# German translation for tbftss
# Copyright (c) 2016 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2016
# This file is distributed under the same license as the tbftss package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: tbftss\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-03-07 17:12+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-04-03 03:18+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Lumidify Productions <lumidify@openmailbox.org>\n"
"Language-Team: German <de@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2016-04-03 08:24+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 17972)\n"
"Language: de\n"

msgid "%s is retreating!"
msgstr "%s zieht sich zurück!"

msgstr "WARNUNG: Eintreffende Rakete!"

msgid "%s (Engine)"
msgstr "%s (Motor)"

msgid "%s (Component)"
msgstr "%s (Bestandteil)"

msgid "%s (Gun)"
msgstr "%s (Gewehr)"

msgid "Mission target has escaped."
msgstr "Missionsziel ist entkommen"

msgid "Civilian has been killed"
msgstr "Zivilist wurde getötet"

msgid "Ally has been killed"
msgstr "Ally wurde getötet"

msgid "Particle Cannon"
msgstr "Partikelkanone"

msgid "Plasma Cannon"
msgstr "Plasmakanone"

msgid "Laser Cannon"
msgstr "Laserkanone"

msgid "Mag Cannon"
msgstr ""

msgid "Rockets"
msgstr "Raketen"

# Rockets and missiles are both "Raketen", so how should they be differentiated?
msgid "Missiles"
msgstr "Raketen"

msgid "(None)"
msgstr "(Keine)"

msgid "(Combined Guns)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Missiles (%d)"
msgstr "Raketen (%d)"

msgid "Target: %.2fkm"
msgstr "Ziel: %.2fkm"

msgid "Objective: %.2fkm"
msgstr "Ziel: %.2fkm"

msgid "Jumpgate: %.2fkm"
msgstr ""


msgid "Picked up %s"
msgstr "%s aufgehoben"

msgid "Incomplete"
msgstr "Unvollständig"

msgid "Complete"
msgstr "Vollständig"

msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Gescheitert"

msgid "Condition"
msgstr "Kondition"

msgstr "ZIELE"

msgid "(none)"
msgstr "(keine)"

msgid "Time Limit: %s"
msgstr "Zeitgrenze: %s"

msgid "%s - Objective Complete!"
msgstr "%s - Ziel Geschafft!"

msgid "%s - Objective Failed!"
msgstr "%s - Ziel Gescheitert!"

msgid "New Objective : %s"
msgstr "Neues Ziel: %s"

msgid "Target not in range"
msgstr "Ziel nicht in Reichweite"

msgid "Caution: Leaving battle area - turn around."
msgstr "Vorsicht: Schlachtfeld wird verlassen - drehe um."

msgid "Tow rope attached"
msgstr "Abschleppseil angebracht"

msgid "Mission Complete!"
msgstr "Mission Geglückt!"

msgid "Mission Failed!"
msgstr "Mission Fehlgeschlagen!"

msgid "Cannot activate waypoint - outstanding objectives not yet complete"
msgstr ""
"Zwischenpunkt konnte nicht aktiviert werden - Hauptziele noch nicht "

msgid "Cannot activate waypoint - team mates too far away"
msgstr ""
"Zwischenpunkt konnte nicht aktiviert werden - Mannschaftskameraden zu weit "

msgid "No Missiles"
msgstr "Keine Raketen"

msgid "No ECM"
msgstr ""

msgid "No Boost"
msgstr ""

msgid "No Guns"
msgstr "Keine Gewehre"

msgid "Challenges"
msgstr "Herausforderungen"

msgid "[Locked]"
msgstr "[Geschlossen]"

msgid "Craft: %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "Restrictions: %s"
msgstr "Einschränkungen: %s"

msgid "Retain at least %d%% armour"
msgstr "Behalte mindestens %d%% Rüstung"

msgid "Complete challenge in %d seconds or less"
msgstr "Schließe Herausforderung in %d Sekunden oder weniger ab"

msgid "Attain a %d%% shot hit accuracy"
msgstr ""

msgid "Attain a %d%% rocket hit accuracy"
msgstr ""

msgid "Attain a %d%% missile hit accuracy"
msgstr ""

msgid "Do not lose any team mates"
msgstr "Verliere keine Mannschaftskameraden"

msgid "Do not lose more than 1 team mate"
msgstr "Verliere nicht mehr als einen Mannschaftskameraden"

msgid "Do not lose more than %d team mates"
msgstr "Verliere nicht mehr als %d Mannschaftskameraden"

msgid "Take down %d enemy targets"
msgstr "Zerstöre %d Feinde"

msgid "Disable %d or more enemy fighters"
msgstr "Mache %d oder mehr Feindliche Kämpfer unfähig"

msgid "Collect %d packages"
msgstr "Sammle %d Pakete"

msgid "%s has fallen to the Pandorans"
msgstr "%s wurde von Pandorianern besiegt"

msgid "Missions: %d / %d"
msgstr "Missionen: %d / %d"

msgid "Pilot: %s"
msgstr "Pilot: %s"

msgid "Squadron: %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "This mission has been completed."
msgstr "Diese Mission wurde fertiggestellt."

msgid "Note: this is an Epic Mission."
msgstr ""

msgid "Percent Complete"
msgstr "Prozent Vollständig"

msgid "Missions Started"
msgstr "Missionen Angefangen"

msgid "Missons Completed"
msgstr "Missionen Fertiggestellt"

msgid "Challenges Started"
msgstr "Herausforderungen Angefangen"

msgid "Challenges Completed"
msgstr "Herausforderungen Fertiggestellt"

msgid "Shots Fired"
msgstr "Schüsse Geschossen"

msgid "Shots Hit"
msgstr "Schüsse Getroffen"

msgid "Accuracy"
msgstr "Präzision"

msgid "Rockets Fired"
msgstr "Raketen Geschossen"

msgid "Rockets Hit"
msgstr "Raketen Getroffen"

msgid "Missiles Fired"
msgstr ""

msgid "Missiles Hit"
msgstr ""

msgid "Enemies Killed"
msgstr "Feinde Getötet"

msgid "Enemies Killed (Player)"
msgstr "Feinde Getötet (Spieler)"

msgid "Allies Killed"
msgstr "Verbündete Getötet"

msgid "Times Killed"
msgstr "Male Gestorben"

msgid "Enemies Disabled"
msgstr "Feinde Unfähig Gemacht"

msgid "Enemies Escaped"
msgstr "Feinde Entkommen"

msgid "ECM Used"
msgstr "ECM Verwendet"

msgid "Boost Used"
msgstr "Beschleunigung Verwendet"

msgid "Missiles Evaded"
msgstr ""

msgid "Missiles Struck Player"
msgstr ""

msgid "Civilians Rescued"
msgstr "Zivilisten Gerettet"

msgid "Civilians Killed"
msgstr "Zivilisten Getötet"

msgid "Times used Tug"
msgstr ""

msgid "Times used Shuttle"
msgstr ""

msgid "Craft Towed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Items Collected"
msgstr "Gegenstände Gesammelt"

msgid "Items Collected (Player)"
msgstr "Gegenstände Gesammelt (Spieler)"

msgid "Longest Epic Kill Streak"
msgstr ""

msgid "Waypoints Visited"
msgstr "Zwischenpunkte Besucht"

msgid "Capital Ships Destroyed"
msgstr ""

msgid "Capital Ships Lost"
msgstr ""

msgid "Time Played"
msgstr "Spielzeit"

msgid "Stats"
msgstr "Statistiken"

msgid "Page %d / %d"
msgstr "Seite %d / %d"

msgid "Fire"
msgstr "Schießen"

msgid "Accelerate"
msgstr "Beschleunigen"

msgid "Boost"
msgstr "Beschleunigung"

msgid "ECM"
msgstr "ECM"

msgid "Brake"
msgstr "Bremsen"

msgid "Select Target"
msgstr "Ziel Wählen"

msgid "Fire Missile"
msgstr ""

msgid "Cycle Guns"
msgstr "Gewehr Wechseln"

msgid "Cycle Radar"
msgstr ""

msgid "Next Fighter"
msgstr ""

msgid "Previous Fighter"
msgstr ""

msgid "Controls"
msgstr "Kontrollen"

msgid ""
"Click a control to change it, and then the key or mouse button you want to "
msgstr ""
"Drücke eine Kontrolle um sie zu ändern, und dann die Taste oder den Knopf "
"den du benutzen willst."

msgid "[BACKSPACE] - Clear"
msgstr ""

msgid "[ESCAPE] - Cancel"
msgstr ""

msgid "Options"
msgstr "Optionen"

msgid ""
"Note: you must restart the game for window size and fullscreen options to "
"take effect."
msgstr ""
"Hinweis: du musst das Spiel neu starten um die Fenstergröße und "
"Vollbildmodus Optionen in Effekt zu nehmen."

msgid "Note: this device does not support changing the screen resolution."
msgstr ""
"Hinweis: dieses Gerät unterstützt nicht das ändern der Bildschirmauflösung."

msgid "Retry"
msgstr "Nochmal Versuchen"

msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Beenden"

msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Weiterspielen"

msgid "Start Challenge Mission"
msgstr "Herausforderungsmission Anfangen"

msgid "Resume"
msgstr ""

msgid "Return to Title"
msgstr ""

msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Neu Starten"

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"

msgid "Window Size"
msgstr "Fenstergröße"

# No clue about this one...
msgid "Sound Volume"
msgstr "Schall Lautstärke"

msgid "Music Volume"
msgstr "Musik Lautstärke"

msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Vollbildmodus"

msgid "Controls ..."
msgstr "Kontrollen..."

msgid "Start Mission"
msgstr "Mission Anfangen"

msgid "Campaign"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"With the Pandorans having invaded Independent systems boardering the Mitikas "
"Empire, we need to become more vigilant. Patrols around Torelli are being "
"stepped up. Ensure you hit all the waypoints, and report any unusual "
"activity that you encounter."
msgstr ""
"Da die Pandorianer in Unabhängige Systeme neben dem Mitikas Reich "
"eingefallen sind, müssen wir wachsamer sein. Streifen um Torelli werden "
"gesteigert. Macht sicher dass ihr alle Zwischenpunkte besucht und über alle "
"ungewöhnliche Aktivität berichtet."

msgid "Anyone got anything to report?"
msgstr "Hat irgendjemand etwas zu berichten?"

msgid "You getting paranoid, Curtis?"
msgstr "Wirst du paranoid, Curtis?"

msgid "You all saw what happened at Coyote."
msgstr "Ihr habt alle gesehen was bei Coyote passiert ist."

msgid "So, those Pandorans are, what, robots?"
msgstr "Also, die Pandorianer sind was, Roboter?"

msgid "Alien-Human hybrid, I heard."
msgstr "Eine Kreuzung zwischen Außerirdischen und Menschen, habe ich gehört."

msgid ""
"Hard to kill, whatever they are. Heard they'll still be coming at you even "
"if you take both arms off."
msgstr ""
"Schwierig zu töten, was auch immer sie sind. Ich habe gehört dass sie noch "
"immer nach dir gehen wenn du beide Arme abgenommen hast."

msgid "And what'll they do then? Bite you to death?"
msgstr "Und was werden sie dann tun? Dich zum Tod beißen?"

msgid "Eyes open, lads"
msgstr "Augen offen, Kerls"

msgid "We're done. Anyone detect anything unusual?"
msgstr "Wir sind fertig. Hat irgendjemand etwas außergewöhnliches entdeckt?"

msgid "Same old, same old."
msgstr "Dasselbe, dasselbe wie immer."

msgid "Believe me, that's a good thing. Right, let's head home and report in"
msgstr ""
"Glaube mir, das ist etwas gutes. Gut, jetzt können wir nach Hause gehen und "
"Bericht erstatten"

msgid ""
"Patrols so far have not uncovered anything unusual, and it seems as though "
"the increase in military presense is reducing the amount of illegal activity "
"in this sector, with reported incidents down 80%. Still, we cannot afford to "
"become complacent, and must continue with our sweeps."
msgstr ""
"Streifen haben bis jetzt nicht außergewöhnliches entdeckt und es sieht so "
"aus als ob die Zunahme im Militär die Menge an illegaler Betätigung in "
"diesem Sektor verringert, mit den berichteten Ereignissen 80% weniger. "
"Trotzdem, wir können es uns nicht leisten sorglos zu werden und müssen mit "
"unseren Streifen weitermachen."

msgid ""
"Eightballers, you have hostiles incoming. Identified as 3 Mitikas fighters; "
"Jackals, possibly Pandoran. Engage, but exercise extreme caution."
msgstr ""

msgid "Control, enemies have been dispatched. Wasn't a comfortable fight."
msgstr "Kontrolle, Feinde wurden vernichtet. War kein angenehmer Kampf."

msgid ""
"Eightballers, return home immediately, and deliver a full report. Do not "
"leave out a single detail."
msgstr ""
"Eightballers, kommt sofort nach Hause und erstattet einen vollen Bericht. "
"Lasst keine Einzelheit aus."

msgid "Got it. See you soon."
msgstr "Verstanden. Sehe dich bald."

msgid ""
"Following the devastating loss of the Iliad system, we need to continue to "
"be vigilant against incursion into the Alba system. Check all five "
"waypoints, and report immediate any unusual or suspicious activity you "
msgstr ""
"Following the devastating loss of the Iliad system, we need to continue to "
"be vigilant against incursion into the Alba system. Check all five "
"waypoints, and report immediate any unusual or suspicious activity you "

msgid "So, Iliad has fallen?"
msgstr "Also, Iliad ist gefallen?"

msgid "From what I've heard."
msgstr "Von dem, das ich gehört habe."

msgid "Did they retreat, or ..."
msgstr "Sind sie zurückgezogen, oder ..."

msgid "They fought to the very last."
msgstr "Sie haben bis zum letzten Mann gekämpft."

msgid "So that's it. The Pandorans have won?"
msgstr "Also, das ist es dann. Die Pandorianer haben gewonnen?"

msgid ""
"At Iliad, yes. Unless the local forces there can somehow hold off the "
"enemy's ground assault."
msgstr ""
"Bei Iliad, ja. Außer wenn die hiesigen Kräfte dort irgendwie den "
"Bodenangriff des Feindes abhalten können."

msgid "It's ... possible, right?"
msgstr "Es ist ... möglich, oder nicht?"

msgid ""
"The Pandorans will just nuke the place when they're done. They'll take what "
"they need, kill everyone who stands in their way ..."
msgstr ""
"Die Pandorianer werden den Platz einfach komplett zerstören wenn sie fertig "
"sind. Sie werden nehmen was sie brauchen, jeden der im Weg steht töten ..."

msgid "And even those who don't."
msgstr "Und sogar die, die nicht im Weg stehen."

msgid "...and move on."
msgstr "...und weitergehen."

msgid "You're quiet, Wade."
msgstr "Du bist ruhig, Wade."

msgid "Just thinking."
msgstr "Nur ein Gedanke."

msgid "What about?"
msgstr "Über was?"

msgid "How long it'll be before the Pandorans show up here."
msgstr "Wie lang wird es sein, bis die Pandorianer hier aufkreuzen."

msgid "They came by earlier, in case you don't remember."
msgstr "Sie sind vorher vorbeigekommen, falls du dich nicht daran erinnerst."

msgid "And haven't been back since. Maybe we scared them off."
msgstr ""
"Und sind seitdem nicht zurückgekommen. Vielleicht haben sie Angst vor uns "

msgid "I doubt it, guys. They were probably just scouting."
msgstr ""
"Glaub ich nicht, Jungs. Sie haben wahrscheinlich nur das Gelände erkundet."

msgid "Where the hell are the CSN? Why weren't they at Iliad?"
msgstr "Wo sind die CSN? Warum waren sie nicht bei Iliad?"

msgid ""
"They weren't wanted, apparently. Iliad and the UNF aren't getting along so "
"well at the moment."
msgstr ""
"Sie waren dort nicht willkommen, anscheinend. Iliad und die UNF kommen "
"gerade nicht sehr gut zurecht."

msgid "Something to do with Adrian Parsons?"
msgstr "Etwas zu tun mit Adrian Parsons?"

msgid ""
"That bloody idiot? It wouldn't surprise me. He's the reason we're now in "
"this mess! If I ever meet that guy, nothing'll stop me from-"
msgstr ""
"Der Idiot? Würde mich nicht überraschen. Er ist der Grund warum wir in "
"diesem Durcheinander sind! Wenn ich den Kerl je treffe, nichts wird mich "
"davon abhalten-"

msgid "Hey, mind what you say. All these communications are logged."
msgstr ""
"Hey, passe auf, was du sagst. Diese Kommunikationen werden gespeichert."

msgid "(indecipherable muttering)"
msgstr "(unverständliches Gemurmel)"

msgid "What do you mean, it's all Parsons' fault?"
msgstr "Was meinst du, es ist alles die Schuld von Parson?"

msgid ""
"He made an executive decision over in Coyote several months ago, that "
"screwed everything up. Something about being charged with a super weapon."
msgstr ""
"He hat vor einigen Monaten in Coyote eine Entscheidung getroffen, die alles "
"durcheinander gebracht hat. Etwas darüber, mit einer Superwaffe geladen zu "

msgid "Grendel's Mother?"
msgstr "Die Mutter von Grendel?"

msgid "No, something it was carrying. Linked to the ATAFs, apparently."
msgstr ""
"Nein, etwas das es getragen hat. Mit den ATAFs verbunden, anscheinend."

msgid ""
"The CSN built something that nuked a whole load of allied and Pandoran "
"forces. It wasn't meant to be used in Coyote, though."
msgstr ""
"Die CSN hat etwas gebaut, das eine ganze Ladung von verbündeten und "
"Pandorianischen Kräften zerstört hat. Es war aber nicht für Coyote gemeint."

msgid "You don't say."
msgstr "Nicht war."

msgid "Okay, lads, let's wrap this topic up, eh?"
msgstr "Okay, Jungs, lasst uns dieses Gesprächsthema beenden, eh?"

msgid "That's it, all done. Anyone got anything to report?"
msgstr "So, alles fertig. Hat irgendjemand etwas zu berichten?"

msgid "Nothing."
msgstr "Nichts."

msgid "Nope."
msgstr "Nein."

msgid "Okay, let's get home and report in."
msgstr "Okay wir können nach Hause gehen und Bericht erstatten."

msgid ""
"The day that we have feared and the events that we attempted to avert are "
"now upon us - the Pandoran army has commenced its push beyond Mitikas space, "
"and is beginning to assault neighbouring Independent star systems. We need "
"to fight back, in order to protect Clarke from becoming underrun by this "
"menace. Take heed: this will not be an easy battle, but we have little "
"choice and must secure victory here today."
msgstr ""
"Der Tag vor dem wir Angst hatten und die Ereignisse die wir versucht haben "
"zu vermeiden sind nun gekommen - die Pandorianische Armee ist nach Mitikas "
"Platz noch weiter vorgestoßen und fängt an, benachbarte unabhängige Sterne "
"anzugreifen. Wir müssen zurück kämpfen um Clarke zu beschützen. Seit "
"achtsam: dies wird nicht ein einfacher Kampf sein, aber wir haben wenig "
"Auswahl und müssen noch heute hier den Sieg erreichen."

msgid ""
"We have successfully punched our way through several squadrons of Pandoran "
"fighters, but their capital ships are fast approaching Dublin. Your "
"objective is to take down two of their corvettes: INF Dirk and INF "
"Blackjack. Ensure the Khepri-class bombers can get in close enough to "
"delivery a strike."
msgstr ""
"Wir haben erfolgreich unseren Weg durch mehrere Geschwader von "
"Pandorianischen Kämpfern gestoßen, aber ihre Hauptschiffe nähern sich "
"schnell zu Dublin. Dein Ziel ist es, zwei ihrer Korvetten zu zerstören: INF "
"Dirk und INF Blackjack. Stelle sicher dass die Khepri-klasse Bomber nah "
"genug kommen können um anzugreifen."

msgid ""
"Commander, enemy reinforcements are enroute. Looks like more INF fighters."
msgstr ""
"Kommandeur, Feindliche Verstärkung ist unterwegs. Sieht wie mehr INF Kämpfer "

msgid "Dammit! Let's make sure we down the Dirk before any more turn up."
msgstr ""

msgid "INF Dirk has been downed."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"This is Carlyle. Enemy corvette has been destroyed. All other fighters "
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"That's good work, Commander. We're preparing to engage more enemies, so we "
"can't put our feet up just yet."
msgstr ""
"Gute Arbeit, Kommandeur. Wir machen uns fertig um mehr Feinde zu engagieren, "
"also können wir noch nicht entspannen."

msgid "Hell. Okay, we'll return momentarily. Carlyle out."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"We need continue taking down the enemy's captial ships, digging in, and "
"holding the line here. More of our own cap ships are heading up the field to "
"meet the Pandorans head on. UNF Cleopatra is moving to intecept more enemy "
"corvettes. Your orders are to assist it in achieving its goals."
msgstr ""

msgid "INF Khopesh is down."
msgstr ""

msgid "INF Blackjack has been destroyed."
msgstr "INF Blackjack wurde zerstört."

msgid "INF Asi has been destroyed."
msgstr "INF Asi wurde zerstört."

msgid ""
"This is Carlyle. Enemy targets have been eliminated. Cleopatra still in one "
msgstr ""
"Dies ist Carlyle. Feindliche Ziele wurden eliminiert. Cleopatra ist noch in "
"einem Stück."

msgid "Acknowledged. Fall back to the main fleet and await new instructions."
msgstr "Anerkannt. Fallt zurück zur Hauptflotte und erwarted neue Befehle."

msgid "This is going to be a long day, eh?"
msgstr "Heute wird ein langer Tag sein, eh?"

msgid "Maybe not, if we continue to lose ground the way we are already ..."
msgstr ""
"Vielleicht nicht, wenn wir weiterhin Boden verlieren wie wir es gerade tun "

msgid "Targets sighted: three capital ships, five escorts apiece."
msgstr "Ziele erspäht: drei Hauptschiffe, fünf Eskorten pro Stück."

msgid "You know what to do, guys. Let's take them down."
msgstr ""

msgid "Want to take bets on how soon before they run?"
msgstr "Willst du wetten, wie lange es braucht bis sie fliehen?"

msgid "Wouldn't call that a fair bet, mate. We all know they won't."
msgstr ""
"Das würde ich keine gerechte Wette nennen, Kumpel. Wir wissen alle das sie "
"es nicht tun werden."

msgid "More fighters inbound."
msgstr ""

msgid "Picking up another Pandoran squadron, incoming."
msgstr ""

msgid "See? That's why I didn't make a bet with you!"
msgstr "Siehst du? Das ist warum ich nicht mit dir gewettet habe!"

msgid ""
"All capital ships down. That's, what, fifty of these things we've scratched, "
msgstr ""

msgid "Seriously, I've lost count."
msgstr "Im ernst, ich habe nicht mehr gezählt."

msgid "How many more can the Pandorans have?"
msgstr "Wie viele können die Pandorianer noch haben?"

msgid ""
"Only way we'll find out is if we go to Kethlan, and I'm not keen on heading "
"there anytime soon."
msgstr ""
"Wir werden es nur herausfinden wenn wir nach Kethlan gehen, und ich bin "
"nicht scharf darauf, in der nächsten Zeit dort hinzugehen."

msgid "Looks like that's all of them."
msgstr "Sieht aus als ob das alle sind."

msgid "Chaz, anything?"
msgstr "Chaz, irgendetwas?"

msgid "Negative."
msgstr "Negativ."

msgid ""
"Okay, let's get back to Leviathan, and wait for Kelly and Estelle to rejoin "
msgstr ""
"Okay, lasst uns zurück nach Leviathan gehen und darauf warten, dass sich "
"Kelly und Estelle uns wieder anschließen."

msgid ""
"Though we suffered heavy losses at Coyote, it is still important that we "
"attempt to prevent, or at least slow, the Pandoran war machine's advance. "
"Admiral Jenkins has ordered that the White Knights lead an attack on the "
"enemy forces gathered in the system. The weight of the opposing forces "
"remains tremendous, though the ATAFs should help to give us the edge in "
"battle. Be advised that the enemy are now in possession of UNF fighter craft."
msgstr ""
"Obwohl wir bei Coyote viele verloren haben ist es trotzdem wichtig, dass wir "
"versuchen den Fortschritt der Pandorianischen Kriegsmaschinerie zu "
"verhindern oder zumindest zu verlangsamen. Admiral Jenkins hat befohlen, das "
"die Weißen Ritter einen Angriff auf die Feindlichen Truppen im System "
"führen. Die Last der feindlichen Truppen bleibt gewaltig, obwohl die ATAFs "
"uns helfen sollten, im Kampf die Spitze zu gewinnen. Seit beraten, das der "
"Feind nun im Besitz eines UNF Kampfflugzeuges ist."

msgid ""
"All fighters, this is Commander de Winter. Enemy targets sighted, engage at "
msgstr ""

msgid "More enemies inbound."
msgstr ""

msgid "Man, I've got to get me one of those!"
msgstr ""

msgid "What the hell are those things you're flying?"
msgstr "Was sind das für Dinger die ihr da fliegt?"

msgid "An ATAF. Stands for Advanced Tactical Assault Fighter."
msgstr ""

msgid "The CSN rolling those out to everyone?"
msgstr ""

msgid "No, they ... were built for a different purpose."
msgstr ""

msgid "What sort of purpose?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sorry, for now, that's classified."
msgstr ""

msgid "Griffin, this is de Winter. All targets destroyed."
msgstr ""

msgid "Acknowledged, Commander. Stand by for new orders."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The initial fight back against the Pandoran has gone well, but the system is "
"still choked with their forces. We need to continue to engage them and force "
"them to abandon the system."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The assault isn't going as well as we want, and we're beginning to suffer "
"heavy losses as the Pandoran forces overwhelm us. However, we need to "
"continue the fight back, and attempt to hold the enemy here. They cannot be "
"allowed to advance further in to Independent space."
msgstr ""

msgid "We're getting our arses kicked here! Any chance of any backup?!"
msgstr ""

msgid "The White Knights are here! Finally!"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"All fighters, Captain Bailey has signalled the retreat. Coyote is lost. Fall "
"back to the jumpgate."
msgstr ""

msgid "You all heard the Captain - fall back, we'll cover the retreat."
msgstr ""

msgid "Estelle, we've got this. We can take them."
msgstr ""

msgid "We're taking too many losses, Dodds. Fall back now, that's an order."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"A patrol group has sighted a number of crates drifting near to Alexandria. "
"The contents of the crates is currently unknown, but they have been "
"confirmed to be belong to the CSN. A shuttle has been dispatched to retrieve "
"them, in case they should wander in to any shipping lanes. Once we have them "
"in our possession, we will work to determine how they came to be here."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Not expecting any company, Carr, so this should just be a routine pickup. "
"We'll keep an eye out, though."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The crates were found to be carrying a variety of munitions, though we're "
"still unsure of where they came from. We're dispatching shuttles to "
"accompany the next few patrols, in case we should encounter any more."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Iron Patriots, we're again identifying a handful of crates drifting close to "
"your current position. Please effect pick up."
msgstr ""

msgid "Got it. Heading to the first one now"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Iron Patriots, a stranded Dart has been spotted nearby. A tug has been "
"dispatch to bring it in. Please escort it to the target's location."
msgstr ""

msgid "Know anything about the occupant, or affiliation?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Negative, Lieutenant. We'll know more once it's brought in."
msgstr ""

msgid "Tow cable attached. Ready to head home."
msgstr ""

msgid "We're done here. Let's bring our mystery guest in."
msgstr ""

msgid "Dan, we've got hostile vessels inbound. More Darts."
msgstr ""

msgid "Prepare to engage. Protect the asset!"
msgstr ""

msgid "Alexandria, packaged delivered."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Excellent work, Lieutenant. Let's see what all this tell us. Come on home."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The interogation of the pilot brought in earlier revealed that munitions are "
"being traded with Helios' age-old enemy, the Nation of Tzac. The arms are "
"being routed to Rothan, via Temper. This would explain the high pirate "
"presence along the border. It doesn't explain why the packages were spilled, "
"however, and our guest is keeping mum on the subject. Patrols are being "
"stepped up, in an effort to help provide more intelligence."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Patrol, we have a major situation developing. A skirmish is taking place "
"between a number of starfighters: Darts, Nymphs, and Fireflies."
msgstr ""

msgid "Pirates? Insurgents? Nation of Tzac?"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Too early to speculate. We want you to disable and bring in one craft from "
"each side. The rest, you can eliminate."
msgstr ""

msgid "On it."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"This is Carr, reporting operation successful. Bagged us two squadron "
msgstr ""

msgid "Good work, Commander. Dispatching tugs to bring them in."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"We finally have all the information we need to help safeguard the "
"Confederation in these turbulent times. By smashing the pirate ring involved "
"in the supplying of arms to Tzac, we can regain control of our internal "
"security matters, and refocus on the war against the Pandorans. All targets "
"must be destroyed, but be advised that the pirates have acquired rocket "
"cannons, that could prove costly if underestimated."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Right, people, let's finish this. Engage at will. Leave nothing standing."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Alexandria: opposition stronger than expected. Requesting reinforcements."
msgstr ""

msgid "Acknowledged. They're on their way."
msgstr ""

msgid "Alexandria: reporting all captain vessels destroyed."
msgstr ""

msgid "Alexandria: sentry cannons eliminated."
msgstr ""

msgid "Alexandria: reporting all enemy fighters destroyed."
msgstr ""

msgid "This is Carr. Reporting threat eliminated, operation successful."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Excellent work, Commander. We'll get a few frosty ones ready for your return."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The Pandorans have commenced their attack on our home, and we must act "
"immediately to defend ourselves. A wave of bombers is heading towards one of "
"our starports. They need to be taken down with haste, before they get in "
"range. They may only be being escorted by Jackals, but bare in a mind that "
"the Pandoran pilots are highly skilled, and unrelenting in battle."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Recommending taking down the escorts before engaging the bombers. Just watch "
"out for their rockets."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Be warned, people, these Pandorans are said to be relentless in battle."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The Pandoran war machine has commenced its advancement beyond Mitikas space. "
"We must prepare to defend Iliad from this powerful foe. Exercise caution: "
"despite outnumbering the enemy units that have entered our space, the "
"Pandorans are said to be relentless in battle, and this small number could "
"well still test us."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"In order to slow the advance of the Pandoran forces, we are going to target "
"one of their supply lines. This should buy us some time while we await UNF "
"and CSN reinforcements, and bring more of our capital ships into position."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Dust Brothers, this is Control. An INF fighter squadron is inbound. Looks "
"like they're summoned backup."
msgstr ""

msgid "Message received. Will engage as necessary."
msgstr ""

msgid "Almost done here, Control, not many targets remaining."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Strider, be advised that we are tracking a further five INF fighters heading "
"your way."
msgstr ""

msgid "Dammit, spoke to soon ..."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"We're ready to make a run against the Pandoran fleet's front line, and move "
"our capital ships into strike range. Agamemnon's 1st will assist the Lady "
"Jane Grey, and Joan of Arc, to engage three INF corvettes, under enemy "
"control. We need to ensure that we take down the opposing capitals while "
"ensuring our own survive. The enemy outnumber us, and we need to maintain "
"our strength as much as possible."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Agamemnon's 1st, we're detecting multiple Pandoran fighters moving in to "
"intercept. Take them down, and protect The Lady Grey and Joan of Arc."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Agamemnon's 1st, another wing is approaching. Continue to engage, and await "
"your main targets."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Agamemnon's 1st, INF Astra has just arrived in the area. Engage and destroy."
msgstr ""

msgid "Escorts?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Four Mitikas fighters."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Agamemnon's 1st, INF Buster and INF Ragnarok on approach. Determining escort "
"groups ..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Another small escort group: eight fighters."
msgstr ""

msgid "They must be holding something back."
msgstr ""

msgid "Confirmed. Pandoran forces are sending in Scarab bombers."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Hell! We need to keep them away from Joan and Grey, while we take down their "
"own capital ships."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Williams, the Dust Brothers are heading your way, to lend assistance. They "
"should be with you in a few minutes."
msgstr ""

msgid "Much appreciated!"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Control, this is Williams. Enemy capital ships have been destroyed, along "
"with all other forces."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Great work, Williams. Rejoin the main the fleet. The enemies forces are "
"gaining strength and we need all the help we can get."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The defence of Iliad is slipping, our forces are being decimated. We have to "
"hit the enemy back, hard. All available fighters are to move into range and "
"engage. If we lose here, Iliad is finished. We are the last line of defence, "
"and we cannot afford to fail."
msgstr ""

msgid "Stay sharp, people. We need to hold the line here!"
msgstr ""

msgid "Oh my God, there's a lot of them ..."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Pair up, and take them down together. We stand a much better chance that way."
msgstr ""

msgid "Heads up, people. Four INF corvettes just entered the area."
msgstr ""

msgid "What's happened to all our own capital ships?!"
msgstr ""

msgid "They've been scratched."
msgstr ""

msgid "That Dust Brothers have been flagged."
msgstr ""

msgid "We have to sound the retreat!"
msgstr ""

msgid "Mister, you remain where you are! We're not abando--"
msgstr ""

msgid "The wing commander's dead."
msgstr ""

msgid "We're taking a lot of damage here. Please assist."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"A simple test flight. Get used to piloting your fighter, without threat of "
"attack or any other dangers to face. There are no objectives to complete in "
"this mission, so you may quit it at any time and move on to the next one."
msgstr ""

msgid "Welcome to free flight."
msgstr ""

msgid "Practice turning, accelerating, and braking."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Don't forget about your Boost, either. That can be a life saver in certain "
msgstr ""

msgid "Practice using your fighter's weapons against a stationary target."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The Dart won't attack you, so when you're ready, you can blow the thing to "
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Most targets you face in the field will be moving. This course gives you the "
"chance to practice taking down an enemy that moves around."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Face off against an opponent that is armed. The enemy in this course is a "
"Dart, kitted out with twin particle cannons. It shouldn't prove too "
"difficult a challenge."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Practice using your ECM in the next encounter. The Dart here is equipped "
"with missiles, which will home in on you. You can thwart these attacks by "
"careful use of your ECM. Once you are done practicing, you can destroy the "
"Dart and move on."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Use your mag cannons to disable the enemy Dart. Disabling enemy craft and "
"bringing the target in alive is sometimes an important step in securing "
"lasting victory."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Switch to your Mag cannons and fire them at the Dart to disable it. Do not "
"fire your plasma cannons or launch any missiles, as these could destroy the "
msgstr ""

msgid "Battle along side two team mates to take on 3 enemy fighters."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Take on three enemy targets single handedly. Once again, these are Darts "
"equipped with simple particle cannons. A single TAF should not find itself "
"outclassed here, so long as the enemy are not allowed to gain the upper hand."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The Pandoran's push in to Independent space has led to a surge in pirate "
"activity along the Confederation border. The threat needs to be dealt with "
"immediately, starting with cutting back on the enemy presense at Temper."
msgstr ""

msgid "Multiple incoming enemy fighters."
msgstr ""

msgid "Follow my lead. Break and attack at will."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Despite recent efforts, the pirate and insurgent activity shows no sign of "
"abating. We need to continue to smash the rings as we find them and prevent "
"them from gaining a foothold in Temper, as this could only be bad for morale "
"and the war effort. While we still face Darts, the modifications to these "
"craft are becoming more prevelant, and there are more shielded and plasma-"
"equipped fighters to be found in their ranks."
msgstr ""

msgid "As before, everyone. Let's take it to 'em."
msgstr ""

msgid "Looks like these guys are all sporting modified Darts."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Acknowledged. Watch out for the lasers, people. They'll smash your shields "
"to pieces if you let 'em."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Allied intelligence have managed to locate one of the pirate ring "
"lieutenants. We need to bring this man in alive, as he could provide us with "
"further useful information that will allow us to track down and eliminate "
"high ranking individuals. You will be piloting a Ray, and will need to use "
"your Mag cannons to disable the target. Do not destroy the lieutenant's Dart."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Seth, the lieutenant's Dart should be tagged on your HUD. Disable that ship "
"as soon as possible."
msgstr ""

msgid "Got it."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The rest of us will take down his buddies. Watch your stray fire around the "
"mission target."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Control, this is Strickland. Target has been suppressed, all other threats "
"eliminated Will awake pickup."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"It took some time, but we have finally been able to extract the required "
"information from the lieutenant we captured. His information has revealed "
"that the pirates have formed a coalition to take advantage of the brewing "
"war. We need to smash this alliance apart by targetting the faction leaders. "
"They are currently fleeing an earlier ambush, one designed to send them your "
"way. The leaders are all piloting acquired Nymphs. Take them down."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"This is a straight forward one, guys: take down all enemy targets. But make "
"sure none of those Nymphs make it to the jumpgate ."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"With the leaders all gone, we're now in a position to end the organised "
"piracy problem in Temper for good. We have identified a number of Darts "
"massing for what appears to be a strike against CSN assets, in retribution. "
"We're not going to give the pirates the chance to do so, and strike them "
"first. Strickland will lead the Steel Bulls into battle."
msgstr ""

msgid "Enemy forces sighted."
msgstr ""

msgid "This is it, boys and girls, let's stick it to 'em. Break and attack!"
msgstr ""

msgid "Looks like we touched a nerve. We've got more Darts incoming."
msgstr ""

msgid "Another group just arrived."
msgstr ""

msgid "They'll keep lining 'em up, and we'll keep knocking them down."
msgstr ""

msgid " Another group. That tallies with the numbers we were expecting."
msgstr ""

msgid " Looks like that was the last of 'em."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" Spirit, this is Commander Strickland. Opposing forces have been defeated."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Acknowledged. Good work out there, Commander. Thanks to you, Temper will be "
"a safer system, and we can focus on shoring up our defenses against the "
"Pandoran forces. Come on home."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"As already confirmed by Neal Stockwell, the evacuation of Oracle IX in "
"response to the supernova has not be progressing as rapidly as many would "
"like. And now, with the Pandoran army on the move, we need to quicken the "
"pace. A number of civilian stragglers has been identified near to Oracle IX, "
"who are in need of escort to the evacuation point. Your objective is to "
"locate all the civilation craft in the area, and bring them in. No enemy "
"forces are expected, but it is best to be on your guard."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"ABCs, this is Control. Round up those civilians and escort them to the "
"jumpgate as quick as you can."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"We're not expecting any opposition, but be prepared to engage hostiles if "
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"We have identified around a dozen more stragglers that need to be brought "
"in. Lead them to the evacuation point as before. Take caution: intelligence "
"picked up encrypted signals that appear to match those used by the Pandorans "
"for their transmissions. Enemy forces should be engaged and destroyed or "
"routed on contact. Civilian losses should be minimised."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The final stages of the evacuation are in progress, but the situation is "
"getting tight. We've received an SOS from a group of civilians who have had "
"a run in with some scavengers. Ordinarily, we would secure the area first "
"before deploying rescue, but with the situation becoming ever desperate, we "
"are going to send out the tug now. Bring home each civilian craft - the "
"enemy should ignore them for now."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The Pandorans' arrival is imminent, but the evacuation is nearing "
"completion. We need only mop up some of the stragglers. Two of the White "
"Knights will be assisting, before moving on to hit the enemy's supply line. "
"You should concentrate on getting the civilians to safety, and letting the "
"ATAFs do the bulk of the work."
msgstr ""

msgid "Enemy craft detected. Pandorans, in both INF and UNF fighters."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Chaz, you're with me. Wiley, you and your boys get those civilians to the "
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"We've spotted the next group of civilians. Sending you the coordinates."
msgstr ""
"Wir haben die nächste Gruppe von Zivilisten entdeckt. Wir schicken euch die "

msgid "Picking up more Pandoran fighters, moving to intercept."
msgstr ""

msgid "The final civilian group is here."
msgstr "Die letzte Zivilistengruppe  ist hier."

msgid "More Pandorans. Keep knocking them down, Chaz. We're almost done."
msgstr ""

msgid "Control, this is Wiley. Civilians have been extracted."
msgstr ""

msgid "Wiley, ensure all enemy forces have been eliminated."
msgstr "Wiley, stelle sicher dass alle Feindlichen Kräfte eliminiert wurden."

msgid "Control, this is de Winter. All enemy forces have been destroyed."
msgstr ""
"Kontrolle, dies ist de Winter. Alle Feindliche Kräfte wurden zerstört."

msgid "Excellent, we're very grateful for the assistance."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The Pandoran fleet is closing in on Oracle IX, and their capital ships are "
"moving rapidly up the field. We need to hold them back for as long as "
"possible, to give the final evacuees time to escape the system. This will "
"need to be done with fighters along. However, Lieutenant Commanders Taylor "
"and Todd of the White Knights will be lending assistance with the ATAFs, "
"which should give us the edge in battle."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Our orders are to take down as many of the enemy corvettes as possible. "
"Break and attack at will."
msgstr ""

msgid "How many of them are we expecting?"
msgstr "Wie viele von ihnen erwarten wir?"

msgid "Five, at least. And they have escorts, too."
msgstr "Fünf, mindestens. Und sie haben auch Eskorten."

msgid "Hell, we're dropping like flies here!"
msgstr ""

msgid "Hang in there, Lieutenant, we'll try and cover you."
msgstr ""

msgid "Thunderbolt is down."
msgstr ""

msgid "Picking up two more Pandoran capital ships incoming."
msgstr ""

msgid "INF Gram and INF Morning Star have arrived. Follow my lead!"
msgstr ""
"INF Gram und INF Morning Start sind angekommen. Folgt meiner Führung!"

msgid "Scratch another two Imperial corvettes."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Tracking two more corvettes heading your way: Dragonlance and Trident."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Dragonlance, eh? As in, a lance used for killing dragons? Yeah, they wish."
msgstr ""

msgid "They're not the only ones."
msgstr "Das sind nicht die Einzigen."

msgid "Leviathan, this is Taylor. All targets have been eliminated."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Acknowledged. We're preparing to fall back and abandon Warro. Return to "
"Leviathan as soon as possible."
msgstr ""
"Anerkannt. Wir bereiten uns vor, zurückzufallen und Warro aufzugeben. Kommt "
"so bald wie möglich nach Leviathan zurück."

msgid "Understood, will see you soon."
msgstr "Vertanden, sehe dich bald."

msgid "Nice working with you, Wiley."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Likewise. Maybe we'll get it do it again some day, though a part of me "
"really hopes we won't need to ...."
msgstr ""