{ "name" : "Rothan Defence #5", "description" : "The Pandorans are pressing home their advantage, and closing in on Rothan's inhabitted planets. They must defeated, as a loss here would mean them starting a ground assault. Expect heavy resistance.", "requires" : 54, "manualComplete" : 1, "background" : "gfx/backgrounds/background05.jpg", "planet" : "gfx/planets/rockford.png", "music" : "music/battle/Tactical Pursuit.mp3", "unwinnable" : 1, "epic" : { "fighterLimit" : 18, "unlimitedEnemies" : 1 }, "objectives" : [ { "description" : "Destroy all enemy targets", "targetName" : "ENEMY", "targetValue" : 1, "targetType" : "TT_DESTROY", "isEliminateAll" : 1 }, { "description" : "Destroy INF Mora", "targetName" : "INF Mora", "targetValue" : 1, "targetType" : "TT_DESTROY" }, { "description" : "Destroy INF Karambit", "targetName" : "INF Karambit", "targetValue" : 1, "targetType" : "TT_DESTROY" } ], "player" : { "type" : "Rook", "side" : "SIDE_ALLIES", "pilot" : "(Multiple)", "squadron" : "(Multiple)" }, "fighters" : [ { "types" : "Firefly;Nymph;TAF;Ray;Leopard;Hyena-A;Hyena-B;Kingfisher;Rook", "side" : "SIDE_ALLIES", "x" : 25, "y" : 25, "number" : 100, "scatter" : 5000, "flags" : "+EF_AI_TARGET" }, { "name" : "Pandoran", "types" : "Jackal;Scarab;Mantis;Thunderhead;Dart;Khepri;Swarmer", "side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN", "x" : 25, "y" : 15, "number" : 100, "scatter" : 5000, "flags" : "+EF_AI_TARGET" } ], "capitalShips" : [ { "name" : "UNF Hopper", "types" : "UNF Corvette 01", "side" : "SIDE_ALLIES", "x" : 20, "y" : 20, "flags" : "+EF_AI_TARGET" }, { "name" : "UNF Blackburn", "types" : "UNF Corvette 02", "side" : "SIDE_ALLIES", "x" : 20, "y" : 40, "flags" : "+EF_AI_TARGET" }, { "name" : "INF Mora", "types" : "INF Corvette 02", "side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN", "x" : 40, "y" : 20, "flags" : "+EF_MISSION_TARGET" }, { "name" : "INF Karambit", "types" : "INF Corvette 02", "side" : "SIDE_PANDORAN", "x" : 40, "y" : 40, "flags" : "+EF_MISSION_TARGET" } ], "script" : [ { "function" : "TIME 2", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Wing Commander;Brace yourselves, lads.", "MSG_BOX Wingmate;Picking up two Mitikas corvettes: Mora and Karambit.", "MSG_BOX Wing Commander;We need to give Hopper and Blackburn support in dealing with them. Get to it." ] }, { "function" : "TIME 60", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Wingmate;Hell, where'd they get those Khepris from?", "MSG_BOX Wingmate;Christabel must've decided to try and attack the Pandorans directly. Went as well for her as it did for us." ] }, { "function" : "ALLIES_KILLED 30", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Wingmate;Commander, we're taking heavy losses!", "MSG_BOX Wing Commander;We won before, we can win again! Keep up the fight!" ] }, { "function" : "ALLIES_KILLED 80", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Wingmate;Commander, I strongly suggest we pull back.", "MSG_BOX Wing Commander;We can't keep running. We'll run out of places to run to." ] }, { "function" : "ALLIES_KILLED 90", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Wingmate;All fighters, be advised: the wing commander has been killed.", "MSG_BOX Wingmate;Who's leading this operation now?", "MSG_BOX Wingmate;We have to retreat!" ] }, { "function" : "ALLIES_KILLED 98", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Wingmate;This the end of the line, guys. It's been great serving with you." ] }, { "function" : "UNF Hopper", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Wingmate;Hopper is down!" ] }, { "function" : "UNF Blackburn", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Wingmate;They've taken out Blackburn!" ] }, { "function" : "CAPITAL_SHIPS_LOST 2", "lines" : [ "MSG_BOX Wingmate;That's both of our corvettes down. The rest is up to us." ] } ] }