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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Run this script from your branch with proposed Cppcheck patch to verify your
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
# patch against current main. It will compare output of testing a bunch of
# opensource packages
import donate_cpu_lib as lib
import argparse
import os
import sys
import random
import subprocess
2020-05-14 19:45:53 +02:00
def format_float(a, b=1):
if a > 0 and b > 0:
return '{:.2f}'.format(a / b)
return 'N/A'
if __name__ == "__main__":
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run this script from your branch with proposed Cppcheck patch to verify your patch against current main. It will compare output of testing bunch of opensource packages')
parser.add_argument('-j', default=1, type=int, help='Concurency execution threads')
parser.add_argument('-p', default=256, type=int, help='Count of packages to check')
parser.add_argument('-o', default='my_check_diff.log', help='Filename of result inside a working path dir')
parser.add_argument('--work-path', '--work-path=', default=lib.work_path, type=str, help='Working directory for reference repo')
args = parser.parse_args()
work_path = os.path.abspath(args.work_path)
if not os.path.exists(work_path):
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
main_dir = os.path.join(work_path, 'cppcheck')
jobs = '-j' + str(args.j)
result_file = os.path.join(work_path, args.o)
2020-05-14 19:45:53 +02:00
(f, ext) = os.path.splitext(result_file)
timing_file = f + '_timing' + ext
your_repo_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])))
if os.path.exists(result_file):
2020-05-14 19:45:53 +02:00
if os.path.exists(timing_file):
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
if not lib.get_cppcheck(main_dir, work_path):
print('Failed to clone main of Cppcheck, retry later')
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
commit_id = (subprocess.check_output(['git', 'merge-base', 'origin/main', 'HEAD'])).strip().decode('ascii')
with open(result_file, 'a') as myfile:
myfile.write('Common ancestor: ' + commit_id + '\n\n')
2020-05-14 19:45:53 +02:00
package_width = '140'
timing_width = '>7'
with open(timing_file, 'a') as myfile:
myfile.write('{:{package_width}} {:{timing_width}} {:{timing_width}} {:{timing_width}}\n'.format(
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
'Package', 'main', 'your', 'Factor', package_width=package_width, timing_width=timing_width))
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'checkout', '-f', commit_id])
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
print('Failed to switch to common ancestor of your branch and main')
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
if not lib.compile_cppcheck(main_dir, jobs):
print('Failed to compile main of Cppcheck')
print('Testing your PR from directory: ' + your_repo_dir)
if not lib.compile_cppcheck(your_repo_dir, jobs):
print('Failed to compile your version of Cppcheck')
packages_count = lib.get_packages_count(lib.server_address)
if not packages_count:
print("network or server might be temporarily down..")
packages_idxs = list(range(packages_count))
packages_processed = 0
crashes = []
timeouts = []
while packages_processed < args.p and len(packages_idxs) > 0:
package = lib.get_package(lib.server_address, packages_idxs.pop())
tgz = lib.download_package(work_path, package, None)
if tgz is None:
print("No package downloaded")
if not lib.unpack_package(work_path, tgz):
print("No files to process")
results_to_diff = []
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
main_crashed = False
your_crashed = False
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main_timeout = False
your_timeout = False
libraries = lib.get_libraries()
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
c, errout, info, time_main, cppcheck_options, timing_info = lib.scan_package(work_path, main_dir, jobs, libraries)
if c < 0:
if c == -101 and 'error: could not find or open any of the paths given.' in errout:
# No sourcefile found (for example only headers present)
print('Error: 101')
elif c == lib.RETURN_CODE_TIMEOUT:
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
print('Main timed out!')
main_timeout = True
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
print('Main crashed!')
main_crashed = True
2020-05-14 19:45:53 +02:00
c, errout, info, time_your, cppcheck_options, timing_info = lib.scan_package(work_path, your_repo_dir, jobs, libraries)
if c < 0:
if c == -101 and 'error: could not find or open any of the paths given.' in errout:
# No sourcefile found (for example only headers present)
print('Error: 101')
elif c == lib.RETURN_CODE_TIMEOUT:
print('Your code timed out!')
your_timeout = True
print('Your code crashed!')
your_crashed = True
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
if main_crashed or your_crashed:
who = None
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if main_crashed and your_crashed:
who = 'Both'
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elif main_crashed:
who = 'Main'
who = 'Your'
crashes.append(package + ' ' + who)
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
if main_timeout or your_timeout:
who = None
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
if main_timeout and your_timeout:
who = 'Both'
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
elif main_timeout:
who = 'Main'
who = 'Your'
timeouts.append(package + ' ' + who)
with open(result_file, 'a') as myfile:
myfile.write(package + '\n')
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
diff = lib.diff_results(work_path, 'main', results_to_diff[0], 'your', results_to_diff[1])
if diff != '':
myfile.write('diff:\n' + diff + '\n')
2020-05-14 19:45:53 +02:00
with open(timing_file, 'a') as myfile:
myfile.write('{:{package_width}} {:{timing_width}} {:{timing_width}} {:{timing_width}}\n'.format(
2020-06-15 20:04:43 +02:00
package, format_float(time_main),
format_float(time_your), format_float(time_your, time_main),
2020-05-14 19:45:53 +02:00
package_width=package_width, timing_width=timing_width))
packages_processed += 1
print(str(packages_processed) + ' of ' + str(args.p) + ' packages processed\n')
with open(result_file, 'a') as myfile:
with open(result_file, 'a') as myfile:
2020-05-14 19:45:53 +02:00
myfile.write('\n'.join(timeouts) + '\n')
print('Result saved to: ' + result_file)