If user doesn't create a build directory, it is not possible to run the
addons, because addons are trying to check dump files in non-existent
build directory.
* clang_tidy.cmake: added clang-tidy-11 to list of executables to look for
* .clang-tidy: disabled warnings we are (currently) not interested in
* fixed clang-tidy warnings
So far, the cmake files of Cppcheck needed to be patched in order to
use installed tinyxml2 instead of the bundled version of tinyxml2.
- Introduce the CMake option USE_BUNDLED_TINYXML2 with a default value
of ON. This preserves the behavior as in the past and uses the
bundled version under externals/tinyxml2 by default.
- Usage of the installed tinyxml2 version of a system can be enabled
now using -DUSE_BUNDLED_TINYXML2=OFF as a cmake parameter.
- Some Linux distros do not install tinyxml2*.cmake files, which are
required to find tinyxml2 using find_package().
Try first using find_package(tinyxml2 QUIET) and if this fails, try
again using find_library(tinyxml2_LIBRARY tinyxml2)
- Setting _q_readonly disables the timestamp check of the registered
online-help.qch file
- This enables displaying of Contents and Index of the online help,
even if the timestamp of online-help.qch is slightly different.
Differences in the timestamp can result from packing online-help.qch
in a cab file, when building the installer (1 or 2 seconds) or from
installing the file under a different timezone under Linux etc.
- Remark: Qt 5.14 or newer is required to display Contents or Index,
when the help files are readonly
- getAddonFilePath is used with getDataDir, this works fine
for a local build cppcheck, but not for a system installed one.
As getDataDir reports the location relative to the executable (/usr/bin/)
and the addons are localed in FILESDIR (/usr/share/cppcheck).
Extend the search path by FILESDIR/addons to also make it work for
the installed cppcheck version.
- gui.pro: Update the path of the output file, so that it is also built
inside the help sub-directory (add $$PWD/help/ to the path):
-o $$PWD/help/online-help.qhc
- Use qcollectiongenerator in case of Qt version < 5.12, otherwise
- appveyor.yml: Add %QTDIR%\bin to PATH. This allows qhelpgenerator
or qcollectiongenerator to be found