/* Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "bullets.h" static void huntTarget(Bullet *b); static void checkCollisions(Bullet *b); static void resizeDrawList(void); static void selectNewTarget(Bullet *b); static void doBulletHitEffect(Bullet *b); static Bullet bulletDef[BT_MAX]; static Bullet **bulletsToDraw; static int drawCapacity; void initBullets(void) { drawCapacity = INITIAL_BULLET_DRAW_CAPACITY; bulletsToDraw = malloc(sizeof(Bullet*) * drawCapacity); memset(bulletsToDraw, 0, sizeof(Bullet*) * drawCapacity); } void initBulletDefs(void) { cJSON *root, *node; char *text; int type; Bullet *def; memset(&bulletDef, 0, sizeof(Bullet) * BT_MAX); text = readFile("data/battle/bullets.json"); root = cJSON_Parse(text); for (node = root->child ; node != NULL ; node = node->next) { type = lookup(cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "type")->valuestring); def = &bulletDef[type]; def->type = type; def->damage = cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "damage")->valueint; def->texture = getTexture(cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "texture")->valuestring); def->sound = lookup(cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "sound")->valuestring); def->flags = flagsToLong(cJSON_GetObjectItem(node, "flags")->valuestring, NULL); SDL_QueryTexture(def->texture, NULL, NULL, &def->w, &def->h); } cJSON_Delete(root); free(text); } void doBullets(void) { int i = 0; Bullet *b; Bullet *prev = &battle.bulletHead; battle.incomingMissile = 0; memset(bulletsToDraw, 0, sizeof(Bullet*) * drawCapacity); for (b = battle.bulletHead.next ; b != NULL ; b = b->next) { b->x += b->dx; b->y += b->dy; if (b->type == BT_ROCKET) { addMissileEngineEffect(b); } else if (b->type == BT_MISSILE) { addMissileEngineEffect(b); if (b->life < MISSILE_LIFE - (FPS / 4)) { huntTarget(b); } if (b->target == player && player->alive == ALIVE_ALIVE && player->health > 0) { battle.incomingMissile = 1; } } checkCollisions(b); if (--b->life <= 0) { if (b == battle.bulletTail) { battle.bulletTail = prev; } prev->next = b->next; free(b); b = prev; } else { if (isOnBattleScreen(b->x, b->y, b->w, b->h)) { bulletsToDraw[i++] = b; if (i == drawCapacity) { resizeDrawList(); } } } prev = b; } } static void resizeDrawList(void) { int n; n = drawCapacity + INITIAL_BULLET_DRAW_CAPACITY; SDL_LogMessage(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "Resizing bullet draw capacity: %d -> %d", drawCapacity, n); bulletsToDraw = resize(bulletsToDraw, sizeof(Bullet*) * drawCapacity, sizeof(Bullet*) * n); drawCapacity = n; } static void checkCollisions(Bullet *b) { Entity *e, **candidates; int i; candidates = getAllEntsWithin(b->x - (b->w / 2), b->y - (b->h / 2), b->w, b->h, NULL); for (i = 0, e = candidates[i] ; e != NULL ; e = candidates[++i]) { if (e->flags & EF_TAKES_DAMAGE) { if (b->owner->owner != NULL && b->owner->owner == e->owner) { continue; } if (b->owner != e && e->health > 0 && collision(b->x - b->w / 2, b->y - b->h / 2, b->w, b->h, e->x - e->w / 2, e->y - e->h / 2, e->w, e->h)) { if (b->owner->side == e->side && !app.gameplay.friendlyFire && (!(e->flags & EF_DISABLED)) && e->type != ET_MINE) { b->damage = 0; } else if (b->owner == player) { if (b->type != BT_ROCKET) { battle.stats[STAT_SHOTS_HIT]++; } else { battle.stats[STAT_ROCKETS_HIT]++; } if (battle.hasSuspicionLevel) { if (e->aiFlags & (AIF_AVOIDS_COMBAT|AIF_DEFENSIVE)) { battle.suspicionLevel -= (MAX_SUSPICION_LEVEL * 0.1); } else { battle.suspicionLevel -= (MAX_SUSPICION_LEVEL * 0.001); } } } if (e->flags & EF_IMMORTAL) { b->damage = 0; } damageFighter(e, b->damage, b->flags); doBulletHitEffect(b); b->life = 0; b->damage = 0; if (b->flags & BF_EXPLODES) { addMissileExplosion(b); playBattleSound(SND_EXPLOSION_1, b->x, b->y); if (e == player) { battle.stats[STAT_MISSILES_STRUCK]++; } } /* missile was targetting player, but hit something else */ if (b->type == BT_MISSILE && b->target == player && e != player) { battle.stats[STAT_MISSILES_EVADED]++; } if (b->type == BT_MISSILE && b->target != e) { if (e == player) { awardTrophy("TEAM_PLAYER"); } else if (b->owner == player && (e->aiFlags & AIF_MOVES_TO_LEADER) && (b->target->flags & EF_AI_LEADER)) { awardTrophy("BODYGUARD"); } } /* assuming that health <= 0 will always mean killed */ if (e->health <= 0) { e->killedBy = b->owner; if (e == player) { battle.lastKilledPlayer = b->owner; } if (b->owner == player && e == battle.lastKilledPlayer) { awardTrophy("REVENGE"); } } if (b->owner == player && b->type == BT_MISSILE) { battle.stats[STAT_MISSILES_HIT]++; } return; } } } } void doBulletHitEffect(Bullet *b) { switch (b->type) { case BT_PARTICLE: addBulletHitEffect(b->x, b->y, 255, 0, 255); break; case BT_PLASMA: addBulletHitEffect(b->x, b->y, 0, 255, 0); break; case BT_LASER: addBulletHitEffect(b->x, b->y, 255, 0, 0); break; case BT_MAG: addBulletHitEffect(b->x, b->y, 196, 196, 255); break; default: addBulletHitEffect(b->x, b->y, 255, 255, 255); break; } } void drawBullets(void) { int i; Bullet *b; for (i = 0, b = bulletsToDraw[i] ; b != NULL ; b = bulletsToDraw[++i]) { blitRotated(b->texture, b->x - battle.camera.x, b->y - battle.camera.y, b->angle); } } static void faceTarget(Bullet *b) { int dir, wantedAngle, dist; wantedAngle = (int)getAngle(b->x, b->y, b->target->x, b->target->y) % 360; if (fabs(wantedAngle - b->angle) > TURN_THRESHOLD) { dir = (wantedAngle - b->angle + 360) % 360 > 180 ? -1 : 1; b->angle += dir * TURN_SPEED; dist = getDistance(b->x, b->y, b->target->x, b->target->y); if (dist < 250) { dist = 250 - dist; while (dist > 0) { b->angle += dir; dist -= 50; } } b->angle = mod(b->angle, 360); b->dx *= 0.5; b->dy *= 0.5; } } static void applyMissileThrust(Bullet *b) { int maxSpeed; float v, thrust; b->dx += sin(TO_RAIDANS(b->angle)); b->dy += -cos(TO_RAIDANS(b->angle)); maxSpeed = MAX(MIN(b->target->speed + 1, 999), 3); thrust = sqrt((b->dx * b->dx) + (b->dy * b->dy)); if (thrust > maxSpeed) { v = (maxSpeed / sqrt(thrust)); b->dx = v * b->dx; b->dy = v * b->dy; } } static void huntTarget(Bullet *b) { if (b->target != NULL && b->target->health > 0) { faceTarget(b); applyMissileThrust(b); if (b->target == player && battle.ecmTimer < FPS) { b->life = 0; addMissileExplosion(b); playBattleSound(SND_EXPLOSION_1, b->x, b->y); } } else { selectNewTarget(b); } } static void selectNewTarget(Bullet *b) { int i; Entity *e, **candidates; if (app.gameplay.missileReTarget) { b->target = NULL; candidates = getAllEntsInRadius(b->x, b->y, SCREEN_HEIGHT, NULL); for (i = 0, e = candidates[i] ; e != NULL ; e = candidates[++i]) { if (e->type == ET_FIGHTER && e->side != b->owner->side && e->health > 0) { b->target = e; if (b->target == player) { playSound(SND_INCOMING); } return; } } } /* no target, just explode */ b->life = 0; addMissileExplosion(b); playBattleSound(SND_EXPLOSION_1, b->x, b->y); } static Bullet *createBullet(int type, int x, int y, Entity *owner) { Bullet *b; b = malloc(sizeof(Bullet)); memset(b, 0, sizeof(Bullet)); battle.bulletTail->next = b; battle.bulletTail = b; memcpy(b, &bulletDef[type], sizeof(Bullet)); b->next = NULL; b->x = x; b->y = y; b->dx += sin(TO_RAIDANS(owner->angle)) * 16; b->dy += -cos(TO_RAIDANS(owner->angle)) * 16; b->life = FPS * 2; b->angle = owner->angle; b->owner = owner; b->target = owner->target; return b; } void fireGuns(Entity *owner) { Bullet *b; int i; float x, y; float c, s; b = NULL; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_FIGHTER_GUNS ; i++) { if (owner->guns[i].type != BT_NONE && (owner->guns[i].type == owner->selectedGunType || owner->combinedGuns)) { s = sin(TO_RAIDANS(owner->angle)); c = cos(TO_RAIDANS(owner->angle)); x = (owner->guns[i].x * c) - (owner->guns[i].y * s); y = (owner->guns[i].x * s) + (owner->guns[i].y * c); x += owner->x; y += owner->y; b = createBullet(owner->guns[i].type, x, y, owner); if (owner == player) { battle.stats[STAT_SHOTS_FIRED]++; } } } owner->reload = owner->reloadTime; if (b) { playBattleSound(b->sound, owner->x, owner->y); } } void fireRocket(Entity *owner) { Bullet *b; b = createBullet(BT_ROCKET, owner->x, owner->y, owner); playBattleSound(b->sound, owner->x, owner->y); owner->reload = FPS; if (owner == player) { battle.stats[STAT_ROCKETS_FIRED]++; } } void fireMissile(Entity *owner) { Bullet *b; b = createBullet(BT_MISSILE, owner->x, owner->y, owner); b->dx *= 0.5; b->dy *= 0.5; b->life = MISSILE_LIFE; owner->missiles--; if (owner == player) { battle.stats[STAT_MISSILES_FIRED]++; } playBattleSound(b->sound, owner->x, owner->y); if (b->target == player) { playSound(SND_INCOMING); } } void destroyBulletDefs(void) { } void destroyBullets(void) { free(bulletsToDraw); bulletsToDraw = NULL; }