : "+EF_AI_LEADER" }, { "groupName" : "Cap02", "name" : "HMS 781-041", "types" : "HMS Corvette 02", "side" : "SIDE_TZAC", "x" : 15, "y" : 51, "flags" : "+EF_AI_LEADER", "active" : 0 } ], "script" : [ { "function" : "TIME 2", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Lee;HMS 781-110 sighted. All fighters free to engage at will." ] }, { "function" : "Destroy HMS 781-110", "lines" : [ "WAIT 1", "MSG_BOX Lee;Control, HMS 781-110 has been taken down.", "WAIT_MSG_BOX", "WAIT 5", "ACTIVATE_ENTITY_GROUPS Cap02", "MSG_BOX Control;Infinites, HMS 781-041 has arrived in the area. Engage and destroy.", "MSG_BOX Lee;Acknowledged." ] }, { "function" : "CAP_HEALTH HMS 781-041 3", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Wingmate;Commander, a large group of Shales just arrived in the area", "MSG_BOX Lee;Hell, they've calls for backup. We should take them down before dealing with HMS 781-041", "ACTIVATE_ENTITY_GROUPS Rebels-2" ] }, { "function" : "CAP_HEALTH HMS 781-041 1", "lines" : [ "IMPORTANT_MSG_BOX HMS 781-041;This is HMS 781-041 of the Nation of Tzac! We surrender! Repeat, we surrender!", "MSG_BOX Wingmate;Did anyone else get that?", "MSG_BOX Lee;HMS 781-041, please repeat." ] }, { "function" : "Destroy HMS 781-041", "lines" : [ "RETREAT_ENEMIES", "WAIT 1", "MSG_BOX Lee;Hell! Too late!", "MSG_BOX Control;Infinites, it appears remaining enemy forces are retreating. Please stand down.", "MSG_BOX Lee;Received.", "MSG_BOX Wingmate;That was unexpected.", "MSG_BOX Lee;Sure was. We'd better get to debriefing.", "WAIT_MSG_BOX", "COMPLETE_MISSION" ] } ] }