/* Copyright (C) 2015 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "fighters.h" static void separate(void); static void die(void); static void immediateDie(void); static void spinDie(void); static void straightDie(void); static void randomizeDart(Entity *dart); static void randomizeDartGuns(Entity *dart); static void checkHasFled(void); Entity *spawnFighter(char *name, int x, int y, int side) { Entity *f, *def; f = spawnEntity(); def = getFighterDef(name); memcpy(f, def, sizeof(Entity)); f->id = battle.entId; f->next = NULL; f->x = x; f->y = y; f->side = side; switch (side) { case SIDE_ALLIES: f->aggression = 1 + rand() % 3; break; case SIDE_PIRATE: f->aggression = rand() % 3; break; case SIDE_PANDORAN: f->aggression = 3 + rand() % 2; break; } if (strcmp(name, "ATAF") == 0) { f->aggression = 4; } if (strcmp(name, "Dart") == 0) { randomizeDart(f); } f->defaultAction = doAI; f->die = die; return f; } static void randomizeDart(Entity *dart) { char textureName[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; if (rand() % 5 == 0) { dart->health = dart->maxHealth = 5 + (rand() % 21); } if (rand() % 5 == 0) { dart->shield = dart->maxShield = 1 + (rand() % 16); dart->shieldRechargeRate = 30 + (rand() % 90); } if (rand() % 5 == 0) { dart->speed = 2 + (rand() % 3); } if (rand() % 5 == 0) { dart->reloadTime = 24 + (rand() % 11); } randomizeDartGuns(dart); dart->missiles.ammo = rand() % 3; sprintf(textureName, "gfx/fighters/dart0%d.png", 1 + rand() % 7); dart->texture = getTexture(textureName); } static void randomizeDartGuns(Entity *dart) { int i; switch (rand() % 4) { /* Single plasma gun */ case 0: dart->guns[0].type = BT_PLASMA; dart->guns[0].x = dart->guns[0].y = 0; for (i = 1 ; i < MAX_FIGHTER_GUNS ; i++) { if (dart->guns[i].type) { dart->guns[i].type = BT_NONE; } } break; /* Dual plasma guns */ case 1: dart->guns[0].type = BT_PLASMA; dart->guns[1].type = BT_PLASMA; for (i = 2 ; i < MAX_FIGHTER_GUNS ; i++) { if (dart->guns[i].type) { dart->guns[i].type = BT_NONE; } } break; /* Triple particle guns */ case 2: dart->guns[2].type = BT_PARTICLE; dart->guns[2].y = -10; break; } } void doFighter(void) { if (self->alive == ALIVE_ALIVE) { if (self != player) { separate(); } self->reload = MAX(self->reload - 1, 0); self->shieldRecharge = MAX(self->shieldRecharge - 1, 0); self->armourHit = MAX(self->armourHit - 25, 0); self->shieldHit = MAX(self->shieldHit - 5, 0); self->systemHit = MAX(self->systemHit - 25, 0); if (self->thrust > 0.25) { addEngineEffect(); } if (!self->shieldRecharge) { self->shield = MIN(self->shield + 1, self->maxShield); self->shieldRecharge = self->shieldRechargeRate; } if (self->action == NULL && self->defaultAction != NULL) { self->action = self->defaultAction; } if (self->health <= 0) { self->health = 0; self->alive = ALIVE_DYING; self->die(); if (self == battle.missionTarget) { battle.missionTarget = NULL; } } else if (self->systemPower <= 0) { self->dx *= 0.99; self->dy *= 0.99; self->thrust = 0; self->shield = self->maxShield = 0; self->action = NULL; if (self->alive == ALIVE_ALIVE) { updateObjective(self->name, TT_DISABLE); battle.stats[STAT_DISABLED]++; } } else { if (player != NULL && self->flags & EF_FLEEING && battle.stats[STAT_TIME] % FPS == 0) { checkHasFled(); } } } if (self->alive == ALIVE_DEAD) { if (self == player) { battle.stats[STAT_PLAYER_KILLED]++; } else if (player != NULL) { if (player->alive == ALIVE_ALIVE) { if (self->side != SIDE_ALLIES) { battle.stats[STAT_ENEMIES_KILLED]++; } else { battle.stats[STAT_ALLIES_KILLED]++; if (!battle.epic) { addHudMessage(colors.red, "Ally has been killed"); } } } updateObjective(self->name, TT_DESTROY); updateCondition(self->name, TT_DESTROY); checkTrigger(self->name, TRIGGER_KILLS); } } } static void separate(void) { int angle; int distance; float dx, dy, force; int count; Entity *f; dx = dy = 0; count = 0; force = 0; for (f = battle.entityHead.next ; f != NULL ; f = f->next) { if (f != self && f->active) { distance = getDistance(f->x, f->y, self->x, self->y); if (distance > 0 && distance < self->separationRadius) { angle = getAngle(self->x, self->y, f->x, f->y); dx += sin(TO_RAIDANS(angle)); dy += -cos(TO_RAIDANS(angle)); force += (self->separationRadius - distance) * 0.005; count++; } } } if (count > 0) { dx /= count; dy /= count; dx *= force; dy *= force; self->dx -= dx; self->dy -= dy; } } void drawFighter(Entity *e) { SDL_Texture *shieldHitTexture = getTexture("gfx/battle/shieldHit.png"); SDL_SetTextureColorMod(e->texture, 255, 255, 255); if (e->armourHit > 0) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(e->texture, 255, 255 - e->armourHit, 255 - e->armourHit); } if (e->systemHit > 0) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(e->texture, 255 - e->systemHit, 255, 255); } blitRotated(e->texture, e->x - battle.camera.x, e->y - battle.camera.y, e->angle); if (e->shieldHit > 0) { SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(shieldHitTexture, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(shieldHitTexture, e->shieldHit); blit(shieldHitTexture, e->x - battle.camera.x, e->y - battle.camera.y, 1); } } void applyFighterThrust(void) { float v; self->dx += sin(TO_RAIDANS(self->angle)) * 0.1; self->dy += -cos(TO_RAIDANS(self->angle)) * 0.1; self->thrust = sqrt((self->dx * self->dx) + (self->dy * self->dy)); if (self->thrust > self->speed * self->speed) { v = (self->speed / sqrt(self->thrust)); self->dx = v * self->dx; self->dy = v * self->dy; } } void applyFighterBrakes(void) { self->dx *= 0.95; self->dy *= 0.95; self->thrust = sqrt((self->dx * self->dx) + (self->dy * self->dy)); } void damageFighter(Entity *f, int amount, long flags) { if (flags & BF_SYSTEM_DAMAGE) { f->systemPower = MAX(0, f->systemPower - amount); f->systemHit = 255; if (f->systemPower == 0) { f->shield = f->maxShield = 0; f->action = f->defaultAction = NULL; } } else { f->shield -= amount; if (f->shield < 0) { f->health -= abs(f->shield); f->shield = 0; f->armourHit = 255; playBattleSound(SND_ARMOUR_HIT, f->x, f->y); } else if (f->shield > 0) { f->shieldHit = 255; } } } static void die(void) { int n = rand() % 3; if (self == player) { n = rand() % 2; } switch (n) { case 0: self->action = straightDie; break; case 1: self->action = spinDie; break; case 2: self->action = immediateDie; break; } } static void immediateDie(void) { self->alive = ALIVE_DEAD; addFighterExplosion(); playBattleSound(SND_EXPLOSION_1 + rand() % 4, self->x, self->y); } static void spinDie(void) { self->health--; self->thinkTime = 0; self->armourHit = 0; self->shieldHit = 0; self->systemHit = 0; self->angle += 8; if (rand() % 2 == 0) { addSmallFighterExplosion(); } if (self->health <= -(FPS * 1.5)) { self->alive = ALIVE_DEAD; addFighterExplosion(); playBattleSound(SND_EXPLOSION_1 + rand() % 4, self->x, self->y); } } static void straightDie(void) { self->health--; self->thinkTime = 0; self->armourHit = 0; self->shieldHit = 0; self->systemHit = 0; if (rand() % 2 == 0) { addSmallFighterExplosion(); } if (self->health <= -(FPS * 1.5)) { self->alive = ALIVE_DEAD; addFighterExplosion(); playBattleSound(SND_EXPLOSION_1 + rand() % 4, self->x, self->y); } } static void checkHasFled(void) { long distance = getDistance(self->x, self->y, player->x, player->y); if (distance > 5000) { if (self->side != SIDE_ALLIES) { addHudMessage(colors.red, "Mission target has escaped."); battle.stats[STAT_ENEMIES_ESCAPED]++; } else { battle.stats[STAT_ALLIES_ESCAPED]++; } checkTrigger("ESCAPE", TRIGGER_ESCAPES); self->alive = ALIVE_DEAD; } }