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Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Parallel Realities
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
typedef struct Texture Texture;
typedef struct Lookup Lookup;
typedef struct Weapon Weapon;
typedef struct Quadtree Quadtree;
typedef struct Entity Entity;
typedef struct Bullet Bullet;
typedef struct Debris Debris;
typedef struct Effect Effect;
typedef struct Spawner Spawner;
typedef struct Objective Objective;
typedef struct StarSystem StarSystem;
typedef struct Challenge Challenge;
typedef struct Mission Mission;
typedef struct Pulse Pulse;
typedef struct Widget Widget;
typedef struct HudMessage HudMessage;
typedef struct MessageBox MessageBox;
typedef struct GridCell GridCell;
typedef struct ScriptRunner ScriptRunner;
typedef struct Location Location;
typedef struct Bucket Bucket;
typedef struct Trophy Trophy;
typedef struct {
int debug;
int takeScreenshots;
char *screenshotFolder;
int noAIWeapons;
int showFPS;
int playerImmortal;
int playerUnlimitedMissiles;
int noEntityActions;
int allImmortal;
int fps;
} Dev;
typedef struct {
float x;
float y;
} PointF;
struct Texture {
long hash;
long ttl;
SDL_Texture *texture;
Texture *next;
typedef struct {
void (*logic)(void);
void (*draw)(void);
void (*handleClick)(int x, int y, int btn);
void (*handleDrag)(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int cx, int cy);
void (*handleMouseUp)(int x, int y, int btn);
} Delegate;
typedef struct {
int type;
} ModalDialog;
struct Lookup {
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
long value;
Lookup *next;
struct Weapon {
int type;
int ammo;
int maxAmmo;
int x;
int y;
struct Entity {
int type;
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char defName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char groupName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
int active;
int spawned;
int id;
int side;
float x;
float y;
int offsetX;
int offsetY;
int w;
int h;
float dx;
float dy;
float thrust;
float speed;
float angle;
int alive;
int health;
int maxHealth;
int shield;
int maxShield;
int reload;
int reloadTime;
int selectedGunType;
int combinedGuns;
int shieldRecharge;
int shieldRechargeRate;
int systemPower;
int armourHit;
int shieldHit;
int systemHit;
int thinkTime;
int aiActionTime;
int aiAggression;
int aiDamagePerSec;
int aiDamageTimer;
int aiEvadeTimer;
int separationRadius;
int deathType;
Weapon guns[MAX_FIGHTER_GUNS];
int missiles;
long flags;
long aiFlags;
SDL_Point targetLocation;
Entity *towing;
Entity *target;
Entity *leader;
Entity *owner;
void (*action)(void);
void (*draw)(void);
void (*die)(void);
SDL_Texture *texture;
Entity *next;
struct Bullet {
int type;
float x;
float y;
int w;
int h;
float dx;
float dy;
int sound;
int life;
int damage;
int angle;
long flags;
SDL_Texture *texture;
Entity *owner;
Entity *target;
Bullet *next;
struct Debris {
float x;
float y;
float dx;
float dy;
int health;
int thinkTime;
float angle;
SDL_Texture *texture;
Debris *next;
typedef struct {
float x;
float y;
float speed;
} Star;
struct Pulse {
int x;
int y;
float size;
int life;
int r, g, b;
Pulse *next;
struct Effect {
int type;
float x;
float y;
float dx;
float dy;
float health;
float size;
float scaleAmount;
int r;
int g;
int b;
int a;
SDL_Texture *texture;
Effect *next;
struct Location {
int active;
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
int x;
int y;
int size;
Location *next;
struct Objective {
int active;
char description[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH];
char targetName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
int targetType;
int currentValue;
int targetValue;
int status;
int isCondition;
int isEliminateAll;
int hideNumbers;
Objective *next;
struct Challenge {
int type;
int value;
int passed;
Challenge *next;
typedef struct {
int isChallenge;
int timeLimit;
int killLimit;
int lossLimit;
int itemLimit;
int escapeLimit;
int waypointLimit;
int rescueLimit;
int noMissiles;
int noBoost;
int noECM;
int noGuns;
int scriptedEnd;
Challenge *challenges[MAX_CHALLENGES];
} ChallengeData;
struct Mission {
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char description[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH];
int requires;
char pilot[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char squadron[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char craft[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char trophyId[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
int available;
int completed;
int completedChallenges;
int totalChallenges;
int epic;
ChallengeData challengeData;
SDL_Rect rect;
Mission *next;
struct StarSystem {
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char description[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH];
int side;
int x;
int y;
int completedMissions;
int totalMissions;
int availableMissions;
int fallsToPandorans;
int isSol;
Mission missionHead;
StarSystem *next;
struct Quadtree {
int depth;
int x, y, w, h;
Entity **ents;
int capacity;
int numEnts;
Quadtree *node[4];
struct Spawner {
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char **types;
int numTypes;
int side;
int time;
int interval;
int limit;
int total;
int step;
int offscreen;
int active;
Spawner *next;
typedef struct {
int entId;
SDL_Point camera;
int numAllies;
int numEnemies;
int numInitialEnemies;
int status;
int isEpic;
int epicFighterLimit;
int playerSelect;
int manualComplete;
int unwinnable;
int missionFinishedTimer;
int boostTimer;
int ecmTimer;
int radarRange;
int numPlayerGuns;
int numObjectivesComplete, numObjectivesTotal, numConditions;
Entity *missionTarget;
Entity *jumpgate;
SDL_Texture *background, *planetTexture;
PointF planet;
int planetWidth, planetHeight;
Entity entityHead, *entityTail;
Bullet bulletHead, *bulletTail;
Debris debrisHead, *debrisTail;
Effect effectHead, *effectTail;
Objective objectiveHead, *objectiveTail;
Location locationHead, *locationTail;
Spawner spawnerHead, *spawnerTail;
struct cJSON *missionJSON;
unsigned int stats[STAT_MAX];
Quadtree quadtree;
} Battle;
struct ScriptRunner {
struct cJSON *line;
long delay;
int waitForMessageBox;
ScriptRunner *next;
struct Trophy {
char description[MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH];
int value;
int hidden;
int awarded;
unsigned long awardDate;
int notify;
Trophy *next;
typedef struct {
StarSystem starSystemHead;
Mission challengeMissionHead;
Mission *currentMission;
char selectedStarSystem[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
int completedMissions;
int availableMissions;
int totalMissions;
unsigned int stats[STAT_MAX];
Trophy trophyHead;
} Game;
struct Widget {
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char group[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
int type;
int value;
char text[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char **options;
int numOptions;
int currentOption;
int visible;
int enabled;
int isModal;
SDL_Rect rect;
SDL_Texture *texture;
void (*action)(void);
void (*onChange)(char *value);
Widget *parent;
Widget *next;
struct HudMessage {
SDL_Color color;
int life;
HudMessage *next;
struct MessageBox {
char title[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
int time;
int height;
MessageBox *next;
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
int w;
int h;
int dx;
int dy;
int button[MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS];
} Mouse;
typedef struct {
int winWidth;
int winHeight;
float scaleX;
float scaleY;
int fullscreen;
int musicVolume;
int soundVolume;
Mouse mouse;
int keyboard[MAX_KEYBOARD_KEYS];
SDL_Texture *backBuffer;
SDL_Renderer *renderer;
SDL_Window *window;
Delegate delegate;
ModalDialog modalDialog;
int awaitingWidgetInput;
int lastKeyPressed;
int lastButtonPressed;
int keyControls[CONTROL_MAX];
int mouseControls[CONTROL_MAX];
} App;
typedef struct {
SDL_Color red;
SDL_Color orange;
SDL_Color yellow;
SDL_Color green;
SDL_Color blue;
SDL_Color cyan;
SDL_Color purple;
SDL_Color white;
SDL_Color black;
SDL_Color lightGrey;
SDL_Color darkGrey;
} Colors;
struct Bucket
char *key, *value;
Bucket *next;
typedef struct
Bucket **bucket;
int *bucketCount;
} HashTable;
typedef struct
int32_t magicNumber, version, stringCount;
int32_t originalOffset, translationOffset;
} MOHeader;
typedef struct
int32_t length, offset;
} MOEntry;