/* Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "text.h" static void loadFont(int size); static SDL_Texture *getCachedText(unsigned long hash); static void cacheText(unsigned long hash, SDL_Texture *t); static unsigned long hashcode(const char *str, int size); static void drawTextNormal(int x, int y, int size, int align, SDL_Color c, char *text); static void drawTextSplit(int x, int y, int size, int align, SDL_Color c, char *text); void textSize(char *text, int size, int *w, int *h); static char drawTextBuffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; static TTF_Font *font[MAX_FONTS]; static Texture textures[NUM_TEXT_BUCKETS]; static int maxWidth = 0; static int cacheSize = 0; void initFonts(void) { memset(&font, 0, sizeof(TTF_Font*) * MAX_FONTS); memset(&textures, 0, sizeof(Texture) * NUM_TEXT_BUCKETS); } void drawText(int x, int y, int size, int align, SDL_Color c, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; memset(&drawTextBuffer, '\0', sizeof(drawTextBuffer)); va_start(args, format); vsprintf(drawTextBuffer, format, args); va_end(args); if (maxWidth == 0) { drawTextNormal(x, y, size, align, c, drawTextBuffer); } else { drawTextSplit(x, y, size, align, c, drawTextBuffer); } } static void drawTextNormal(int x, int y, int size, int align, SDL_Color c, char *text) { SDL_Surface *surface; SDL_Texture *t; int w, h; long hash; if (size >= MAX_FONTS) { printf("ERROR: %d exceeds max font size index of %d\n", size, MAX_FONTS); exit(1); } if (!font[size]) { loadFont(size); } hash = hashcode(text, size); t = getCachedText(hash); if (!t) { surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font[size], text, colors.white); t = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(app.renderer, surface); SDL_FreeSurface(surface); cacheText(hash, t); } SDL_QueryTexture(t, NULL, NULL, &w, &h); if (align == TA_CENTER) { x -= (w / 2); } else if (align == TA_RIGHT) { x -= w; } SDL_SetTextureColorMod(t, c.r, c.g, c.b); blit(t, x, y, 0); } static void drawTextSplit(int x, int y, int size, int align, SDL_Color c, char *text) { char drawTextBuffer[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; char *token; int w, h, currentWidth; memset(&drawTextBuffer, '\0', sizeof(drawTextBuffer)); token = strtok(text, " "); currentWidth = 0; while (token) { textSize(token, size, &w, &h); if (currentWidth + w > maxWidth) { drawTextNormal(x, y, size, align, c, drawTextBuffer); currentWidth = 0; y += h; memset(&drawTextBuffer, '\0', sizeof(drawTextBuffer)); } strcat(drawTextBuffer, token); strcat(drawTextBuffer, " "); currentWidth += w; token = strtok(NULL, " "); } drawTextNormal(x, y, size, align, c, drawTextBuffer); } int getWrappedTextHeight(char *text, int size) { char textBuffer[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; char *token; int w, h, currentWidth; int y; STRNCPY(textBuffer, text, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH); token = strtok(textBuffer, " "); y = 0; currentWidth = 0; while (token) { textSize(token, size, &w, &h); if (currentWidth + w > maxWidth) { currentWidth = 0; y += h; } currentWidth += w; token = strtok(NULL, " "); } return y + h; } void textSize(char *text, int size, int *w, int *h) { if (!font[size]) { loadFont(size); } TTF_SizeText(font[size], text, w, h); } void limitTextWidth(int width) { maxWidth = width; } static SDL_Texture *getCachedText(unsigned long hash) { Texture *t; int i; i = hash % NUM_TEXT_BUCKETS; t = textures[i].next; for (t = textures[i].next ; t != NULL ; t = t->next) { if (t->hash == hash) { t->ttl = SDL_GetTicks() + TEXT_TTL; return t->texture; } } return NULL; } static void cacheText(unsigned long hash, SDL_Texture *texture) { Texture *t, *new; int i; i = hash % NUM_TEXT_BUCKETS; t = &textures[i]; /* horrible bit to find the tail */ while (t->next) { t = t->next; } new = malloc(sizeof(Texture)); memset(new, 0, sizeof(Texture)); new->hash = hash; new->texture = texture; new->ttl = SDL_GetTicks() + TEXT_TTL; t->next = new; cacheSize++; } void expireTexts(int all) { Texture *t, *prev; int i, n; long now; n = 0; now = SDL_GetTicks(); for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_TEXT_BUCKETS ; i++) { prev = &textures[i]; for (t = textures[i].next ; t != NULL ; t = t->next) { if (t->ttl <= now || all) { prev->next = t->next; SDL_DestroyTexture(t->texture); free(t); cacheSize--; n++; t = prev; } prev = t; } } SDL_LogMessage(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "Expired %d texts", n); } static void loadFont(int size) { SDL_LogMessage(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_INFO, "loadFonts(%d)", size); if (size != 0) { font[size] = TTF_OpenFont(getFileLocation("data/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf"), size); } else { font[size] = TTF_OpenFont(getFileLocation("data/fonts/Khosrau.ttf"), 18); } } static unsigned long hashcode(const char *str, int size) { unsigned long hash = 5381; int c; c = *str; while (c) { hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */ c = *str++; } hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + size; return hash; } void destroyFonts(void) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_FONTS ; i++) { if (font[i]) { TTF_CloseFont(font[i]); } } }