/* Copyright (C) 2015 Parallel Realities This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "sound.h" static void loadSounds(void); static Mix_Chunk *sounds[SND_MAX]; static Mix_Music *music; static int lastPlayerX; static int lastPlayerY; void initSounds(void) { memset(sounds, 0, sizeof(Mix_Chunk*) * SND_MAX); music = NULL; loadSounds(); } void playMusic(char *filename) { if (music != NULL) { Mix_HaltMusic(); Mix_FreeMusic(music); music = NULL; } music = Mix_LoadMUS(filename); Mix_PlayMusic(music, -1); } void stopMusic(void) { Mix_HaltMusic(); } void playSound(int id) { Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sounds[id], 0); } void playBattleSound(int id, int x, int y) { float distance; int channel; float vol; if (player != NULL) { lastPlayerX = player->x; lastPlayerY = player->y; } distance = getDistance(lastPlayerX, lastPlayerY, x, y); if (distance <= MAX_BATTLE_SOUND_DISTANCE) { channel = Mix_PlayChannel(-1, sounds[id], 0); if (channel != -1) { vol = 255; vol /= MAX_BATTLE_SOUND_DISTANCE; vol *= distance; Mix_SetDistance(channel, vol); } } } static void loadSounds(void) { sounds[SND_ARMOUR_HIT] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/275151__bird-man__gun-shot.ogg"); sounds[SND_SHIELD_HIT] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/49678__ejfortin__energy-short-sword-7.ogg"); sounds[SND_PLASMA] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/268344__julien-matthey__jm-noiz-laser-01.ogg"); sounds[SND_LASER] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/18382__inferno__hvylas.ogg"); sounds[SND_MAG] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/146725__fins__laser.ogg"); sounds[SND_SHIELD_BREAK] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/322603__clippysounds__glass-break.ogg"); sounds[SND_PARTICLE] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/77087__supraliminal__laser-short.ogg"); sounds[SND_MISSILE] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/65787__iwilldstroyu__laserrocket.ogg"); sounds[SND_BOOST] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/18380__inferno__hvrl.ogg"); /*sounds[SND_ECM] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/18380__inferno__hvrl.ogg");*/ sounds[SND_INCOMING] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/242856__plasterbrain__nuclear-alarm.ogg"); sounds[SND_GET_ITEM] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/88275__s-dij__gbc-reload-06.ogg"); sounds[SND_EXPLOSION_1] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/162265__qubodup__explosive.ogg"); sounds[SND_EXPLOSION_2] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/207322__animationisaac__short-explosion.ogg"); sounds[SND_EXPLOSION_3] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/254071__tb0y298__firework-explosion.ogg"); sounds[SND_EXPLOSION_4] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/47252__nthompson__bad-explosion.ogg"); sounds[SND_GUI_CLICK] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/257786__xtrgamr__mouse-click.ogg"); sounds[SND_GUI_SELECT] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/321104__nsstudios__blip2.ogg"); sounds[SND_GUI_CLOSE] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/178064__jorickhoofd__slam-door-shut.ogg"); sounds[SND_GUI_DENIED] = Mix_LoadWAV("sound/249300__suntemple__access-denied.ogg"); } void destroySounds(void) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < SND_MAX ; i++) { if (sounds[i]) { Mix_FreeChunk(sounds[i]); } } if (music != NULL) { Mix_FreeMusic(music); } }