/* Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "challengeHome.h" static void logic(void); static void draw(void); static void handleKeyboard(void); static void drawChallenges(void); static void doChallenges(void); static void startChallengeMission(void); static void drawMenu(void); static void resume(void); static void stats(void); static void trophies(void); static void options(void); static void ok(void); static void returnFromOptions(void); static void unlockChallenges(void); static void quit(void); static void updateChallengeMissionData(void); static char *listRestrictions(void); static void prevPage(void); static void nextPage(void); static void fighterDatabase(void); static SDL_Texture *background; static AtlasImage *planetTexture; static AtlasImage *challengeIcon; static AtlasImage *challengeIconHighlight; static Widget *start; static PointF planet; static int show; static int page; static float maxPages; static char timeLimit[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; static char restrictions[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; static int hasRestrictions; static Widget *prev; static Widget *next; static char *CHALLENGES_TEXT; static char *COMPLETED_TEXT; static char *PAGE_TEXT; static char *LOCKED_TEXT; static char *CRAFT_TEXT; static char *TIME_TEXT; static char *RESTRICTIONS_TEXT; void initChallengeHome(void) { Mission *m; startSectionTransition(); stopMusic(); updateAllMissions(); unlockChallenges(); awardChallengeTrophies(); awardStatsTrophies(); app.saveGame = 1; CHALLENGES_TEXT = _("Challenges"); COMPLETED_TEXT = _("Completed : %d / %d"); PAGE_TEXT = _("Page : %d / %d"); LOCKED_TEXT = _("[Locked]"); CRAFT_TEXT = _("Craft: %s"); TIME_TEXT = _("Time Limit: %s"); RESTRICTIONS_TEXT = _("Restrictions: %s"); app.delegate.logic = &logic; app.delegate.draw = &draw; memset(&app.keyboard, 0, sizeof(int) * MAX_KEYBOARD_KEYS); background = getTexture(getBackgroundTextureName(rand())); planetTexture = getAtlasImage(getPlanetTextureName(rand())); challengeIcon = getAtlasImage("gfx/challenges/challengeIcon.png"); challengeIconHighlight = getAtlasImage("gfx/challenges/challengeIconHighlight.png"); battle.camera.x = battle.camera.y = 0; planet.x = rand() % app.winWidth; planet.y = rand() % app.winHeight; maxPages = page = 0; for (m = game.challengeMissionHead.next ; m != NULL ; m = m->next) { maxPages++; } maxPages /= CHALLENGES_PER_PAGE; maxPages = ceil(maxPages); show = SHOW_CHALLENGES; start = getWidget("start", "challenges"); start->action = startChallengeMission; getWidget("resume", "challengesMenu")->action = resume; getWidget("stats", "challengesMenu")->action = stats; getWidget("trophies", "challengesMenu")->action = trophies; getWidget("fighterDB", "challengesMenu")->action = fighterDatabase; getWidget("options", "challengesMenu")->action = options; getWidget("quit", "challengesMenu")->action = quit; getWidget("ok", "stats")->action = ok; getWidget("ok", "trophies")->action = ok; getWidget("ok", "fighterDB")->action = ok; prev = getWidget("prev", "challenges"); prev->action = prevPage; prev->visible = 0; next = getWidget("next", "challenges"); next->action = nextPage; next->visible = 1; /* select first challenge if none chosen */ if (!game.currentMission) { game.currentMission = game.challengeMissionHead.next; updateChallengeMissionData(); } SDL_SetWindowGrab(app.window, 0); autoSizeWidgetButtons("challenges", 1); endSectionTransition(); playMusic("music/main/covert_operations.mp3", 1); } static void nextPage(void) { page = MIN(page + 1, maxPages - 1); next->visible = page < maxPages - 1; prev->visible = 1; } static void prevPage(void) { page = MAX(0, page - 1); next->visible = 1; prev->visible = page > 0; } static void unlockChallenges(void) { Mission *m; int i, prevCompleted; i = game.completedChallenges = game.totalChallenges = 0; prevCompleted = 1; for (m = game.challengeMissionHead.next ; m != NULL ; m = m->next) { m->available = (prevCompleted > 0 || dev.debug); game.completedChallenges += m->completedChallenges; game.totalChallenges += m->totalChallenges; prevCompleted = m->completedChallenges; i++; } } static void logic(void) { handleKeyboard(); scrollBackground(-0.25, 0); doStars(0.5, 0); planet.x -= 0.25; if (planet.x <= -200) { planet.x = app.winWidth + 128 + (rand() % app.winWidth); planet.y = (rand() % app.winHeight - 128); } switch (show) { case SHOW_CHALLENGES: doChallenges(); break; case SHOW_MENU: break; case SHOW_STATS: break; case SHOW_OPTIONS: break; } doWidgets(); if (show == SHOW_FIGHTER_DB) { doFighterDatabase(); } app.doTrophyAlerts = 1; } static void doChallenges(void) { Mission *c; int i, startIndex, end; i = 0; startIndex = page * CHALLENGES_PER_PAGE; end = startIndex + CHALLENGES_PER_PAGE; for (c = game.challengeMissionHead.next ; c != NULL ; c = c->next) { if (i >= startIndex && i < end && app.mouse.button[SDL_BUTTON_LEFT] && collision(app.uiMouse.x, app.uiMouse.y, 3, 3, c->rect.x, c->rect.y, c->rect.w, c->rect.h)) { if (c->available) { game.currentMission = c; updateChallengeMissionData(); start->enabled = 1; playSound(SND_GUI_CLICK); } app.mouse.button[SDL_BUTTON_LEFT] = 0; } i++; } } static void updateChallengeMissionData(void) { STRNCPY(timeLimit, timeToString(game.currentMission->challengeData.timeLimit, 0), MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH); sprintf(restrictions, "%s", listRestrictions()); } static void addRestriction(char *buffer, int restricted, char *description) { if (restricted) { if (strlen(buffer) > 0) { strcat(buffer, ". "); } strcat(buffer, description); hasRestrictions = 1; } } static char *listRestrictions(void) { static char textBuffer[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; memset(textBuffer, '\0', MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH); hasRestrictions = 0; addRestriction(textBuffer, game.currentMission->challengeData.noMissiles, _("No Missiles")); addRestriction(textBuffer, game.currentMission->challengeData.noECM, _("No ECM")); addRestriction(textBuffer, game.currentMission->challengeData.noBoost, _("No Boost")); addRestriction(textBuffer, game.currentMission->challengeData.noGuns, _("No Guns")); return strlen(textBuffer) > 0 ? textBuffer : "-"; } static void draw(void) { drawBackground(background); blit(planetTexture, planet.x, planet.y, 1); drawStars(); SDL_SetRenderTarget(app.renderer, app.uiBuffer); drawText(UI_WIDTH / 2, 40, 28, TA_CENTER, colors.white, CHALLENGES_TEXT); drawText(UI_WIDTH / 2, 83, 16, TA_CENTER, colors.lightGrey, COMPLETED_TEXT, game.completedChallenges, game.totalChallenges); drawText(UI_WIDTH / 2, 110, 16, TA_CENTER, colors.lightGrey, PAGE_TEXT, page + 1, (int)maxPages); drawChallenges(); switch (show) { case SHOW_CHALLENGES: drawWidgets("challenges"); break; case SHOW_MENU: drawMenu(); break; case SHOW_STATS: drawStats(); break; case SHOW_TROPHIES: drawTrophies(); break; case SHOW_OPTIONS: drawOptions(); break; case SHOW_FIGHTER_DB: drawFighterDatabase(); break; } SDL_SetRenderTarget(app.renderer, app.backBuffer); } static void drawChallenges(void) { Mission *m; Challenge *c; SDL_Rect r; int i, start, end; r.x = 135; r.y = 165; r.w = r.h = 96; start = page * CHALLENGES_PER_PAGE; end = start + CHALLENGES_PER_PAGE; i = 0; for (m = game.challengeMissionHead.next ; m != NULL ; m = m->next) { m->rect = r; if (i >= start && i < end) { if (game.currentMission == m) { blit(challengeIconHighlight, r.x, r.y, 0); } else { blit(challengeIcon, r.x, r.y, 0); } drawText(r.x + (r.w / 2), r.y + 28, 30, TA_CENTER, colors.white, "%d", i + 1); if (m->available) { drawText(r.x + (r.w / 2), r.y + r.w + 5, 18, TA_CENTER, (m->completedChallenges < m->totalChallenges) ? colors.white : colors.green, "%d / %d", m->completedChallenges, m->totalChallenges); } else { drawText(r.x + (r.w / 2), r.y + r.w + 5, 18, TA_CENTER, colors.lightGrey, LOCKED_TEXT); } r.x += 150; if (r.x > UI_WIDTH - 200) { r.y += 165; r.x = 135; } } i++; } r.y = UI_HEIGHT - 245; r.x = 100; r.w = UI_WIDTH - 200; r.h = 150; SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(app.renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(app.renderer, 0, 0, 0, 128); SDL_RenderFillRect(app.renderer, &r); SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(app.renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(app.renderer, 64, 64, 64, 255); SDL_RenderDrawRect(app.renderer, &r); r.y = 240; if (game.currentMission) { drawText(UI_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - r.y, 24, TA_CENTER, colors.white, game.currentMission->description); r.y -= 50; c = game.currentMission->challengeData.challenges[0]; drawText((UI_WIDTH / 2) - 25, SCREEN_HEIGHT - r.y, 18, TA_RIGHT, colors.white, CRAFT_TEXT, game.currentMission->craft); drawText((UI_WIDTH / 2) + 25, SCREEN_HEIGHT - r.y, 18, TA_LEFT, (c->passed) ? colors.green : colors.white, "1. %s", getChallengeDescription(c)); r.y -= 30; drawText((UI_WIDTH / 2) - 25, SCREEN_HEIGHT - r.y, 18, TA_RIGHT, colors.white, TIME_TEXT, timeLimit); c = game.currentMission->challengeData.challenges[1]; if (c) { drawText((UI_WIDTH / 2) + 25, SCREEN_HEIGHT - r.y, 18, TA_LEFT, (c->passed) ? colors.green : colors.white, "2. %s", getChallengeDescription(c)); } r.y -= 30; drawText((UI_WIDTH / 2) - 25, SCREEN_HEIGHT - r.y, 18, TA_RIGHT, hasRestrictions ? colors.red : colors.white, RESTRICTIONS_TEXT, restrictions); c = game.currentMission->challengeData.challenges[2]; if (c) { drawText((UI_WIDTH / 2) + 25, SCREEN_HEIGHT - r.y, 18, TA_LEFT, (c->passed) ? colors.green : colors.white, "3. %s", getChallengeDescription(c)); } } } static void drawMenu(void) { SDL_Rect r; SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(app.renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(app.renderer, 0, 0, 0, 128); SDL_RenderFillRect(app.renderer, NULL); SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(app.renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); r.w = 400; r.h = 500; r.x = (UI_WIDTH / 2) - r.w / 2; r.y = (UI_HEIGHT / 2) - r.h / 2; SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(app.renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(app.renderer, &r); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(app.renderer, 200, 200, 200, 255); SDL_RenderDrawRect(app.renderer, &r); drawWidgets("challengesMenu"); } static void resume(void) { show = SHOW_CHALLENGES; } static void options(void) { show = SHOW_OPTIONS; initOptions(returnFromOptions); } static void stats(void) { selectWidget("ok", "stats"); show = SHOW_STATS; initStatsDisplay(); } static void fighterDatabase(void) { show = SHOW_FIGHTER_DB; initFighterDatabaseDisplay(); } static void trophies(void) { selectWidget("ok", "trophies"); show = SHOW_TROPHIES; initTrophiesDisplay(); } static void ok(void) { selectWidget("resume", "challengesMenu"); show = SHOW_MENU; } static void returnFromOptions(void) { show = SHOW_MENU; selectWidget("resume", "challengesMenu"); } static void quit(void) { initTitle(); } static void handleKeyboard(void) { if (app.keyboard[SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE] && !app.awaitingWidgetInput) { switch (show) { case SHOW_CHALLENGES: selectWidget("resume", "challengesMenu"); show = SHOW_MENU; playSound(SND_GUI_CLOSE); break; case SHOW_MENU: show = SHOW_CHALLENGES; break; case SHOW_OPTIONS: case SHOW_STATS: case SHOW_TROPHIES: case SHOW_FIGHTER_DB: show = SHOW_MENU; selectWidget("resume", "challengesMenu"); break; } playSound(SND_GUI_CLOSE); clearInput(); } } static void startChallengeMission(void) { initBattle(); loadMission(game.currentMission->filename); }