PROG = tbftss TARGET = $(PROG)$(EXEEXT) VERSION = 0.4 REVISION = $(shell date +"%y%m%d") DEBUG = 0 CXXFLAGS += `sdl2-config --cflags` -DVERSION=$(VERSION) -DREVISION=$(REVISION) -DDEBUG=$(DEBUG) CXXFLAGS += -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes CXXFLAGS += -g -lefence LIBS := `sdl2-config --libs` -lSDL2_mixer -lSDL2_image -lSDL2_ttf -lm SEARCHPATH += src/ src/battle src/draw src/game src/galaxy src/json src/system src/test vpath %.c $(SEARCHPATH) vpath %.h $(SEARCHPATH) DEPS += defs.h structs.h OBJS += ai.o OBJS += battle.o bullets.o OBJS += challenges.o cJSON.o OBJS += draw.o OBJS += effects.o entities.o extractionPoint.o OBJS += fighters.o OBJS += galacticMap.o game.o grid.o OBJS += hud.o OBJS += init.o input.o io.o items.o OBJS += load.o lookup.o OBJS += main.o messageBox.o mission.o missionInfo.o OBJS += objectives.o options.o OBJS += player.o OBJS += radar.o rope.o OBJS += save.o script.o sound.o starfield.o starSystems.o stats.o OBJS += testMission.o textures.o text.o title.o transition.o OBJS += util.o OBJS += waypoints.o widgets.o DIST_FILES = data gfx manual music sound src LICENSE makefile CHANGELOG # top-level rule to create the program. all: $(TARGET) # compiling other source files. %.o: %.c %.h $(DEPS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< # linking the program. $(TARGET): $(OBJS) $(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS) # prepare an archive for the program dist: $(RM) -rf $(PROG)-$(VERSION) mkdir $(PROG)-$(VERSION) cp -r $(DIST_FILES) $(PROG)-$(VERSION) git log --oneline --decorate >$(PROG)-$(VERSION)/CHANGELOG.raw tar czf $(PROG)-$(VERSION).$(REVISION)-src.tar.gz $(PROG)-$(VERSION) mkdir -p dist $(RM) -rf dist mv $(PROG)-$(VERSION).$(REVISION)-src.tar.gz dist $(RM) -rf $(PROG)-$(VERSION) # cleaning everything that can be automatically recreated with "make". clean: $(RM) $(OBJS) $(TARGET) .PHONY: dist